Saturday, 29 June 2013

The 9.11 Pentagon Attack

The Pentagon Attack - 9.11

By Dark Politricks

If you know my thoughts on 9.11 then you know I have gone back and forth on the events many times. Initially when the 9.11 attacks happened, like many people I started off believing the official conspiracy theory.

Then after a lot of reading up on the subject, discovering the questions over WTC-7, the Israeli spy rings following the terrorists around the USA, the repeated warnings about the attacks, The ABLE Danger Program and evidence of the stand down order provided by Norman Mineta I went the other way.

Recently I have been reading a lot more about building 7 and have been swaying back again due to the multiple computer program simulations they used to "prove" the collapse (by fire).

However I am still not convinced and it still leaves a massive coincidence theory instead of a conspiracy theory stuck right in my throat.

One I am still not prepared to fully give up. What I have always wanted is a proper, subpoena powered, proper investigation into the events of the day. Also proper logical answers to all the questions that remain, or haven't been asked.

Until that happens I am going to be raising questions and asking for answers. When people put reputations on the line to raise questions then they should be listened to and numerous ex Government officials such as Barbara Honegger who has pieced together what she believes really happened at the Pentagon,, intelligence officers, military men, first responders and families of the victims all have raised these questions. 

Remember, this is not to say that these questions don't have perfectly reasonable and logical answers to them, it's just that many people including myself haven't heard the answers, or that the provided answers don't fit together to explain the events.

So until the point a new investigation is held I will always have a lingering doubt about the events of 9/11.

This is especially due to the fact that you only have to look at the state of America now to see how the war on terror has been used to attack all our liberties and freedoms. Whether the attack was a false flag attack or not, it certainly was taken advantage of, and used to implement what looks like a high tech police state in the once free America.

The PATRIOT ACT, NDAA, Prism, TRAPWIRE, Assassination Squads, Drones, Constant War, should I go on....  

Some Questions

Here are just some of the "coincidences" and unanswered questions I still have are below - and God knows this is only a small subset of them!
  • 3 Steel framed buildings, the first to collapse from fire alone, all owned by the same person collapse in the same day, just after being taken over by a new owner and having massive insurance for terrorism put on them.
  • This is along with the hijackers all successfully taking over 4 planes with only rudimentary weapons. Not one of their planes being challenged in the sky, even after the first attack on New York was known about.
  • The Israeli spy rings that were following some of the hijackers about the USA. Did they tell anyone? We know Mossad has controlled al-Qaeda rings before (even setting up fake rings) - was this a controlled ring or a co-opted ring "allowed" to commit the attack. Both FOX News and German newspapers reported on this.
  • Why did so many Israeli agents get arrested in the aftermath of the attacks, held for months, then let go?
  • What did the Israeli's caught filming the attacks across the river know about the attacks and why did they say they were sent to "document the event"? What foreknowledge did they have and why were they so happy to see the WTC burning?
  • Even if the attack was "allowed to happen" this is still a state crime as it means someone in the US Government had to order a stand down to NORAD..
  • We know the CIA / Mossad have had close links to al-Qaeda and bin-Laden, even the CIA visited him in hospital soon before the attacks. What was his real role apart from patsy in the attacks?
  • We also know the US consulate in Yemen was providing passports for jihadists to come to the US to be trained and then sent off to fight elsewhere. Why were the CIA engaged in such behaviour and what were the links to the Miami airports that were CIA "green zones", areas that CIA planes were allowed to bring in drugs and arms. The links between the US intelligence community and our supposed enemy al-Qaeda are always murky and unclear. Who knows whether certain factions in the Government or the intelligence community knew the attacks were about to happen.
  • We know false flag attacks are a reality. We also know the PNAC document was written by the same people who were in government at the time. People who co-incidentally were involved in a massive financial scam involving the ex-USSR (see video below).
  • Dick Cheney is not exactly an angel, having talked about using false flag attacks in the Staits of Hormuz to go to war with Iran, plus his own assassination squads. If a stand down order was put out to NORAD then it was probably him who ordered it. The testimony of Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta seems to corroborate this and it is strange that this was left out of the 9.11 commission report.
  • What about the ABLE Danger program that had identified the 9.11 hijackers months before the attack occurred and the many other warnings given by foreign intelligence as well as domestic agencies about the attacks. What about the warnings given to key politicians not to fly that day?
  • What about the ISI chief who wired money to the lead hijacker who was coincidentally meeting with top US military figures on the day of the attacks.
  • What about the planes which looked unlike commercial airliners, who were expertly piloted into the WTC by non-expert pilots. Were these planes remote controlled?
  • What about the white planes who were seen in the air over the White House when all planes were supposed to be grounded, who was flying these planes?
The Israeli Connection

