Tuesday 15 October 2024

Why Is Israel Killing Itself With Lies?

Why Did Israel Need To Lie Over Oct 7th?

By Dark Politricks

I've always wondered why Israel needed to make so many lies up over Oct 7th, and continue to do so. The events were bad enough, so I have no idea why the Israeli government needed to embellish the story with over the top tales of extreme brutality. 

Hamas were brutal in their attack, and although many crimes and people killed by the IDF were carried out by Hamas, others were just Gazans who entered the hole in the fence and went on their own rampage. 

Also the IDF, who turned up after an hour, which in a small country I find very slow and odd to explain, killed many of their own people in the chaos, and were probably ashamed to admit this to their people.

Despite this news came out from Haaretz an Israeli newspaper, who interviewed a woman held hostage in her home by Hamas, but had an Israeli tank blow it up killing everyone inside but her. 

Recently they claimed to have shot down all incoming missiles from Iran. This is despite their famed Iron Dome which was totally ineffective, and their F-35 air base in the Negev Desert was totally destroyed. This included a top of the range US Raytheon radar system, that supposedly made it one of the most protected air spaces in the world. 

However, the Iron Dome and other air defence systems were breached, and even the HQ of Mossad was destroyed.

Despite the gaslighting by the Israeli and US MSM, Iran actually landed up to 20 missiles on the Negev desert base, showing that Israeli and US air defences could be breached. 

However, like last time they attacked they gave the US and Russia a 2 hour warning so that no Israeli personnel were killed. This is unlike Israel who see the killing and terrorising of people as an aim of their war tactics.

This Grayzone video is worth watching. and I dare Zionists to look into the facts as they all come from Israeli sources. Either victims of the IDF using the Hannibal Directive to kill their own citizens, and papers or TV, reporting on the events.

The YouTube version can only be viewed on their site and so I cannot embed it. I have tried uploading it here but it was too large, so I have embedded the whole GrayZone Tweet beneath

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks

Monday 7 October 2024

More USA Presidential Madness 2024?

Another US Presidential Election - Nothing Will Change - Again!

By Dark Politricks

Here comes another US Presidential election and another mess for the rest of the world to look to and ask itself:
"Is this really Democracy?"

I think many countries, especially the few left who have any real belief in the US as a "beacon of freedom", will be answering in the negative. Those who know better, or act with the US as cohorts, such as the EU, will keep quiet and pretend the great experiment in "liberty and natural born human rights" created in1776's is continuing.

Those who have been tampered with through US bribery, coups, unfair economic tariffs or sanctions, will again see that the American's cry of "US Freedom and Democracy" that the USA believes is the ideal way to force run other societies, is a lie inside it's own borders.

Nothing will happen to better or change the lives for the average US citizen whoever gets into power. Everyone with half a brain knows the real reigns of power are not controlled by the President or Vice President

If that were true, Kamala Harris would be acting as the President now. Also all the "new policies" she claims to want to implement elected, if Joe Biden is so unfit to run for another term, she could do so. Also the second cabinet meeting of 2024, only held a couple of weeks ago, would not have been chaired by Joe's wife! 

Whoever thought that showing the start of that meeting on public air waves did a severe disservice to anyone with any remaining thoughts that the US elected politicians wielded any real power. They obviously don't if Joe or his wife can run the executive branch of US government.

No one in the world will feel much difference when the Deep State gains further power through the election of supposedly populist Donald Trump, or the blackwashed Kamala Harris

The powers that stay hidden seem to be backing the blackwashed, grand daughter of Irish slave traders, who according to some has been faking a history so murky it compares to the claims made by Trump back when Obama was running first for President. When Obama's birth certificate and Kenyan heritage, was big news, along with a possible passport issued by the British Empire. 

This is something that would have made him illegitimate under US law to hold the highest office in the land. It's probably the same as someone coming from the ex British Crown colony of Jamacia, now in the British Commonwealth. Here is a look into the Democratic nominee for Presidents history, and her family background that she seems to be hiding the truth about.

