Is the CIA Making Up Reason To Invade Cuba?
By Dark Politricks
Please don't think that I am going to do a spiel about how good Communism is, but when it comes to Cuba, they are having a hard time due to US Foreign policy. Not only does the US have multiple trade embargoes on the island, including complicated blockades that prevents certain goods like medical equipment, much needed during the COVID outbreak from getting to them, but anything with more than 10% US parts inside it has to go through US law.
You can read about
the nuances of the laws that let the US decide what can and cannot get to Cuba here on this,
"Fact Checker" site. However a quote from that site explains that the blockades and other laws are there because of this reason:
“It’s really to favour U.S. farmers and agricultural interests. Cuba was a very important market for U.S. farmers,” ... “So even though the sanctions generally prohibit trade, there are some exceptions.”
The U.S. embargo does have an impact on what goods Cuba receives from other countries. For example, if any trading good contains 10% of U.S. created content, it must go through U.S. law in order to be exported into Cuba.
“When you think of complicated things like airplanes or oil drilling platforms or scientific or medical equipment, sometimes those things are caught up in that 10%,” .. “And so U.S. law does not allow that to be exported to Cuba even though 90% or 89% was produced in France or Canada, or something like that.”
Maxwell further pointed out that foreign companies that are owned or patrolled by the U.S. might be reluctant to engage in business with Cuba. The Helms-Burton Act allows U.S. nationals to sue entities that do business involving property that was confiscated by the Cuban government. The rule didn’t go into effect until 2019, when the Trump administration gave it the green light."
Please forgive the Capitalist slant on that news outlet I linked to, it is coming from NBC news, a MIC/Deep State owned news company in the most wealthy country on the planet.
No matter how poor people in Cuba are, at least they get free Health Care from medical staff prepared to go round the world and help others in need at the same time. They do not act like the richest country on earth that would rather go to war killing people, than let their own citizens have free health care during a pandemic.
I could never imagine the US doing what the Cuban's did for free, but then that's what Communism install's in people, a sense of working for the good of man and society, not purely for the green paper money payday.
Of course there are
inherent problems with Communism, just read
Orwell's Animal Farm.
Communism only works in a small community where everyone can voice their decisions, the only thing I can think of that nears true communism apart from small hippy camps are maybe
the Kibbutz in Israel where they were small enough not to have to separate into a "ruling class" that made the decisions, and the workers that followed them.
That is why no REAL communist society has every existed on this earth, the USSR had two many people, and just like China, North Korea and Cuba they have a ruling class and then the workers. It is a two class system, one that the USA is becoming more and more alike, with the rich 1% Oligarchy at the top enriching themselves by any means and then the rest of the population who have to struggle and survive every day, doing whatever they can to get by, as there is no real social safety net.
Now of course you can argue that point for ever, but when you compare Cuba to the USA, and the amount of embargoes they have had to suffer over the years. You have to be amazed at what balls they have, to still be driving around their island in pristine condition cars from the 60's and be such a welcoming friendly people, despite all the propaganda the US puts out about them
So despite the "nuances" the "fact checker" site stating that there is "No total embargo on Cuba", in reality they still are being deprived of important items, goods that would have probably helped stop any unrest before it began.
Can you imagine if the people of the Island could not just rely on tourism, and be able to import and export their own goods, with no interference from the USA?
What the country would look like today if it hadn't have lived the whole of this century and half of the last within a siege mentality. Such a state of mind only rallies the people together against their enemy, rather than conspire to other throw their leaders, which the USA always seems to be hoping for.
I wonder if they hadn't have had to stick together as a society in the face of US imperialism over the years, whether naturally they would they have loosened their tight Soviet like, secret police controls, and opened up to the world naturally or even implemented Capitalism like China has. A country that is basically Capitalist with bribery, run by one Communist party. They have spies all over the world working for US politicians, businesses, universities and stealing information for their 1st allegiance - the party, so that China can use it to increase their GDP or advance Defence technologies.
It is the same with Iran, when all the Iranians hear on their TV is how the US/UK is about to attack them, and wants to invade them for their oil, is it no wonder that the people support the government rather than try to other throw it.
They only have to look at how the
US has just invaded Syria to
protect their CIA/Saudi funded jihadists from being wiped out by the Russians, as well as steal their oil and food supply to make them starve, to see a real example of
US foreign policy. I thought
al-Qaeda/ISIS and all their offshoots that have been backed by
the AXIS of evil were our enemies in the
war on terror, shouldn't we want them eliminated by the Russians?
So instead of trying to overthrow the revolution, the Cuban's are huddling together because they know that
just a few miles across the water lies the worlds biggest bully who has it's sights firmly placed on them. I remember learning at college
what a brilliant film industry they have over there and how
good their medical care is, with the obvious
free treatment at hospitals for all citizens - like most modern countries apart from the USA.
As long as you are not reading
an anti Cuban exile's blog on everything that is bad in this Communist country, then you may learn some truth about the country,
even US TV shows and Films, that show visitors to Cuba like, "
The House of Lies", and films like "
Fast and Furious - The Fate Of The Furious", show the country in a very positive light.
However the anti Cuban feeling from people who have risked their lives to escape the island on floating shacks to get to America is very strong. The USA only seems to listen to the pro-capitalist information from exiles, rather than interview real Cuban's living in the country, so it is a very one sided propaganda situation that US citizens get to hear.
Would you take the word of an
ex American who got refugee status in China when he tells you
how horrible life in the Capitalist USA is,. How the 1% earn all the money, and jobs are being taken away from the working class, forced to
work gig jobs, as an
Amazon or Uber driver, with no employment status or security, and therefore health care or pension plan. Plus no country wide social safety net,
corruption at the top of politics, with a constant war economy, attacking any country that refuses to buy it's oil in petrodollars?
Well actually I could believe those parts, but you get what I mean. Someone who has escaped from one country to live in another, is always going to paint their ex home as the worse of the two. They want asylum so of course they are going to love their new home and only repeat the bad things about their old one when asked by the media.
A population where supposedly 1 million are being locked up in "re-education" or "death camps", depending on your point of view. Survivors have told how women are subjected to "systematic rape, sterilization and forced abortions". However the US seems to have no problem with this behaviour whilst trading with the Chinese, but they do when it comes to tiny Cuba,
Whilst the Cuban regime might be tough on dissidents and opponents of the revolution, they are certainly not doing anything as bad as the rulers of China are. They are probably not even keeping their own prisoners in the same sorry state that America is doing to their prisoners that are still being held in Gitmo, a part of Cuba they still control. It hypocrisy at it's highest.
So sanctions by the US against North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, Iran and Cuba and any other county the US feels it has the power to bully, only ever hurt the average citizen, whilst never affecting those at the top, who can always get what they need or want whatever blockades are being placed on their country.
In my lifetime, I cannot remember one time where blockades and sanctions have ever worked in the way the USA always hopes they will. When Madeleine Albright said in the 90's just before the Gulf War, that killing half a million Iraqi children through their tough sanctions on the country was worth it, I like many others was shocked.
Was she just being the usual sick war mongering, neo-con or did those in power really believe that killing so many children through sanctions would do anything in the slightest to make the Iraqi people rise up and overthrow Saddam Hussein themselves, because it didn't. In fact after the war, when the Southern Shia's did try and attempt to other throw Hussein, the US/UK allies all abandoned them and let them be slaughtered.
Is it any wonder people in the Middle East do not trust our word?
Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that a half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it."
You can watch the video here > - sick or, what?
So when I hear that the CIA is now talking about US agents being affected by directed energy weapon beams, I have to wonder if this is just a ploy to get American's stoked up for another, Bay of Pigs type invasion.
It's either that or the Cuban's have had enough of being bullied by the the most powerful country on Earth, who trains assassins that kill President's of little poor countries like Haiti, and therefore think that they can do no wrong, even when setting up coups in South America, Europe and Asia.