We know that dozens if not hundreds of people arrested after the 9.11 attacks were from Israeli origin.

After many weeks in detention they were all let go without charge. 

Why were they held in the first place?

Who forced their release?

As for the Israeli's caught across the river filming the attacks, caught hi-fiving each other, before being arrested. Why were they so happy to see the carnage unfold?

This is a video that talks about removed news on Israeli orders such as Carl Camerons 4 part series on Israei spying within the US, more extensive than even the USSR at the height of the cold war. As one reporter mentions to another about the report on Israeli spying he says is "it's more about when they put it all together (the evidence), it's more a question of how could they have not known (about the attacks)." If you want to scroll just to the part where the Israeli Mossad agents caught filming the attack and arrested by NYC police celebrating the attack, you can scroll to 06.01 in the film where they are on Israeli TV talking about how they were sent to "document the event".

How did these Israeli's, with links to Mossad, know to "document the event"? If they didn't have pre-knowledge of the attacks then what event were they sent to document?


The 9.11 Commission

The 9.11 commission was a farce.

Not only did they leave out the reasons that the terrorists themselves claimed that they attacked the USA, which is the USA's foreign policy and their support for Israel, but they ignored evidence and questions such as the one posed above about the Israeli connection.

They also ignored key evidence which suggested a stand down order by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta and instead used the commission to push for war with Iraq.

Even 6 of the 10 commissioners have made statements that seem to suggest they were not happy with the outcome. Some even went as far as to suggest the White House lied, the CIA covered up evidence and even blocked access to key witnesses. Some of these statements included:
9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that “There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn’t have access . . . .”
9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting”
Former 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: “It is a national scandal”“This investigation is now compromised”; and “One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up”.
9/11 Commissioner John Lehman said that “We purposely put together a staff that had – in a way – conflicts of interest”.
The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry, said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.. This is not spin. This is not true.”
When no-one was even sacked or demoted due to the failings of intelligence which were supposedly the cause of the attacks and instead promoted then you must ask whether these people were doing their jobs correctly or not.

If doing your job badly, leading to the worst terrorist attack on mainland USA, leads to your promotion, then logically you have to consider that their job was to allow the event to occur. Promoted people such as:
  • Richard Myers, in charge of the Pentagon on 9/11.
  • Ralph Eberhart, in charge of NORAD on 9/11.
  • Captain Charles J. Leidig, acting NMCC Director.
  • Brigadier General Montague Winfield.
  • Ben Sliney, in charge of FAA on 9/11.
  • Steven Abbot, coordinator of Dick Cheney's task force on problems of national preparedness.
  • Michael Maltbie, the supervisor handling the case at the FBI’s Radical Fundamentalist Unit.
  • Pasquale D'Amuro, in charge of counter-terrorism in New York.
So yes I still have massive amounts of reservation before I can conclude that the official story is correct and until a proper investigation is held we will never know.  

Project Hammer

This video is one I watched the other day and it gives some new context to the events of 9.11 as it infers that the attacks were co-ordinated to cover up a massive financial fraud involving the fire-sale of post USSR Russia in the 90's.

Whether this is true or not only detailed investigation would prove but it is does a worthwhile job putting the pieces together and includes detailed links to names, aircraft bases and companies all possibly involved in the attacks. Project Hammer - view on


The Pentagon Attack

When it comes to the attack on the Pentagon I also still have doubts about that attack even though at first I thought it was one of the least suspicious parts of the story.

Even though I know many witnesses claim to have seen the plane hit the re-enforced walls of the Pentagon there are many questions that remain unanswered.

This is mainly due to there not being any photographic or video evidence of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon and the refusal of the Government to release all the CCTV and other camera footage that would have caught the planes impact and lay these questions to rest.

Whilst I used to be on the side of those who believed the Pentagon "missile" attack was a diversion from the real conspiracy in New York I still want to know what exactly happened and how.

How did a plane that big, flying so low and fast by an inexperienced pilot, making expertly executed turns at speeds far above the planes supposed fastest speed manage to punch through 3 rings of the most secure building in the world - without being caught on a single camera?

I used to believe that witness statements should be given their due. If witnesses claimed to hear bombs go off in the WTC, or hear a countdown at WTC-7, or see cutter charges go off then they shouldn't be dismissed at the Pentagon for claiming to see Flight 77 hit the building.

It was just unfair to admit some witness testimony because it backed your argument then dismiss others that went against it.

However we all know that after big events, especially traumatic ones, witness statements often don't match and even conflict with each other.

Therefore a plane could have easily flown low across the Pentagon giving the impression that it was about to hit it before a missile or bomb went off. The plane then could have rose up through the explosions and fire. It probably wouldn't be seen or even if it was it would soon be forgotten about due to everyone concentrating on the flames and smoke rising from the Pentagon.

The only CCTV camera evidence from one of the most photographed and surveyed areas in the world has only revealed 5 frames of nothing but a flash from one camera. 

It doesn't prove that Flight 77 hit the building at all.

If the Government wanted to kill conspiracy theories around the Pentagon once and for all they would release all confiscated camera and CCTV footage that was collected by investigators in the aftermath of the attack.

By not doing so they only lend credibility to conspiracy theories. This then assumes that they either want these theories to go on or don't care about them as they offer some form of cover.  

Evidence That A Plane Didn't Hit The Pentagon

Not only do many pilots claim that the manoeuvre that was carried out by Flight 77 was impossible. Both being too fast for the type of plane to accomplish without falling apart but also too hard for even seasoned pilots to manage, let alone an amateur, but evidence exists that suggests the plane did in fact fly over the building.

Analysis of the flight data recorder from Flight 77 which supposedly hit the Pentagon shows a so far unexplained discrepancy between the altitude of the plane and what supposedly happened. Basically it means that the lamp posts which the plane supposedly hit would have had to have been 440 feet high for the plane to have brought them down - an impossibility!

It also suggests that the plane flew over the Pentagon NOT into it.

This is data which has been released by the National Transportation Safety Board and it means that the planes altitude is in direct conflict with the only CCTV footage that has been released of the impact.

Either the data from the black box is wrong somehow (e.g it was edited before being released) or the plane didn't actually hit the lamp posts and then crash into the Pentagon.

Which data-set is correct?

I don't know but it is a question that needs answering.

Then there is the size of the impact hole which was very small.

To the sides of the hole there were no signs of wing marks or the huge engines that should have hit it. Even if the wings had folded back and crumpled into the body the huge engines should have been visible on the unscratched grass of the Pentagon.

The dimensions of the hole do not seem to fit those of a Boeing 757 and there is no sign of plane parts either in the hole, as attested to by witnesses at the scene, or on the grass outside which is evident from the first film footage shot of the aftermath.

This footage was not requested by the 9.11 commission as the Jesse Ventura video at the bottom attests.   What Happens When A Plane Hits Concrete?

Here is a video which shows a test to prove whether a Japanese nuclear power station could withstand an airplane hitting it. In the test they used a rocket-propelled, 27-ton F-4 Phantom jet, attached to a sled, aimed to hit a 3.7 meter thick slab of concrete at a speed of about 475 miles per hour which is the same speed that Flight 77 reportedly hit the Pentagon.

Notice how the plane does NOT go through the wall but disintegrates into chunks on the outside of the wall.

This is unlike the Pentagon attack where we are asked to believe that not only were the huge engines of a Boeing 757 not found imprinted on the wall of the Pentagon, they were seemingly not found at all.

In fact only small parts of a plane (or missile) were found and even Boeing employees when asked claimed that these parts did not belong to the suggested plane. Also there is the question of how a plane made out of very lightweight materials could have a nose so strong that it punched through three rings of concrete as it supposedly did at the Pentagon.

Whereas the plane in the video above crumples up on impact with the concrete wall we are asked to believe that Flight 77 managed to punch it's way through 3 rings of concrete at the Pentagon. Something a missile would do very well but a Boeing 757 isn't capable of due to the weakness of the planes nose.

To go with this we are expected to believe that no passenger bodies were found at the scene. Instead only bodies of people from the Pentagon were recovered. It was only later at another location that the passengers were supposedly identified. These could have easily been faked.

We also have witnesses from within the building who claim not to have seen any signs of a plane at all, even being threatened (or "corrected") in their assertion that a bomb had gone off (as the later video shows). At other plane crash sites, bodies are found still in their plane chairs, however none were at the Pentagon.

Multiple witnesses and journalists made statements that no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon could be seen on the grass or even within the hole that many witnesses walked through on their way to safety.

Then there is the question of how a plane of that size reportedly flew 400 mph at only 30ft above the ground to hit the first floor of the building without hitting the ground first.

If experienced pilots claim this feat would have been impossible for them to accomplish, then how could an inexperienced pilot such as Hani Hanjour, someone who had been denied the usage of a small Cessna 172 because he was such a bad pilot, make such a manoeuvre.

Others believe that the the immense down-force from the plane would have prevented it from flying so close to the ground at such speeds and that it would have crashed into the ground leaving marks on the untouched Pentagon lawn way before the walls that it reportedly hit.

I have personal contact with someone who worked with aircraft all their professional life, working with Rolls Royce aircraft engines.

When asked how a plane that size could fly so fast and so low to the ground without toppling over due to the huge down-force he replied - "with difficulty and a great deal of skill".

Something which we know the pilot reportedly had none of. Whether you think it's a distraction or not lots of questions remain about the Pentagon.

In fact lots of questions remain around 9.11 as a whole.

With the recent Prism scandal we should always remember that it was the events of 9.11 that has led to our current high tech surveillance state. This is Jesse Ventura's look into the Pentagon attacks.

By Dark Politricks

© 2013 Dark Politricks

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Help Bust Bradley Manning Out Of Jail!

Help Bust Bradley Manning Out Of Jail!

By Dark Politricks

This is a campaign video for the organisation "I am Bradley Manning".

They are campaigning for the release of the young tortured whistleblower who had the balls to see something wrong and stand up and be counted. They also want the charge "aiding the enemy" dropped.

As the video says not many young soldiers would be brave enough to see a war crime committed and try and do and something about it and whistle blowers are supposed to be protected by US law.

However we all know that isn't true as President Obama (a supposed Liberal) has persecuted more whistleblowers than any other President in history.

However instead of being protected Bradley Manning has been tortured and humiliated through lack of visits and daylight, plus forced to stay naked in his cell (for his own safety of course).

He now faces a long time in prison, and maybe even the death penalty, particularly due to the "aiding the enemy" charge.

All the time he is up in court he can be proud to know that he is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and that thousands of people are supporting and thinking about his plight.

Please visit the website and show your support.

Also pass the link on and help the site anyway you can by promoting it and subscribing to the mailing list.

The sites mission statement says the following:
Amidst courtroom secrecy, whistleblower and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Bradley Manning is on trial after three years of confinement.

The information that Bradley gave to the public has been a catalyst for pro-democracy movements in the Arab world, exposed the unjust detainment of innocent people at Guantanamo Bay, shown us the true human cost of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and changed journalism forever.

There is no evidence that anyone died as a result of the leaked information, yet Bradley faces life in prison or possibly death. The greatest charge against him is that of “aiding the enemy,” a capital offence. As the public who benefited from this information, does that make us the enemy?