Candace Owens Looks Into The Blackwashing of Kamala Harris

However, to the real rulers of power it makes little difference who they place in the public facing office. A political patsie to take all the flack the masses may throw at them for the failure of the government to actually do anything to help the people of the country, rather than their donors, the MIC and Big Business. 

Those voters actually taking time off work to vote, might think it actually makes a difference what choice they make. Maybe some know that if the Empire wanted to, their swipe on an electronic voting machine could easily be switched in a second to their opponent. It doesn't take Russia to do the hacking, but it helps that they or Iran could be blamed for doing so.

I think it has been clear for years, and with every years Las Vegas Def Con Voting Village competition, even kids are now able to hack the latest voting machines. Therefore it makes it little more than a trivial event for those behind the scenes to switch the voting tally if they cared to do so. Those millions who will vote, will all no doubt make claims of another  "stolen election", if their candidate doesn't win.

I still cannot get over the hypocrisy of the Democrats who moaned so much about Trumps dislike of the way the 2020 COVID election was handled. This was when due to the plandemic, votes could just be dropped off in mailboxes with no security to manage or control the access to these important boxes. His claims of foul play were just dismissed as the cries of a bitter loser who wanted to steal the election and other-throw the government.

However, people seem to forget that in 2016, when Trump won, the Democrats made the same claims about a stolen electionHillary Clinton (who had told Trump to run for office believing him to be an easier contender to beat), was so bemused and angry over her loss to Trump, that she made up a whole 4 year news cycle of lies and distortions that became the infamous and now debunked Russigate hoax.

The Democrats definitely cried foul, and their lackies in the MSM touted as gospel, with nightly bombshell reports from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, about Russia collusion that all turned out to be false. If there was any real proof that Russia had an agent running as the US POTUS then I think there would have been more than a failed attempt at impeachment. 

No there was nothing to see there in 2016, when the FBI raided an office to find out that Clintons DNC interns used to destroy her old phones and Blackberry devices with hammers. Also, that she was running illegal private servers from her home basement, with unsecured messaging between her and other DNC apparatchiks, using her own personal email accounts. 

Although many were destroyed, others were leaked. Most famously the Podesta emails probably sent to WikiLeaks by DNC staffer Seth Rich, who died in a "botched robbery", in which nothing was stolen, and the MSM covered it up as a right wing conspiracy. They just added it to their Russia is to blame for Trump being elected delusion, and their incorrect conclusion that Trump had somehow robbed her of that 2016 election

The botched robbery maybe true, and maybe Russia hacked the DNC then passed the info along to WikiLeaks. Thousands of GB slowly trickling out of the servers without being noticed. Or maybe someone working there just downloaded them and passed them along on a USB drive. 

It would have been a lot simpler to do, and much easier to disguise, unless he was found out of course. Of course it is just conspiracy theorists who suggest that Seth Rich was just another name for the list of the unexplained and mysterious deaths that seem to follow the Clinton family around over the decades.

It seems though that whoever wins the election for the world to clap their hands at and marvel at the "greatest nation on earth" and their Democratic Process, that the fate of the world hangs in the balance whoever becomes the outward face, whether pretending to be someone they are not, or just beholden to foreign interests. 

Either compromised through blackmail at an Epstein or P Diddler party, or just beholden to AIPAC or other big money interests seemingly needed by most politicians to run for President or the Senate/Congress.

The Deep State obviously thinks Trump is a risk to the flow of money to Ukraine, and the filling of MIC coffers which has already seen multiple attempts on his life. Something already being memory holed by the left leaning media, which is enough to raise suspicion on it's own, whatever the failures, accidental or deliberate by those supposed to be protecting him. 

The MSM is also trying to spin it in case of a successful hit or even not, that Iranian hitmen are all about, and that they are behind the attempts on his life, despite the attempted assassins links to the intelligence services.

It does seem to be a bit of a coincidence with all the strife in the Middle East at the moment, with Israel trying to drag the US into it's regional war, that Iran is all over the papers about plots to kill Trump.  

However, Trump seems to believe in these claims that it's Iran trying to kill him not Deep State trained nutjobs, that the MIC are using as Patsies. I don't doubt he will go after Iran and back Israel up in their regional war, whether or not he helps close down the Ukrainian threat to global stability and real and potential nuclear conflict with Russia.

