Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Lindsay Graham Will Sanction And Destroy Economies For ICC Warrant On Benjamin Netanyahu

Sen Lindsay Graham Threatens To Destroy The UK's Economy

By Dark Politricks

He has recently made speeches in the Senate and on TV over the recent ICC arrest warrant issued for Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes.

He threatened the UK with the collapse of our economy, which doesn't need much help really, if we dared to carry out the lawful act, of arresting the Israeli PM and handing him over to the Hauge for a trial.

Lindsay Graham belongs to a small list of countries such as Russia, Israel and China, and the USA, that did not join the ICC.

It's a good list of countries, which you would expect to carry out war crimes. It's not a list of "moral" countries in many people's eyes.

Despite being ecstatic over the ICC's issue of an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin, for putting orphaned children into Russian orphanages due to Ukraine killing its own people. He was charged with kidnap for giving these orphans roofs over their head as thanks.

Israeli IDF soldiers would have just shot them dead. Then they would have probably uploaded the video of them doing it or bragging about killing it, to TikTok for the world and ICC court to view.

The ICC Court would have added that video to their already huge collection of evidence, already collected from IDF soldiers own social media accounts. 

The prosecution have said that Israel basically convicted itself with the numerous pieces of video evidence from IDF Social Media accounts, and the speeches made by Netanyahu, and the also convicted ex Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant.

Netanyahu is now attacking the part of the world willing to keep some form of morality, even if it's words only, from following the ICC's wishes. 

He is obviously calling the ICC Court anti-Semitic, despite the UN and the court having been created from the ashes of World War II and allowing the creation of the Israeli State on top of Palestine

Probably one of the biggest mistakes the UN has ever carried out.

I doubt any country have the balls, to arrest Netanyahu if he came to their country.

I am not sure if the UK is such a moral country with the courage to arrest the Israeli PM at all. In fact I can imagine Sir Kier Starmer inviting Bibi over to 10 Downing St for Sunday lunch anytime soon now.

The UK also helped support Israel for n it's genocidal war with the supply of weapons, air support to shoot down incoming Iranian missiles, and surveillance intelligence from spy planes, constantly hovering over Gaza during the genocide they were, and is still carrying out.

So really we are on the same side as Israel and the USA in our immoral behaviour regarding Gaza.

Still, Mossad through AIPAC, probably reminded Lindsay of a tape they most definitely have of him.

Rumours about the Senator, hiring gay sex workers from certain websites, may have resulted in tapes he would definitely not want released.

I think a Senator such as Graham is most definitely compromised from a taped encounter that may have been Epstein linked, and collected by Israels intelligence agencies, to put another Israel First politician into the US government.

This explains why he is always willing to put Israel over his own people, State and even country so eagerly

This is a most serious and potent reason how AIPAC controls so much of the US political class, who do their bidding, whenever they demand or request it. 

By Dark Polirtricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Why is the USA illegally in Syria?

The USA Isn't Supposed To Be Any War Zones According To Kamala Harris So Why Is It Still In Syria?

By Dark Politricks

They won't admit it but the USA, have, and still occupy a 3rd of Syria, supposedly after the war against ISIS a creation of Israel and the CIA, which was supposedly defeated by the US military, under Donald Trump's first term in office.

At one point the Israelis had a field hospital for wounded jihadists fighting the Assad regime, and the US military seemed happy to let them play terrorist as long as they fought the Axis of Resistance and President Assad's forces.

"The report, citing interviews with numerous rebel figures, said Israeli support included paying rebel fighters a salary of some $75 a month and providing groups with weapons and other materials."
The militant group Fursan al-Joulan even praised Israel for the money and weapons they received from them during the dirty war in Syria according to Israel's Haaretz newspaper, saying that:
"We wouldn't have survived without Israel's assistance."
There are so many armed militant groups fighting the Syrians, Iranians, Russians, Israeli's and Americans in Syria still, from the old Jabhat al-Nusra Front linked al-Qaeda group, the Free Syria Army, ISIS, the Kurds and the YPG and SDF who are seen as terrorists by Turkey but have been used at times by the Americans to fight Assad and the Axis of Resistance. 

These terrorist groups can easily fall out with each other when allied, or be funded and trained without knowing where the money really came from. Apparently is it not uncommon for US DOD soldiers to fight rebels, that can trace their funding and training, back to the intelligence services of the US DOD or the famous 3, CIA, Mossad and MI6.

The Axis of Resistance includes: the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, IRCG-QF, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Al-Quds brigade, Hezbollah, Hamas and the odd Russian or two.

These are all of course bit players in The Great Game being fought out by the bigger powers involved in the battle to control valuable resources like Syrian oil such as Europe, America, Turkey, Iran and even Russia who has a port on the Mediterranean Sea at Tartus, and has defended Assad from Israeli and ISIS attacks.

A Russian spy plane caught images of trucks taking stolen oil from ISIS controlled areas to Turkey at one stage, where it was allowed across the border, and fresh fighters flowed back. This was bluntly blamed on the Turkish President whose family was directly benefiting from the stolen product.

Russian image of Syrian Terrorist to Turkey Oil Smuggling

Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s deputy defence minister, said: 
"Turkey is the main consumer of the oil stolen from its rightful owners, Syria and Iraq.

"According to information we've received, the senior political leadership of the country President Erdogan and his family are involved in this criminal business."
At one point it got quite hairy when the Turkish government shot down a Su-24M Russian jet, that had crossed into Turkish air space for a couple of minutes as it was turning around and was shot down, and a pilot was killed, and one captured by Turkish backed rebels in Syria.

The Russian Defense Ministry condemned the attack, with President Vladimir Putin calling it a “stab in the back” and a “provocation.” Turkey, however, maintained that its actions were justified, citing its right to defend its sovereign territory.

After all the years of war, and the attempted colour revolution by the Americans, plus lies of President Assad gassing his own people the country is a mess.  

If you missed it, or due to the article I wrote at the time having all videos removed, you can see Aaron Mate from The Grayzone debunk the gas attack below, using info that came direct from OPCW's own whistle-blowers.

The Kurds want their own homeland but are seen by both Iraq and Turkey as terrorists despite being called some of the fiercest fighters US military have seen in combat versus the terror group ISIS, Donald Trump is proud of claiming to have destroyed.

This is despite the groups nefarious roots in the failed occupation of Iraq and for it idealistic claim to have created an Islamic Caliphate. However, one thing should be noted which should arise suspicion in anyone with knowledge of Islamist terror groups, it not once attacked Israel, the enemy of all militant Islamic groups. I wonder why that was?

Also, of note, is that al-Qaeda also recently called on Hamas to release remaining hostages it held, claiming it over shadowed the imprisonment of Palestinians. Not that I've ever seen al-Qaeda try to attack Israel either during the time it has existed.

The part of Syria the USA holds, which is roughly a third with not many men, is of course the part where the oil comes from and most of Syria's crops are grown. This is supposedly to stop Assad from benefiting from what's his ultimately his countries wealth to benefit his own people, you know like feeding them and paying for schools and evil stuff like that.

Maybe it's more to do with supplying Israel with oil it can't get due to the Houthi rebels blockade of the Red Sea and successful attacks on tankers attempting to access it, including piracy and attacks with drones, and even ballistic missiles.

Apparently they recently successfully fired a hypersonic missile into a US aircraft carrier, the Abraham Lincoln, the other week who had to go home for repairs. 

Check Judge Napolitano's interview with Dr. Gilbert Doctorow on Judging Freedom for more details.

The Houthis definitely don't have the guidance technology to accurately target a US aircraft carrier, and neither would Iran, which suggests Russia is helping the Houthis successfully strike targets miles away across Saudi Arabia, as well as into the Red Sea to stop important cargo reaching or leaving Israel from the South.

When the USA leaves Syria is anyone's guess but the soldiers deployed there got a bit angry during the 2024 election, when Kamala Harris claimed that no US forces were deployed around the world, saying on camera "Well what are we doing here then?".

So if the troops don't know, and the Biden admin doesn't know, then maybe they are what many are calling a "tripwire" for an Iranian attack on Israel, and US bases in the region.

They would have no defense against the super fast Iranian hypersonic missiles they are prepared to fire at Israel if attacked, and if injury or death is sustained, then this could mean a definite war for Israel who has wanted the US to fight its greatest foe in the region for decades now.

This would be a great welcome gift from Biden to Trump along with the problems with Russia in Ukraine. Trump, who ran on a pro peace platform, will have to fight and probably lose this game in the Middle East, unless he or Israel uses nuclear weapons.

So there you go, American troops deliberately put in harms way, just so Iran can attack and kill them causing a regional conflict in the area. A sweet parting gift from the Democrats to MAGA. 

By Dark Politricks

2024 - Dark Politricks

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

I Am On X / Twitter

Just To Let You Know I Am On Twitter

By Dark Politricks

Just to let you know,  for some reason X or Twitter as it was called, has stopped allowing the embedding of Twitter Timelines on sites. Why they have done this I don't know. It was a good little tool to show readers your recent posts.

So if you are on X, and want to keep up with my daily posts, and comments that are not enough for a full post on this site. You'll be able to follow me there.

Just go to to get my daily posts, and please share, like, and comment whether you agree with them or don't. Comments and debates are always good, so I welcome them.

Remember @Darkpolitricks is my call sign. I was banned due to a COVID Tweet that wasn't even that controversial I thought but the old regime that didn't like free speech thought that it was. 

I am just glad that Elon took over and allowed me to return. It is the only bastion of free speech left on the Internet.

So come and have a look if you can at

By Dark Politricks
2024 Dark Politricks

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Why Is Israel Killing Itself With Lies?

Why Did Israel Need To Lie Over Oct 7th?

By Dark Politricks

I've always wondered why Israel needed to make so many lies up over Oct 7th, and continue to do so. The events were bad enough, so I have no idea why the Israeli government needed to embellish the story with over the top tales of extreme brutality. 

Hamas were brutal in their attack, and although many crimes and people killed by the IDF were carried out by Hamas, others were just Gazans who entered the hole in the fence and went on their own rampage. 

Also the IDF, who turned up after an hour, which in a small country I find very slow and odd to explain, killed many of their own people in the chaos, and were probably ashamed to admit this to their people.

Despite this news came out from Haaretz an Israeli newspaper, who interviewed a woman held hostage in her home by Hamas, but had an Israeli tank blow it up killing everyone inside but her. 

Recently they claimed to have shot down all incoming missiles from Iran. This is despite their famed Iron Dome which was totally ineffective, and their F-35 air base in the Negev Desert was totally destroyed. This included a top of the range US Raytheon radar system, that supposedly made it one of the most protected air spaces in the world. 

However, the Iron Dome and other air defence systems were breached, and even the HQ of Mossad was destroyed.

Despite the gaslighting by the Israeli and US MSM, Iran actually landed up to 20 missiles on the Negev desert base, showing that Israeli and US air defences could be breached. 

However, like last time they attacked they gave the US and Russia a 2 hour warning so that no Israeli personnel were killed. This is unlike Israel who see the killing and terrorising of people as an aim of their war tactics.

This Grayzone video is worth watching. and I dare Zionists to look into the facts as they all come from Israeli sources. Either victims of the IDF using the Hannibal Directive to kill their own citizens, and papers or TV, reporting on the events.

The YouTube version can only be viewed on their site and so I cannot embed it. I have tried uploading it here but it was too large, so I have embedded the whole GrayZone Tweet beneath

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks