Tuesday, 24 October 2023

The Goldstone Report - 2011

The Goldstone Report - A look back at an earlier Zionist Jews report on an earlier war in the Gaza strip

By Dark Politricks

As the Middle East, and the streets of European cities shake, either from IDF attacks on churches and homes in Gaza, or from the thousands of feet protesting Palestinian apartheid at the hands of Israel. It might be good to look back at an earlier invasion of Gaza by the IDF, Operation Cast Lead in 2009, and what happened - according to one of their own Jewish Zionists who had helped stop South African apartheid, Richard Goldstone.

After what became known as the Goldstone Report came out, this staunch supporter of Israel, was called a self-hating Jew, and even an anti-Semite by the then Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz. 


Well it was because he dared to tell the truth about the war, and the atrocities committed by both sides, Hamas and the IDF. He told of the summary executions of teenagers and men, lined up against walls and just killed, no due process. He also told of the killing of women and children, and the bombing of hospitals and homes. The collective punishment of a whole 2+ million people, for the deeds of a few.

This was over a decade ago, an earlier ground invasion of Gaza by Israel, and was again supposed to wipe out Hamas (which Mossad helped create to cause a split from Fatah), and stop the barrage of rocket attacks into Southern Israel. Sound familiar? 

I've had to go to the Wayback Machine to find this article from my site in 2010, I also had to check links to Israeli papers and other news sites that were not available anymore, even the UN had removed a report on the wars results, after what I suspect was an attempt to clean the web from a historical event. However luckily I came across old copies, which you can access yourself from the Wayback Machine.

Here is the old article from 2010 with links to original articles.

The Goldstone report and the Israeli accusations against its author

By Dark Politricks

The Goldstone report was commissioned by the UN to look into accusations of war crimes during the invasion of Gaza by Israel during 2009 which left over a thousand Palestinians dead mostly children and women. 

The Gaza strip is still being blockaded by Israel to this day with limited supplies of water, food and medical aid being allowed into what basically is a very large prison camp. There is basically no or very little economy inside Gaza and the people cannot move about freely or leave without permission from their guards even those suffering appalling injuries or sever health problems have had their request to leave for treatment delayed or refused by the Israelis.

The report by the Jewish Zionist South African judge Richard Goldstone, who has obviously been labelled a self hating Jew by the pro-Israel can do no wrong lobby, looked at crimes on both sides of the war and found that Hamas committed war crimes by firing rockets indiscriminately into Israeli populated areas but also that Israel broke international law by committing numerous crimes including:

  • Shooting unarmed and even tied up civilians.
  • Shooting teenagers who were carrying wounded civilians.
  • Bombing Hospitals and homes.
  • Collective punishment of a whole population for the misdeeds of some.

Israel was also accused of using banned weapons in civilian areas such as the White Phosphorus attack on the UN compound and on civilian areas which is expressly forbidden by international law.

Obviously Israel and Zionist supporters have not taken too kindly to being accused of committing war crimes and they used their influence and power in US politics to get Congress to support a bill striking down the report as “biased and unworthy of further consideration”.

The bill was passed 344-36. Dennis Kucinich who was one of the few good politicians to vote against the resolution made a powerful speech against the bill which I have outputted below:

“Today we journey from Operation Cast Lead to Operation Cast Doubt,” he said on the House floor on Tuesday. “Almost as serious as committing war crimes is covering up war crimes, pretending that war crimes were never committed and did not exist.”

“Because behind every such deception is the nullification of humanity, the destruction of human dignity, the annihilation of the human spirit, the triumph of Orwellian thinking, the eternal prison of the dark heart of the totalitarian.”

“The resolution before us today, which would reject all attempts of the Goldstone Report to fix responsibility of all parties to war crimes, including both Hamas and Israel, may as well be called the ‘Down is Up, Night is Day, Wrong is Right: resolution.”

“Because if this Congress votes to condemn a report it has not read, concerning events it has totally ignored, about violations of law of which it is unaware, it will have brought shame to this great institution.”

