Thursday 13 June 2024

The Real Reason The USA Wants To Own Ukraine

Sen. Lindsey Graham Lets Loose The Real Real Reason The USA Wants Ukraine

By Dark Politricks

Sen. Lindsey Graham, that masculine war hawk in DC, that wants everyone but himself to die for his campaign contributions from the MIC, let slip the real reason the USA wants to keep Ukraine all for itself (BlackRock, Vanguard etc).

It seems that these ancient war hawks just can't get over the fact that whatever faults Putin has, and he has many like all corrupt world leaders. They just can't rip off the Russian people like they did in the years when a drunken clown, Boris Yeltsin, was President of Russia.

When Boris Yeltsin was helped into office by the western powers he basically let capitalism loose on his country to the furthest reaches of what the term meant. US companies and Russia oligarchs basically bought up whole privatised industries on the cheap and when Putin came in and stopped the fire sale of Russia it stopped a lot of people getting rich very easily.

Here we can hear Sen. Graham on some US MSM TV show give away the real reason he and other Americans don't care if a whole generation of Ukrainians die or go missing from the country.

Yes it's all down to those pesky rare earth minerals like Lithium, worth a thousand times their weight in gold in the new age of electric cars and smart phone batteries.

How dare Putin think he can take these minerals for himself and sell them to China when the US and NATO can risk World War III (and yes we are nearly there people), to steal them for themselves. They have already carved Ukraine's nationalised industries, and fields that were once labelled the bread basket of Europe, up for Blackrock and it's ilk. 

I mean Ukraine owes the USA billions under it's lease lend act, and as the UK only finished off paying back it's "friend" who helped it out during World War II under Gordon Browns premiership in 2006. It may take Ukraine, if it wins the war, or has some sort of existence outside Russian control, many decades to pay back. 

With all its nationalised industries privatised for US companies to run and make money from, and the farm land, carved up, despite most of the fertile fields laying the East. Ukraine won't have much money from industry to pay back loans given to it for weapons and salaries, bribes and offshore bank accounts.

It got so corrupt with Zelenskyy and his Right Sektor mob, who have him under their control. basically threatened with death if he doesn't do as they say. That the US CIA Director, William Burns, had to fly into Ukraine himself to tell the Ukrainian leader to stop stealing so much money as it was getting harder and harder to cover up. 

If anyone didn't know Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe then they should now.

Ukraine may have difficulty paying back its "generous backer" who has offloaded all it's old weaponry and vehicles to Ukraine so that the billions passed in Congress for Ukraine, are no more than a DC laundering scheme. 

This works because the Senators and Congress people passing the funding bills. get to hand the money over to the Military Industrial Complex companies that send over their left over weapons, including tanks and APC's, unchecked Javelin missiles, and other military equipment that have been lying in warehouses since the 90's, to Ukraine,  

You can see some US soldiers out in the desert attempt a Javelin missile launch below.

In contrast the Ukrainians are finding out how good the Russian equivalent, the Kornet is, against their own tanks.

At least some Ukrainians benefit from the US weapons that are sent over without the US even knowing where they are going or who is using them. Some which have been found on the Darknet being sold of $30,000 a pop.

Then take the newly passed money by government to line it's own pockets and develop newer weapons that the Ukrainians won't see, and then complete the circle by paying the politicians who passed the bill huge campaign contributions, that obviously are used to feather their own pockets. So the Ukrainians lose out twice, they get ropey equipment from the USA, and have to hand over their huge pockets of precious minerals if Sen. Lindsay Graham gets his way,

If you wondered why the West hates Russia so much it comes down to the oldest motive in time, greed. The US want what the Russians have and they don't want to pay for it. So instead they have destroyed a whole country in an attempt to get at it.

The Biden administration last month secretly shipped long-range missiles, ATACMS, to Ukraine for the first time in the two-year war and Kyiv has already used the weapon twice to strike deep behind Russian lines. They have the ability to reach far behind Russian lines and have already been used to attack Russian early warning systems that help them defend against a nuclear attack. 

This has crossed one of Russia's red lines and clearly crosses the line behind Russia's nuclear doctrine of when it can and cannot use nuclear weapons. If it can be attacked by missiles that could carry nuclear warheads so close to the border of the country, the Russians have no idea whether they do or don't. Every firing of one of these missiles relies on a judgment call by Russia's military on whether to legally launch their nuclear arsenal and end the world or not.

