Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Our Own Intelligence Proves Syrian Rebels Commited Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

Our Own Intelligence Proves Syrian Rebels Commited Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

By Dark Politricks

Please do not take the MSM bullshit you are being spoon fed over Syria as gospel.

As I laid out in my recent article, there is a LOT of evidence that shows that the Syrian Rebels carried out the recent (and previous) chemical weapons attacks in Syria, so that the Assad regime would be blamed and the US cavalry could ride in to rescue the Syrian rebels.

Rebels, which have been recently on the  back foot in their fight against Assad and his forces.

Rebels, which have been taken over by Islamic Jihadists including al-Qaeda and their offshoots including the al-Nusra Front.

Rebels, who we are supposed to believe are "moderates", yet they fill the Internet with videos that show Free Syrian Army commanders eating the entrails of dead Syrian army bodies.

Or videos that show the black clad, Jihadists, swear allegiance to al-Qaeda and promise to attack the west.

Or rebels who execute their prisoners, or villagers who refuse to convert to Islam at gunpoint, or just anyone who isn't one of "them" it seems.

Now we have actual evidence from Washington that prove that the USA KNOW the Syrian rebels are carrying out these atrocities. They also know the rebels are NOT moderates as some Senators like John Crash 3 planes McCain claim, and are instead full of Jihadists of the same ilk who supposedly flew planes into the the Twin Towers on 9.11.

This evidence comes from a number of sources including Pentagon veteran Michael Maloof who gave an interview laying out his evidence which came from a classified US intelligence report.

In this document, the U.S. military confirms that sarin gas WAS confiscated earlier this year from members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the most influential of the rebel Islamists fighting in Syria and the most hardline al-Qaeda linked Jihadists fighting in Syria.

The document says sarin from al-Qaida in Iraq made its way into Turkey and that while some was seized during a raid by Turkish security forces, more could have been used in an attack last March on civilians and Syrian military soldiers in Aleppo.

Turkish special anti-terror forces arrested 12 suspected members of the Al-Nusra Front, the al-Qaeda affiliated group which has been dubbed "the most aggressive and successful arm" of the Syrian rebels, in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

This classified document, which was not for foreign distribution came from the U.S. intelligence community's National Ground Intelligence Center. It revealed that al-Qaeda in Iraq had produced a bench-scale form of sarin in Iraq and then transferred it to Turkey.

A U.S. military source said there were a number of interrogations as well as some clan reports as part of what the document said were 50 general indicators to monitor progress and characterize the state of the ANF/AQI-associated Sarin chemical warfare agent developing effort.

The document depicted the US assessment of the status of their effort at the researching and procurement activities of the rebels when it came to their weapons.

The May 2013 seizure of chemical weapons in Syrian rebels hands occurred when Turkish security forces discovered a two-kilogram cylinder with sarin gas while searching homes of Syrian militants from the al-Nusra Front in Turkey.

The sarin gas was found in the homes of suspected Syrian Islamic radicals detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia.

The gas was allegedly going to be used to carry out an attack in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

Also, according to the military and strategic analyst Brig. Ali Maqsoud, the chemical weapons attack was definitely carried out by Syrian rebels due to a massive defeat by the Syrian Army.

The so called "Chemical Weapons Front", or the Liwaa al-Islam forces, led by Zahran Alloush, the supreme leader of Liwaa al-Islam chose to use chemical weapons for two reasons.
1. They believed that only a chemical strike could stop the advance of the Syrian army which was routing them from their positions, and,

2. They believed the chemical attack would provoke a revenge US military strike that would deliver a strategic victory for the jihadists. A classic false flag attack.
Apparently these weapons were smuggled from al-Qaida in Iraq to Jobar, Syria, The chemical weapons were then loaded onto what Russian intelligence define as "rockets [which] were manufactured domestically to carry chemicals." They were then launched from an area controlled by Liwaa al-Islam.

Brig. Ali Maqsoud is convinced the chemical weapons strike was launched at the behest of Washington and on Washington’s orders.
"In the end, we can say that this post-strike US escalatory rhetoric aims to achieve two things. The first is strengthening the US position as leader of the opposition and imposing conditions in preparation for the negotiating table. The second is changing the power balance on the ground and stopping the Syrian army’s advance"
You can read the full article about the Syrian rebels attack with chemical weapons here.

And of course Russia has slammed the Wests interpretation of this UN report .

They have also said that they are prepared to hand over "proof" that the chemical weapons attack was carried out by Syrian Rebels and not President Assad's forces.

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said he will  will provide the UN Security Council with data proving that the chemical weapons near Damascus were used by the opposition. He has said:
We have plenty of reports on chemical weapons use, which indicate that the opposition regularly resorts to provocations in order to trigger strikes and intervention against Syria,” Lavrov said. “There’s a lot of data. It’s widely available on the Internet. This data is presented in the report, which our experts put together in association with the use of chemical weapons in Aleppo in March this year. There’s also plenty of data on the incidents that occurred in August in Ghouta, near Damascus.

All of this will be considered in the Security Council, together with a report, which was submitted by UN experts, confirming that chemical weapons were used,” he added.
Read the full article here.

So not only do we have independent UN investigators like Carla Del Ponte who was attacked for claiming that “investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated.” ... “This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.

So on top of independent and UN investigations we have actual classified US docuemnts being leaked that also prove that our "freedom fighters" (or al-Qaeda Jihadists), are actually behind the recent chemical weapons attacks in Syria.

So whether you WANT to believe it or not. When it comes to the US/UK/French axis of war claiming that any evidence from the UN inspectors in Syria points ONLY to President Assad is WRONG. They are lying to you!

If you are not hearing this counter point of view on your favourite news channel, ask yourself - why not?


Why not view the original article plus a whole load more #altnews articles on my main site

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Putin's article in the New York Times was correct

Putin's article in the New York Times was correct

By Dark Politricks

As the recent article in the New York Times shows, when it comes to getting an outside perspective on your own Government, even an ex KGB, dictator who suppresses his own people can be right sometimes.

He definitely has his faults and no-one can claim him to be a beacon of light for liberty but then can we really honestly claim that our western leaders are?

Is Obama really the shining light of American exceptionalism that Putin attacks for arrogance beyond belief? As he tells the US public:
“It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation,” Mr Putin wrote.

“There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too,” he wrote. “We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.”
Putin also wrote in the NYT today that it was the Syrian rebels, and not the Syrian government, who were behind a recent alleged chemical attack. Evidence upon evidence seems to back this up. Yet for some reason the western press seems to ignore all the reports from Turkey, Russia and Syria when they find chemical weapons factories or stashes of weapons ready to be unleashed.

As he himself admits, no-one doubts chemical weapons were used in Syria, the only question is by who. As Putin says in the article:
"there was no doubt that chemical weapons had been used in the Syrian conflict but “there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists.”
This would fit with all the intelligence we have seen in the alternative media over the past months that seem to suggest plans to stage provocations using chemical weapons that could be blamed on Assad including:

Hacked emails from defence contractor Britam that revealed a plan apparently“approved by Washington” , to stage a chemical weapons attack in Syria and blame it on the Assad regime.

Raids by Turkish security forces who found a 2 kg cylinder filled with sarin gas after searching the homes of Al-Nusra Syrian militants in Adana.

Earlier independent UN investigations into the use of chemical weapons which found that previous chemical weapon attacks were carried out by Syrian rebels NOT the forces of President Assad.

The Syrian rebels have already claimed they are willing to unleash chemical weapons on Israel from Assad controlled areas of Syria. Will that be the ultimate false flag attack that starts the war, Putin warns that it might.
No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.
He wants to wait for the inspectors to report on their findings and not let the US just blatantly ignore the international law they helped set up after WWII to start another Iraq style mis-adventure in the Middle East. What is the point of having the UN if members can just bypass the rulings of the security council whenever they like?

The US/UK/France might not like it when Russia and China veto their proposals over starting wars in Libya or Syria but then the US blocks every measure at reigning in the excesses of Israel. It is the pot calling the kettle black. We either stick to the laws made after World War II that any country starting a war of aggression is an illegal act or we might as well throw the whole concept away.

As recent events in the ancient Christian village of Maaloula have shown the Sryian rebels are not "freedom fighters" but suppressors of liberty. Video's have been released of even the "moderate" Free Syrian Army rebels eating the entrails of dead victims and video's and stories abound of beheadings, stonings and summary executions.

Is it really sensible to swap one dictator who has allowed Christians and Muslims to live side by side for centuries for an al-Qaeda strong hold where people are forced at gun point to convert to Islam? Why are we so willing to stand side by side with the supposed enemy we have been fighting against for the last decade?

Does America really want another Iraq on their hands?

Putin thinks it's foolish if they do and it seems that the majority of American citizens do as well.

Putin may not be John Kennedy or Martin Luther King but someone needs to talk some sense into the neo-con warmongers before they unleash hell in the Middle East. If that means Vladimir Putin, the strong-arm leader of Russia then so be it. It only adds to suspicions by many that this proposed war is another under the table proxy battle for reasons our leaders won't readily admit.

You can read Putin's whole article here: Putin Speaks to America.

View the original article Putin was right at

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Looks like I was right about front doors built into Skype for the NSA

Looks like I was right about front doors built into Skype for the NSA

By Dark Politricks

Whether you decide to follow every single one of my tips for staying secure on the Internet in my guide "Internet Censorship and surfing anonymously", it seems we are basically screwed if we expect to stay under any sort of national security radar anymore. 

If anyone thought that a global Stasi government couldn't exist in this day and age recent revelations have shown that to be a foolish notion indeed.

I can only think that living in a wood shack, deep in the forest, without any sort of telecommunications and speaking to your friends mouth to ear is the only way not to get caught in the huge fishing expedition being carried out by the US/UK axis of spying at the moment.

They are not doing anything illegal though. No of course not, it's all in our best interests that they hover up every single bit of data that is produced. It's to stop that nasty rag-tag bag of 12th century cave dwelling terrorists that they need all this high-tech snooping equipment. That and to stop the Chinese stealing "OUR" business and government secrets.

Yes they have perfectly legitimate reasons to be implementing all these back and front doors into the most widely used web applications in the world. 

It's only to stop al-Qaeda terrorists swapping bombing targets by paper that they are breaking the most sophisticated encryption methods ever known with super computers the size of cities under Utah.

Never would I expect our honest upstanding governments to mis-use or hand over any "interesting" data gathered "by accident" to law enforcement agencies or "favoured" government companies. No we should never believe our governments would scoop that low, except that they do it all the time and it's been proven over and over again.

Not only are legal cases being "back fitted" to hide the original source of the incriminating evidence that started the ball rolling in the first place, i.e hacked or captured data. But this is data that is totally taken illegally under the US constitution. One which reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed is supposed to exist first before a warrant to take such data can be issued. Of course the constitution and any form of human rights is an antiquated concept in this modern world.

So please don't tell me that you have "nothing to hide" and "nothing to worry about", that's bullshit. Everybody has secrets. No-body lives perfect lives, not even Jesus claimed that.

If you want nerds at GCHQ playing in their pants over photos your wife had sent to you under the expectation that no-one ele would be able to see them then you're a better man than most.

Yes most people probably don't care about the daily mundane lives of many but we all know how offices work and I doubt the NSA or GCHQ workforce is any different from most.

I can just see the NSA office when someone comes across a funny picture or two from an "accidental" data haul. Like most offices who laugh at funny crap it's probably shared amongst the workers with much glee just like the youtube video or funny email is at your own office. The only difference is that these videos and emails or texts are from real people and not "made for the internet" fun.