“How can we ever expect there to be peace in the Middle East if we tacitly approve of violations of international law and international human rights, if we look the other way, or if we close our eyes to the heartbreak of people on both sides by white-washing a legitimate investigation?”

“How can we protect the people of Israel from existential threats if we hold no concern for the protection of the Palestinians, for their physical security, their right to land, their right to their own homes, their right to water, their right to sustenance, their right to freedom of movement, their right to human security of jobs, education and health care?

“We will have peace only when the plight of both Palestinians and Israelis is brought before this House and given equal consideration in recognition of that principle that all people on this planet have a right to survive and thrive, and it is our responsibility, our duty to see that no individual, no group, no people are barred from this humble human claim.”

It seems that Congress would rather take the side of Israel no matter what they did and when they vote in such numbers for a bill that few of them have even bothered to read purely on the basis that it is in support for Israel then one can only wonder why. Dennis Kucinich paid a price for his balanced perspective on foreign policy matters as he was later dropped from a Democratic fund-raiser in Palm Beach County because of his supposedly anti-Israeli stance in voting for the Goldstone report.

Indeed the political pressure from the Israeli lobby was also being put on the author of the report itself with the leader of the ADL (Anti Defamation League), Abraham Foxman, calling on Judge Goldstone to repudiate his own report with the following statement:

“I have had great respect for you over the years. Your work at the head of the South Africa Reconciliation Commission and in helping to find a just solution to the Bosnian conflict deserves the highest commendation.”

“Moreover, I know you to be a proud Jew who serves on the Board of Trustees of Hebrew University and who has a daughter living in Israel.”

“With this background, I wondered in the first place how you could take on the chairmanship of the investigation of the war in Gaza mandated by the UN Human Rights Council,” he said. “After all, the Human Rights Council has repeatedly demonstrated its bias against Israel and in its stated mission for the investigation began with assumptions presuming Israeli guilt.”

The pressure also came from those within the Israeli government and the finance minister Yuval Steinitz made the following statement when asked about Goldstone:

“Some people can be unfair, unjust, unbalanced and even of bad character. So it is with Jews. Just as a non-Jew can be anti-Semitic, a Jew can also be anti-Semitic and discriminate against our people and despise and hate our people.”

It seems that nothing is good enough for the Israelis and even though the UN put a vehemently pro Israeli Zionist such as Goldstone in charge to investigate matters it just wasn’t good enough to elivate fears of anti-Israeli bias. This really does play into the hands of true anti-Semites as it seems to observers that Israelis believe they can do no wrong. No country can be above reproach and get away with war crimes and that includes the USA, the UK and Israel however it looks like that anyone who questions Israeli behaviour is either an anti-semite if they aren’t Jewish or a self hater if they are, no matter how much legitimate authority they have to do so.

This hypocrisy and double standards can be seen by the way that an Israeli treats war crimes. The crimes of the second world war which affected the Jewish community so much helped to change international law in that someone accused of a war crime in one country can be tried in another. This concept of universal jurisdiction is one which Israel has used itself in its prosecution of suspected NAZI war criminals and they were one of the first countries to support the formation of permanent court of law for crimes against humanity.

However as soon as occupied territories (Palestine) were added to the mandate that the court could cover they suddenly changed their mind about this lofty ideal that crimes against humanity hold no national boundaries and voted against the founding of a permanent International Court of Justice joining the likes of China and Libya.

The Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was none too pleased about the Goldstone report either and when he visited the UN to make a speech in September 2009 he told the assembly exactly what he thought about the report and the Human rights council who he said was “a misnamed institution if there ever was one.”

“Rather than condemning the terrorists and their Iranian patrons, some here have condemned their victims. That is exactly what a recent UN report on Gaza did, falsely equating the terrorists with those they targeted….”

“…Israel sought to conduct surgical strikes against the rocket launchers. 