As these missiles are not ICBMS they pose a particular new risk to Russia and it's early warning radar stations and both Sergey Lavrov and Putin have clearly stated that this crosses a red line and puts nuclear weapons into play due to their nuclear doctrine which determines whether nuclear missiles can be fired or not.

Putin has also clearly noted that Russia and NATO are now in "direct confrontation". Because certain weapon systems rely on secretive guidance information from US satellites to allow for the targeting of certain long range weapons, the Russians have also made it clear that they know that it is NATO troops doing the targeting and firing of these weapons not the Ukrainians. This puts NATO and Russia in direct conflict. 

We are basically at war with Russia and all pretence of NATO just helping Ukraine out has gone

We are at war with Russia. 

So if you live in the US or Europe and were wondering whether we were close to a nuclear Armageddon then the answer is yes. 

We have never been so close to the end of the world. At least during the Cuba Missile crisis there were two adults in the room on opposing sides, here we have one, Putin. Across him sits a senile dithering old fool, and no-one really knows who in the deep state is running the show. 

Whoever it is, they have little care for the fate of the world if their recent actions breaking yet another of their own red lines, by sending long range weapons to Ukraine is anything to go by.

We are in World War III.

Will we live through it? 

Well we know one thing, Sen. Lindsey Graham won't get his hands on all those precious jewels in the Ukrainian ground if it is a nuclear wasteland. So until that matter is sorted we may be safe,.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks

Tuesday 2 April 2024

The Crocus Massacre - Ukrainian Involvement

Russia Links Crocus Terrorists To Ukrainian Funding Source

By Dark Politricks

A report by Russian investigators has confirmed payment from Ukraine in cryptocurrency from the perpetrators of the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

The report by Russia points to the Ukrainian special services, but says: “we must understand that they are directly connected with the CIA and MI6 and MI5,”

Scott Ritter, a former Iraqi UN arms Inspector who tried to stop the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003 has said publicly that the attack does not look like an ISIS style attack, and the fact that the attackers planned on escaping alive to Ukraine rather than dying like martyrs is a sign that it was a cover for the Tajik hitmen who were seemingly hired over Telegram by Ukrainian special forces.

I laid out the simple steps that seemed to show that the Islamic Terrorist plot was just a cover for another plan in my Twitter posts starting here: Step by step guide to Moscow Terror Attacks Western Links.

With the West so eager to claim that Ukraine was not behind the attack just minutes after the concert hall attack one must ask how did they know when the perpetrators had not even been caught and interrogated at that time.

That alone and the pre-warning to US citizens to stay away from public spaces specifically "Music Concerts", yet no back-channel communication to Russia about how they knew of the attack and providing evidence of foreknowledge is enough to leave the Western intelligence agencies such as the CIA and MI6 on a list of possible suspects.

It seems that because Ukraine can no longer fight the Russian advance directly due to the majority of it's NATO supplied tanks and missile defence systems having been destroyed as well as estimates ranging from 400,000 to 1,000,000 million dead soldiers, they are now resorting to terrorist tactics inside Russia. 

From this video, you can see that the state is happily sending school kids off to the front lines to fulfil the USA's wish to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian, whether this means losing a whole generation of citizens from the very young, to the very old.

It seems that as Russia has already destroyed Ukraine's NATO-trained first two Armies it is now unfortunately tasked to destroy an army of students and press-ganged people dragged from their homes or off the street.

The world does not realise that the situation here is as dangerous as the Cuban missile crisis, but even more so due to the size of the nuclear bombs now being used by each side.

However it seems the roles are reversed though, and if Putin is JFK there is no one home at the White House to play Khrushchev and come to the negotiating table which Russia has been wanting to do ever since it first negotiated a peace settlement in the early stages of the war in Belarus and then Turkey.

The Ukrainian negotiator who initialled the peace deal ready for Zelenskyy to sign has been publicly speaking about the deal and wonders why it is was never fully signed.

Here, Ray McGovern, ex CIA, and a member of a Security Analysts for Sanity group that tries to bring some balance to this mad world, with other ex-US intelligence and military members like Scott Ritter, gives an interesting view often dismissed by Western news services.

