Tuesday, 25 December 2012

The total hypocrisy when it comes to mouring over our own victims

The total hypocrisy when it comes to mouring over our own victims

By Dark Politricks

First off I would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog as much as I have enjoyed writing for it.

However not everyone today will be celebrating a happy Christmas. Not after the recent massacre in America, the terrible wars around the Middle East and the people dying at the hands of our military industrial complex.

After the Sandy Hook School Massacre America the rest of the western world, and probably much of the world we are not busy bombing and killing children in, cried for the victims if they heard about it in the news.

20 innocent children dead and 6 adults. What is not to be sad about there.

Now I am not looking at the causes of the massacre, the psychotic drugs, the availability of guns, the debate about  gun control or anything to do with the ease that someone can walk into a school and kill so many people - so quickly.

What I want to do is compare is the way we mourn and send out condolences and our best wishes to the victims of families in our own country to how we treat the child victims of our never ending war of terror i.e the US drone strikes that happen across the world on an almost daily basis.

From Pakistan to Yemen, from Somalia to Afghanistan the USA is killing 49 innocent people for every 1 "bad guy" with the use of their drones.

Because of the lack of mainstream media coverage, and the constant propaganda that these drone strikes are "surgical" and any civilian deaths are justified "collateral damage", we don't get to see the same close up personal tragedy and family stories of the victims as we do when it's our own children being shot dead.

We don't see the dead bodies involved in the drone strikes, the families grieving, the tears and all the outrage that must be felt by the victims families who had done nothing wrong except be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I spoke about the indoctrination we are all being fed the other day. In my eyes there is no worse form of indoctrination than that which conditions the new generation of soldiers - the Predator drone fliers. Brought up on a diet of PlayStation games that make them see shooting dozens of people dead as "fun" and "playful".

These game playing kids then go and work for the US military and sit behind screens in Las Vegas before killing people halfway across the world using similar controllers to the PlayStation's that they are so used to.

Maybe there was some psychology doctor that helped design the controllers thinking that the sub-conscious link the flier had between the job and the games they were so used to would make it "easier" to kill real life pixels as opposed to fake ones. Maybe it helped them relate their job to the "fun" they had playing "shoot the bad guy" at home.
"We modeled the controller after the PlayStation because that’s what these eighteen-, nineteen-year-old Marines have been playing with pretty much all of their lives.” - Unnamed military robotics researcher (source: Wired for War)
When FOX News and all the rest of the war machine propaganda tells you that we "don't kill kids" or that our drone strikes are very surgical and that we avoid the deaths of innocent people whenever possible they ARE LYING TO YOU!

This is an excerpt from a report about drone strikes that was reported by the German paper Der Spiegel and is mentioned in the video. It tells the story of how drone fliers in Las Vegas killed a child and when they started to question their actions they were told the victim was not a child but a dog - a two legged one at that. A conscience must be a hard thing to have working with drones.

A drone flier described a drone strike in the following words
"Bryant and his coworkers sat in front of  14 computer monitors and four keyboards. When Byrant pressed a button in New Mexico, someone died on the other side of the world. He remembers once incident very clearly when a Predator drone was circling in a figure-eight pattern in the sky above Afghanistan .... with seven seconds left to  go, there was no-one to be seen on the ground. Bryant could still have diverted the missile at that point. Then it was down to three seconds. Bryant felt as if he had to count each individual pixel on the monitor. Suddenly a child walked around the corner, he says.

Second zero was the the moment in which Bryant's digital world collided with the real one in a village between Baghlan and Mazar-e-Sharif. Byrant saw a flash on the screen: the explosion. Parts of the building collapsed. The child had disappeared. Bryant had a sick feeling in his stomach.

"Did we just kill a kid?" he asked the man sitting next to him.

"Yeah I guess that was a kid", the pilot replied

"Was that a kid" they wrote in the chat window on the monitor,

Then someone they didn't know answered, someone sitting in a military command center somewhere in the world who had observed the attack. "No that was a dog" the person wrote.

They reviewed the scene on a video. A dog on two legs?" - Der Spiegel

However it doesn't really matter in the US Defense Department's eyes whether it was a kid or not as long as he was over 8 years old as they have classified any male over the age of 8 as an enemy combatant until proven otherwise.

That means they can kill 8 year old boys and say they were terrorists unless their family make it all the way to a US embassy or military headquarters to prove otherwise - not very likely is it. No wonder they say their strike rates are so accurate when kids are legitimate targets.

What also riles me about the drone strikes is the lack of real reporting on the ground. If there were actual real reporters doing their job rather than sucking off heads of departments then maybe the people at home might know what is being done in their name.

Instead all we hear is how great the drones are. We never get to see the bodies and the grieving families like we do after a US school massacre. However the kids ages are the same, the names may be different but they are still someone's child.