So, when I wrote some months back about why would Microsoft spend £5.2bn / $8.5bn buying out Skype, the VOIP service that allows people to talk to each other across the world for free. I wondered whether it was just a conspiracy theory to suggest that the well-known NSA front company Microsoft was only buying Skype so that they could use it to easily record and store people's phone and video calls. As I said at the time:
"Why bother going to all the hassle in creating back doors, asking companies for encryption keys and ISP's to keep log files for years when instead they can just use their massive front companies Google and Microsoft to just buy up the technology and install front doors instead."
"Why go through all the pain of trying to pass new bills through Congress, getting extensions to the hated PATRIOT Act and all that malarkey when you can just hook your new cool spyware / application  into your existing network of super computers that spend all day sifting through the trillions of bytes worth of data looking for patterns of behaviour or conversations of interest to investigate further." >> NSA front company hooks SKYPE into Big Brother computer network.
Now with all the revelations from Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden we know the reason why Microsoft bought Skype.

For the past decade at least the NSA and their partner GCHQ have been busy building backdoors into the encryption systems that keep the Internet safe for people to bank, shop and talk over.

With recent revelations that even the most secure encryption systems have been broken and that the big four computer companies, that include Microsoft, have been working close in hand with the government, it is perfectly clear why an NSA front company like Microsoft would buy Skype.

I was basically right all along and those silly people who criticised me on Reddit and the other sites who like to link to my articles must feel stupid now when even Microsoft comes out and admits it.
Recent articles on the Guardian show that:
• Microsoft helped the NSA to circumvent its encryption to address concerns that the agency would be unable to intercept web chats on the new portal;
• The agency already had pre-encryption stage access to email on, including Hotmail;
• The company worked with the FBI this year to allow the NSA easier access via Prism to its cloud storage service SkyDrive, which now has more than 250 million users worldwide;
• Microsoft also worked with the FBI’s Data Intercept Unit to “understand” potential issues with a feature in that allows users to create email aliases;
• Skype, which was bought by Microsoft in October 2011, worked with intelligence agencies last year to allow Prism to collect video of conversations as well as audio;
• Material collected through Prism is routinely shared with the FBI and CIA, with one NSA document describing the program as a “team sport”
“When we upgrade or update products we aren’t absolved from the need to comply with existing or future lawful demands,” Microsoft said in a statement.

So there we have it. My "conspiracy theory", that I just wanted to throw out onto the web at 5am to see if it caught on was basically right all along. I just wonder how many other gadgets and phones you have on you right now are just basic surveillance devices for the authorities to use at will?

Further Reading:

Monday, 2 September 2013

#IdidntJoin #NoSyriaWar "I didn't join the military to fight for al-Qaeda"

#IdidntJoin #NoSyriaWar "I didn't join the military to fight for al-Qaeda"

By Dark Politricks

It looks like a new anti Syrian war campaign has been launched online and I urge every serving military member or veteran to support it if they don't believe that their country should be fighting alongside al-Qaeda in Syria.

I have made article after article detailing how we are basically funding, supporting and fighting alongside al-Qaeda rebels from Libya to Syria. It now seems that many serving military feel the same. They don't want to fight alongside the same people the US Government blame for terror attacks against the US people.

Not only is a proven fact that the USA created al-Qaeda to fight the USSR in Afghanistan in the 80's but we have supported them in their terrorist activities in China, Chechnya, Kosovo and most recently gave al-Qaeda linked rebels NATO air support in their overthrow of Col Gaddafi in Libya. Read this for more information on our links with al-Qaeda.

Since the Arab Spring started which is basically a US backed plot to cause de-stabilisation around the Middle East we have witnessed Libya, Tunisia and now Egypt turned into failed states. Syria and then Iran are next on the list.

Al-Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic extremists like al-Nusra Front aim to, and have succeeded in some cases to control their own areas of the countries they are causing havoc in and in the countries already wiped clean with our help such as Libya and Egypt there is no functioning government to speak of.

The Libyan rebel commanders we supported with tax payers money are even people our Government once claimed were terrorists and some were even locked up in Gitmo such as Abdelhakim Belhaj the founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. This is the al-Qaeda linked group that ex British MI6 agent, David Shayler and two French reporters with links to ex-president Jacques Chirac claimed the British paid to assassinate Col. Gaddafi in 1996.

Why is it our leaders are so keen to back the heart eating, beheading, child killing nutters that are basically the same people who kill our own soldiers such as the horrible case of Lee Rigby in London?

How strange it is that terrorist are friends one minute then enemies the next. Their status changes so fast it is hard to know whether we are supposed to hate them or support them. Obama would certainly like us to support them in another illegal adventure in Syria.

We know that the CIA and other intelligence agencies maintained close contact with al-Qaeda including Osama bin-Laden right up to 9.11. They even visited him in hospital, and according to Sibel Edmonds the CIA has been using the terrorist group to fight proxy wars around the world just as they did in the 80's with the Soviets.

As I wrote in my recent article "Are we ready to go to war with Russia over Syria" there is plenty of evidence that recent chemical attacks weren't even carried out by the Assad regime as the mainstream propaganda would like us to believe. In fact there is more than enough evidence and credible witnesses who claim it was Syrian rebels who deployed the weapons, either by mistake because they didn't know how to use them, or on purpose to blame on the Syrian regime.

Experts like John Hart, head of the Chemical and Biological Security Project at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Gwyn Winfield, editor of CBRNe World magazine, which specialises in chemical weapons issues and even the Israeli paper Haaretz have cast doubts on the claims that the chemical weapons attack was an Assad job.

The fact that the British parliament voted against joining the US in any attack, a first that I know of, and that Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for Obama to present his evidence at the UN is a sign that many outside the axis of war believe there isn't enough evidence to go to war over this. The problem is our war mongering leaders just don't want to listen.

Our politicians are busy holding war cabinets and declaring that there is no other possible explanation for the chemical weapons attack apart from the Assad regime carrying it out yet they know that Syrian rebels have been caught multiple times with Sarin gas in Syria and Turkey. 

The mainstream media seems to be very quiet when it comes to evidence that points away from President Assad but even if he did carry out the attack are we really prepared to send our sons and daughters to fight alongside these Islamic nutters?

The mainstream media has been strangely quiet on all the Christians who are being killed, their churches and graveyards destroyed and the peril they will be in if we allow Islamic extremists to take over these countries.

President Assad may be a dictator, but Christians and Muslims have lived side by side in Syria for hundreds of years. The problem is he is not "our dictator" and the chemical weapons he supposedly used were not authorised by us. Not like during the Iraq / Iran war in which we didn't kick up too much of a fuss when Saddam Hussein gassed thousands of Iranians with our knowledge.

We are now considering backing these various groups of Islamic extremists in Syria.

Both the al-Nusra Front and al-Qaeda rebels are fighting President Assad in their civil war and they want to establish an Islamic al-Qaeda state if successful. Do you really think they will be grateful for our support or are they just using us for their own ends. Do you really see them handing over any weapons that fall into their hands from NATO supplies after any war is over? They sure didn't in Libya.

So if there is a campaign starting online I am all behind it. I hope as many soldiers from countries planning on fighting join it as possible.

Why the fuck would any US or NATO soldier for that matter want to fight on the same side as al-Qaeda. Weren't they the whole reason this war on terror was started in the first place?

Anyone who knows anything realises the CIA control these rebels and they are used as the perfect patsies to de-stabilise countries so that we can enter on white horses as saviours to humanity. The sad thing is that we are no such thing, we are moral relativists who have no ethical boundaries when it comes to war. If there is money to be made or oil to be drilled then that is all the excuse we need.

I just hope this campaign catches on. Hashtags #IdidntJoin and #NoSyriaWar seem to be the ones to use when posting your own "I didn't join the military to fight alongside al-Qaeda" photos on Twitter.

Here are just a few of the photos from the #IdidntJoin campaign.
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join1
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join2
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join3
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join4
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join5
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join6
Twitter Flooded With Active Duty Military & Veterans Opposing Attack on Syria 020913join7