In this video he talks about how there was a peace agreement, how Russia pulled its long line of tanks pointing towards Kyiv out as a sign of good faith so that negotiations could go forward, and how Boris Johnson was sent to Zelenskyy to tell him not to proceed.

It seems that Zelenskyy made a Faustian bargain with NATO in that they would give him milirtay aid, pay for his whole government's wages and pensions using money from Western tax payers, and and continue until the last Ukrainian.

Let's just hope that any terrorism in Russia that has been initiated by the NATO-backed Ukraine, and especially the CIA and MI6, has not put paid to any hopes of a peace settlement.

If someone with a modicum of sense on the Ukrainian side wants to negotiate peace, let's hope the Crocus massacre of kids at a music concert is not the end of any chance to resolve this war without Russia having to kill all these poor Ukrainian kids sent to the front lines.

The massacre is not something I would wish to have my country's hands involved in, and if they have been covertly supporting terrorist groups to attack the Russian capital, then I hope Russia keeps the level of patience and calm it has done so far, and is still willing to talk peace.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Are The IDF The Biggest State Sponsored Terrorists In The World?

IDF In Damage Control After Slaughtering Palestinians Waiting For Flour

By Dark Politricks

I won't write much here but the news that the IDF launched tanks shells on a queue of starving Palestinians in Gaza as they waited for flour from an AID truck does not surprise me.

After all the previous callous murders and assassinations, the destruction of civil property and thousands of homes demolished with many people still stuck under rubble, and the deliberate filming of themselves disrespecting Mosques before demolishing them, nothing surprises me about the IDF anymore. 

Go and search Telegram if you don't believe me, YouTube won't have a collection of IDF soldiers all acting repugnantly but certain Telegram channels have been created by IDF soldiers purely to upload films of themselves acting like barbarians. Slaughtering children, and shelling tent-cities without giving two shits about their behaviour they then publicize to the world. Or those willing to look, and be willing to wipe the lies of a heroic and brave Israeli IDF army from their eyes.

Watch this then take part in the poll if you can please.


By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks

Friday 1 March 2024

New York Times Lies

The New York Times Continues To Push False Narratives Of Hamas Rape On Oct 7th

By Dark Politricks

The story of mass rapes by Hamas on October 7th took almost 3 months to actually come out. It is quite odd that such a serious crime would be ignored until an Israeli intelligence agent got her first journalistic job, a front page scoop at the US intelligences favourite paper, the New York Times.

Screams Without Word - Fake NYT Rape Story

However, just like the lies about rows of de-capitated burned babies, and Hamas killing thousands of Israeli citizens, when a large number, maybe even the majority, were killed by their own IDF forces. This story turned out to be a total lie as well. 

In fact the family used in the front page story even denounced the writer, claiming they were lied to and no-one in their family had been raped at all. In fact even the Israeli police told the paper that they had no evidence of any sexual assaults taking place on October 7th by Hamas insurgents.

It was IDF helicopter gun ships and tanks blew up the Kibbutz that the IDF soldiers guarding the high tech fence surrounding the "Open air prison", as David Cameron once called it, were living in.

Occupying states do not have the right to self defence when the people they are occupying manage to attack them. They are supposed to stop the occupation and prevent violence through the fruition of a real home for the Palestinians, not a planned Genocide that we are all now witnessing,

This will be remembered by billions of people around the world. Whilst right wing news nuts ignore the plight of the Palestinians who are shot at when trying to obtain food from the few aid trucks allowed into the small area of the concentration camp the IDF told them to move to, as it would be "safe". People wanting the facts are having to turn to the alternative news online to find out the truth behind the current war in Gaza and what caused it.

So safe that helicopters, planes and snipers continue to bomb and shoot the Palestinians all squashed up into one small corner of the prison, just ready to be exterminated by evil IDF soldiers who have been let off their leashes by the Israeli government,

However to explain the lies of the New York Times which have already been debunked by The Grayzone, the Intercept and many more, I will let Jimmy Dore do the talking.

How many lies does the Israeli Government expect to get away with?

I continue to hear people repeat stories of dead babies (one baby died), and mass rapes, yet all these lies have just compounded the crimes of Israel against the Palestinians. 

As we all watch the genocide unfold, I want to know what you are doing about the biggest war crime, televised, in our age? 