One Yemeni reporter who tried reporting on the actual real nature of the casualties after a drone strike was sent to prison afterwards for trying to tell the truth. When the new President came in there was hope he was going to be released as the public were outraged that he was imprisoned for telling the true story of how drone strikes ruin peoples lives.

What stopped him from being released?

A phone call from President Obama.

He told the Yemeni President, or more likely blackmailed him with increased aid budget dollars fresh of the printing presses, to keep him in prison as he was a "terrorist". He didn't want real reports of the deaths and mayhem caused by the US's war of terror being told to people. No he preferred the propaganda and spin that everything was rosy and bright and the drone strikes shot sunbeams and flowers on the innocent whilst only killing those evil CIA linked al-Qaeda terrorists.

Yes that is your President America - someone who would rather a reporter who tries to tell the truth about your drone strike war rots in prison than have any real reporting of the casualties get out and be read by the American public.

And if you are sitting there thinking I don't really care OR they are all Muslims and terrorists - it doesn't matter if children and women get killed in the process. Then I ask you this:

Do you call yourself a Christian?

Are you celebrating Christmas today?

And if the answer is yes then ask yourself would Jesus discriminate between the deaths of children in Pakistan or Yemen and those in America?

Are not all innocent deaths equally sad and tragic?

Would Jesus only be crying over the deaths in a US school or would he see all child murders the same?

Is God as hypocritical and biased as some in the US Government are?

And if you are not a Christian then just be aware that these amazing drones are coming home to you. In fact they are already patrolling your skies.

How long will it be until police forces that are already planning to fly drones in the skies above your houses like those in Seattle or the Montgomery County Police Department who has just purchased a $300,000 Vanguard Shadowhawk drone with a grant provided by the Department of Homeland Security start to use deadly weapons on them instead of just cameras?

This Vanguard Shadowhawk drone has the capability to shoot tear gas and rubber bullets, as well as "taser projectiles."  How long before it is fitted with automatic machine guns and other deadly weapons.

As the ACLU Website says:
U.S. law enforcement is greatly expanding its use of domestic drones for surveillance. Routine aerial surveillance would profoundly change the character of public life in America. Rules must be put in place to ensure that we can enjoy the benefits of this new technology without bringing us closer to a “surveillance society” in which our every move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by the government. Drone manufacturers are also considering offering police the option of arming these remote-controlled aircraft with (nonlethal for now) weapons like rubber bullets, Tasers, and tear gas.
And a recent article entitled the coming drone attack on America explains how the US Government has recently allowed for the expansion of drones after a massive lobbying effort by the military industrial complex to use the technology at home.  I wonder how many Congressmen they really do have in their pockets?
"In February of this year, Congress passed the FAA Reauthorization Act, with its provision to deploy fleets of drones domestically. Jennifer Lynch, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, notes that this followed a major lobbying effort, "a huge push by […] the defense sector" to promote the use of drones in American skies: 30,000 of them are expected to be in use by 2020, some as small as hummingbirds – meaning that you won't necessarily see them, tracking your meeting with your fellow-activists, with your accountant or your congressman, or filming your cruising the bars or your assignation with your lover, as its video-gathering whirs." - The coming drone attack on America
Therefore if you are dismissive of foreign drone attacks killing innocent people then what will you think when the LAPD or NYPD start killing, tasering or firing rubber bullets into crowds of protesters or kill the wrong person due to bad decision making.

With all the corporations and banks considering buying their own drones, who will know for sure that a drone that fired a lethal shot at an Occupy protester was owned by a police force or a bank just trying to rid it's path protesters?

And if you don't worry about the government spying on you as you are in the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear brigade" then just think how easy it is for a terrorist living down your street to build a drone out of a remote control helicopter or plane and add a basic payload system to it.

Don't believe me - watch this video and be afraid, be very afraid!

Then ask yourself why you don't care as much about all the innocent deaths across the world caused by the US military killing 8 year old "enemy combatants" as you do with school children killed by your brilliant health system and your 2nd amendment gun rights.

Is it because you are hypocritical or is it because you just don't care about the drones coming back home to spy and attack US citizens.

View the original article "Happy Christmas – And the hypocrisy of only caring about “our” own victims" at my main site www.darkpolitricks.com.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

How privacy is becoming an antiquated concept

How privacy is becoming an antiquated concept

By Dark Politricks

It is amazing how much indoctrination we are submitted to throughout our lives and how little most people realise that they are being indoctrinated to accept a power system that subjugates and constricts our lives. It is through this indoctrination that our concept of privacy is slowly being eroded.

Indoctrination comes in many forms and has many purposes but the current major form of indoctrination is to condition the new generation of society that privacy is an ancient old fashioned concept.

Some of us old enough to remember the times before 9.11, and before that the growth of the Internet.
Both of these major events have affected the way democratic societies in the west have treated privacy and reduced limits on government and corporate snooping.

