Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Farewell to a brave whistle blower - Bradley Manning

Private Bradley Manning, gave up his life to expose war crimes

By Dark Politricks

With the news today that Bradley Manning has been convicted of 19 out of 21 offenses, the only good news is that he had not been charged with the more serious charge of "aiding the enemy" plus he wasn't found guilty of espionage for showing the war crimes revealed in the infamous “Collateral Murder” video.

However even without the most serious charges unless the Judge is very lenient with his sentencing Bradley Manning is looking at a very long stretch for daring to speak to truth to the most powerful military force on the planet.

For that he must be admired. Anyone willing to give up their life, which is what Manning has basically done by pleading guilty to crimes that could see him spend the best years of his life in prison, should be praised for that sacrifice.

Yes we all knew that the US forces in Iraq were slaughtering innocent civilians. That Xe/Blackwater employees had engaged in massacres on multiple occasions that were covered up.

That British forces were prepared to raid Iraqi prisons to release soldiers suspected of staging false flag terror attacks, and that torture was a daily occurrence by all allied forces from UK bases to the Abu Ghraib prison.

However when WikiLeaks released the Collateral Murder video it revealed the extent of the callousness that US soldiers showed towards the Iraqi population.

The US neo-con talking heads, COINTELPRO and Agent Mockingbird placed government mouths shouted "treason" and demanded WikiLeaks be shut down. They even managed to get Amazon, PayPal and hosting companies to block services that WikiLeaks were legally entitled to. They saw this act of whistleblowing not for what it was, an attempt to reveal US war crimes but high treason.

Remember that President Obama had promised on the campaign trail, before being elected, to provide more protection for people willing to blow the whistle on government crimes. He promised the following:
Protect Whistleblowers: Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing government employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out. Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled as they have been during the Bush administration. We need to empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance. Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government. Obama will ensure that federal agencies expedite the process for reviewing whistleblower claims and whistleblowers have full access to courts and due process.
However, as expected, he did a full 360 and instead has gone down in history as the POTUS who has gone after more whistleblowers than any other President in history.

In fact the Obama administration has prosecuted twice as many cases under the Espionage Act as all other administrations combined. Under the President, the Justice Department has prosecuted six cases regarding national security leaks. Before he took office, federal prosecutors had used the Espionage Act in only three cases.

This is a President who promised the world, hope and change. The world was so drunk on his promises and so willing to believe that he would be so much different from the neo-con, pro-war, Bush administration that they even gave him a Nobel Peace prize days into his administration.

I wonder how foolish those people feel now?

I wonder if President Obama can even stomach to look at the prize or does he actually believe that he has brought the hope and change he bribed the public with into office?

In reality the only change was the colour of the skin of the President and Obama took Bush policies and rammed them full of steroids.

He has kept the Constitution killing PATRIOT ACT and added another Bill of Right destroying piece of legislation to it, the NDAA, that authorises him to lock up and even kill American citizens on his say so alone.

The sad thing is that so many people still voted for him for a second term. Did they really believe he would change his spots because he didn't have to run for office again?

Maybe he is scared of ending up like MLK or JFK.

Maybe he is being bribed by more powerful string pullers who know the truth of his sex and drugs past.

Maybe he is just too weak to stand up to the real power brokers.

Or maybe he was just a bare-faced liar who didn't realise that people would actually expect him to do as he promised once elected.

Nothing shows how illiberal the Democratic President of the United States is than his treatment of the US public over recent privacy invasions by the NSA and Prism. And nothing shows how much he want's these state crimes to remain secret than his lust for punishment to those who dare reveal the nature of the Governments lurch towards a police state, people such as Snowden and Assange, Sibel Edmonds and Thomas Drake to name a few.

The ACLU has accused the US government of "seeking to intimidate" anyone who might consider becoming a whistleblower in the future by prosecuting Bradley Manning under the Espionage Act.

Here's the ACLU's full statement commenting on the Manning verdict:
While we're relieved that Mr. Manning was acquitted of the most dangerous charge, the ACLU has long-held the view that leaks to the press in the public interest should not be prosecuted under the Espionage Act," said Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU's Speech, Privacy and Technology Project. "Since he already pleaded guilty to charges of leaking information – which carry significant punishment – it seems clear that the government was seeking to intimidate anyone who might consider revealing valuable information in the future.
It is clear from the President's words, his NSA heads words and all the talking heads that parrot the National Security point of view that they believe that they are doing nothing wrong by illegally wiretapping millions of people without warrants.

They apparently don't see anything wrong with the mass searching and storing of emails, instant messages, photos, videos, phone calls and other telecommunications for later analysis.

Not only does this breach the supposed law of the land, the US constitution, but it is immoral and devious behaviour that treats every US and NON US citizen as a potential terrorist to be monitored and watched. Then again I have been saying for years that the war on terror was not designed to catch terrorists.

How could it be when our supposed enemy al-Qaeda was created by the CIA to fight the Soviets and has been used by both the CIA and MI6 to destabilise countries and fight proxy wars in Kosovo, Libya and now Syria. The most gagged woman in history, Sibel Edmonds, revealed that bin-Laden and al-Qaeda has close links with the CIA right up to 9.11!

With such close ties to our supposed enemy it was always clear that the real role of the war on terror was to roll back civil liberties and increase the possibility of implementing a high-tech surveillance state by using the threat of terrorism as an excuse.

People are more likely to be killed by lightning or in a plane crash than to be killed by a terrorist attack. Therefore we are fooling ourselves if we think this massive billion dollar spy industry is for own benefit. We have allowed ourselves to walk into a surveillance society by just doing nothing.

Just by allowing Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other Internet companies to store, sell and milk our private information for fun it makes it so much harder to draw the line when those companies then link up with the Government and do it "for our security".

However if the recent Manning, Snowden, Assange and NSA stories are anything they are warning signs that our Government cares little for our thoughts and wishes.

As we say farewell to Bradley Manning, a brave whistleblower who is going to prison for a long time, it is far too late to blow the whistle on this new surveillance state. The train left the platform years ago and we all stood and waved goodbye.

View the original article Bradley Manning, whistleblowers, Obama and the NSA on the main website darkpolitricks.com.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Remaining questions about 9.11

Remaining questions about 9.11

By Dark Politricks

I looked at some remaining questions in an article on the Pentagon attack the other day and after watching the final cut of Loose Change I have complied a fuller list.

These questions include, but are not limited to:

  • We know that the CIA basically created "the database" which is the translation of al-Qaeda. As ex Foreign Secretary Robin Cook attested to this database was a list of CIA assets used in by the USA during their covert fight with the USSR in Afghanistan. Were the CIA still using al-Qaeda assets at the time of 9.11?
  • We also know that Mossad has controlled al-Qaeda rings before (even setting up fake rings) – was this a controlled ring or a co-opted ring “allowed” to commit the attack. Both FOX News and German newspapers reported on the Israeli spy rings that were following some of the hijackers about the USA. Did they tell anyone?
  • What about the Mossad agents who claimed to have been sent to "document the event"? What event and how did they know to set up camera's across the river to film the attack?
  • If the war in Afghanistan is a direct result of the 9/11 attacks then why did the USA have detailed plans for an invasion planned for October of 2001 before the attacks had even happened.
  • Why did the Pakistani ISI general order the wiring of $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta in the months preceding the attacks?
  • The CIA apparently knew about Atta and the other hijackers and that they posed a threat to the country through their secret Able Danger operation. Why was this important pre-attack evidence not used to stop it OR was it just ignored?
  • Why won't any mainstream US media station interview the most gagged woman in history, Sibel Edmonds, an FBI translator who has promised to blow the lid of 9.11 with facts and revelations which she believes would lead to high level indictments.
  • What about Norman Mineta's testimony to the 9.11 commission that Dick Cheney ordered a stand down by not ordering the shoot down of the fast approaching blip that was entering supposedly the most highly restricted air space in the world?
  • Why did the Bush administration refuse to hold an enquiry until the families of the 9.11 victims demanded one and then why did they only give the commission minimal funds, far less than the non-consequential event that was the Monica Lewinsky scandal?
  • Why have so many 9.11 commissioners come out and publicly said that the full truth has not been given to the public. Also that the White House deliberately blocked access to witnesses and hid evidence. They also claimed that the CIA and FBI basically lied about certain events and that indictments should be handed out, something which didn't happen.
  • Why did the CIA allow 15 of 19 suspected hijackers into the country on the fast track VISA scheme out of Jeddah.
  • Why doesn't the US government release all the CCTV and other camera footage from the Pentagon to show us what hit the building?
  • Who chose 9.11 to run the Vigilant Guardian NORAD training exercises involving hijacked planes. When was this date chosen and why?
  •  Why did the US secret service not interview the bin-Laden family before being spirited out of the USA straight after 9.11, especially when their family member was the prime culprit?
  • Why was the 9.11 commission used to push for a war with Iraq?
  • Why were the victims and families of the worst terrorist attack in recent years afforded minimal funds to investigate, poorly, the biggest attack on the USA since Pearl Harbour.
  • Were any of the hijackers involved in drug smuggling out of the infamous Venice airport and who knew about this? The airport is a known smuggling route that has apparently been given the “green light” by the CIA and has some very dodgy links with mobsters, cocaine cartels, intelligence agencies and terrorists all of which Daniel Hopsicker has documented in his videos and on his site Madcow Morning News.
  •  Multiple intelligence agencies from around the world knew an attack was planned and told the US. There is also evidence that suggests multiple US agencies knew of plans to attack the states from Al Qaeda infiltrators and intercepted communications. How far up the US government did this knowledge go and what action was taken or deliberately NOT taken?
  • Many of the victims families, survivors and first responders want a new enquiry. In fact over 80,000 people from New York signed a petition demanding a new enquiry which the city prevented from occurring. Why did New York block the people from having their own inquiry into the events of that day?

Those are just a fraction of the many questions that can be asked but the final cut of Loose Change is well worth watching even if you have seen the first two.

Remember that whether you believe the official conspiracy theory or an alternative theory there still remains questions and when even the commissioners from the single, poorly funded 9.11 commission are making statements such as:
“I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.. This is not spin. This is not true.” – John Farmer

“One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”. – Max Cleland

“We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting” – Timothy Roemer
And we have ex FBI whistleblowers such as Sibel Edmonds willing to tell their story with no-one in the US mainstream media willing to tell it. The question is why?

Lets have an independent 9.11 commission with subpoena powers and lets put to bed all remaining questions about that day once and for all.

The following link is to a 2 hour radio show from James Whale on Talk Sport ( a UK talk radio station ).

It is a detailed show which includes a debate between David Ray Griffin and George Monbiot. George is a believer of the official conspiracy theory however he himself admits there was probably a conspiracy to cover up the Bush administrations incompetence after the event.

The talk then moves on to a debate with the co-director of the final cut, Tim Sparke as well as Jason Bermas. It is well worth the listen if you have the time.

Listen to the Talk Sport 9.11 talk show

View the original article 9.11 remaining questions and no answers at my main site www.darkpolitricks.com

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Why we need a new Bill of Rights

Why we need a new Bill of Rights

By Dark Politricks

A recent satirical survey carried out by Mark Dice showed that people were willing to sign a petition banning Christian symbols, Christmas lights, bumper stickers and other forms of expression covered by the 1st Amendment. His bigger coup was showing up the American people for signing another petition banning the first amendment altogether.

It seems no matter what crazy things Mark says to the signers they willingly agree to remove their own freedom. He uses Obama, racism, the Tea Party and even the New World Order to persuade people to sign, not that they need much persuading.

Even when he thanks people for "helping to repeal free speech" or "repeal the first amendment" from the USA they happily nod, agree and then sign on the dotted line.

The people signing these petitions should obviously be ashamed of themselves but it goes to show the indoctrination that has been achieved by politicians and the media.

Job well done it seems! These people are almost too eager to sign their freedoms away.

Here in the UK we don't have a written constitution and our bill of rights (1689) which was inspiration for the USA is more concerned with limiting the power of the Crown, ensuring that our parliament is regularly elected and that the people we elect to it have the right to speak freely without fear of retribution from the Crown.

Remember that this was one of the first documents of its kind in the modern world so it's nowhere near perfect and it followed the English civil war in which we deposed and killed our monarch and then replaced him with a quasi-religious military family dictatorship or what historians call a "Protectorate".

This was a bit like North Korea today along with a puritanical religious nature and it involved a dictatorial dynasty i.e Oliver Cromwell and then his 3rd son Richard. The Cromwells, along with the military and their "Godly Governors" ruled the country until the monarchy was restored later in the century.

However our bill of rights, the preceeding Magna Carta, the writ of habeas corpus and it's codified version in law the Habeas Corpus Act plus the writings of many enlightened English philosophers of the time such as John Locke and Thomas Paine, helped inspire and create the US Bill of Rights.

However, whilst this bill is something to be proud of, and US school children are taught from an early age that the Constitution is the primary law of the land and no other law can supersede it, it seems nowadays that either the US Government doesn't preach what it teaches in its public schools or just believes, as George W Bush famously did, that it's just a piece of paper.

Since 9.11, laws such as the PATRIOT ACT have removed many rights enshrined in the constitution and many local courts in the USA have actually found it and the FISA court to be in blatant violation of the provision that prohibits unreasonable searches in the Fourth Amendment.

As Judge Andrew Napolitano explains about the recent NSA Prism revelations that the US/UK governments are conducting massive surveillance on millions of people without a warrant, the mass spying of Americans, whilst allowed by the PATRIOT ACT breaches the constitution which trumps it in law, or is supposed to!

With Obama now being able to act like a king with the NDAA (The National Defense Authorization Act of 2013) behind him, and the country still be ruled under emergency laws enacted after 9.11, he is now able to do such things as:
-allow for the "indefinite detention of American citizens without due process at the discretion of the President." (Section 1021)

-to allow force (and military detention) against not only those who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks and countries which harbored them, but also anyone who "substantially supports" Al Qaeda, the Taliban or "associated forces" (Section 1031)

-mandates that all accused Terrorists be indefinitely imprisoned by the military rather than in the civilian court system (section 1032)

Therefore, he can now, if he so wished, declare you a terrorist or "domestic extremist" by using NSA hovered up and illegally obtained data, and then if he so wished either detain you without due process indefinitely, or if you lived abroad, send a drone to kill you and your family in the manner he dispatched Anwar al Awlaki and his son in Yemen.

The bill also basically dispenses with Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution, which says that nobody can be punished for treason without heightened due process requirements being met. Lets wait and see what happens to Edward Snowden. Is he a traitor for exposing massive and illegal spying by the NSA or a traitor for letting the people know what the Government is doing to them?

Therefore with free speech under attack due to massive state surveillance and unwarranted search and seizure of property such as any electronical private effects e.g emails, direct message tweets or text messages. And as Mark Dice has shown, a populace all too willing to just "sign a petition" abolishing their rights without second thought I am asking you today what you think our rights should be in this modern-day and age.

Do we need extra protections from government surveillance?

Is the requirement for a well maintained militia and the bearing of arms still needed when the US military is the largest on earth and a few handguns wouldn't last long against the local police force let alone the US military - not that you can tell the two apart lately.

What about limits on free speech? Should you have the right to be offended or can I be racist, sexist, anti-religious and homophobic to you all without fear of punishment?

Taking a well-known section of the European Convention of Human Rights - Article 3, which prohibits torture, and "inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment".

Do Americans need to incorporate this into a bill after their water boarding, Abu Ghraib and Gitmo "enhanced interrogation" escapades?

What about Article 11 that supposedly protects the right to freedom of assembly and association, including the right to form trade unions.

This seems to be trumped by local laws such as "free speech zones" in the USA or the much hated English Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 which banned people assembling to "rave" i.e party.

This law also and allowed for courts to make certain inferences if a defendant remained silent in custody or for the police to take intimate body samples on arrest and keep them whether or not the accused is ever convicted in court - an act that has been found to violate European law multiple times.

It seems that in this modern day and age people on all sides of the Atlantic need a Bill of Rights that protects them from their own government. What I'd like to know is which rights are most important to you.

Some of these points cross over and in a new bill they would be sectioned together. Therefore you may want to vote for more than one but I want to know the right that you feel is most important to you in your daily life.

For example is your right to speak freely without fear of being bugged and arrested more important than a theoretical chance that you might overthrow your government with your firearms?

If something important is missing just add it in the other section and feel free to use the comment section to expand on your points if you do.

View the original article "A New Bill of Rights" at www.darkpolitricks.com.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Can we escape ECHELON?

Can we escape ECHELON?

By Dark Politricks

How funny is it that Edward Snowden has released information that shows the outcries of European nations to be false, hypocritical and superficial at the very least.

It has been known for over a decade that the main western nations including the US, UK, Canada, Australia and to a lesser extent Germany and other Euro nations were engaged in massive data collection through the ECHELON system.

I remember reading about it back when I had just left school. Trying all the online tests to "prove" that emails were being re-routed by keyword analysis.

I remember one such test involved sending two emails. The first with known flagged keywords such as bomb or AK47 and then another without. The first email was supposed to arrive in your other inbox after the second one due to it having been re-routed and checked by the ECHELON system. Checking timestamps on spoofed emails mentioning bombs and guns was a fun way to spend an afternoon at school.

Anyone who knows about ECHELON knows that the idea was that countries would spy on each other and then share the data to bypass laws preventing the countries snooping on their own citizens. 

However that all seems to have changed since 9.11. Now they just hoover up the data and our politicians claim it's for our own safety and that "sufficient oversight" exists to prevent mis-use of the technology.

Yes and I believe everything our Home or Foreign Secretary says....

Apparently in this free for all, data grabbing world, real sim cities are being built by the NSA/GCHQ nexus.
 It seems they are trying to replicate a whole world on their super computers so that they can monitor our behaviour and spot when someone acts outside their "natural boundaries". This could be shopping at a different store than usual, driving a new route to work or speaking to different people on or offline.

All our data is combined, merged and analysed. The lines between private and state data monitoring no longer exist.

Those Tesco points you have been earning are most likely filling up just one section of your own virtual profile at GCHQ - don't dare to go on a diet suddenly, they might think you are acting "strangely" and upgrade your monitoring status a few grades!

As attested to by cryptome.org in a recent article they are literally creating computer models where each human being is a "node" to be measured and monitored.

By combining all the various pieces of private, public and stolen data from the cables that take all the telecom communications under the Atlantic from the UK to the USA, the NSA & GCHQ can literally virtualise our lives and then run models to predict what would happen in certain scenarios.

What would be the normal behaviour of society if the water or electricity was cut off for 3 days?

Who would be likely to riot or take to the Internet and demand changes?

What groups of people are more likely to complain about their situation when taxes are increased than others?

What quantity of benefits and state handouts does it take to produce a dumbed down nation of uninquisitive fools?

What about a terrorist attack or police shooting?

Will the neighbourhood you live in be compliant and lock the doors as they did in Boston or would a single shooting of a known drug dealer in LONDON cause massive riots around the country?

It is getting to the stage that your actions can be accurately predicted and any variation from the norm is automatically noticed, flagged and probably checked for signs of malcontent.

Just as they know I have time to write a couple of articles for this blog a week, drive a certain way to work, shop at local stores and like the odd flutter on the horses they would know the same about you without having to do too much data analysis.

Give me enough data points and a big enough database and I could probably write a half decent programme to do the same.

I can only imagine the tools available to the GCHQ coders.

Plus it doesn't really help our cause when we are so keen to hand over our data to known intelligence agency linked companies such as Microsoft or Google. Got a Facebook page? Comments and quotes all logged and flagged. Mentioned anything about the government lately? Maybe you are already halfway towards getting your name onto a watch-list. Visited anyone in Pakistan lately? Your probably on at least a few already!

When Google analyses your email contents and search terms to show "appropriate" advertising just think what the NSA and GCHQ are analysing with their super computers. They don't want to show you adverts, that's for sure.

So whilst some of us have known about ECHELON for decades, to some the revelations coming from Snowden are a shock. However what we actually know is guaranteed to be only the tip of a humongous iceberg, the tip of which is scary enough, but we probably can't even comprehend what is below the water line!

I am just waiting for the first properly real virtual world computer games.
Ones which people will flock to, thinking they can escape the drudgery of work and the meaningless lives they have.

Terrorists will probably meet up in virtual worlds just to chat, thinking they will escape real world monitoring.

It is only a matter of time until a true "Second Life" is produced.

One in which people can touch, taste and pretend they are something when their real life is nothing.
It might sound like fun, even idealistic.

The problem is, that when that day comes, you can safely assume that the NSA/GCHQ nexus will already have virtual informants to monitor your virtual life.

Escape? I don't think we ever will.

View the original article Escape from ECHELON at darkpolitricks.com.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

America - What Happened To You?

America - What Happened To You?

By Dark Politricks

On the 4th of July, 2013 there is only one question that needs to be asked to all Americans who are actually celebrating 4th of July, Independence Day.

"What are you actually celebrating?"

It cannot be the freedom of speech you used to cherish. No you have to have permits and free speech zones for protests now. Plus your constant chatter on the phones, Internet and in public is constantly monitored by technological mammoth like NSA's PRISM and the much older ECHELON.

It cannot be the free movement around the country without fear of harassment, secure in your papers from unreasonable searches. Not when the Police, TSA, Transport Cops, Border Guards and other agencies can now forcibly take blood and DNA samples from you, scan your naked body and grope your genitals if you refuse to be scanned, stored and studied as you go about your way.

It cannot be freedom from a tyrant, a King George like figure who thinks he has a God given right to take your life. No the President now has the authority to take your life without even bothering with the charade that passes for a trial if he thinks you are a danger to your country.

Freedom from drone strikes? Nope.

Freedom from assassination squads? Nope.

Freedom to blow the whistle when you find that your government has broken the law, spied on people without warrants or committed massacres in war zones?

Nope, you will be hunted down like a dog and tried for being a spy. The papers and journalists who dare print your stories of government abuse will also be attacked, spied upon and harassed. Even people who should know better will call for your execution on live TV. Who knows who is even a real TV presenter anymore and who is really a COINTELPRO agent stirring up hate against "enemies of the state" who dare speak truth to power.

Is it the freedom to work long hours for little pay? Forced to hand over large amounts of your earnings for goods that your Government mandates you "must" purchase and then watch as the endless cycle of your Government buying it's own printed money through the convoluted and corrupt Federal Reserve system means that the value of your wage decreases in real terms every month?Well you don't have any choice in that now do you?

It has now come to the stage that you are monitored so much in real life through linked up CCTV systems such as TRAPWIRE, massive city sized computer systems that can log every purchase you make, every movement you make through your cars GPS tracking systems or even that useful bug you so happily carry around with you for others to track you with, your phone, that you cannot even escape into cyberspace anymore. A virtual world is just as monitored as the real one. 

Are even the virtual homes you visit in virtual worlds like Second Life bugged and monitored by virtual agents of the state? Probably.

Facebook, Google, Skype, Apple and all the other big techno giants we are being shepherded into using 24/7 are all just front ends to those 3 letter acronyms that litter the American landscape. Acronyms like NSA, CIA, FBI and the  TSA are all hankering after those data packets that log every URL, website, file, instant message and email you have ever written.

These are the modern day "papers" of the 21st century, and secure is not something you can expect to be, especially when you willingly hand over your data to the "cloud" for safe storage.

So if you are celebrating "Independence Day" today then I would be interested to know what is so special about your independence when compared to a dictatorship?

You have been living under emergency laws since 9.11.

Laws that give the President dictatorial like powers through Orwellian pieces of legalese like the PATRIOT ACT which was written years before the date and then eagerly dusted off when the events of 9.11 unfolded.

All to be enacted under a climate of fear and patriotism, where politicians didn't even bother reading what they voted for and detractors were attacked with Anthrax or declared "unpatriotic". All because they were not willing to hand over their basic rights such as habeas corpus, a fair trial, freedom from torture or the right to know what you have been accused of in an open court of law.

This was back when we had a far right government running the USA. Now we are supposedly living under a liberal, left wing, Democrat! How I laugh when I hear Americans call Obama left wing or socialist! Society is not something he is promoting with Homeland Security asking neighbours to become de-facto spies and inform on each other or where over a million Americans have top secret security clearance.

There is nothing democratic or liberal about the NDAA, drone strikes at will or the President declaring that he can spy on anyone in the world without due process.

I have to wonder on this day what President Obama see's when he looks in the mirror.

Does he see the leader of a once great free nation that has succumb to fear, militarism, war mongering and the all pervasive surveillance state.

If not, does he honestly believe he's a liberal in charge of a "free nation"?

If so does he not feel the slightest bit of guilt when he looks at that Nobel Peace prize he was so, so prematurely given in the hope that pre-election rhetoric would be converted into real "hope and change" from the Bush/Cheney years?

Instead he has taken the ball from the GOP and kicked it out the stadium, far surpassing anything the Republicans did to kill liberty and freedom in America.

Wars have increased, with covert action and drone strikes occurring in more places across the world than ever before. All under the never ending "war on terror" banner.

Liberty at home has decreased and a true liberal POTUS would have at least stood up for the freedoms he attacked Bush for removing when he was only a Senator. Does he honestly not believe he is the hypocrite is blatantly is.

It is funny how power corrupts.

It is not so funny to look at the state of Amerika on this once special day.

View the original article What happened America? at the main site www.darkpolitricks.com.