Putin only just changed their nuclear doctrine on September 25, 2024. This now means that Russia will view any assault on it supported by a nuclear power as a joint attack, justifying a nuclear response. 

It knows that it is US/UK/NATO troops not Ukrainians, that load in the secure satellite based targeting data needed for long range attacks into it's country, and it will declare war on those countries if attacked by Storm Shadows or ATACM missiles. 

This stopped the recent announcement of such a move by UK's PM Sir Kier Starmer and President Biden on a recent visit to Washington due suspected back channel threats by Russia that they were not bluffing, giving a list of targets they would strike if attacked in such a manner.

So whoever becomes the face of the next US government, we can be assured of more US aggression whether its is in Ukraine, or the Middle East. 

The MIC and Deep State are not going to let the people of the USA have a real voice at the ballot box.  

All that matters is the money those companies like Raytheon and BAe pump in to support Presidential candidates, and paying them back in the best way they know how; 

Constant war.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Deep State V Donald Trump

Is There A Leak In The Intelligence Services Or Does The Deep State Just Want Trump Dead?

By Dark Politricks

After the second assassination attempt on Presidential candidate Donald Trump at the weekend by convicted felon, Ryan Routh, we must ask ourselves, is there a leak in the security services supposedly meant to protect Trump, or does the Deep State so entwined with the Democratic party just want to make sure he never reaches polling day and by using patsies and professionals trying to kill him anyway they can?

Three of these teams are supposedly foreign, and I don't doubt as neo-con, warmonger, Lindsey Graham has already claimed, that Iran is supposedly behind some of these teams. If he is actually assassinated I can see Israel ready to come out with some rock solid intelligence, which many in the US intelligence community considering Israeli intelligence to be worthless unless benefiting Israel itself.

As Israeli news reports itself, U.S. national security officials consider Israel to be a frustrating ally and a genuine counterintelligence threat with it being implicated in US criminal espionage cases. In fact don't take my words for it, let Haaretz the Israeli newspaper spell it out for you.
"The CIA considers Israel its No. 1 counterintelligence threat in the agency's Near East Division, the group that oversees spying across the Middle East, according to current and former officials. Counterintelligence is the art of protecting national secrets from spies. This means the CIA believes that U.S. national secrets are safer from other Middle Eastern governments than from Israel."
It is obvious Benjamin Netanyahu, trying to start a wider war in the region, and Iran is being very patient, having not yet retaliated for either the humiliation of having Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas leader and negotiator, assassinated in Tehran, or the days of terrorism within Lebanon when intercepted pagers, walkie talkies and even solar panels blew up across the country killing and injuring many Hezbollah members, as well as children and near by civilians. 

I am sure that with the recent talk from Trump about how this up coming US election is "Israels most important election ever", and how he would "Make Israel Great again" as well as being "Israels best friend". It seems that if Trump is elected then Israel is going to get a green light to do a lot of evil in the region with open US backing rather than the current situation of the US backing them but pretending they are giving the Israeli's stern telling offs over the phone after every atrocity they are committing.

The insinuation is clear, if Trump is elected then Israel is clear to do a lot of things it feels it can't at the moment due to international pressure. This will include the annexing of the West Bank, the banning of any criticism of Israels foreign or domestic policy including their genocide and Human rights abuses as they try to starve and slowly kill the Gazan population, and having the US back them in any larger conflict against Hezbollah and Iran which Israel is busy stoking up.

One can only assume they are ratcheting up the war with Hezbollah trying to goad Israel into attack so that once Trump is elected they get to draw the US into a wider war with Iran, once again using the deaths of US soldiers to further their own policy of total dominance over the Middle East. I wouldn't even be surprised due to Israels duplicity concerning the US, whether one of these 5 assassination teams in the US, are Israeli cut outs. They know that if Trump is killed and they can blame it on Iran that the US would go full out heavy metal jacket in the region and possibly start World War III.