Here are just a few of the ways we are being conditioned to accept government spying and corporate control over our lives as nothing more than natural behaviour there to "protect us" from the all powerful evil terrorists that live under every rock and bush just waiting to pounce. 

1. Schools

Our schools are nothing more than factories for producing uneducated youth ready for the corporate jungle that will eat them up for low wages and little benefits. Instead of actual education in which they would learn useful information such as morality and where it comes from, philosophy, debating techniques, logic and reasoning. 

They are instead taught a minimum amount of knowledge to become good and obeying citizens ready for the low wage jobs that our service economy is now built upon.

Instead of the junk they are forced to fill their brains with they should be learning useful life enhancing tools such as history that teaches events from multiple points of view so as not to re-enforce any one sided indoctrination they may be getting from home by parents who have been through the same factory system of education themselves.

2. Computer Games

The most popular past time for school boys and girls today is the use of computer games. Whereas once kids played outside, kicking balls against walls, riding bikes in the woods and making their own entertainment they are instead indoctrinated into becoming soldiers of the future by playing war based games like Call of Duty and other games that involve killing "the enemy" en mass

We can see the output of this indoctrination with the use of PlayStation controllers used by drone controllers who sit in Las Vegas and kill dozens of people halfway across the world as if it were nothing but a game. These games are designed to de-sensitise boys at a young age and make it seem normal to kill people without thought or reason.

3. TV and Film

Television is the cancer of the brain that rots the unthinking from the inside. Whenever the rhetoric about war with Iran heats up there always seems to be films or TV programmes that are brought out at the same time to subtly influence the viewer into hating the enemy before any war starts.

From shows like NCIS, Person of Interest and 24 hours to films like The 300 and most recently the film Argo. They all influence the unwitting viewer into supporting domestic spying "for our own good" as well as US foreign policy. This might be about stirring up hatred for Iranians, justifying torture or supporting Israel and dismissing any freedom fighters as mere terrorists.

Whether this is just co-incidence or due to the strong links between the TV industry and pro-Israeli (and through them pro-war, neo-con) lobbyists, they all seem to be linked to current events. To the many dumb vessels that view these shows the underlying messages are taken in but not noticed consciously, to others who are aware of what is actually going on in the world they are signals of what is to come.

4. The Internet and Smart Phones

Whilst the Internet has undoubtedly been a force for good and allowed communication and the spread of information across the world it is now entering a stage where governments world wide are trying to limit these good aspects and instead use it as a tool to spy constantly on the public.

Whether it be CCTV cameras linked up to huge central databases through systems like TRAPWIRE or the ability for hackers (government or corporate) to remotely activate the microphone and webcam on your PC to listen and watch you, your laptop can be used as the ultimate spying tool for those who need it.

Not only has your PC and Phone become tracking devices that can pinpoint your location through inbuilt GPS devices or even just triangulation of phone masts as your phone constantly pings them to find the nearest and strongest signal. They are a means for the authorities to log and record your whereabouts and then store that information for a long period.

5. Privacy

Kids today are growing up with no concept of privacy. They post everything about themselves on the Internet on sites like Facebook and then live to regret them as they get older and go for job interviews. Nearly the first thing bosses do nowadays is search for your name online, using sites like www.123people.com to see what indiscretions their new employee might have got up to in earlier life.

Not only does the concept of having no privacy mean that people get used to being spied on constantly by CCTV cameras, satellites, phone companies, advertisers and the government. It also means that once our generation has gone the future children of the world will think nothing of RFID chips embedded everywhere to help them find information whilst logging their whereabouts at the same time or using their mobile phone instead of cash to pay for their shopping.

Anything that might seem helpful for the end-user also can be used for nefarious purposes and governments all over the western world are building huge data centres to hold all your banking transactions, the  locations of your travels, shopping habits and much more for time memorial "just in-case" something happens.

The nothing to hide, nothing to fear argument is often used at this point to justify this intrusive behaviour but do you really want your government looking back at you through your web camera as you read this article?

View the original article "I spy with my little eye" at www.darkpolitricks.com.

Monday, 10 December 2012

We are sleep walking into a surveillance society created by our own consent

We are sleep walking into a surveillance society created by our own consent

By Dark Politricks

Most of us don't even realise it but we are all sleep walking into a surveillance society by our own consent.

Here in the UK the previous governments plans to introduce identity cards were scrapped by the incoming Tory Liberal coalition and we were offered a watered down version of a very good Freedom Bill as an attempt to restore some lost liberties. However in the great scheme of things this has meant very little for the young generation who have grown up with the Internet.

The billions of users that make use of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and communicate by Skype and iPhones when they are not on the Internet can forget the old conspiracy theory that many people subscribed to regarding the micro-chipping of the population like dogs as it is no longer required because we are already living in a state of total surveillance where are every move is monitored.

Can you imagine someone living in the 1960's being told that in the future all the following would be true.

What would they say.

Would they call you a paranoid conspiracy freak or would they believe that we would have to be living in some of fascist government for all this to happen?

Whatever they would say I doubt they would believe you if you told them that it would all be by choice and that the public has willingly traded privacy for the the sake of consumerism and a fake sense of "security" from terrorism.

So what kind of world have we walked into?

  • A world in which all telephone and email conversations are routed through huge super computers run by western nations such as the USA, UK, Canada and Australia to look for suspicious content. The Echelon system has been running for decades now intercepting billions of communications between people and whilst it was originally set-up during the Cold War it has now progressed to general snooping on the population supposedly to aid the fight against terrorism but in reality it has been used for industrial espionage as well as other spurious and   probably illegitimate reasons.
  • A world in which millions of people have been slowly conditioned over time to consider privacy as an antiquated concept. Through the use of social media Internet sites such as Facebook and MySpace people post every conceivable kind of personal information from "checking in" to their current location, to tagging friends in photographs and posting details about their habits, hobbies and social activity. Whilst many people only see this as harmless fun the huge database that is generated is worth billions not only to advertisers who can then target specific adverts as well as government sources who have intimate links with companies such as Google, Mircorsoft and Facebook and see this data as a goldmine for recording networks of people and identifying possible malcontents for further investigation.
  • A world in which people have gotten so used to be spied on from the skies, through Google Earth, and monitored by CCTV and their computers that they can see nothing wrong with the full spectrum surveillance society they actively participating in. They actively search on Google Maps to see if they can spot their car, house or building as if it's "fun" to be recorded forever in a publicly accessible database as well as the myriad of government owned ones.

When the head of Google Eric Schmidt, the co-founder of Facebook Chris Hughes, and the creator of Microsoft, Bill Gates, all attend their yearly Bilderberg meeting we can only guess what they discussed with all the government officials who always deny being there and the globalists who want full control over the worlds resources.

Remember we are just a resource to these capitalists, nothing more, nothing less and if it meant an extra few bucks in profit to some company somewhere they wouldn't even ask before throwing us under a bus.

However we know that these companies are very closely linked with the US Government and the CIA and not only has Microsoft build in backdoors into their PC's so that the NSA can access computers but Google was helped to startup with CIA seed money and has helped American security agencies develop real time monitoring systems that trawl the net looking for data that can help identify persons of interest whether they be terrorists, dissidents or just people brave enough to still exercise their freedom of speech.

Our technological world which more and more people depend on for every day activities is slowly becoming part of the prison wall that surrounds us.

As new advances in computing come on the scene and get taken up by large numbers of users it isn't long before one of the big government linked companies come along and buy it up. Google has bought up so many applications that it has been a common joke in the developing world that the only profitable business model on-line is to write an application and hope it gets bought up Google.

An example of a recent buy-out was the popular but loss making Skype Voice over IP service that allowed users to make long distance phone calls over the Internet which was bought out by Microsoft for £5.2 billion.

Some people might wonder why Microsoft would want to spend so much money on a loss making service but when you consider their close ties with the NSA it becomes quite clear. Instead of having to spend huge amounts of money building tools to tap into the major Internet connections to then decrypt and listen into the traffic they now have access to the front end application.

Why build back doors when you have a front door key?

Why even open the door when the people using the house are willing to let you in and take photos of everything they have?

This is the stage our future generation is at with their constant finger flicking and tapping of the latest iPhone. Gadgets that let advertisers and the government know your interests, your friends, your plans, your whereabouts and much, much more.

Because the common Internet user perceive tools like Google Earth and Facebook as beneficial to their own lives they pay little attention to the other users of such tools and bit by bit we are slowly succumbing to a modern high tech police state in which soon the only privacy that will be available will be virtual worlds such as a better version of Second Life. A world where people can escape and be who they want to be as the world outside has become so cold and horrible to live in the only pleasure they get is pretending to be someone else, somewhere else.

All these points are signs that we are already living in a high tech surveillance society. You might brush all this off as inconsequential paranoia and see these intrusions as important tools in the never ending fight against terror and for most people it is most certainly a case of "if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about".

However we only have to remember the years of communism in which hunts for dissidents and free thinkers were the primary job of the Stasi and KGB to realise that when such a huge spy apparatus exists the scope of it's remit only grows and grows until the number of innocent people caught up in its web eventually outnumbers the guilty. America is already there with it's million citizens with high security clearance, it's dozens of security agencies and it's Orwellian double speak when it introduces bills that limit peoples liberties such as the PATRIOT ACT.

It for this reason that we should all be worried and if history teaches us anything it is that we never learn from it.

Our power hunger leaders are most certainly prone to repeating the worst excesses of previous surveillance states only this time round they will have super high tech tools with which to do the job.

For our own sake we need to keep a very close eye on the people that are supposedly meant to protect us as it might already be too late for logic and reason to reverse this move to neo-fascism. The fear of real and fake terrorists added to the excitement of a child with all the electronic monitoring toys they could posses is a lethal combination, and without proper balances and checks it will grow and grow until there is no stopping it.

One thing is for sure and that is we are not helping by just handing over our most private data and information.

View the original article at www.darkpolitricks.com.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Palestine had no choice but to seek membership at the UN

Palestine had no choice but to seek membership at the UN

By Dark Politricks

I am glad Palestine got their UN non member status despite threats and sanctions by the US and Israel but it my eyes it was the only thing they could do.

They had run out of options. The Intifada has obviously not worked and although worldwide public opinion had wildly swung behind their cause in recent years due to the Israeli's blatant disregard of international law and actions that have disgusted people nothing had changed in the Palestinians favour whilst Israel continues it's breaches of International law unabated. 

Actions such as Operation Cast Leadthe ignored Goldstone Reportthe Mavi Marmara assassinations (including of US citizens), the killing of peace demonstrators like Rachel Corrie and the recent attack on the blockaded Gaza.

These are all actions that instead of dividing and conquering, which was the aim when the Mossad set up Hamas to split the Palestinian resistance between Fatah and Hamas, has instead brought them back together over recent conflicts.

Whilst many people after the 2nd World War had sympathy with the Jewish Religion and their persecution that enabled them to enact out a self-fulfilling prophecy that saw Zionism break God's covenant with real Judaism by using politics, bribery, the Balfour Declaration and the Treaty of Versailles to realise their dream.  A minority were not. Over the years a new generation without first hand knowledge of the World War II has grown up. They see things very differently from their predecessors.

Whilst our parents and grand fathers suffered the horrors of the biggest world wide killing spree ever known, our generation has grown up in peace and we hold people of all countries to the same standard of behaviour including the USA and Israel. We cry out loud when we see hypocrisy at hand.

We were the generation that broke US/UK support for the Apartheid state of South Africa and held Free Nelson Mandela concerts that saw an "ex terrorist" released from a quarter of century in prison to lead his country and change the US/UK stance on the horrible anti black South Africa state. We are all hoping that international condemnation of Israeli actions will do the same for the Palestinian people.

We are the generation that sees the hypocrisy of an International Criminal Court which members like the USA can just "opt out of" because they don't want their killing squads, torture prisons, extraordinary rendition and drone strikes that kill more civilians than terrorists excused from international sanction whilst demanding it from other countries.

We are the generation that sees the outright double standards of the USA calling out other countries on "human right" abuses whilst they commit the same abuses in the name of "spreading democracy".

We also realise that the "War on Terror" con has been a way to allow politicians at home to gain dictatorial powers including the power to assassinate at will, spy on their citizens without warrants and use super computers the size of cities to trawl through personal data looking for "signs" of "terrorist activity". It is clear to us that the war on terror has been a massive fraud that has allowed our leaders to enact draconian policies at home that would otherwise cause outrage as the US constitution is flushed down the toilet.

And when it comes to Israel we are the generation that knows that the country in the desert DID have people living there before the Jews came after the war.

We also know that the IDF was born out of terrorist gangs like the Stern Gang and Irgun. Gangs that killed British soldiers and massacred Palestinians, driving them out their homes and refusing their return. Terrorist gangs that spawned some of the first leaders of Israel as well as the Israeli Defence Forces.

We see the two faced US UN ambassador claim on one hand we must intervene in Syria, Libya and Iran whilst ignoring the blatant massacres and human rights abuses in their allied countries of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and most importantly Israel. We know why they do it and we laugh when they accuse others of allowing crimes against humanity to continue whilst turning a blind eye to their own allies crimes.

Every time the US uses it's veto in the Security council to prevent sanctions on Israel it dilutes any creditably they have when they attack Russia or China for doing the same with their own allies such as Syria. You cannot have it both ways Uncle Sam!

Now Palestine is a non member status we can expect sanctions, the expansion of illegal settlements and other acts illegal under international law but allowed because of the USA's backing. Who is pulling the strings Israel or the USA and why does Obama not have the balls to stand up to Israeli behaviour now he doesn't have to worry about election funding?

Anyone expecting Obama to stand up to AIPAC and the Israeli lobby and demand they move ahead with a proper peace process is likely to be disappointed.

Bibi and co probably have a book a foot wide of indiscretions Obama committed before gaining the highest office in the land and that is probably the reason America always seems to elect drug users, ex alcoholics and sexual deviants as President. They are all easily bribed.

We cannot expect the US to be a fair broker anymore in this age old conflict and despite what Zionists say the Palestinians had no other route to getting some form of resolution to their plight.

They are supposed to be agreeing final borders as defined in the Camp David and Oslo accords but Israel has delivered nothing to them but expanded illegal settlements and a giant wall blocking them from their neighbours as well as the illegal blockade of Gaza.

Likud, the ruling party of Israel is a right wing party that survives only on drumming up the thought of annihilation from non existent threats.

Without the existential threat of Iran being rammed down Israelis throats every day and the tit for tat skirmishes when Israel chose to kill the Hamas leader who brokered a cease fire just so that Hamas would retaliate and they could bomb the concentration camp of Gaza. 

This happened just before their next general elections and it is no surprise there but without this constant war footing there would be no need for these right wing nutters. Therefore it is in their interest to always exaggerate threats from abroad and claim the only way to defend themselves is by war not peace.

Israel has no-one to blame but themselves. It is their attitude and actions that has finally broken the straw and caused Palestine to go to the UN. If they truly wanted real peace and security they would have sat down and talk many years ago - however they were looking for any excuse not to go down this route.

If they want continual war, pariah status on the level of South Africa before the end of apartheid and even possible total destruction they are going about it the right way. The ball is in their court now if they really want peace they have every opportunity to show it to the world that is fastly turning against them.

You can view the original article about "Palestine had no choice but to seek membership at the UN" at the main Dark Politricks site here: www.darkpolitricks.com

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Get Corruption Out Of Our Politics - 75% of Americans Agree!

Get Corruption Out Of Our Politics - 75% of Americans Agree!

By Dark Politricks

This is a YoungTurks video about getting corruption out of politics and is a leader to my article and a subsequent video.

This second video shows how people from any political persuasion whether it be from the left or right of politics, green, libertarian, conservative or liberal can actually get corruption out of politics and gives us a road map to doing so.

75% of people across the country agree that big money = votes and there are some very surprising stats in the next video which show how very few people actually control Congress and the Presidential Elections through their use of their money.

These "influencers" are literally in the hundreds!

Whilst everyone may have a vote to chose their President or Congressman, the power of money influences the choices brought before the electorate in the first place.

The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court was a decision that was hated by Conservatives and Liberals alike.

Crony Capitalism and Corporate Interests overriding the public interest has been firmly cemented into the US political arena and with most ex-politicians becoming K-Street Lobbyists there is a series of revolving doors that prevents change from occurring within the establishment.

It's akin to asking to a builder to stop laying bricks and not get paid. Nearly all politicians act in their OWN interest and not the PUBLIC INTEREST.

My own essays have repeatedly called for getting money out of politics so that politicians don't have to sell their soul to the devil to get elected and then re-elected. Personally I would also append term limits and a way to reduce the influence of lobbyists from politics from any grass up anti-corruption movement.

Politicians should take the wishes of the people who voted for them into consideration over any rich benefactor or paymaster and in this day and age we should not find it too hard with modern technology to give more power to interested people to influence decision making.

People who don't care about politics or know nothing about complex issues are likely to vote on gut feeling alone, the latest anti-immigrant leaflet that comes through their door or not bother voting at all.

People who are interested in the issues of the day do vote but are constantly dismayed over the lack of progress or gridlock in their own government that prevents real change from ever occurring.

We currently have an over reaching US government that has broken free from the constraints of the constitution.

Starting wars without consent, constant spying of their citizens, and ignoring the "piece of paper" that is there to limit NOT expand the Presidents executive power. It is actions like these that make the ignorant or carefree politically active.

In my own country the UK it is the same, the 3 main parties are all fighting over centre ground and there is no real choice.

For a new party or a small one like UKIP or the Greens to have any influence at home only a fairer system in which televised political debates involve more parties and new parties can get on the ladder. We need every party to be able to fight on an even footing if it is to be fair for the future.

In this regard I can only see publicly funded elections as a means to bringing more political parties to the forefront.

To prevent a two man band of crazies getting the same amount of money as a major party the amount of public purse given to any political party should be decided on the number of votes they can muster. The better they do the more money they get.

Further money should only come from small donations and not big business looking to block the next big issue on the horizon.

There are a lot of choices out there for anyone looking to change the current way our governments work. However the most important aim is to reduce the influence of a tiny few super rich people and give more "real" choice to the people when they go to vote.

The next video shows how corrupt the current system is and gives the people a route to changing it.

View the original article about getting corruption out of our politics at www.darkpolitricks.com

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Anoynmous and the Al-Quds Brigade hack IDF Forces and Israeli Computer Systems and prevent a Republican President from stealing the US election!

Anoynmous and  the Al-Quds Brigade hack IDF Forces and Israeli Computer Systems and prevent a Republican President from stealing the US election!

By Dark Politricks

Recently we have had Anonymous claim to have used the "Great Oz Firewall" to prevent Karl Rove and co steal the American election.

This was by blocking his own hack attempts into key computers in swing states such as Iowa and Florida to switch votes over from Obama to Romney as apparently happened in 2000 and 2004.

Apparently a "power cut" occurred at exactly the same time this year as it did in 2004 and allowed the company connected to the Republicans to hook into electronic voting machines and toggle votes over to from the Democratic candidate to his opponent i.e. George W Bush.

If these claims by Anonymous are true then it truly is a shocking indictment of US politics and elections and just shows that even in democracies elections can be stolen.

It would certainly explain Karl Roves outburst on FOX News when he couldn't believe that Iowa had been declared so prematurely.

Was he expecting something to happen, a power cut maybe, one that maybe occurred but didn't have the desired effect due to the Great OZ Firewall Anonymous claims to have introduced to prevent this from occurring?

This is what Anonymous said before the election and indicated that they were watching Karl Roves attempts to influence the outcome by vote switching.

Then the other day when Israel started Operation Pillar of Defense, their latest attack on Gaza, Anonymous claimed to have infiltrated Israeli computer systems.

This included stealing thousands of email addresses and passwords, hacking hundreds of Israeli Web sites including government-owned ones as well as privately owned pages. They also hacked Israeli databases belonging to the Bank of Jerusalem and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A quote from their report on their attack which can be read in full here says:
Let us once again be perfectly clear: Anonymous does not in any way support the use of violence. Anonymous is a world wide collective of individuals whose means pursue human rights, justice, and universal equality for the citizens of every nation.

Pro-Israeli groups throughout the world have grown from a foundation of Israeli/US propaganda and lies. They arbitrarily dismiss the apartheid system of racial segregation and oppression imposed by the Israeli government on the Palestinian people. The fact of the matter is, in the eyes of the media, only the United States and it’s allies are capable of labelling another state or organization as a terrorists.

Throughout our campaign, we've been inundated with one response in particular; references to Hamas hiding in school buildings or using women and children as human shields. Selective memory seems to have given pro-Israeli organizations the ability to forget that in 2005 Israeli Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz appeared in court to defend the practice of using Palestinians as human shields in combat after a supreme court outlawed the practice, noting it violated International Law.

The reasons for Anonymous intervention through #OpIsrael should be abundantly clear: What is happening in Palestine is oppression. They have no navy, no army, or air force. There is no war in Gaza. There is only the continuous application of military force by Israel in an attempt to push every last person out of the Palestinian state, despite international laws that make these efforts illegal.
Then we also learn that the Al-Quds Brigades' intelligence apparatus was able on Saturday to penetrate 5000 mobile phones that belong to Zionist soldiers who are taking part in the offensive against Gaza, and send them warning messages in Hebrew that said:
"We will turn Gaza into a graveyard for your soldiers, and will turn Tel Aviv into flames (Al-Quds Brigades)".
This faction further published files that belong to Zionist soldiers and that included important information (personal papers, names, birthdays, duties, private and work phone numbers, emails, jobs, positions, ID numbers, ages, and addresses). A scare tactic that is one of the few open to them at the moment as thousands of IDF troops amass on the border of Gaza ready to attack the population as they did in Operation Cast Lead.

It seems that whilst Israel and the USA can create the Stuxnet and Flame viruses to take out nuclear installations. The availability of easily downloadable hacking software gives even the smallest army or protest group the chance of fighting back, and anyone can help hack the "enemy" whoever they may be.

Warfare of every kind has truly been changed by the Internet.

View the original article at darkpolitricks.com.

Friday, 16 November 2012

The countdown to the US veto on Israeli actions in Gaza starts now

The countdown to the US veto on Israeli actions in Gaza starts now

By Dark Politricks

I am guessing here, but as Israel launches another war on the blockaded Gaza I expect they thought they would have a different President in office.

Someone who Bibi got on a bit better with than Obama and someone who had probably already given him the green light to go ahead with Operation Pillar of Defense as soon as he won the PresidencyThis is the brilliant name they are calling their new onslaught on the cornered in population of Gaza, Operation Cast Lead 2 - the Sequel.

Maybe Obama gave him the same promise as well, I don't know. The final televised debate was definitely a blatant attempt by the two candidates to show Israel who loved them the most and history shows that it doesn't matter who sits in the Oval Office they will always allow Israel to bomb, assassinate and kill their neighbours as they see fit.

If anyone is holding any hope that President Obama has any balls whatsoever to stand up to the Israeli lobby now that he doesn't have to worry about their campaign financing for another election they will surely be disappointed. There is little difference in the Democratic or Republican party when it comes to areas of hypocrisy and warmongering.

However as I watched the news coverage last night something stuck in my mind that one of the presenters said.

As Israel killed 2 kids and called it "collateral damage" on the way to blowing up the chief military commander of HamasAhmed Jabari, someone said - imagine if it was the other way round.
The USA wanted the Palestinians to have a democratic election and they did. They just didn't like the outcome of it - democracy our way or none at all is their mantra.

However Hamas was democratically elected and it is a political party.

If Palestine is to become a proper nation, with borders then it is to have a police force as well as some form of defensive force. 

Therefore it's leaders, however much you might despise them, are leaders of their "country" and rulers of their government in the same way as Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak are leaders of Israel, Obama and Hilary are of the USA and David Cameron and Nick Clegg are in the UK.

However even though the Israeli Defence Force was born out of the early terrorist gangs that killed hundreds of British soldiers and Palestinians in their "fight for freedom" by assassinating soldiers and blowing up buildings such as the King David Hotel it seems as if it's one rule for the Israeli's and one for the Palestinians.

Therefore when Ahmed Jabari, the military head of Hamas was killed yesterday, he was the direct equivalent of the Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak.

We all know that it's a fine line between "freedom fighter" and "terrorist" as this article makes clear, but just imagine if Hamas had killed Ehud Barak in the same way Israel had killed Ahmed Jabari yesterday.

How many Palestinians in Gaza would be left to tell the tale? I doubt very many.

Maybe it's actions like this new onslaught against Gaza that led to a study that was commissioned by the US Intelligence Community into continued US support of illegal Israeli actions. This report comprised of 16 American intelligence agencies including:

The Departments of the Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Defense Intelligence Agency, Departments of Energy, Homeland Security, State, Treasure, Drug Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.

This 82 page study was called “Preparing For A Post Israel Middle East”, and concluded that the American national interest was fundamentally at odds with that of Zionist Israel as it prevented normal US relations with Middle Eastern countries and the rest of the world. It's main conclusions were:
  • Israel, given its current brutal occupation and belligerence cannot  be salvaged any more than apartheid south Africa could be when as late as 1987 Israel was the only “Western” nation that upheld diplomatic ties with South Africa and was the last country to join the international boycott campaign before the regime collapsed;
  • The Israel leadership, with its increasing support of the 700,000 settlers in illegal colonies in the occupied West Bank is increasing out of touch with the political, military and economic realities of the Middle East;
  • The post Labor government Likud coalition is deeply complicit with and influenced by the settlers’ political and financial power and will increasingly face domestic civil strife which the US government should not associate itself with or become involved with;
  • The Arab Spring and Islamic Awakening has to a major degree freed a large majority of the 1.2 billion Arab and Muslims to pursue what an overwhelming majority believe is the illegitimate, immoral and unsustainable European occupation of Palestine of the indigenous population;
  • Simultaneous with, but pre-dating  rapidly expanding Arab and Muslim power in the region as evidenced by the Arab spring, Islamic Awakening and the ascendancy of Iran, as American power and influence recedes,  the US commitment to belligerent oppressive Israel is becoming impossible to defend or execute consistent given paramount US national interests which include normalizing relations with the 57 Islamic countries;
  • Gross Israeli interference in the internal affairs of the United States through spying and illegal US arms transfers. This includes supporting more than 60 ‘front organizations’ and  approximately 7,500 US officials who do Israel’s bidding and seek to dominate and intimidate the media and agencies of  the US government which should no longer be condoned;
  • That the United States government no longer has the financial resources, or public support to continue funding Israel. The billions of dollars in direct and indirect aid from US taxpayers to Israel since 1967 is not affordable and is increasingly being objected to by US taxpayers who oppose continuing American military involvement in the Middle East. US public opinion no longer supports funding and executing widely perceived illegal US wars on Israel’s behalf. This view is increasingly being shared by Europe, Asia and the International public;
  • Israel’s segregationist occupation infrastructure evidenced by  legalized discrimination and increasingly separate and unequal justice systems must no longer be directly or indirectly funded by the US taxpayers or  ignored by the US government;
  • Israel has failed as a claimed democratic state and continued American financial and political cover will not change its continuing devolution as international pariah state;
  • Increasingly,  rampant and violent racism exhibited among Jewish settlers in the West Bank is being condoned by the Israeli government to a degree  that the Israel government has become its protector and partner;
  • The expanding chasm among American Jews objecting to Zionism and Israeli practices, including the killing and brutalizing of Palestinians under Israeli occupationare gross violations of American and International law and raise questions within the US Jewish community regarding the American responsibility to protect (R2P) innocent civilians under occupation;
  • The international opposition to the increasingly apartheid regime can no longer be synchronized with American claimed humanitarian values or US expectations in its bi-lateral relations with the 193 member United Nations;
  • The Draft ends with language about the need to avoid entangling alliances that alienate much of the World and condemn American citizens to endure the consequences.
I wonder whether the actions of the Israeli government in Gaza yesterday and over the next days (and maybe even weeks) will have any effect on the authors of this study and US actions towards Israel.

It is certainly clear that certain parts of the US Defence Apparatus don't like Israel's unilateral actions in the Middle East so I wonder whether Operation Pillar of Defense will actually change President Obama's governments actions towards Israel in any way. Or more likely will he continue to slavishly bend over and let the Israeli's get away with another war on a civilian population with nowhere to run to for refuge as Israel breaks international law once again.

The countdown to the US veto on Israeli actions in Gaza starts now.

View the original article at www.darkpolitricks.com