What price will future whistleblowers pay?

I have added a link to the "I am Bradley Manning" site to my list of campaigns down the right hand side of the page and I have also just realised I still had a link to the "Free Gary McKinnon" campaign site down there.

Whilst the unfair and unbalanced extradition treaty between the US and UK has still not be resolved yet - particularly due to the feeble version of the Freedom Bill ( or Protection of Freedoms Bill ) that was actually passed when compared to the original proposed Freedom billGary McKinnon himself has won his battle to not be extradited to the USA.

Therefore I will be removing the link as his future has been secured and he will not be prosecuted by English courts either.

Therefore I am happy to tick a campaign off my list!

If you missed the reasons why, and the outrage from the Americans following Theresa May's decision not to extradite him, then the following article from the site explains the reasons why.

 Remember the site is still campaigning to get the extradition laws changed:
Joint CPS/MPS statement on the case of Gary McKinnon

Statement by Keir Starmer QC, Director of Public Prosecutions, and Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service on the case of Gary McKinnon

Between 1 February 2001 and 19 March 2002, Gary McKinnon allegedly gained unauthorised access to 97 United States (US) Government computers. An investigation was launched in the US and a request for assistance was made to the National Hi-Tech Crime Unit in England and Wales. Following discussions between the US Department of Justice, the police and the Crown Prosecution Service in the autumn of 2002, a decision was taken that the appropriate place for Mr McKinnon to be tried was the United States.

The reasons for that decision were:

The harm occurred in the US - the activity was directed against the military infrastructure of the US; An investigation had already been launched in the US; There were a large number of witnesses, most of whom were located in the US; All of the physical evidence (with the exception of Mr McKinnon's computer) was located in the US; The US prosecutors were able to bring a case that reflected the full extent of Mr McKinnon's alleged criminality; and The bulk of the unused material was located in the US. Given the nature of the offence, this inevitably included highly sensitive information and the US courts were best placed to deal with any issues arising in relation to this material.

As a result, the US sought Mr McKinnon's extradition from England and Wales for trial in the US.

The decision that the appropriate place for Mr McKinnon to be tried was the US was affirmed in 2009 and subsequently challenged in the High Court. That challenge failed. As Lord Justice Stanley Burnton said in his judgment: "... [it is] the decision of the DPP, which I consider to be lawful and unchallengeable, not to prosecute him here ... the USA is the appropriate forum for his prosecution."

On 16 October 2012, the Home Secretary decided not to extradite Mr McKinnon to the US on the basis of his health. She also announced that it was now for the DPP to decide whether Mr McKinnon had a case to answer in a UK court. At that stage there was no live criminal investigation in England and Wales, nor had there been for many years.

The DPP and the Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police therefore agreed to convene a joint police/CPS panel to consider whether a new criminal investigation should be commenced.

None of the reasons for the original decision in 2002 that the appropriate place for Mr McKinnon to be tried was the United States have altered. So far as the evidence is concerned, the position in 2012 is the same as it was in 2002. Most of the witnesses are in the US, as is nearly all the physical evidence and the bulk of the unused material, some of which is sensitive. Accordingly, in November this year, the CPS and the police met senior officials from the US Department of Justice to discuss the possibility of bringing the US witnesses to England and Wales for trial and of transferring all the US material to this jurisdiction to be considered.

The potential difficulties in bringing a case in England and Wales now should not be underestimated, not least the passage of time, the logistics of transferring sensitive evidence prepared for a court in the US to LONDON for trial, the participation of US government witnesses in the trial and the need fully to comply with the duties of disclosure imposed on the CPS. The prospects of a conviction against Mr McKinnon which reflects the full extent of his alleged criminality are not high.

After consulting with the Metropolitan Police Service and the CPS and having carefully considered matters, on 4 December this year, US authorities indicated to us that they would be willing to co-operate with a prosecution in England and Wales if that would serve the interest of justice. However, they do not consider that making all the US witnesses available for trial in London and transferring all of the US material to this jurisdiction would be in the interests of justice given our representations and the reasons for the decision that the US was the appropriate forum as set out above. That is a decision the US authorities are fully entitled to reach and we respect their decision.