I can only write, and provide some context to the crimes, but at least I am not silent and I am doing something. 

What are you doing to stop the Genocide of the Palestinians people?

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks

Free Speech Will Die With Julian Assange

Free Speech is Dead but will we allow ourselves to witness the USA murder Julian Assange?

By Dark Politricks

It has been obvious for years now that true free speech is dead in the Western supposedly "free world". However the case of Julian Assange is one that all the mainstream papers who published his work, and profited from it whilst Wikileaks itself did not, seem to have forgotten the importance of his case for all journalists, legacy and alternative. 

Julian Assange before he was tortured by the UK

Julian has been slowly tortured through years of solitary confinement in Belmarsh prison and before that within the Ecuadorian embassy, where the CIA and MI6 plotted to kill him lest anyone forget. 

If he is sent to the USA who want to lock him up for over 175 years, he will surely die. If he is locked up in a supermax prison he will probably be Epstein'd off, shanked in the showers by a CIA paid prisoner with nothing to lose, commit suicide, or even be executed. 

His trial under the ancient Espionage Act means he has no right to claim the public had a right to see the war crimes committed by the USA they claim he and Chelsea Manning hacked US computers to obtain. He is being charged using a fraudulent FBI case that relied on a compromised witness who lied in his testimony about Assange doing any sort of actual hacking which the US still claims he did. Quote:
A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder. The witness, who has a documented history with sociopathy and has received several convictions for sexual abuse of minors and wide-ranging financial fraud, made the admission in a newly published interview in Stundin where he also confessed to having continued his crime spree whilst working with the Department of Justice and FBI and receiving a promise of immunity from prosecution.
You can read my full article here about the fraudulent witness the FBI relied on to make their case about Assange actually hacking US computers to get the information with Chelsea Manning.

To see all my previous articles I have created here, or imported since I got removed from my older bigger site, you can use my new search bar to search for "Julian Assange"

If you want to see all the articles I had on my old site you will need to use the Wayback Machine, It is quite a trip down memory lane to see all the articles I had back then, for if any long time reader remembers, it was Wikileaks release of the snuff video of the US helicopter murder of Reuters reporters on the ground in Iraq that started the rage in me that got me first writing Dark Politricks. 

However that article is not available here or even on the Wayback machine it seems, not that I can find anyway, it seems the authorities have even tried cleaning my old site on the never go away Internet site itself. An unusually large no of articles related to Assange and Manning are 404 Not Found - or claimed to have never been indexed at all. Very suspicious. 

However you can see watch that infamous video with commentary from Assange below.

Remember if you ever find videos on here, maybe from, or others just blocked with a "This video is not available in your country", to use a VPN to get around the block. It is good to see the Brave browser search bar is not blocking Russia Today anymore, whilst other search engines still hide the site. I have found using Belarus the best country to get RT content which was banned at the start of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine. If you cannot afford to pay for a VPN, Bitdefender allows you up to 200MB of free traffic over their servers per day. Another choice is Proton VPN, which offers some free server locations around the world.

"The United States must pledge before the world that it will not pursue journalists for shining a light on the secret crimes of the powerful."
"There must be no more foolish talk about prosecuting any media organization, be it WikiLeaks or be it the New York Times."
The New York Times, once a bastion of free speech who often printed Wikileaks material as well as information from the Snowden files, is now nothing more than an establishment paper pushing CIA intelligence. Is not making any comments about the possibility of Julian Assange being extradited to the USA from the UK despite publishing the same material Wikileaks published.

It does not matter if you are a paid journalist working for one of these big papers or a blogger like me exposing more information that the mainstream media won't go near, such as pro Palestinian news, and the news you don't hear from the Russian Ukrainian war

If we let the murder of Julian Assange go ahead it will shake fear into many journalists bellies making them self censor what they write, scared of the same possible treatment.

We cannot let the murder of Julian Assange by the combined intelligence services of the UK and USA go ahead. 

Free speech may have died in the UK long ago, and in the USA no-one is sticking up for their constitutional rights, letting the Government expand the massive US Security state, step by step, making the Constitution irrelevant. If you don't protect it, the Government and the permanent security state will take it away, and that's what is happening in America right now. 

