Sunday 15 August 2021

Can we just leave Afghanistan alone for a hundred years at least now?

The Taliban Retake Afghanistan in 4 days after the US military pack up and leave.

By Dark Politricks

I guess the Taliban are now the worlds best equipped army with American weapons apart from the US, considering the American army just left Bagram Airbase full of stock, leaving everything behind as they left, forgetting to tell the Afghan army they had trained, that they were leaving.

Then within days, the Taliban moved on the base and took over billions of dollars worth of weapons, guns, rocket launchers, helicopters and Humvee's as the Afghan army forgot they were supposed to be fighting them and instead handed everything over and decided to join them on their march to Kabul.

I think the US really needs to plan their exit strategy better next time so they don't end up making a rag tag army of locals into a well equipped modern army that could take most countries on.

Do any of the Taliban know how to fly a helicopter though?

I suppose it doesn't matter, the Afghan Army, who the US paid billions of tax payers $$ to train, will show them how to.

Biden said recently that Kabul would not fall because the Afghan army was 300,000 strong, and the best trained and equipped as any in the world.

Shame nearly all of them just laid down their weapons to the oncoming Taliban and joined them.


Can you imagine if the Taliban decided they were really pissed at getting invaded all the time Russia->War Lords->US/UK/NATO and going all the way back to Alexander the Great and they went on the offensive with all their free US military hardware?

From their point of view, an invader is another invader, they have had lots over the years. Everyone just wants to bomb their weddings and blow up their homes and piss on their Korans and cause outrage around the world.

It is sad that the women will be forced back into cloth bags and 12yr old girls will be married off though.

Lets just hope they don't start blowing up more Buddhist statues and shooting people in football stadiums as they used to just before the US invaded them after 9.11, chasing shadows, and a man who was probably already dead if truly on kidney dialysis as was claimed.

In 2002 Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease and had two dialysis systems shipped to Afghanistan when he lived there.

I really don't understand if he was on dialysis how he managed to traverse the mountains of Afghanistan holding a drip behind him. Who knows, maybe like Saddam Hussein he could have had many doppelgangers. The photos the US showed just before every election with new speeches from bin-Laden as his hair got darker and his nose got fatter sure do seem to tell that story.

Of course all the propaganda pushed by the CIA, of bin-Laden liking porn videos and having a micro penis, were all designed to inflame the Muslim population and make him a laughing stock back home.

If only those SEAL Team 6 soldiers had turned their cameras on their helmets on when they killed bin-Laden in Pakistan. A man whose neighbour claimed on TV the very next day but never to be heard of again was NOT bin-Laden, if only they could have taken a photo of him BEFORE they shot him.

That was the US excuse for not showing a photo, it was too bloody, but as all the SEAL TEAM 6 had camera's on their helmets they should have been able to take a photo before they killed him for the world to see.

I guess it was just unlucky that all their cameras failed to work at the same time, and then 22 SEALs from the elite ‘Team Six’ unit that killed Osama bin Laden lost their lives to a "lucky shot" by RPG's fired by the Taliban. I doubt it was any kind of message to "shut you mouth" to the rest of SEAL TEAM 6 of course, that would just be conspiracy madness.....

However compare the capture and parading around of Saddam Hussein, and even the videoing of him being hanged that snuck out, to the no pics, killing of a man who was supposedly the evil mastermind behind 9.11. Osama bin-Laden, who was just tossed in the sea despite Saudi Arabia saying they would take his body.

This master of evil behind the war on terror, who Obama said had to be killed before the war would end however was not the finishing point of the pointless war. Once he was killed, did the war end. No it just moved around the globe from coups in South America and Eastern Europe, to invading Syria and bombing Iranian diplomats at Iraqi airports.

However there were reports in Saudi papers of bin-Ladens funeral in 2001, and that his son visited his grave, also Benazir Bhutto claimed on an interview that "everyone knew" bin-Laden had been dead for years - so what were the US doing in the Stan apart from protecting poppy fields and importing them back on planes just like Vietnam.