The first attempt on Trumps life at a rally in Pennsylvania, was a mixture of security set up to fail, with many buildings, including the one that Crooks shot from outside the security perimeter and possibly other snipers which were there to do the job, letting Crooks play the patsy fall guy.

Plus there is all the strangeness around the shooting including

I admit that I have little knowledge of guns but have watched multiple videos from ex snipers, second amendment activists and sound analysts, and for me I am still not sure whether Crooks fired all the 8 shots into the crowd and the one that hit Trump.

It sounds as if the first 3 shots were fired with a pause between each shot, and then the next 5 come very fast as if not from the semi-automatic gun Crooks was using. 

There is a 9th shot that the FBI and Secret Service denied occurring, maybe that was from a police officer sniper who was shooting at but missed Crooks. Or maybe it was from a professional Sniper there to take Trump out if the job hadn't been done

Then there is a very long wait for the admitted kill shot on Crooks. In fact it takes another 10 seconds for the shot to kill Crooks to occur.

Whether the first 8 shots were all fired by Crooks or not, there is definitely a 9th shot before the long pause which is unexplained for counter snipers who must have seen and heard the shooting, noticed the crowd pointing at the roof Crooks was on and so on before shooting a kill shot. 

Why did they wait so long to kill the assassin? 

Were they waiting for another attempt by their own sniper to take another shot at Trump due to the failure of the first 8/9?

There are plenty of videos on Rumble that delve into the sound analysis of each shot, where the cartridges would have fallen, and what Crooks head should have looked like after being shot. You can find these easily. 

However, for a cursory overview watch the first 15.5 minutes of this video for gunshot analysis and the debate over the missing 9th shot that the FBI won't admit to.

After the first assassination attempt Dan Bongino in a Senate testimony said there would be more attempts on Trumps life and was attacked as just being a crazy conspiracy theorist. A two word creation of the CIA to dismiss anyone with alternative views on the JFK assassination and dismissive of their "magic bullet" theory. This slur has been used so much a bit like anti-Semite since Oct 7th 2023 that it has lost all meaning. 

People in power collude, especially when their interests align, and all a conspiracy means is a crime where two or more people are involved, thousands of conspiracy cases are tried in courts across the world yearly.

Now after this second attempt on Trumps life we, like Dan, must start asking whether there is a leak in the Secret Services due to the fact an out of town, Ukraine mad shooter, sat in the woods of a golf course for 12 hours in the hope of killing Trump when he reached that hole.

Apparently only a few people in the Secret Service would have known about the non publicised visit by Trump and his billionaire friend to the golf course, although Piers Morgan believes it's a no brainer that when Trump is in Florida he plays golf there. However, Trump was in California before flying to Florida, so how did anyone know he would be going back to Florida in time to prepare this trap for him?

Although Dan tries to link the attempt to kill the ex President to Iranian threats and other state actors there could be other closer to home people who are desperate to kill the President. This is someone who has not fallen victim to earlier attempts to take him out of the Presidential race such as the numerous lawfare court cases, failed attempts to impeach him, and threats to ruin him by the intelligence services when leaving office if he dared pardon Julian Assange or Edward Snowden. 

He didn't do those last two acts, but despite this the Deep State have come after him with everything they have got.

The NSA would have been able to intercept any Trump communications about plans to fly to Florida to go golfing, and Ryan Routh could have been notified about the golfing game in time for him to get to the course and plot up in the woods.

The CIA have dubious links with both Ryan Routh and Maxwell Yearick, an Antifa member, who also went to Ukraine to fight and many people believe it was Maxwell Yearick who was the sniper at the Pennsylvania rally and not Crooks who looked similar. 

Whether he was or not will be hard to tell now as he has gone missing since that day, and his parents have filed a missing persons report and his phone has been off. 

Routh would have definitely been on the CIA's watch list for travelling to Ukraine and trying to recruit people to fight out there. Before his social media was totally scrubbed which seems an odd thing to do especially on Twitter where you would expect Elon to allow people to read the postings of a suspect in such a case. 