“That was no easy task because the terrorists were firing missiles from homes and schools, using mosques as weapons depots and ferreting explosives in ambulances. Israel, by contrast, tried to minimize casualties by urging Palestinian civilians to vacate the targeted areas.“

“We dropped countless flyers over their homes, sent thousands of text messages and called thousands of cell phones asking people to leave. Never has a country gone to such extraordinary lengths to remove the enemy’s civilian population from harm’s way. “

“Yet faced with such a clear case of aggressor and victim, who did the UN Human Rights Council decide to condemn? Israel. A democracy legitimately defending itself against terror is morally hanged, drawn and quartered, and given an unfair trial to boot.”

“Rather than condemning the terrorists and their Iranian patrons, some here have condemned their victims. That is exactly what a recent UN report on Gaza did, falsely equating the terrorists with those they targeted.”

Rather than debate the reports findings and whether or not Israel has the right to defend itself which it undoubtedly does just like the Palestinians do when they are attacked, we should let the reports author explain its findings himself. 

The following videos are of an interview between Judge Goldstone and Bill Moyers, in which the judge discusses his report in detail and explains why the actions taken by the Israeli Defence Force were war crimes, rather than just acts of war and collateral damage.

Even the full Goldstone report into the Gaza conflict, which Israel seems to have tried to wipe all knowledge from the web, can be found here: the UN report into Gaza.

By Dark Politricks


  1. Dark politricks has been BLOCKED in the UK for quite some time and this isnt conspiracy,its been impossible for US bloggers to express our views on this GREAT conspiracy site with publishing on the pages not being possible.

    1. Can you tell me anymore details on how I was blocked, was it a shadow ban, or my site just not being reachable. I know I am on a number of reading "ban lists" in the USA > https://www.darkpolitricks.com/2020/02/am-i-going-down-google-plug-of.html but I didn't know they had gone into full effect. Anymore info on how I was banned would be good please. Thanks, and spread the site URL, share to as many people as possible as if I am getting blocked to people you need to get people to know I am still here for you to comment and write what you want as I try to blog.

    2. Anonymous3 November 2023 at 04:43

      The Daily Scandall....you know the Score street.

      Dark politricks does meen alot to US,its freedom of speech and
      you guys ALWAYS publish our comments !There has been at least 6
      month peroid when people have tried to leave comments but sadly
      failed...,instead of getting "Comment published' after hitting
      publishing button another comment appears it says as follows..
      Your comment will appear after consideration....however the
      comment never appears,we have noticed if you use VPN then
      sometimes it says "comment published".WE presume perhaps Dark
      Politricks was getting junk comments...but then again you guys
      can surely remove them later....who knows ?hope this makes sense
      and thank you again for publishing or comments without you are
      own causes wouldnt be known Globally and we write truthfully.
      Finally we summerize Conspiracy.Conspiracy has become a "dirt
      bird" word wich is quite funny to US as the Dark Poitricks LOGO
      is a hawk or eagle.Conspiracy is as follows its the information
      story line or evidence that Governments ban or cant admit to
      existing.Many people believe conspiracy is what people believe
      which in a sense is true (of course if it is truthfull) however

      Generally :
      conspiracy is put together by insiders or people with personal expierence that have been involved in inside situations or evidence obtained that conclusively shows Governments as liars with 911 being probably the biggestconspiracy of all time.We are political left writers who from time to time have our differences but recommend Dark Politricks as a valuable source of credible conspiracy with GREAT write ups !One interesting thing we have noticed is NOBODY knows EXACTLY who Dark Politricks are which is
      itself is an ENIGMA !!!

      (wikishitz) - Conspiracy you can trust.....

    3. Maybe sometime Dark Politricks can write about UK Supermarkets and drinking water with Government programs,this shit is REAL .Also why we are all talking -we want it known that the far right wing fascistic order in the UK REALLY does rely on Government imported Cocaine and Heroin,criminals,and bent cops and politicians

      You know that it is true when we say the far right in UK work with the far right in other countries through the secret service.