If you are American and believe in your Constitution then you should be protesting the extradition of Julian Assange as well all these new extensions to the FISA court and expansion of NSA surveillance on US citizens. 

The death of Julian Assange will just be the final nail in the coffin.

I hope the UK judges have not had closed ears since the last appeal where the FBI's lies about Julian Assange were used to let his case proceed forward. One of the judges is an existing attorney that helps the UK security services and really should have been recused, but she has stayed sitting.

It is not a good sign when the Judges deciding your fate probably hate you and your website for allowing intelligence to be aired, that whilst in the public interest, was not in the interest of the Security State they themselves work for.

Lets pray for a Tory Home Secretary to have the balls Teressa May did when preventing the extradition of Gary McKinnon to the USA over his UFO hacking due to health issues.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks

Friday 9 February 2024

Tucker Carlson Interview With Putin

The Western Mainstream Media Goes Mad That They Don't Get To Interview President Putin 

By Dark Politricks

As the western MSM frothed at the mouth at Tucker Carlson being treated like a rock star in Russia. Where he visited the ballet and was treated a lot better than Russian journalists I'm sure. The interview with Russian President Putin was enlightening, especially for those in denial of facts some of us have known for years.

I watched a Judge Napolitano interview with a supposed ex CIA analyst only the other week where he denied that at the beginning of the war there had been peace talks in Istanbul which were signed but not confirmed, only for US poodle Boris Johnson to go to Kyiv and tell President Zelensky not to accept any peace deal, as the US and EU would support and fund them in a fight against the Russians. 

Even though it was one of the lead Ukrainian negotiators at Davos repeating this story this so called expert dismissed the whole story like a lot of people who don't bother to read or watch anything outside their narrow pre defined mindset.

Here was one of the lead Ukrainian peace negotiators at the WEF relaying a well known story to anyone who has actually studied the war, but this didn't fit this supposed intelligence specialists view that no peace talks had taken place.

Why am I saying this? 

Well President Putin repeats the story in part of Tuckers interview and basically says he is willing to discuss terms with a serious opposing figure on a peace deal along the same lines as this original deal when Russia had sent in a miles long tank column, Not to invade Kyiv as some people think, but to get the politicians to the negotiating table, and it worked.

What we need now is someone to actually realise Russia has defeated 3 Ukrainian armies and the only people left to fight are old men, young boys and women. Surely this overture made publicly should be regarded as a sign that real negotiations to end the war can begin.

Putin does not want to invade Poland or the Baltic states. He has no wish to govern a hostile country whatever remains of Ukraine, and people need to believe this as he speaks straight and believe it or not he has tried to get along with the West since taking over from Boris Yeltsin

What the western countries don't like is that they cannot ransack Russian state assets as they did during the Yeltsin days when the Oligarchs ruled supreme. Putin put a stop to that and the neo-cons and neo-liberals hate him for it.

You can watch the main part of the interview where he talks about the peace deal here.

Or you can watch the whole interview here.

What do you think? 

Is Putin lying to the world or telling the truth that he wants a negotiated settlement to the conflict? 

Let me know in the comments below.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 By Dark Politricks

Saturday 27 January 2024

Israeli Genocide - The Hague - Gaza - Palestinian Resistance - Hamas

Just A Few Points About Genocide

By Dark Politricks

You know what, I am glad I missed Christmas in hospital, yep I was in again for Pneumonia, fifth time this year, either I am dying or someone has given me a special virus that is ravaging my body.

Anyway, it didn't feel right to celebrate and be Merry, when a real life Genocide is going on in front of our eyes. Now that the ICJ at the Hague has issued it's ruling that Israel should do all it can to stop a genocide in Gaza, Israel is tarnished forever, as this Times of Israel article says, the country is now in the dock for Genocide. 

However, I don't think they will care or stop their illegal collective punishment of the people in Gaza. I think they will carry on their bombing campaign, killing thousands more innocent people.

So, until the USA realises that by enabling their rampage, giving them free bombs and cover in the UN. then they as a country, and individual politicians like Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken, could be found guilty as well. If they don't tell Israel, "no more free bombs and missiles" then the killing will continue. As for Joe Biden, I don't think he knows  what's going on anyway and all this probably wouldn't affect him. 

As the final judgment ends up at the Security Council, the USA and UK may have to sit out of the vote, as the ruling may affect them as well for aiding Israel's genocidal campaign. Otherwise we know the USA will just veto it, and the UK will abstain. They never want to look like the bad guy in the worlds eye, despite the world knowing they are just as culpable no matter how little support they gave.

It is not only Gazans the IDF is killing but their own captured hostages. Only recently, and following their "Hannibal Protocol", soldiers shot dead three of their own men who had escaped captivity and were waving white flags near their position. The IDF were denying the protocol was in use then, but then after they used poison gas to kill one of their own captured IDF soldiers inside a Hamas tunnel, they had to admit it, enraging the family.

I cannot believe my own country, and it's bought politicians, are supporting this Genocide when their citizens are out every weekend in their hundreds of thousands protesting, and showing their support for Gaza. 

Mowing The Lawn

Just because the people on peace in Gaza marches support freedom for an occupied group of people, it does not mean they support Hamas, the attacks on Oct 7th, or any other anti-western or anti-liberal policies they may engage in. They just want to see Palestinians have some freedom from Israeli occupation, and relief from the constant killing which has been going on for decades, and in this round of attacks, for almost 4 months now.

Every couple of years the Israeli's seem to launch some form of attack on Gaza or the West Bank, you can use my new search bar to see the articles I wrote back in 2009 when Operation Cast Lead happened or from 2018/19 when IDF snipers killed innocent people who were peacefully demonstrating near the border fence, just looking at their stole homes, during the March of Return.

The Israelis call this "Mowing the Grass" or "Mowing the Lawn", killing a few thousand civilians indiscriminately and keeping them in perpetual fear that they won't sleep the night out. However, I would call this "Sowing the Seeds", as who do the IDF think they are fighting now? 

They are fighting all the orphaned boys they created 14 years ago during Operation Cast Lead and other bombing campaigns. Half of Gaza's population is under 18, and by this current bombing campaign they have only created thousands more young boys who will grow up swearing to avenge the killing of their parents by joining whatever resistance group exists in the future.

I watched some TV news channels recently and realised how disgusting the indoctrination of our population has been during this conflict. News channels ignored the plight of Palestinians dying in their thousands, never showing any film within Gaza of the destruction occurring unlike al-Jazeera, and only interviewing Israeli propagandists or politicians. The few Palestinian sympathisers they may have on are just shouted down with questions about Oct 7th and support for Hamas.

Some of these news channels showed the Israeli response to the South African case at the The International Court of Justice non stop, but they didn't even show any of the preceding arguments by the South African legal team. 

You can read their case to the UN court here, or watch it here or below . All they do is keep drumming into their viewers heads that this all started on October 7th when Hamas managed to break free from their open air prison.

The South African case against Israel

People need to understand that when Piers Morgan and others question pro-Palestinians and ask "Do you think Hamas are terrorists?" that the real answer is NO

Their military wing, the al-Qassam Brigade may have carried out terror acts on the military kibbutz inhabitants that surrounded their concentration camp, but most of Hamas are politicians who work for their small strip of Palestinian refugees, and manage the administration of births, deaths, work certificates and all manner of boring civilian administration. They are not all carrying out acts of desperation against what the international community have all agreed is an illegal occupation of their land.

Also, most of the terror acts these militants were accused of and not filmed on their GoPro cameras  such as the burning of babies (only 1 baby died according to Israeli figures, Mila Cohen), and mass rapes (where no evidence exists), have been refuted and shown to be falsehoods and blatant lies. In fact Israel killed so many of it's own soldiers and hostages it doesn't even know the true number of how many died or were taken hostage.

Quick Thought Experiment

If you were a Jew living in a ghetto during NAZI Germany, and you heard about a group of your own who had struck back at the Germans killing a number, some with horrible means. Would you not celebrate within your own heart and with others, that some form of retribution for your situation had been carried out by those willing to risk their lives to resist their occupation?

People seem to be treating this situation as if this was a case of two equal countries and one had attacked the other, and now the more powerful one in the duo was carrying out lawful and just retribution to find and bring home the captured hostages that were taken during the initial attack, and destroy the army of the other country. 

This is plainly not the case. Israel illegally occupies Palestinian land and the international community, whilst not doing a lot about it, all agree on this. Therefore as an occupying entity, Israel has no basis under international law of a right to defend itself or it's citizens who help in the occupation. Therefore the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza must stop.