However, most of it was downloaded by #ALTNEWS reporters before it could be scrubbed and from this we could see his online connections to the CIA as his first ever people he followed worked there or were related to it. They even followed back which shows some sort of relationship between Routh and the intelligence services as well as his seemingly delusional obsession with Ukraine and getting people to come over to fight there.

The CIA certainly has a murky past with assassinations and who knows what MKULTRA like experiments they are getting away with in Ukraine outside the USA's jurisdiction. Routh could have become radicalised or brainwashed into a lone gunmen 60's style CIA hitmen for all we know. 

We know that before Rouths social media was scrubbed people took data down from X that showed he followed particular CIA agents, and he was in Ukraine actually recruiting men to fight for the country war rather than the failed AZOV brigade worshipper kicked out for being mental we are being led to believe by the mainstream media. 

Routh had a long criminal history with over 100 offences, many gun related, even one for possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Another similar charge was dropped despite it being related to being pulled over by cops whilst armed with a machine gun and barricading himself inside a building for three hours. 

Routh eventually pleaded guilty to driving without a license and registration, resisting a public officer and carrying a concealed firearm, while the weapon of mass destruction charge was dropped. Routh's lengthy criminal record has only seen him being convicted in a handful of cases. Maybe someone high up was looking after him?

Whoever in the Deep State is behind these attempts on Trumps life I doubt we have heard the end of them and even if he wins the election, Democrats could pressure their DOJ bent judges to incarcerate him for one of the felony charges he faces. It would definitely be hard for Trump to be POTUS from behind bars but apparently not illegal under US law. 

It would definitely be seen as sour grapes by a Democratic party that crows about Jan 6th and election result denials, totally forgetting totally how in 2016 they invented a tale of pee parties in Russian hotels and Russian hacking to account for Hillary Clinton's loss against Trump. Someone she actually urged to run for President thinking he would be easier to beat.

So there are many angles to see these attempts on Trumps life but the obvious links between both suspects (and the doppelganger Maxwell Yearick) and the two intelligence agencies known for both assassinations and creating crimes from under cover officers and unwitting victims as well as the invasion of privacy through dubious methods is something that we need to look at carefully.

One thing is certain. The left leaning MSM in the USA will try and blame Trump for this assassination attempt as many news shows already have, and if it's still in their news cycle and not memory holed within a fortnight I will be shocked, 

You can watch Dan Bonjino break down his theories of leaks within the Secret Service below.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 By Dark Politricks

Thursday 13 June 2024

The Real Reason The USA Wants To Own Ukraine

Sen. Lindsey Graham Lets Loose The Real Real Reason The USA Wants Ukraine

By Dark Politricks

Sen. Lindsey Graham, that masculine war hawk in DC, that wants everyone but himself to die for his campaign contributions from the MIC, let slip the real reason the USA wants to keep Ukraine all for itself (BlackRock, Vanguard etc).

It seems that these ancient war hawks just can't get over the fact that whatever faults Putin has, and he has many like all corrupt world leaders. They just can't rip off the Russian people like they did in the years when a drunken clown, Boris Yeltsin, was President of Russia.

When Boris Yeltsin was helped into office by the western powers he basically let capitalism loose on his country to the furthest reaches of what the term meant. US companies and Russia oligarchs basically bought up whole privatised industries on the cheap and when Putin came in and stopped the fire sale of Russia it stopped a lot of people getting rich very easily.

Here we can hear Sen. Graham on some US MSM TV show give away the real reason he and other Americans don't care if a whole generation of Ukrainians die or go missing from the country.

Yes it's all down to those pesky rare earth minerals like Lithium, worth a thousand times their weight in gold in the new age of electric cars and smart phone batteries.

How dare Putin think he can take these minerals for himself and sell them to China when the US and NATO can risk World War III (and yes we are nearly there people), to steal them for themselves. They have already carved Ukraine's nationalised industries, and fields that were once labelled the bread basket of Europe, up for Blackrock and it's ilk. 

I mean Ukraine owes the USA billions under it's lease lend act, and as the UK only finished off paying back it's "friend" who helped it out during World War II under Gordon Browns premiership in 2006. It may take Ukraine, if it wins the war, or has some sort of existence outside Russian control, many decades to pay back. 

With all its nationalised industries privatised for US companies to run and make money from, and the farm land, carved up, despite most of the fertile fields laying the East. Ukraine won't have much money from industry to pay back loans given to it for weapons and salaries, bribes and offshore bank accounts.

It got so corrupt with Zelenskyy and his Right Sektor mob, who have him under their control. basically threatened with death if he doesn't do as they say. That the US CIA Director, William Burns, had to fly into Ukraine himself to tell the Ukrainian leader to stop stealing so much money as it was getting harder and harder to cover up. 

If anyone didn't know Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe then they should now.

Ukraine may have difficulty paying back its "generous backer" who has offloaded all it's old weaponry and vehicles to Ukraine so that the billions passed in Congress for Ukraine, are no more than a DC laundering scheme. 

This works because the Senators and Congress people passing the funding bills. get to hand the money over to the Military Industrial Complex companies that send over their left over weapons, including tanks and APC's, unchecked Javelin missiles, and other military equipment that have been lying in warehouses since the 90's, to Ukraine,  

You can see some US soldiers out in the desert attempt a Javelin missile launch below.

In contrast the Ukrainians are finding out how good the Russian equivalent, the Kornet is, against their own tanks.

At least some Ukrainians benefit from the US weapons that are sent over without the US even knowing where they are going or who is using them. Some which have been found on the Darknet being sold of $30,000 a pop.

Then take the newly passed money by government to line it's own pockets and develop newer weapons that the Ukrainians won't see, and then complete the circle by paying the politicians who passed the bill huge campaign contributions, that obviously are used to feather their own pockets. So the Ukrainians lose out twice, they get ropey equipment from the USA, and have to hand over their huge pockets of precious minerals if Sen. Lindsay Graham gets his way,

If you wondered why the West hates Russia so much it comes down to the oldest motive in time, greed. The US want what the Russians have and they don't want to pay for it. So instead they have destroyed a whole country in an attempt to get at it.

The Biden administration last month secretly shipped long-range missiles, ATACMS, to Ukraine for the first time in the two-year war and Kyiv has already used the weapon twice to strike deep behind Russian lines. They have the ability to reach far behind Russian lines and have already been used to attack Russian early warning systems that help them defend against a nuclear attack. 

This has crossed one of Russia's red lines and clearly crosses the line behind Russia's nuclear doctrine of when it can and cannot use nuclear weapons. If it can be attacked by missiles that could carry nuclear warheads so close to the border of the country, the Russians have no idea whether they do or don't. Every firing of one of these missiles relies on a judgment call by Russia's military on whether to legally launch their nuclear arsenal and end the world or not.

As these missiles are not ICBMS they pose a particular new risk to Russia and it's early warning radar stations and both Sergey Lavrov and Putin have clearly stated that this crosses a red line and puts nuclear weapons into play due to their nuclear doctrine which determines whether nuclear missiles can be fired or not.

Putin has also clearly noted that Russia and NATO are now in "direct confrontation". Because certain weapon systems rely on secretive guidance information from US satellites to allow for the targeting of certain long range weapons, the Russians have also made it clear that they know that it is NATO troops doing the targeting and firing of these weapons not the Ukrainians. This puts NATO and Russia in direct conflict. 

We are basically at war with Russia and all pretence of NATO just helping Ukraine out has gone

We are at war with Russia. 

So if you live in the US or Europe and were wondering whether we were close to a nuclear Armageddon then the answer is yes. 

We have never been so close to the end of the world. At least during the Cuba Missile crisis there were two adults in the room on opposing sides, here we have one, Putin. Across him sits a senile dithering old fool, and no-one really knows who in the deep state is running the show. 

Whoever it is, they have little care for the fate of the world if their recent actions breaking yet another of their own red lines, by sending long range weapons to Ukraine is anything to go by.

We are in World War III.

Will we live through it? 

Well we know one thing, Sen. Lindsey Graham won't get his hands on all those precious jewels in the Ukrainian ground if it is a nuclear wasteland. So until that matter is sorted we may be safe,.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks