Thursday 13 June 2024

The Real Reason The USA Wants To Own Ukraine

Sen. Lindsey Graham Lets Loose The Real Real Reason The USA Wants Ukraine

By Dark Politricks

Sen. Lindsey Graham, that masculine war hawk in DC, that wants everyone but himself to die for his campaign contributions from the MIC, let slip the real reason the USA wants to keep Ukraine all for itself (BlackRock, Vanguard etc).

It seems that these ancient war hawks just can't get over the fact that whatever faults Putin has, and he has many like all corrupt world leaders. They just can't rip off the Russian people like they did in the years when a drunken clown, Boris Yeltsin, was President of Russia.

When Boris Yeltsin was helped into office by the western powers he basically let capitalism loose on his country to the furthest reaches of what the term meant. US companies and Russia oligarchs basically bought up whole privatised industries on the cheap and when Putin came in and stopped the fire sale of Russia it stopped a lot of people getting rich very easily.

Here we can hear Sen. Graham on some US MSM TV show give away the real reason he and other Americans don't care if a whole generation of Ukrainians die or go missing from the country.

Yes it's all down to those pesky rare earth minerals like Lithium, worth a thousand times their weight in gold in the new age of electric cars and smart phone batteries.

How dare Putin think he can take these minerals for himself and sell them to China when the US and NATO can risk World War III (and yes we are nearly there people), to steal them for themselves. They have already carved Ukraine's nationalised industries, and fields that were once labelled the bread basket of Europe, up for Blackrock and it's ilk. 

I mean Ukraine owes the USA billions under it's lease lend act, and as the UK only finished off paying back it's "friend" who helped it out during World War II under Gordon Browns premiership in 2006. It may take Ukraine, if it wins the war, or has some sort of existence outside Russian control, many decades to pay back. 

With all its nationalised industries privatised for US companies to run and make money from, and the farm land, carved up, despite most of the fertile fields laying the East. Ukraine won't have much money from industry to pay back loans given to it for weapons and salaries, bribes and offshore bank accounts.

It got so corrupt with Zelenskyy and his Right Sektor mob, who have him under their control. basically threatened with death if he doesn't do as they say. That the US CIA Director, William Burns, had to fly into Ukraine himself to tell the Ukrainian leader to stop stealing so much money as it was getting harder and harder to cover up. 

If anyone didn't know Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe then they should now.

Ukraine may have difficulty paying back its "generous backer" who has offloaded all it's old weaponry and vehicles to Ukraine so that the billions passed in Congress for Ukraine, are no more than a DC laundering scheme. 

This works because the Senators and Congress people passing the funding bills. get to hand the money over to the Military Industrial Complex companies that send over their left over weapons, including tanks and APC's, unchecked Javelin missiles, and other military equipment that have been lying in warehouses since the 90's, to Ukraine,  

You can see some US soldiers out in the desert attempt a Javelin missile launch below.

In contrast the Ukrainians are finding out how good the Russian equivalent, the Kornet is, against their own tanks.

At least some Ukrainians benefit from the US weapons that are sent over without the US even knowing where they are going or who is using them. Some which have been found on the Darknet being sold of $30,000 a pop.

Then take the newly passed money by government to line it's own pockets and develop newer weapons that the Ukrainians won't see, and then complete the circle by paying the politicians who passed the bill huge campaign contributions, that obviously are used to feather their own pockets. So the Ukrainians lose out twice, they get ropey equipment from the USA, and have to hand over their huge pockets of precious minerals if Sen. Lindsay Graham gets his way,

If you wondered why the West hates Russia so much it comes down to the oldest motive in time, greed. The US want what the Russians have and they don't want to pay for it. So instead they have destroyed a whole country in an attempt to get at it.

The Biden administration last month secretly shipped long-range missiles, ATACMS, to Ukraine for the first time in the two-year war and Kyiv has already used the weapon twice to strike deep behind Russian lines. They have the ability to reach far behind Russian lines and have already been used to attack Russian early warning systems that help them defend against a nuclear attack. 

This has crossed one of Russia's red lines and clearly crosses the line behind Russia's nuclear doctrine of when it can and cannot use nuclear weapons. If it can be attacked by missiles that could carry nuclear warheads so close to the border of the country, the Russians have no idea whether they do or don't. Every firing of one of these missiles relies on a judgment call by Russia's military on whether to legally launch their nuclear arsenal and end the world or not.

As these missiles are not ICBMS they pose a particular new risk to Russia and it's early warning radar stations and both Sergey Lavrov and Putin have clearly stated that this crosses a red line and puts nuclear weapons into play due to their nuclear doctrine which determines whether nuclear missiles can be fired or not.

Putin has also clearly noted that Russia and NATO are now in "direct confrontation". Because certain weapon systems rely on secretive guidance information from US satellites to allow for the targeting of certain long range weapons, the Russians have also made it clear that they know that it is NATO troops doing the targeting and firing of these weapons not the Ukrainians. This puts NATO and Russia in direct conflict. 

We are basically at war with Russia and all pretence of NATO just helping Ukraine out has gone

We are at war with Russia. 

So if you live in the US or Europe and were wondering whether we were close to a nuclear Armageddon then the answer is yes. 

We have never been so close to the end of the world. At least during the Cuba Missile crisis there were two adults in the room on opposing sides, here we have one, Putin. Across him sits a senile dithering old fool, and no-one really knows who in the deep state is running the show. 

Whoever it is, they have little care for the fate of the world if their recent actions breaking yet another of their own red lines, by sending long range weapons to Ukraine is anything to go by.

We are in World War III.

Will we live through it? 

Well we know one thing, Sen. Lindsey Graham won't get his hands on all those precious jewels in the Ukrainian ground if it is a nuclear wasteland. So until that matter is sorted we may be safe,.

By Dark Politricks

© 2024 Dark Politricks