Tonight I did what I used to do when my own server was up and running quite a lot, and that was search on Google for sites that were linking to me.
You can just put site: [sitename] into Google or many other search engines search box and it will return a list of sites that mention the site you have listed.
Of course I am a Russian Agent that pushes evil ex-commie propaganda on you all, that seems like a given from some of the sites I looked at. It must be due to me not pushing the "lets have a war with Russia" neo-con/neo-liberal line that seems to wash over much of the US governing elite at the moment.
Hey, I admit it. I don't want to burn to a crisp in a nuclear holocaust. I do apologise to any blogger out there that thinks I have a pro-Russian bias. I just don't believe Russia wants a nuclear war, and think you're very stupid if you do want one.
So many sites have had me on lists then their page disappears from the web but I can still prove I am on the list with Wikispooks if you go here to see
the PropOrNot list of the most egregious offenders >>
However, what really upset me is when I found my name on a list on a
911 conspiracy site such as
It is using the s
ame list I found on many other sites claiming I am a "useful idiot" or "Russian Disinfo Agent" just because
I do things like stick up for Gaza, tell you the history of CIA drug smuggling, and dare tell the history of the Donbass before the war many MSN Sites believe started with Putin's invasion early 2022.
However, I was writing about 9.11 inconsistencies and conspiracies back in the 2000's when I had free hosting at my company. Here are some articles, forget the dates, I have been moved from hosting company to server so many times they are meaningless.
Unfortunately, I posted an article on my site about a Russian missile called the sunbeam or sunburst or something I believe. It was a missile that could beat all US Aircraft carrier defences and one that skimmed across the ocean inches from the sea at Mach 2 to avoid detection. The US had tried to buy some from Russia but was refused only for Russia to sell some to China.
Within an hour of the article going up my webmaster at work came over panicked with a copy of an email he had received. A Cease and Desist warning letter to take the article down ASAP, with a long list of US DOD departments at the bottom such as the US Army, US Airforce, US Marines etc etc.
My webmaster honestly shat his pants and kept looking out of the windows for black helicopters waiting for Mossad to rope down and kill me in plain view. It was funny to watch but my site lost its free hosting and I ended up having to pay stupid money just to host my site on its own as on the server at work my blog was getting more visits than all the other company sites we hosted combined, and that was with me blocking 45% of all traffic from spambots, hack bots and brand bots that just crawl constantly trying to see if anyone is talking about them.
I just don't get why my little blog is on a list with big well-known sites such as,, and to name just three. How did this professor find me, am I already on some sort of ban list so that they found me through that, who knows but I take it as given I am already being monitored somehow,
from afar from the Australian ECHELON site, or maybe I need to peel back the sticking tape on my webcam
so someone at GCHQ or MI5 can watch my lovely mug as I type?
There used to be a page that talked about a Facebook Plugin designed to warn users if they click on a link taking them to one of these 559+ websites. It was a 3-year-old article, and the old link doesn't show the article, but then again my Facebook page for this site has been removed, my main Twitter account blocked, and I have had social media sites and communities removed in the blink of an eye without any consultation before so who knows what the kind Samaritan who apparently complied the list thinks of me?
It seems that the good egg who compiled the list is,
Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor of Communication and Media at Merrimack College. It is none other than she, who and
I quote "compiled a list of the most egregious offenders".
I doubt she even knows who I am, however then again if I am on 2 different lists and can't get into the US, I am probably on some sort of no-fly list. I applied for a US visa and was denied, before 9.11 I had gone to Boston, USA twice within a year all with no problem, whilst working for a big International IT company.
If you get blocked by a subscription bar and don't want to be tracked or turn BRAVES sheilds down, or turn off ADblocker extensions you can do some simple client-side hackery in the DOM by removing classes on the element ("Open Developer Tools > Select The Element -> Edit it as HTML -> Remove Classes and inline styles until the block is gone and you can read the page).
Citing a report from some group called
PropOrNot listing more than 200 web sites that supposedly pushed Russian propaganda routinely to more than 15 million Americans, the Post – without irony – declared that somehow constituted
"scientific evidence" of Russian election-tampering!
So not only am I a pawn in the game being played between Russia and NATO/US with cover from other countries willing to break international law when they cannot get a UN resolution to invade a country, I am also part of the Russiagate conspiracy hoax that stopped Hillary Clinton getting into office.
Well although
I am happy to be considered worthy enough to stop a psychotic killer and war-mongering liar get into the Presidency, I didn't do much apart from print the truth back then, something that was written off as Russian disinfo, and could have swayed the election Trumps way but
all big social media sites were blocking what we all now know was a real story of corruption e.g the news on
Hunter Bidens laptop.
Apparently, despite Russiagate being debunked a hundred and one times, and Clinton officials and lawyers being interviewed and arrested by the FBI for making up false claims, in which fake info based on rumours was given to ex UK spy Christopher Steele, who then compiled a dossier that they then used to "prove" Donald Trump was a
Russian agent with a love of prostitutes and pee parties, people still believe this narrative. This is why I have my site to give people the facts other sites don't.
However it has later come out that due to her narcissistic temperament the "Russia did it", claim was literally made up when Hillary Clinton found out she had lost to Trump, someone she actually helped persuade to run for President as she thought she could easily beat him and carry on the Obama administration that helped bring slave markets back to Libya and funnelled guns from there to Syria, and al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists to try and other throw President Assad.
This is another site with my domain mentioned multiple times, the backlinks don't work as the people are obviously copying and pasting from other sources, and don't bother putting the http:// in front of my site's name to get you here, but the SEO gains would have been nice seeing I am being shadow banned and
articles that used be at the top of Google are slipping down and down the page.
Well, to be honest,
I feel honoured to be considered a threat somehow to weak minds, Melissa. It seems I am worthy enough to be on this list along with such evil doers as the
Drudge Report,
Russia Today, and of course the rabid, evil points of view from Plus of course, I get to say I am on a ban list with
Alex Jones, one of my first conspiracy heroes back in the day he used to rant and rave at the camera like a loon in need of Largactil LOL.
Sometimes I just feel that if a site is not on a list like the ones I have shown you they are not doing enough to
fight the establishment narrative and give people an opposing point of view to consider. Surely if you host a show called
Redacted, which I do watch, you should be on a ban list along with me, Alex Jones, Natural News, and Come on what does it take for new shows that get more viewers than MSN outlets that
dare speak the truth about the Nord Stream pipe bombings to get put on our naughty list?
I also found this list of raw site URLs which had me labelled down for
"bias" and "conspiracy". Well I don't know what my bias is, but if it's that I am against a 3rd nuclear war, hate fake current and historical narratives and I'm not a "
co-incidence theorist" then yes those labels are correct.
It seems this core list has been copied, and amended in some cases across numerous blogs claiming to have a list of "fake news sites", or "sites to be careful reading", whatever that means. If it's that you might find an alternative and possibly more correct view of an event than those spouted by the mainstream media outlets then yes.
I did find it amusing on the site to find under the category
"State Run" just the two sites from the countries the US is currently pushing its propaganda for war with,
Russia Today and Iran's
Press TV.
What I want to know is where was the BBC? You cannot get a more
state run organisation than the BBC, a news broadcaster that has the backing of the government in
forcing all live TV viewers to fork out over £150 per year to pay for a licence fee that funds the BBC's reporting.
Therefore it is something I expect, to be labelled a conspiracy theorist just because I don't believe in physics that says an aluminium plane cannot fly at 550mph just inches above the ground and punch it's way through 3 rings of re-enforced concrete as supposedly happened at the Pentagon on 9.11. If I threw an empty can of coke at my bedroom wall would you expect it to just bounce off or go directly through it as if it had been the weight of a rock with some Semtex attached?
Oh and you must call me
anti-Semitic for daring report what many US news stations did on the day of 9.11 about the
"dancing Israelis", flicking lighters and positioned where no-one else would know to be, filming the first plane hit the Twin Towers.
Known Mossad agents who were
released by the FBI without charge and went onto an Israeli TV show to claim that they were, "
just documenting the event".
Then of course I must fall into the most evil category at all as well. No-one can point out that
Auschwitz itself has decreased the number of people that died within it's rebuilt walls from 6 million down to under a million
without being a blatant liar and
holocaust denier. I guess the people running the camp, and the historians who have lowered the number from a round perfect 6 million,
a number that is stated in the Torah as the number of Jews who must die before they can return to Israel, must fall into the same category as me?
So what do to if these blogs and sites are correct, and my site is on these lists to be considered so dangerous as to warn anyone visiting that it's not a reliable source?
Well what we need is a real
"Alternative News" search engine. I did attempt creating one on my old site, I basically just returned Google's results as does through a proxy server to remove all the trackers, and then I had a list of sites such as the
BBC, MSBC, CNN and other
"authoritative news sources" that I removed from the results.
However that server is not running anymore and I doubt anyone out there is going to create a real
#altnews search engine. I tried creating one using
Googles Search Engine tools that used to be at the top of the page but then Google took it down, along with all my ad revenue from them and I am left with nothing.
I can only try my best to use what I can, I am probably on the way out in my 40's but with several
chromic severe conditions that have seen me spend a week per month in the local hospital for the last 3 months, and a month stint in August last year and another week in June 2001, all after I took that evil AstraZ jab. I didn't want it but my parents live local and wouldn't even see me unless I took an LFT test and sent them a picture of the result.
However they were nice enough to give me COVID last month, and whilst in hospital for this months stint (I only got out two days ago), I was in a bay where everyone got COVID and moved. I was the only one that didn't get it probably due to having anti-bodies still in me.
Still I had to ask for a test despite the whole bay having COVID apart from me. I had to really kick off, go through 3 nurses and a matron and demand one from a doctor just to get a negative result. The new hospital policy says you only get a test if you are showing symptoms well when I had COVID my temp was 34.1C, not exactly steaming, and plus it takes days to show symptoms anyway.
I just cannot believe last month when I was in hospital they were trialling a new computer system called EPIC where QR codes were scanned before any meds given out and this month they were already calling it an EPIC failure and printing everything out on paper as it was easier to use.
Hey, what's another
£20bn down the drain trying to modernise the NHS and put everything on computer. The last £20bn system was a mess and never used, and this one will be the same. We would have got a better return
sending it over to Ukraine for the Russians to blow up on delivery but then that is another post! Go have a read, I have a lot of coverage of
the Donbass war on this site, and share it with your friends.
What I would do be a dumb sheep again and not know the things I do!
I hate to say this but
please donate if you can, I am doing this on my own, without funding and I am on ban lists and no fly lists for taking the time to write these articles.
By Dark Politricks
© 2020 Dark Politricks