Thursday, 23 May 2013

British soldier is beheaded by Islamic fundamentalists and we want to arm them in Syria?

British soldier is beheaded by Islamic fundamentalists and we want to arm them in Syria?

By Dark Politricks

Whilst we are busing arming and funding Syrian rebels who behead and eat the hearts of Syrian soliders It seems that the same Islamic fundemenalists who we are supposedly helping have no qualms about killing the soldiers who have helped them on many occassion. It seems clear to me which side they are really on - NOT OURS! 

Therefore it makes it all the more stranger that we are constantly talking about intervening in countries like Syria. Are we forgetting there is a large Christian and non Islamic community who will undoubtably suffer if we let Islamic nutters take over the country with weapons supplied by us?

This is all made much more clearer with the horrific machete attack on a UK solidier in South London last night. If the killers were people who wanted us to help Syrian Muslims then they have a funny way of showing it.

However if they are sick to death, like many westerners, of this constant war of terror then they have clearly brought it back to our streets so we can feel the effects of it.

Our actions have consequences and by supporting governments who bomb, kill and maim civilians from drones is only going to cause more incidences like this one. Votes count - make sure yours does and remember that a strong army to "defend" the country is not the same as a strong army to "attack" other countries.

Our main problem is we have no actual point of reference when it comes to who we fight and who we support. It is like our leaders toss a coin to decide whether the Islamic fighters in country A are worth supporting whilst those in country B deserve a few bombs dropped on them.

We fight al-Qaeda linked Muslims in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Iraq and back al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria.

Israel is even bandaging up the wounded "enemies" of Syria (who we are also supposed to believe are the enemies of Israel) up and send them back to fight from special front line hospitals.

All the while we shoot, bomb and fire £400,000 missiles into mud huts in other Islamic countries.

How many weddings and funerals is it now that we've accidentally blown up because we mistook the crowd for terrorists? Did we even check the bodies to see if we got the target right? I doubt it.

It makes me think we are trying to extend this never ending war on terror for as long as possible. It would certainly make companies like Halliburton, Xe and the military industrial complex happy as they would have a perfect replacement for the Cold War enemies of years gone by to milk our government and tax payers for weapons, re-construction and security.

This clash of civilisations was predicted way back in the 80's to justify western liberal cohesion by creating an enemy that we would all get together to fight just as we saw the Soviets as that evil empire in the 20th century Islam is their replacement in the 21st.

It just so happens that we helped this enemy rise to prominence by arming them to fight left wing forces in moderate Muslim countries and used them to fight proxy wars against the Soviets as in Afghanistan.

I have to wonder how long this war on terror is supposed to go on for?

Just enough so that we lose all our liberties at home? You know the ones that those terrorists hate us for (as we were told by George W Bush many years back) just so we can throw them away and save our enemies the trouble of taking them from us.

Or is it just long enough until we are really ready to fight China for the few remaining natural resources that there will be in a decade or so?

Maybe it is both but whatever the reason there are plenty of reasons for many Muslim people around the world to be angry at the axis of war and our hypocritical foreign policy of both fighting and arming the same kind of Islamic fundamentalists that chopped this UK soldier up in front of a school.

Our double standards when it comes to who we arm and support is blatantly stupid and anyone who studies history can see that we have no "ethical foreign policy" as Robin Cook, the ex UK Foreign Secretary once espoused.

Whether it is a right wing nationalist dictator or groups of people who are enemies and on banned organisation lists one minute and then taken off to become our armed terrorist friends the next.

And lets not forget that dozens of inmates in Gitmo who were set for release multiple years ago are still on hunger strike because of the refusal of the US government to set them free.

If they have no control over their own lives at least they can control their own death - or so they thought until the US military started force feeding them.

Some would call that torture? Does it matter what we call it, we have already crossed the Rubicon on that one a long time ago.