We now know that the Hannibal Protocol is in use, so that the Israelis are not interested in bringing home the hostages. Also, we know that Hamas is using deep underground tunnels to hide in which the Israelis cannot attack from the air. Therefore the massive indiscriminate bombing and destruction of civil buildings, hospitals, universities, Mosques, Churches and thousands of homes is pure vengeance.

This is pure retribution on a population who dared strike back at their captives and the people who had stolen their land, and locked them in a high tech cage, where every inch of their lives was monitored. Where the water, fuel and every calorie of the food allowed in by their captives is monitored carefully to ensure a starvation diet. Where every so often Israel goes on a killing spree in Gaza to "Mow the Lawn" and a place where Palestinian life is seen as cheap.

Gaza is a place where people who attempt peaceful protests wanting to look over the fence at their stolen homes are shot dead by IDF snipers. Where stupid IDF soldiers gleefully laugh as they kill civilians when they know their enemy is below the ground and film their stupid illegal acts and put the films up on TikTok and Telegram for others to see.

This is the first article I have had to stop and think what I write due to laws that say support of a terrorist group like Hamas is illegal. They are a resistance group to an illegal occupation, where an occupier cannot legally claim that retaliation to an attack by their occupied citizens is not legal.

Imagine the Great Escape, a film often on at Christmas where captured UK and US soldiers in a NAZI prisoner camp tunnel their way out to escape. If any of those men had killed a NAZI guard or ten in any manner, would you say the NAZI's had a right to avenge the attack by killing large members of the men in the camp who had not attempted to escape?

Can the Houthis, Hamas and Hezbollah, all rebels against Zionist occupation, along with the international community not engaged with the US, UK and Germany, help stop Israel carry out their collective punishment of non combatants? 

If you let the rebels from within your population fire missiles or attack their captors then Israel carries out their Dahiya Doctrine, This is where Israel kills civilians and destroys huge areas of populated land unrelated to the rebels to try and force the people to rise up and stop the rebel attacks. It hasn't worked so far, in fact it has enraged the Middle East, and now the world against Israel.

Yes any indiscriminate killing of civilians on Oct 7th was wrong, so were the kidnappings, but the main Hamas plan to take Israeli intelligence from an office deeper into Israel than the border Kibbutz worked. So did taking out military installations along the border fence and the Kibbutz where many of those soldiers working at the fence bases lived.

Thinking those Kibbutz were not military targets is wrong when you know that they were deliberately build around the fence to help protect it, and allow soldiers working at the bases live close to their operations. 

The attack was brutal but it shocked the world. Showing that even starved and occupied Gazans could mount such an outlandish plan against what was until then considered one of the worlds top militaries. It also put the worlds eyes back on the Palestinian problem just before the uncaring Middle Eastern leaders of United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco normalised relations under the Abraham accords.

Hamas and Yaha Sinwar

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was swapped in a 1000 Palestinian prisoner for 1 IDF soldier in 2011. This is why the al-Qassam Brigade took hostages, in the hope of swapping them for their own prisoners. Uncharged Palestinians held in gruesome conditions in Israeli jails, tortured with no charges and the slim prospect of a military court freeing them which hardly happens. There have even been claims that many prisoners have died at the hands of their Israeli guards.

Sinwar, who became Hamas leader in 2017, said when leaving prison: "We will not forget our prisoners who we left behind". Maybe Hamas were hoping Israel would be willing to swap a lot more prisoners for hostages than the 3 to 1 exchange rate this time but it seems the IDF is busy killing their own people against the huge protests of their families.

Born in a refugee camp, and spending so much time in Israeli prisons, Sinwar learnt Hebrew, studied the Israelis, and came to understand what made them tick. With the rest of his starved, calorie managed, squatters in their own land, his poor militant group showed the rich world the hypocrisy of our "Western Values" of "Human Rights" and "Democracy", not for the Palestinians though.

We usually stop any of these values being applied for the Palestinians at the UN with the US vetoing any chance of freedom for the Palestinians. Before Oct 7th, no-one was talking about Palestine and the rights of 2.3 million people in a "Giant open air Prison" (ex UK PM David Cameron), so they have taken it into their own hands. Now the whole world cannot forget about the situation in which Israel seems to have forgotten how, and why, the world let them emigrate to Palestine in the first place.