  2. heres an American site that anybody can write upon (providing your not stupid ! )


  3. Anonymous said...

    It has been suggested that a ground force operation could very easily
    take control of the Khmemim air base,and world press would believe that
    it was an Iranian hijack when infact an internal development within the
    Russian state on par perhaps inline with previous Wagner operations would
    very easily see at least 20 MIG fighter jets flying at high speed at extreme
    low levels toward Tel Aviv !!!!.This isnt as clumsy as it seems.Recently
    Iran cargo air craft have been seen landing in Syria capable of carrying
    weapons that could turn Tel Aviv into a derelict.

    OCTOBER 26, 2023 AT 5:35 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Khmemim air base belongs to Russia and has a small number of active MIG jet fighters
    "Yup for Grabs"

    OCTOBER 26, 2023 AT 5:37 PM

  4. Friendly as a Handgrenade October 18, 2023 at 8:55 am - Reply
    Written by : The accidental death of an (Secret) Anarchist.

    “So a short summary: the most combat-ready unit in the history of modern Russia was
    commanded by alcoholics and junkies who, being professional military men, did not
    know how to handle hand grenades?” said the Children of the Arbat pro-war Telegram

    Prigozhin was born into a Jewish family believe it or not,although Wagner Security
    itself was formed by Neo-Nazis.

    If we examine his last public videos it is noticed he was meeting African people !
    Also he wore an upside down radio/mobile handset very close to his chest which
    resembled a GRENADE.

    We dont like wagner ONE “bit” ……

    Putin said on Thursday fragments of hand grenades were found in the bodies of the
    dead and that investigators had ruled out any external impact on the plane such as
    a missile.

    Its possible ………but then again we cant say it….SHALOM !!!!


  5. ??

    Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday that “everything is fine” with Putin, 71, according to Reuters, after the Russian channel General SVR suggested—without evidence—that Putin had suffered from a cardiac arrest on Sunday.

    Peskov also denied claims that Putin uses body doubles because of his health or security reasons, indicating the rumors are part of “absurd information hoaxes.”

    The Telegram channel—claiming to cite former members of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service—claimed earlier on Tuesday that a body double of Putin held a phone conversation with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva while the “real” Putin was in an “intensive care ware in his residence.”

  6. Our apologize the line above should read as follows ;
    Parforce members recieved a 2.5 million fine for producing a Holocaust
    denial digital publication.


  7. NUJ member Craig Murray has been banned from the NUJ for as we all know as a punishment for his espionage involvement
    with julian assange and Wikileaks,however we take into carefull consideration that Murray was banned by the CIA from entering
    into America ,how then did he get through the lines to receive Hilary Clintons stolen emails that eventually brought Trump to power??

    It is suggested that British MI6 agents used their diplomatic shields to protect Murray how else could he have slipped passed the
    CIA and FBI !The only people with the power to do this would be acting Government agents the problem is though we dont believe
    that the stolen emails were simly passed onto wikileaks,consider the possibility that other copies of the same emails where transmitted
    at the same time it was confirmed that Murray was actually in possesion of the stolen emails,in other words the meeting between Murray
    and the MULEs who carried the gear was monitored by other agents,enter PUTIN.The CIA have always claimed that the Russians where behind the wikileaks email theft however we can clarify what they meant or what is interpretation is as follows MI5 and MI6 are ridden with Russian double agents completely infested thats due to UK drug cartel activity amongst other and therfore its perfectly possible that Putins agents in the UK where involved in protecting Murray why he was in the USA.The Clintons would have probably to say the least politically murdered Murray if they knew why he was in America and therefore it is safe to say that Murray is a sworn enemy of the Clinton foundation enter Albert Smith NUJ member.Dennis O Brien is an Irish Billionaire who owned The Irish Independent newspaper and a member of the Clinton Foundation.The relationship between Clinton and Obrien is deep there are books thet explain this Clinton cash being one of them.We know for a fact that the CIA and the Clinton Foundation have worked with O Brien in espionage activity,OBrien tried to obtain an underwater
    cable contract into CUBA but the Cubians slammed OBrien becaus eof his CIA ties.OBriens bank accounts today pay Albert Smith
    a weekly wage and basically the money in the accounts ....say no more

    The people who protect Albert Smith from prosecution and removal from the NUJ are we claim the same people behind those that have
    banned Craig Murray from being a memberof the NUJ and control certain press releases through newspapers.Its obvious that Albert Smith is the person who is not fit enough to remain in the NUJ where as Murray is far better their spy for the job.The NUJ panel that knew about Smith naming his company after convicted fascist David irvings Parforce organization never had any intentions of ever removing Albert Smith from the NUJ.

  8. EXCLUSIVE: Ex-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails - they were handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for 'disgusted' Democratic whistleblowers

    Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and associate of julian assange, told the Dailymail.com he flew to Washington, D.C. for emails
    He claims he had a clandestine hand-off in a wooded area near American University with one of the email sources
    The leakers' motivation was 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the 'tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders'
    Murray says: 'The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks'
    'Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that,' Murray insists
    Murray is a controversial figure who was relieved of his post as British ambassador amid allegations of misconduct but is close to Wikileaks

    By Alana Goodman In Washington, Dc For Dailymail.com


    There might perhaps be persons reading this public allegation that dont see
    immediately the legal issue here.in simple terms there are countless thousands
    of adjectives and names in languages.National Union of Journalist member Albert
    Smith trades or is known as Parpoint he appears in a digital format book along
    with (par)force and focal(Point).So we can see how the name parpoint is formed.

    Whenever a person(s) create their companies there is primarily only two ways a
    name for the particular company can be produced randomly or specifically.

    The first choice randomly is when a person just chooses a name that sounds good perhaps
    or they like the name itself...the second choice in law and legal terms is the
    specific choice,so their is an intention or a specific reason for giving a
    company a name.However in the application of law a specific intention is reasoned
    to be beyond circumstancial.lets look at the name of Nairaland !!!! how would you
    expect this name to be formed?....so why your thinking about all of this you begin
    to understand about the continued use of the same name and that itself is an intentional
    sequence that amounts to a serious allegation raised against the National Union of journalist

    The NUJ are more than aware of this allegation and so it is suggested here
    that no normal person in these circumstances would continue to use the name of
    Parpoint after the allegation has appeared upon Bing,Google,yahoo and yandex world
    browsers.The security services in America and the UK and the International police are aware
    of the allegations made against the NUJ and the member in question (as writers our homes keep
    getting broken into amongst other!!!!).The NUJ are held accountable as they are now aware that
    former Irish Independent sub Editor Albert Smith refuses to stop using the name of Parpoint.

    The Holocaust Denial publication Goring Biography that Albert Smith (Linkedin/Parpoint) appears in
    describing it in his own words as "a good offering" in the introduction chapter
    was used as evidence in court to convict the organization Parforce and subsequently fine them for
    over 2.5 Million dollars.Parforce members where later convicted to 3 years in prison for antisemitic
    racist Holocaust Denial offences.

    There is no doubt at all that the NUJ should be investigated and reported to World Wide organizations
    and Governments for allowing Albert Smith to remain a member of the NUJ itself and allowing Parforce
    to effectively gain a foothold within the NUJ through integration.The next legal issue here is that
    The racist Parforce organization are using Irish Independent Newspaper Copyright inside of a Holocaust
    Denial publication in the form of Smith statements that were taken from newspaper book reviews which
    is why legally it is so important to stress that Albert Smith is still found today advertising himself
    upon Linkedin as Parpoint we also accuse members of the Irish law system and political partys in Ireland
    for remaining silent and the Irish Police as apparently Albert Smith has worked for the Irish state and
    Police Departments according to his public profile.


  10. Browse Other Communities
    r/wikifreaks001 is banned

    This subreddit was banned due to being used for spam.