So whilst this attack is abhorrent and disgusting in every way. It is no different from the videos and pictures we saw the other week of a Syrian rebel cutting open the body of a Syrian soldier and eating his lungs and heart on tape.

(Warning - graphic pictures)

It seems yet again that the blow-back I talked about in my last piece on the Syrian war: "Here we go again more propaganda and lies" is already coming home to bite us squarely in the arse.

No-one in my country wants Sharia law apart from a few Muslim hardliners and to them I say very loudly "Sod off back to Saudi Arabia where you can enjoy getting your hands cut off for thieving a loaf of bread instead of a slap on the wrist by our liberal western courts".

I don't want any English women to wear Burkas. Not only is it misogynist and a blatant sign of cultural ideas trumping scripture because men want to rule the roost, but I want to enjoy the sun, the short skirts and the nightclubs if I can thank you very much! If I didn't I would move to an Islamic country.

However due to Labour's policy of letting anyone and everyone into our country over their years in power including so many terrorists that the USA and Russia labelled LONDON, Londonistan. We are now full of terrorists we cannot deport because they would be tortured in their home country for their crimes.

We are also full to the brim of people who don't want to assimilate, feel like we all hate them when they pick up the daily papers, and now there are more than a few thousand young unemployed Muslim men who hate our way our life and "western decadence" and don't feel English in anyway.

Therefore when they see people from their own countries, people they feel connected to through religious and cultural ties, bombed and murdered by western made munitions and western troops they are going to re-act.

Wouldn't you if you lived in Pakistan and saw Pakistanis bombing and killing Americans or Britains? 

Of course there is no rational explanation for what these dogs did to one of our soldiers but there is an easy fix.

Get the fuck out of business that shouldn't involve us and let people who want to otherthrow their government do it by themselves. Leave the geo-political chess games alone and do the main function of government and defend our borders NOT attack other countries.

We had no right to go to war in Iraq and now up to a million civilians have died because of it.

We had no right to side with the Benghazi rebels in what was a blatant tribal war and now we have turned a relativley prosperous and healthy and educated populus into one ruled by rebel gangs and western armed ex terrorists.

The same has to be said of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen as we drop bombs on villages from drones controlled from thouands of miles away. We use a generation of soldiers grown up on Playstations to fly drones with controllers modelled on the same computers and we don't even bother to count the bodies as we fly off to our next target.

I wonder how many relatives of the dead innocent victims of these attacks have promised vengeance on US or UK soldiers at their funerals?

If there are terrorists who have actually committed crimes (not just spouted off on the Internet) then we should send in special forces, extract them and try them in a court of law. We should be showing the world we are better than them NOT the same as them. What ever happened to "leading by example" and having a belief in "moral superiority".

By dropping bombs from drones on poor peoples homes from a far and not even knowing if we killed a true terrorist of just a whole innocent family trying to survive on less than $1 a day we are letting the world see our callousness.

There is a reason I call the west "the axis the war" e.g. USA/UK/France, and it was no surprise that at the time of the attack in Woolwich our heroic PM, "Call me Dave" Cameron, was with French President François Hollande discussing arming the same sorts of people who just cut our own soldiers hearts out in but in Syria.

Are we fucking stupid? It would seem so to me.

These Islamic rebels who want to impose Sharia law wherever they go haven't thanked us for Libya and they surely won't thank us for Syria if we end up supporting and arming them.

History is full of our hypocrisy over al-Qaeda and long ago we even helped the al-Qaeda linked KLA in their battle with Serbia. What does that tell you apart from the fact that we have no ethical line in the sand when it comes to war and selling arms to whoever we can is more important than an ethical foreign policy.

If "call me Dave" had any sense he would have said in his COBRA meeting today that we should pull out of the Stan ASAP and start a peace process in Syria NOT throw more coal into the fire.

However I doubt that thought was even mentioned by anyone sitting round the table. What I can presume is that more liberty destroying measures were discussed such as real time monitoring of social media, ID cards, profiling Muslims and throwing other liberties away. All things that we should be more scared of losing than the rare occurrence of a terrorist attack on our streets.