Many of the released Israeli hostages have had to be sat on by Israel to stop making positive comments such as one of the first released old ladies, Yocheved Lifshitz, 85. She wished her captor peace as she was released into the hands of the Red Cross, and recounted how "The treatment of us was good," Lifshitz added, describing how a medic treated another of the hostages who was injured and how the captors made sure their harsh conditions were sanitary. "They cleaned the toilets, not us," she said. - why the Times of Israel thinks that was an important question I don't know. However she obviously was not treated so badly to make anti-Palestinian comments about her captors.

Hamas Leader Shows His Face In Gaza

Sinwar, the Hamas leader, last made a public statement in December in South Gaza. The IDF apparently know where he is hiding but won't attack, supposedly due to his surrounding himself with Israeli hostages. 

They must be non IDF soldiers otherwise I am sure the IDF wouldn't care and just bomb his hideout killing him and any soldier hostages at the same time. How true that is I have no idea, but I was surprised to see him make a public appearance out in the open air of Gaza.

And for those that only saw the Israeli defence at the Hague which was shown non stop on UK news channels, here are some snippets from a British Independent political news channel, Novara Media, about the South African case in front of the Hague (in case the earlier video was far too long for you.) 

It shows the pathetically weak Israeli PR defence of the genocidal statements made publicly by Israeli leaders which relied on the judges believing because of the Jews historical plight and the holocaust, that they possibly couldn't be found guilty of Genocide, as only they are true victims of genocide due to the holocaust.

I am sure this is why they were found guilty due to their own big mouths and the IDF uploading their disregard for Gazan life to the Internet to be viewed by the world. Snipers have killed not only their own hostages but doctors and patients, poets and people fleeing to supposedly "Safe Zones", and also a large number of journalists and their families, probably in the hope of stopping the awful war footage being released to the world.

However it is too late. The world has seen the true face of Israeli rage and racism. This is what happens when a group believe they are God's chosen people and can do no wrong. Yes they can and we have all seen the consequences when the world lets them get away with it.

Only a small percentage of the Israeli population believe the killing should stop. That alone shows you how far this experiment of putting a Zionist supremacist colony in the middle of an Islamic area and pushing out existing citizens has failed. Subjecting the existing population within their borders to horrible conditions and not expecting them to lash out in anger is madness yet they want the world to believe history started on Oct 7th, that is except when they are defending their genocide, then it starts in NAZI Germany.

As for the chant "From the river to the sea" it is actually in the ruling Israeli party, The Likud's, own charter. Even the PM Benjamin Netanyahu said so in a speech the other day.

So who actually is racist when they say that term. The far right UK news shows want you to believe it means killing all Jews, and even the US congress passed a law making the term anti-Semitic but how can it be so when it used by both sides? 

The Israelis use it as they want to control that whole area, Greater Israel, and remove the Palestinians by any means possible. The Palestinians and their supporters chant it to request freedom and equal rights for all, not to erase all Jews from the region unlike their occupiers who are actually doing so right now. 

RIGHT NOW, in front of our eyes. What are YOU doing about it?

I am disgusted my government is helping in this Israeli Genocide, and maybe we are now in an age where we have to think about the words we say and write before doing so. If so I am saddened to the core. I may not be able to stop my Government from enforcing laws that ban certain support of groups and speech, but I can try to resist with my articles. 

I hope people understand I don't want to see any killing of any groups of people. Whether White or Black, Christian, Muslim or Jew, Russian or Ukrainian I am not on any side, and I wish no death on anyone, I just want people to know both sides of a story, and with the massive censorship now common place in the west, we have to hunt out opinions that the establishment doesn't want us to know about.

I don't want to see any death, I am a pacifist believe it or not, and the older you get maybe it helps you see the world differently. I want the world to behave differently but that means action, and all I can do is write. 

I hope this disgusting era of death and war ends soon, otherwise the drafts that western nations are preparing to enact to build up their armies are going to come to fruition, and more war will ensue.

Israel stop now, please just stop. 

Try and see what you are doing and think about why most of the world is against your actions, because I cannot imagine how Benjamin Netanyahu and the IDF soldiers killing innocent women and children can sleep at night. If they can sleep easy then the world truly is a sick sick place.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks