Thursday, 3 April 2014

The EU Debate - Nick Clegg versus Nigel Farage

The EU Debate - Nick Clegg versus Nigel Farage

By Dark Politricks

Over the last two weeks Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg have been debating whether we should leave the EU on radio and TV.

Of course you might have missed these debates on TV as they haven't really been highlighted in the TV schedules.

The leader of the UKIP, Nigel Farage, the bloke you would have a pint with but doesn't have a single MP in the UK Parliament debated Nick Clegg, the deputy PM, who will have hardly any MP's after the next election due to his broken promises and propping up of Tory austerity policies.

Two non-entities you may say, except the EU elections are coming up soon and UKIP always do very well in them and will undoubtedly probably beat both the Lib-Dems and the Tories if current polling is correct.

The sad thing is that with such an important question to be debated the leaders of the real two parties who have actual  influence in our national parliament couldn't be bothered to debate such an important question.

Our PM, David Cameron, and the cartoon character that calls himself the leader of the opposition Ed Milliband didn't even think it was worth debating the EU and letting the British public have their opinions on whether it is better to be in or out of the EU.

For those of you who missed it the first debate was on LBC radio and shown on Sky News and the second debate was on the BBC.

From polls carried out after the debates Nigel Farage won by a ratio of 3 to 1.

A YouGov poll: Farage 68%, Clegg 27% A ICM poll: Farage 69, Clegg 31%

Read more about the results of the debate here.

Who won the debate?

The European Union In Or Out debate

For your nightly entertainment I have included some videos to the debates so that you can watch the two debates between Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg.

One political figure on the rise and one on the slide to the bottom. I will let you decide which is which.

One, Nigel Farage, is perfectly happy to be the outspoken, friendless EU MP who wants to actually do himself out of a job by shutting the whole shop down.

Nick Clegg on the other hand who has never had a real job apart from politiking at various levels (unlike Nigel) will cling onto the EU whether they turn into a EU super-state, with its own army, forcing NATO on broke countries it tricks into joining such as the Ukraine.

All whilst people in Spain and Greece and even Ireland and the UK suffer due to the EU being so broke and harsh austerity measures being imposed on us.

Remember Nick Clegg used to work in the EU so he probably is expecting to get a cushy paycheck once he is kicked out of Westminster at the next election.

He has already proven himself a liar by breaking the one promise that his key constituents (students and the young) voted for him in the last election e.g no increases in University Student Fees, plus the much vaunted "Freedom Bill" which turned from a fine bill restoring the public's rights in a UK Police State to a law that prevented cars from being clamped.

In fact you can compare the original Freedom Bill here which was very quickly taken down from the Liberal Democrats websites as soon as they realized their "Protection of Freedoms Bill" was a watered down piece of toilet paper!

Whatever you think about the EU, I have never had a vote on whether I wanted to be in the EU, let alone the common market, the Euro, The Lisbon Treaty or any of the other treaties that have taken our national powers away from us bit by bit over the last few decades.

Therefore whether you want to be in Europe or not you should at least want a say in your own future.

Whatever you think about these two politicians at least they have the balls unlike the other leaders of the Labour and Tory party to talk in public about such important matters.

The first debate held on LBC radio and SkyNews last week

The second debate held this week on the BBC

View the original article Nigel Farage v Nick Clegg - The European Union In Or Out debate at the main site

 ©2014 Dark Politricks