I really want to know though if he was in the Stan, how he was able to outrun the NATO forces time and time again carrying his dialysis machine behind him - oh yeah - he had that massive cave fortress, that Dick Cheney showed us in that cartoonish picture. Fitted with hospital rooms, training facilities, bedrooms, gyms, massage parlours, the whole shebang - it was a miracle mountain hide out for any James Bond villain to live in.

I tried to find the comical picture we were shown on TV at the time but it's almost as if it's been wiped off the web. Now who would want to do such a thing?

The nearest I got was this image about how the US troops cleared out bin-Laden's Tora Bora mountain strong hold. Now just imagine this picture without the soldiers and lots of little rooms on 3 levels throughout the mountain, that would be more like the picture we were all shown of his hide out in the mountains.

Did we ever get to see a real life image of this massive hollowed out mountain with secret entrances and hospitals inside? I can't remember seeing anything but dusty old hollowed out tunnels, but then the US politicians such as Cheney and Powell said it existed, just like the WMD in Iraq, so I guess it must be true......

Biden said that this was not like the fall of Saigon, and you would not see helicopters rescuing American diplomats from the roof of their embassies then guess what, lots of video came out showing exactly that.

Invading other people's homeland's on any pretext just isn't right unless that country like NAZI Germany is threatening to go off and take over other countries.

If we actually DID fight for the oppressed and to help the people of the world we would be at war with China now, who are keeping a million ethnic Uighurs and other Turkic-speaking Muslims being held in Xinjiang’s concentration, oh sorry, re-education camps, according to a U.N. report released in August.

But no, war these days is about making money for the lobbyists that fill the halls of Washington, pushing for the invasion of this country or that, just so they can fleece the American tax payer some more by over charging them for weapons and kit.

We may not like the Taliban's 12 century Islamic ideals but we cannot force democracy on a country that does not want it. I think the last 20 years of a failed attempt in Afghanistan proves that point.

All the Taliban asked for was some "proof" that bin-Laden was behind the 9.11 attacks, which he wasn't, even the FBI most wanted list didn't list that crime against his name due to the lack of evidence.

However the US were too gung ho to offer another country some proof that their guest had committed the attacks when apparently after 190+ water boarding's we find out it was all KLM's idea anyway. That is of course if you don't want to really look into 9.11 and see all the Israeli and Saudi involvement in the attacks.

I think the USA should give the constant war against a word, "terror", a miss for a while.

Americans and Brits have lost liberties and freedoms that Bush claimed the Taliban hated us for, and we just handed them over to the government and said "protect us".

Therefore taking George W Bush's speech at face value, the US basically lost their war on terror as soon as the PATRIOT act was signed.

They have lost in Afghanistan, lost in Iraq, and lost in Vietnam. I guess just having the best fighting toys in the world doesn't mean a toss if you're fighting a guerrilla war against a people who one minute sit down and drink tea with you then the next are shooting at you.

All the locals see is another invading army wanting to change their customs and kill them.

From Wikipedia that 100% fact checked and totally honest log of history comes a list of invaders of Afghanistan over the years....

Afghanistan is a mountainous landlocked country at the crossroads of Central and South (Southern) Asia.[1][2] Some of the invaders in the history of Afghanistan include the Maurya Empire, the Greek Empire of Alexander the Great of Macedon, Rashidun Caliphate, the Mongol Empire led by Genghis Khan, the Timurid Empire of Timur, the Mughal Empire, various Persian Empires, the Sikh Empire, the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and most recently a coalition force of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) troops, the majority from the United States, which entered the country in the first-ever invocation of NATO's Article 5 "an attack on one is an attack on all" following the September 11 attacks in the United States.
The country is now entitled the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and has a democratically-elected government. However since American withdrawal, the Taliban has regained 100% of the territory. >
Can we just leave the country alone for a bit, I know it a key area in the Grand Chessboard, and has been used for attacks on India but really, no-one ever manages to keep the country, and they are all eventually defeated.

We can not introduce Western Values by bombing weddings and funerals and firing $500k hellfire missiles into mud huts that had already been struck multiple times by similar weapons.

The only winners in this war were the MIC, who made billions from inflated prices, arming the US military, over-charging them for bombs and guns, boots and kit.

They must be looking at a globe in their Washington offices at the moment just trying to pick out a new enemy in their never ending war OF terror.

By Dark Politricks

© 2021 Dark Politricks

Sunday 8 August 2021

Twitter Cancels Me......

Twitter Decides I Am Spreading Misinformation 

By Dark Politricks

Well tonight as I went onto Twitter in BRAVE, I found myself taken to a special page as I started to write a Tweet.

It told me I had been banned for spreading misinformation on the COVID Vaccines.

It then showed the tweet underneath. I would embed it if I could, obviously, and just wish I had taken a screenshot now before it was too late.

The thing is that the Tweet did not even mention vaccines, it talked about a conspiracy maybe being true but about the rich DAVOS 1% of 1% who have made billions from our worldwide lockdowns and was 100% true.

It went roughly something like this.....
"I guess the conspiracy over COVID might be true, if the DAVOS crowd invested in companies developing DNA/RNA vaccines before the outbreak, did a war game exercise of how a SARS type virus would spread and the likely re-action to it, and how did Dr Fauci know to state that there would be a pandemic under Trump's Presidency..."
So not really anything about taking or not taking a medical procedure that countries are forcing people to have and then creating a two tier society of people with COVID passports and those without. People who can enter most shops, bars, cinemas and clubs with the flash of Smart Phone app - or paper if you don't have a smart phone. Then those who have not taken the vaccine either on religious, moral or heath advice.

However my Tweet was not about any of that. 

It was about the fact that a very small group of men and women have profited off our misery during the pandemic, almost as if they knew a virus outbreak was on it's way, I cannot prove that but the fact they were buying up shares in companies doing DNA/RNA vaccines, and investing in companies that they knew would be doing very good business in a locked up society such as Amazon and Microsoft does sound more than a coincidence.

It is also about the fact that they had ample time to prepare for those pandemic due to the "Dark Winter" simulations run earlier in 2019 that were a pre-cursor to the real pandemic which you can read about here: Dark Winter Pandemic Simulations..

Why would billionaires be buying up shares in vaccine companies and why would Dr Fauci when told by President Obama to stop his "gain of function" virus tests go ahead with another company to run them in the WuHan laboratory and state publicly that there would be a pandemic during Trump's Presidency.

So I wasn't telling anyone on Twitter to get a vaccine or not to get one due to conspiracy theories that the vaccine changed your DNA, or was a wrapper for some other type of disease that would later on spread a different virus, more deadlier to those who got vaccinated. 

There are a load of stupid theories going around but what is not fake news, or a made up story is the FACT that the DAVOS members made billions during the pandemic by investing in companies who would see their share price rocket and the question is how did they know to do that at just the right time?

It was only a question about how did they know to invest in companies and make billions from companies that were going to produce the vaccines that the world's populations would be taking.

So as my old @darkpolitricks Twitter account is in suspended status with no more tweets going onto it, I have changed the side bar to use my backup account @darkpoltweeter, which you can follow on Twitter, DM or message me there.

I have also created a new newspaper from that Twitter account which I have put on this site at the top. I don't know what features I will lose in 5 days when my "trial" is up as the paper I had before was based on Tweets, Videos and Stories and didn't really change in the free version.

So there you go. The culling has begun!

How long will I last, who knows......

By Dark Politricks

© 2021 Dark Politricks

Monday 2 August 2021

Utopia P2P – A new de-centralised censorship-free and secure decentralized ecosystem

Should we all move to UTOPIA?

By Dark Politricks

I came across this advert on my site, and went into have a look as it seemed interesting, and indeed it is. 

It seems to be offering the ability to communicate with other people without worrying about being tracked, intercepted, or hacked by companies or intelligence agencies.

I watched the video and it looked quite good, giving us all the standard blurb about Companies, Governments, and Intelligence agencies watching your every move on the current Internet using tools like PRISM and XKeyScore with the NSA forcing computer companies to install patches that give them back door access to your devices without you knowing about it.

Everything is stored and analysed, GPS location, preferences on websites, private messages, and other information which is being stored and collected by not just companies like

I do like the last line from the advert, "Freedom is not given it has to be taken..", very true, and we have been handing our freedoms away for protection against the very often manufactured "war on terror". A never ending war, designed to replace the Cold War, and keep the money rolling into the MIC's pockets as governments go to fight around the world.

They are constantly chasing and manufacturing new terrorist threats. Many which are actually made up from CIA or other intelligence agencies backing and training them, with Saudi or Qatari support. 

Or at home in the USA the FBI, used under cover agents and informers to plant ideas inside others heads like the recent attempt to kidnap the Michigan Govenor, Gretchen Whitmer. In fact, the men who were arrested for hatching the plot allege that without coercion from FBI informants, the plot may never have materialized. They arrested 13 men but 12 of them were FBI informants, who played a large role in fomenting the plan, as BuzzFeed News said the informants "had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception.".

Just look at the mess Syria is in, with America basically invading a third of Syria to steal it's oil, and to starve the Syrians by controlling their wheat fields, as well as protecting the last enclaves of jihadists they has trained to other throw Syrian President Assad. 

He went and got the help from Russia and Iran to clear these ISIS / DAESH terrorists out and they were nearly done apart from Idlib. However the Western Axis of War has taken control of that area and is now protecting them from being flushed out of Syria completely.

The US has no right to be there, they have broken international law by just invading a country with no legitimate reason. 

At least Russia and Iran were invited to the country to help the Syrians fight off the western backed rebels ISIS, al-Nusra, Free Syrian Army, plus the many others including al-Qaeda who I thought were supposed to be the USA's mortal enemy after 9.11 yet they are supporting and training them and their "offshoots" in Syria. 

It is yet another despotic attack by the USA on another country who stirred up a small civil unrest making it seem larger than it was, then saying Assad had no legitimacy, using fake gas attacks to blame on him for breaching the USA's "red lines", under Obama. Something that has been totally debunked by the whistle-blowers from the OPCW, and reported but hardly spread by the mainstream media at all.

We all know about the revelations of Edward Snowden and how the NSA have programs like PRISM and XKeyScore that enable them to track someone online or in real time with easy search tools, aided by the help of Google, so that they can use a nice search engine type format to just enter someone's name, email address or phone no to get information on them and then hack into devices that the person owns.

All with the help of a corrupt FISA court that never turns down requests for phone tapping warrants and there you go, that's how Tucker Carlson got caught up in a now admitted NSA spying plot due to him being engaged with some individuals the NSA was watching as his FOX NEWS team tried to use those men to arrange an interview with Russian President Putin.

Watch this advert for the de-centralised encrypted app Utopia, and it seems to offer quite a lot of features including, private encrypted messaging and emails that cannot be intercepted by anyone, not even the NSA

You can even build anonymous websites inside this domain that uses new de-centralised technology to keep everyone secret, as the advert on this page > says "Make your website or streaming service securely and anonymously available inside Utopia by configuring Packet Forwarding for any of your uNS records. By tunnelling data between the user who owns a uNS name and any other network user. This allows websites to be hosted inside Utopia."

You can even transfer money between people, no wonder it is called Utopia, lets just hope it is not a creation of the CIA or NSA, to get everyone on board so they can watch us eh! 

I wouldn't be surprised if it were a way to get people off the dark net which is becoming very unstable due to the number of sites being removed due to law enforcement crackdowns.

Is UTOPIA a replacement for TOR and the ability to create a whole new "de-centralised" Internet, with websites, email, messaging, money transfers?

Apparently the foundation of Utopia’s economy is an internal Cryptocurrency – Crypton. Users can buy, sell, exchange, or even mine coins via special built-in tools. So you can be making money just by using it.

What do you think?

I am downloading it now and taking it for a spin!

By Dark Politricks

© 2021 Dark Politricks