    You agree that use of this site constitutes acceptance of Reddit’s User Agreement and acknowledge our Privacy Policy.

  11. David Irving - Göring
    Восточная Пруссия в литературе
    https://prussia.online › goering-a-biography-2010
    Page 1. David Irving. Göring. A Biography. Page 2. Books by David Irving. Und ... Albert Smith in Irish Independent, Dublin, September 2, 1989. david irving ...
    607 pages

  12. The Reichsmarschall
    https://fpp.co.uk › reviews › HGReviews
    "DAVID IRVING'S Göring biography is unlikely to raise hackles… One cannot fail ... Albert Smith in The Irish Independent, Dublin, September 2, 1989. "THIS IS ...

  13. Albert Smith (Parpoint) BRITISH BORN NUJ member is a self confessed racists sympathizer protected from police prosecution.He refuses to stop using the name of PARPOINT or resign from the NUJ despite the evidence that appears here upon Dark Politricks.The NUJ as an orgainization are acting against International protocol,which is a legal and political issue...THIS IS NOT JUST A CONSPIRACY IT IS THE TRUTH FOR ALL TO SEE.

  14. The Kremlin tonight issued an extraordinary denial that Vladimir Putin had died today at his Valdai residence north of Moscow.

    A report of his death was published by Telegram channel General SVR which has long claimed the Russian dictator has suffered from cancer and was terminally ill. The channel also alleged that a "coup" was underway in Russia as 71-year-old Putin’s entourage sought to pass off his body double as the real president.

    SPY 4 NOW !!!!

  15. Studying languages at Univercity :

    According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an adjective is a word
    from one of the primary form classes that are used as a modifier of
    a noun to denote a quality of the thing called, to indicate its number
    or extent, or to designate a thing as distinct from something else in
    any of many languages. Although it is impossible to count the total
    number of adjectives in any language or English for that matter, we
    can still count, if not the number but the types of adjectives.
    According to Answers.com, there are a total of 100,000 adjectives
    in the English language but that is a very rough figure as more
    nd more words enter the English dictionary every day making it the
    diverse and vibrant language we have today. However, there are 8
    types of adjectives in total in the English language.

    That equates to it being impossible that Parpoint was randomly
    selected as a name of a company Q.E.D when found inside of
    a Holocaust denial publication along with two other companies named
    as (PAR)force and Focal(POINT) - IMPOSSIBLE

    Only 2 ways to select an name for a company RANDOMLY or SELECTIVELY

  16. The Daily Scandall....you know the Score street.

    Dark politricks does meen alot to US,its freedom of speech and
    you guys ALWAYS publish our comments !There has been at least 6
    month peroid when people have tried to leave comments but sadly
    failed...,instead of getting "Comment published' after hitting
    publishing button another comment appears it says as follows..
    Your comment will appear after consideration....however the
    comment never appears,we have noticed if you use VPN then
    sometimes it says "comment published".WE presume perhaps Dark
    Politricks was getting junk comments...but then again you guys
    can surely remove them later....who knows ?hope this makes sense
    and thank you again for publishing or comments without you are
    own causes wouldnt be known Globally and we write truthfully.
    Finally we summerize Conspiracy.Conspiracy has become a "dirt
    bird" word wich is quite funny to US as the Dark Poitricks LOGO
    is a hawk or eagle.Conspiracy is as follows its the information
    story line or evidence that Governments ban or cant admit to
    existing.Many people believe conspiracy is what people believe
    which in a sense is true (of course if it is truthfull) however

    Generally :
    conspiracy is put together by insiders or people with personal expierence that have been involved in inside situations or evidence obtained that conclusively shows Governments as liars with 911 being probably the biggestconspiracy of all time.We are political left writers who from time to time have our differences but recommend Dark Politricks as a valuable source of credible conspiracy with GREAT write ups !One interesting thing we have noticed is NOBODY knows EXACTLY who Dark Politricks are which is
    itself is an ENIGMA !!!

    (wikishitz) - Conspiracy you can trust.....