If you read my last article from the Corbett Report about Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Conspiracy Theorist then you will know that he was the architect of al-Qaeda and the Taliban we are now fighting in the Stan.

He is also the reason the Stan produces the most smack in the world at the moment.

Why? All because the USA wanted to draw the Soviets into their own Vietnam. He succeeded and the hero of the war, a certain Mr bin-Laden soon became the biggest bogey man in the world.

Morals, ethics, don't make me laugh.

View the original article "An eye for an eye" As British soldier is beheaded on the streets of London on the main website

Friday, 17 May 2013

The TerrorStorm Documentary - False Flag Attacks

The TerrorStorm Documentary - False Flag Attacks

By Dark Politricks

This is the 2nd edition of the popular Alex Jones documentary TerrorStorm that looks in detail at the proven history of false flag events and state sponsored terrorism including modern false flag attacks such as the 7/7 London bombings and 9/11.

For anyone who doesn't believe these two recent terror events were false flag attacks carried out by government intelligence agencies. Either deliberately "or allowed to happen" to further the case for our current decade of war, the loss of liberties at home, an increase in state surveillance and the rise of a modern high-tech police state, you just need to read up on the following proven events.

The Lavon Affair - an Israeli false flag attack in the 50's that aimed to attack US and British targets in Egypt so that they could be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood and keep British troops in control of the Suez canal. This is a proven false flag operation that led to the resignation of Israeli defence minister Pinhas Lavon and is admitted as such by Israel.

The Gulf of Tonkin attack - the "non event" that was used as a pretext by the US government under President Lyndon B. Johnson to start the Vietnam war. This attack has now been admitted to have never occurred however it was reported as a North Vietnamese attack on US ships and used to justify the war.

Operation AJAX - the reason the Iranians still call us the "Great Satan". The democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh was other thrown by a combination of US and British intelligence operations that were used to keep control of the oil fields that had been nationalised by Mosaddegh.

After the coup the western powers installed a puppet Shah which ruled over the country ruthlessly until the Islamic revolution in 1979.

And for more recent events one must only look at the revelations from Seymour Hersh that Dick Cheney planned to stage a false flag attack in the Strait of Hormuz by staging a shoot up between US ships and more US boats painted as Iranian boats.

We also have the Iraq war and the numerous propaganda stunts (both real and planned) that drove us into this unpopular and unnecessary war.

Not only was the 9.11 commission used to justify the war with witnesses such as Laurie Mylroie claiming Saddam Hussien was behind every major terrorist attack in recent years but we had the "dodgy dossier" that was full of exaggerated claims that the Iraqi army could attack British forces with Weapons of Mass Destruction within 45 minutes and the sad spectacle of the once respected US Secretary of State Colin Powell lying to the UN about the certainty of the existence of Iraqi WMD.

The propaganda was used to scare people into a war they didn't want and as we know now couldn't afford. Yet even though millions of people marched against going to battle for oil the axis of war pushed on. Even Tony Blair and George Bush discussed staging a false flag attack to get their desired war in Iraq by tempting Saddam Hussein to shoot down a UN plane flying over his country.

So not only have false flag attacks been used many times in the past they have been discussed very recently even if you don't believe 9.11 or 7/7 were such events.

Whatever you think of Alex Jones the documentary is well worth watching and I have no reason to believe someone could "act" 24/7 as a government stooge by letting people have "controlled government information" as many claim Alex and other alternative news personalities do. Sometimes you have to realise that if you go too far down the rabbit hole everyone starts looking like a rabbit!

To those that claim he blatantly ignores Israel and the Jewish angle during his conspiracy theorising I would say his wife maybe Jewish but then so what? During the film he talks about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the 1967 war and how Israel deliberately attacked and murdered US Navy troops during a false flag attack designed to draw the USA into the conflict.

As witnesses from the ship were ordered on pain of death or imprisonment to stay silent, and twice aircraft sent to help the USS Liberty were called back by Lyndon Johnson who apparently claimed "I want that boat to sink!", it is left to those survivors brave enough to speak out years later to tell the truth about this false flag attack from a supposed ally.

Not only was the US flag flying high and visible to the Israeli pilots that flew over the ship in the hours before the attack. It still flew during the torpedoing and the strafing of the survivors in the water by Israeli boats sent to ensure that no witnesses were left to tell their side of the story. Radio's were jammed to prevent calls for help and everything was done to ensure that the boat sank as the US President wished.

However an Israeli pilot has gone on record to claim he told his superiors that the ship was clearly American but was threatened with court martial for not attacking it. He refused and was arrested when he returned to base.

Also US radio monitors in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon heard the pilots protests and they have been confirmed by then U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter. As well as this an Israeli Major claimed that everyone in the war room at the time knew they were attacking a US ship. He had heard the pilots statement about the ship being American but he re-canted this statement after being threatened.

This false flag attack was obviously an attempt to bring the US into the war by blaming the attack on Egypt and it was only stopped due to the appearance of a Russian boat that halted the Israeli attack and prevented the plan from succeeding.

This is not exactly sticking up for Israel as many claim Alex Jones does and he could have easily skipped this event from his list of historical attacks. There have been so many false flag attacks throughout history he didn't need to mention Israel and the USS Liberty at all. However he didn't ignore it and even if he had it doesn't matter.

What does matter is that people are made aware of the use of false flag attacks throughout history and how they are still taught at military schools and used to this day by those needing an excuse to go to war.

We just need to think about this when the next bombing or chemical weapon attack is blamed on Iran or Syria and used as a pretext to get us into another war. Watch the film if you haven't seen it already and pass it on. If you want to download a copy from then read this article on how to go about it.

You can view the original article False Flag Attacks - TerrorStorm on the main site

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

More lies, propaganda and war!

More lies, propaganda and war!

By Dark Politricks

With Israel launching missiles attacks on Syria it seems that they are totally unafraid of igniting a regional war that could see the Middle East end up in flames.

I suppose they are hoping that if Syria retaliates, either itself or by proxy i.e Hezbollah, that the US will ramp up it's already fast paced move towards arming the Syrian rebels and join in any killing games that seemed to have been planned for the region.

Do we really want another war in the Middle East?

Have we learnt nothing from Libya?

We supported the rebels and now they hate us.

Terrorists kill US ambassadors, religious fanatics destroy UK world war cemeteries and rebel gangs control large segments of the country.

The people are no better off than they were under Qaddafi and they most certainly have no love for us even though we armed and backed them in their cause.

Have we learnt nothing or is the actual idea to really destabilise the region by arming Islamic fascists with high tech weaponry so that the blow back can drift our way once again.

When the Free Syrian Army is such a mismatch of various secular and religious groups with just a smattering of al-Qaeda, are we really wise to be sending heavy arms and training to them when we don't know what they will do with it once any civil war is over.

Why is it we keep finding ourselves on the same side as our supposed mortal enemy. Supposedly fighting al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Yemen and then backing them in Libya and now Syria?

Do we have such few moral absolutes that we can support al-Qaeda in Syria just because we don't like President Assad and nor do they?

The guns and rockets we supplied to the same rag tag bunch in Libya haven't been handed back to us in a neat pile and instead rebel commanders with links to the LIFG and al-Qaeda control cities and fight each other daily.

This is all in-between carrying out racial executions and implementing Sharia law where it didn't exist before.

That's not even mentioning the current mess in Egypt!

The US is currently on a mission to try and convince Russia to arm Syrian rebels, pretending that it won't lead to another Libyan style mess.

This is something I doubt the Russian's will go for seeing that they feel tricked after the last UN resolution they fell for.

They backed a no fly zone over Libya to protect civilians and then the axis of war turned it into a "no limits" full out armed assault on Gadaffi's troops.

We took sides in a civil war we had no right to be in when we were just supposed to be protecting civilians from being attacked from the air - from both sides.

The same is happening in Syria.

We know Libya, Saudi Arabia and the Qataris are sending rebel fighters to Syria and they are being covertly backed and supported by Israel, Turkey and through them the USA, UK and France.

A recent independent UN investigation into the use of chemical weapons suggests that the attack was carried out by Syrian rebels NOT the forces of President Assad.

However despite evidence to the contrary the USA is keen to pin the blame on Assad for any use of biological or non conventional weapons. Ms Del Ponte, a former Swiss attorney-general and prosecutor with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia said on Swiss TV that there was "strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof" that the rebels had used the nerve gas Sarin - a favourite of home grown terrorists.

Sarin is a colourless, odourless liquid or gas which can cause respiratory arrest and death and is therefore classed as a weapon of mass destruction and is banned under international law. This undoubtedly means that the USA, Russia, China and most other countries have huge hidden stockpiles, for research and defencive purposes of course....

However it seems that the axis of war is keen to pin any blame for the use of chemical weapons on the Assad regime even if the finger is pointing the other way.

Remember evidence only matters when it backs up the pre-written script we are all supposed to follow.

The matter is complicated even more by earlier reports from hacked emails, from the defence contractor Britam, that the US has already discussed the use of a false flag chemical attack in Syria.

This attack would then be pinned on government fighters and provide the perfect excuse to escalate the war and allow US troops to enter Syria with "public" backing.

As this earlier article discusses. If President Obama can be linked to a staged chemical attack on civilians then this is nothing more than a war crime.
The leaked emails, obtained by a hacker in Malaysia, feature an exchange (click here for screenshot) between Britam Defence’s Business Development Director David Goulding and the company’s founder Philip Doughty.
We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.
We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have. They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards David
The fact that the plan involves delivering a CW (chemical weapon) that is “similar to those Assad should have,” clearly suggests that the idea is to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack that could be blamed on President Assad's forces by Gulf states like Qatar and NATO powers.
If reports of a chemical attack are true and the US is refusing to even consider that the rebels could have been involved then it would seem that this earlier false flag plan is already on the way to being rolled out.

Therefore our current batch of leaders are not opposed to such devious and underhand tactics so don't be surprised to learn they are a common tool to start wars all the way though history from the gates of Rome to the Gulf of Tonkin.

So whilst Israel lobs missiles into Syria, Turkey allows rebels to cross their border for protection and the Sunni regimes in Saudi Arabia and Qatar finance the operation we are just sitting on the side lines awaiting the "right incident" that can be used as propaganda to draw our own forces into war. 

Why not send our own sons and daughters into the desert once again to fight Assad's regime, once he goes it makes it so much easier to attack Iran from all sides.

I have no doubt Israel will try it's best to bring the US in by trying to provoke a retaliatory attack from Syria or Hezbollah and with the USA preparing to launch another massive round of war games in the area it is just perfect timing that a huge armed force is arriving almost on queue.

Just be warned.

We were lied into a war with Iraq and we have had attempts to lie us into a war with Iran.

Not only is the nuclear issue being falsely cranked up whilst the NPT compliant Iran hasn't even broken any international rules yet but the driver of war Israel, sits upon a massive pile of unregulated nukes and outside the NPT. Who are they to say who can have nukes?

Plus wasn't it Israel who said bin-Laden was being hidden by the Iranians? A bit hard seeing he was either already dead or being propped up in a chair in Pakistan for shooting practise by a number of soon to be dead Navy Seals.

Therefore let the propaganda begin, the lies start spinning and get ready to see more sons and daughters who have no fight in this civil war die for another countries geo-political ambitions.

It has been written in the stars, let the bull shit and spin begin.

View the original article Here we go again - Propaganda, Lies and War on the main site