Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Was George Orwell right about the 21st century?

Was George Orwell right about the 21st century?

Do young kids even care about Privacy anymore?

By Dark Politricks

The Snoopers Charter is now the most draconian Internet law in the world.

I bet half, no 70% or even more people don't even know what it is. If you don't you better start reading my friend before you are forced into intricate flag waving ceremonies for Theresa May.

Do you care or are you too busy playing candy crush and taking selfies of you on the toilet to worry about antiquated ideas like privacy.

Privacy was once something to be protected. Now it's a commodity to be sold or to be used to track you down.

In the UK we are now living in George Orwell's prophetic 1984.

This was the futuristic tale written by the author in 1949 by George Orwell  after the 2nd world war.

In the book, he imagined a world constantly at war, enemies to the North, South, East and West, millions of people working for the state apparatus, and a million dying daily fighting on the front line.

The "Ministry of Truth" where old news stories were carefully amended to show an altered vision of history as alliances change and battles won. Oh and of course the thousands of spies and traitors who had to be weeded out by Big Brother and his double agents.

The book does remind me strongly of the present day.

Allies swap and change, people you were told were eating babies yesterday and fighting tooth and nail against are now your allies fighting together on the front line against what are probably tomorrow's allies.

Propaganda is news to be believed as it comes straight from the word of the Great Leader or the State in our case.

Of course any dissidents who try and provide actual facts or a non biased point of view on any conflict are labelled traitors, conspiracy theorists and jailed for long sentences if not silently killed.

A more subtle way in this age of information technology, where a GPS chip in no longer needed in your arm due to your constant carrying around with you or a super tracking, listening and recording device, or more precisely your phone. It tracks all your movements for the state our #altnews internet sites are taken down or dropped in the Google rankings after sitting at the top for years. Bureaucrats decide what is "fake news" and what is "real news" and then warn potential readers they may be entering a free thinking zone.

One day an ally in a war is against all forms of torture, killing of innocents and despises religious fundamentalism, child killers and suicide bombs. Just like the Syrian Free Army, who were a non jihadist, anti Assad revolution force. The next thing you know they sold all the arms and equipment we had given them to ISIS, ransomed off American journalists to ISIS to be beheaded for cash and prayed to Allah as they machine gunned down captors in the street or cut open their victims chests before eating their hearts and lungs.

Alliances change like snowflakes in the wind it seems and the globalists don't give a shit who they are working with as long as it meets their objectives.

We have even got to the stage where al-Qaeda our supposed "mortal enemy" (2+ men in a cave), are sometimes on our side. Using pseudo names like al-Nusra Front so that they can be labelled as anti Assad fighters and not jihadists. I'd like to see the command and control structure in that office.

Of course who dies, which states crumble and how many millions of migrants enter Europe to carry out ISIS attacks on Paris night clubs doesn't matter to the powers that be.

They get their kicks off on a Friday night lying naked in some open coffin wanking off to the names of their ex lovers (I wonder if that includes little boys and girls....) and have all their mates watch and cheer. Then they finish the night off with a nice "pizza" as they discuss the next destabilisation plan on the table. Taken From the Skull and Bones initiation ceremony.

Then as politics and the war changes, the idea to keep the people at perpetual war frightened and scared of car bombings, alliances change so that in the hall of records this previous alliance is airbrushed out of history and the strength of unity and purpose that our new alliance brings is fully documented.

George Orwell had an uncanny knack of seeing into the future or his tale was picked on as some sort of template to base our war economy on.

We already have the Telescreens from 1984 in the corner of our rooms and the Snoopers Charter (and US Terms and Conditions) make it exactly that.

If you have a built in Web Cam for Skype or games just beware that it works two way. If you can use it so can the police and MI5/6 to watch you if they so desired. Plus with with The New Snoopers Charter being passed into law recently there may be a lot of political debates going on. they don't even need a warrant. So when you send that next sex text to you baby mama just be on notice the local drug squad could all be having a giggle.

"They" are watching and listening to you through your digital accessories on TV's, Phones, PC's, laptops, tablets anything that can be hacked (most things) and profiling you just as in 1984. You can get all techie about it as I write here about some of the ways to mitigate such surveillance or a quick list on journalists who were followed and harassed, some killed, but a quick list would be.
Encrypt your phone in the settings with a long upper and lower case passwords only you know.

Use patterns to access all your favourite apps. 4 digit pins are easily breakable in 5 mins but a pattern you have got wrong a hundred times before is a lot harder.

Turn your location off. Do you really care to see where abouts you drove in the last week or two and when you checked in at the local Starbucks on Facebook. Obviously you might not care but someone watching you might.

Use Anti Virus tools on your phone. MalwareBytes is free and good for both PC and phone. Clean Master is also good and CM Security allows you to add patterns/pin codes/finger prints to open apps and files if you phone doesn't have it built in.

Don't use the default Text or Phone app you get on your phone. Install Telegram , Viber or if you must Wickr . A BT Sim only plan will get you on the Internet in most place so you can video call Japan - encrypted - all without using up your minutes. Same goes for texts. Telegram / Wickr allow you to delete your texts after X days/weeks/months with a self destruct option that if you don't use your app within X days or so it will delete the whole account. So if your phone goes "missing" you can be safe knowing as they are dictionary cracking your passwords and attempting patterns that will lock them out after 3 failed goes your texts will get deleted.

Also BT uses DCHP which means every time I go on the web I get a new IP address this pisses me off no end as I need to add it into my firewall to SFTP or stop myself being blocked out my own site. However it also means it makes it a lot harder over historical period to see what you were up to when they cannot trace the IP address to you especially when you went through a number of proxies.

That is of course unless you have already been hacked and all your history lies at GCHQ - the great hall of records, history, fake history and "we are all doing this for your own protection".

So just use masking tape over your phones camera or webcam if you are not planning on using it and the same goes for your microphone.

Sometimes the best ways are the oldest. And if your really paranoid, which you should be as no-one, no matter what gibberish they spout has "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" - it's about liberty and not living in a police state where anyone in a uniform can "demand your papers". If you are really going off the grid then you should learn how to use pigeons to send messages up and down the country like the olden times of yore.
So what is it with all these shifting alliances, especially with the most barbaric country in the world, and biggest fund raiser of terrorism, Saudi Arabia.

Well we are doing it to keep one of the few UK industries that is actually not running offshore after BREXIT, the arms industry, booming.

By selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and Qatar who then use them to kill kids in Yemen and then allow them to pass on the equipment and supply them to ISIS to fight themselves - convoluted I know but apparently despite funding and arming ISIS like Turkey they are also in an alliance to destroy them.

This anti ISIS alliance means nothing of course and history like Orwell predicted will be rewritten, but the amount of US/UK arms being found in overrun ISIS positions just shows our duplicity and complicity in the whole nefarious debacle.

George Orwell's 1984, a tale of fiction not a road map to future militarism and a police state
We are living in a surveillance state. We are being watched. Constantly.
George Orwells oath to Big Brother

Read the original article Was George Orwell the 20th century Internet Nostradamus on the main site www.darkpolitricks.com

By Dark Politricks

© 2017 By Dark Politricks