I will let you decide what to make of the story, whether it just something planted by Operation Mockingbird agents, that now run the media without shame, or whether it could be true.
From Reuters...
CIA probe of 'Havana syndrome' to be led by Bin Laden search veteran -source
WASHINGTON, July 21 (Reuters) - A CIA official who was involved in the search for Osama bin Laden has been chosen to head an agency task force investigating cases of an ailment known as "Havana Syndrome" among U.S. spies and diplomats, a government source said on Wednesday.
CIA director William Burns named a career undercover spy, who was part of the search for the al Qaeda leader that ended with him being killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan in 2011, the source said. The Wall Street Journal first reported the appointment.
Dozens of U.S. diplomats and other officials, including CIA officers, have been afflicted by "Havana Syndrome," so named because it first was reported by officials assigned to the U.S. embassy in Cuba.
The Journal said that a panel organized by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine reported last December that some type of "directed energy" beams were strongly suspected as causing the ailment, which includes dizziness, headaches and nausea.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in June that a government-wide review was underway into who or what caused suspected radio frequency attacks "directed" at diplomats.
Austria has been working with U.S. authorities to investigate a spate of suspected cases among U.S. diplomats in Vienna, the Austrian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday.
Since U.S. President Joe Biden took office in January, roughly two dozen intelligence officers, diplomats and other officials in Vienna have reported symptoms similar to those of Havana syndrome, making it the second-biggest hotspot after Havana, the New Yorker magazine reported on Friday.
The National Security Agency (NSA) said in a 2014 memo to one intelligence officer who said he had suffered possible symptoms that an unnamed "hostile country" to which the official travelled in the late 1990s had a "high powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence."
The memo, which was read by Reuters, said intelligence indicated that such a weapon was "designed to bathe a target's living quarters in microwaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system."
Reporting By Mark Hosenball; Editing by Heather Timmons and Grant McCool
Now just think, if Cuba has the power, money and equipment to create and install, then actually use a directed energy weapon beam at American "Diplomats" (the usual cover name for spies in any country), then can you imagine what sort of directed energy beam weaponry the US has at it's own disposal?
I don't know, but if the CIA are blaming Cuba of having a directed energy beam weapon at their disposal I would love to know what kind of energy beam weapons the USA uses. I do recall that there was supposedly a similar weapon used in the 91 Gulf War against the Iraqi's, at the time the 4th largest army on earth.
Apparently the American's had some sort of weapon that would implant thoughts into the enemy soldiers heads to the effect that they would think they were hearing the words of Allah or Mohammed telling them to surrender.
How true this long held rumour is, I don't know, but I do remember that during that time, thousands upon thousands of Iraqi soldiers just got up out of their trenches and surrendered without a single shot being fired. What caused this to happen I don't know but if you go down the rabbit hole you can find articles deep in Googles engine, mostly de-ranked like many of my sites page's have been that talk about such as "Word of God" weapon.
We know that sound weapons exist, even shop keepers have little versions of them to keep youngsters from hanging outside their shops by buzzing a frequency that only young people can hear. So that adults can continue to enter the shop in peace and not hear anything whilst the kids are driven away by the horrible sound.
Try it, download a dog whistle app onto your phone then play with the frequency in a room of people and see who can hear it and who can't.
Obviously this is very basic, but we mere mortals are only given the scraps of devices built with our taxes, whilst the military get to play with some very highly advanced weaponry indeed.
I just hope this excuse of an energy beam being directed at American's in Cuba, is not picked up by the MSM and be used to push for an invasion, just like the non existent WMD's in Iraq and the Fake Douma chemical attack in Syria, They were all ploys to bring Axis of War troops into combat and to get the public's sympathy for an invasion, and I can see this being used as one too.
As they say "The first casualty of war is truth",....
What do you think, would the small country of Cuba be stupid enough to bring about an invasion from the USA by attacking US personnel, or is it a fabricated or miss-understood story that is getting air time?
By Dark Politricks
© 2021 Dark Politricks