Against this background, the joint CPS/police panel recommended to the Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police that he should not commence a new criminal investigation into Mr McKinnon. The Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has accepted that advice.
Therefore I am very happy to remove this link now Gary McKinnon is safe from US prison life.

You can still visit the site at to get up to date information on details to any changes to the extradition treaty if and when they happen.

I just hope I can remove this campaign link for as soon as possible.

View the original article I Am Bradley Manning - Help Bust Him Out Of Jail! at the main site

Prism means we should all be wary - journalists especially!

Prism means we should all be wary - journalists especially!

By Dark Politricks

With the explosion of information about the latest American spy scandal, and the revelation that the USA has been spying on us all for years, isn't it all about time we all took our Internet security more seriously?

You might have read my earlier article Internet censorship and surfing anonymously but if you are not a "text" reader and felt over-loaded with information then the following links to some nice infographics will help show you just how Google and your browser track, log, identify and make money from your personal information as you surf the web.

They will also show you in a simple way which settings to turn off depending on the browser you use, plus which browser specific plugins to install, to increase your security, improve privacy and reduce your "Internet footprint".

You may have seen Microsoft promoting their privacy options lately for Internet Explorer on the TV and there is a new setting which the browsers have introduced called DNT (Do Not Track).

Supposedly if you enable this setting in your browsers settings it will pass a special header called DNT (Do Not Track) along to all sites that you visit which is supposed to tell them to respect your privacy and not log or track you.

You can actually see this header with tools like HttpFox or Firebug or even most browsers own inbuilt developer console (F12 usually brings it up).

When you inspect your Request headers (all the information your browser passes to each site on each request for an HTML page, image or other resource required by websites to work) you will see the DNT header set to 1 if it's enabled.

However like all these things even though Google's own Chrome browser has a setting for this new option they themselves DON'T EVEN support it!

Just goes to show you that money is more important than a users security or privacy and that your online data is worth $£€ to the Internet companies.

Have a look at the following pages if you want a nice illustrated guide on how browsers and Internet sites track you online.

This explains how you can stop being tracked by your browser.

This explains how you are tracked online when you use Google.

This explains how your search results are tailored to previous searches and details obtained by your browser.

You should also look into using secure search engines such as or instead of Google (yes other search engines do exist and are just as good!) as well as researching secure browsers and tools such as TOR for secure Internet browsing.

As journalists are now targets of the American government and whistle-blowers seem to be top of the USA's execution lists, far ahead it seems of real terrorists, then newspapers and anyone else wanting to bring truth to the masses by exposing government secrets should really be looking at creating secure ways to communicate so as to protect their sources. We long expected that our governments were basically spying on all our emails, phone calls, Internet traffic and now we have been proven right. It is up to you alone to help make it as hard as possible for them to track you if you respect your own privacy.

It may be hard but the easiest thing to do is stay away from any of the big Internet companies and their products e.g Google, Facebook, Skype, Hotmail etc (there are alternatives) and lock down and encrypt your PC and as much of your traffic as possible.

As Ron Paul says in this article he fears the most recent whistle-blower Edward Snowden might even be killed by a US drone strike!

What the fuck is going on USA?

If anyone was mistaken about the real reason for the war on terror and the loss of liberties at home that sprung from it this should come as a big fat punch on the nose warning!

This war is not going to end. Who does anyone think we are ever going to sign a peace treaty with to end it?

No this war was all about allowing the governments of supposed western democratic nations to go draconian on all of our asses and we only have to look at how Obama, a supposed liberal President, is:

  • attacking free speech,
  • spying on reporters who dare report on the Government,
  • going after whistle-blowers which are supposedly protected by the law,
  • spying on all Americans and International countries who use the Internet without warrant or probable cause,
  • executing American nationals without trial,
  • killing innocent people by the hundreds in remote drone strikes,
  • supporting al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria and Libya, and worse of all,
  • increasing the American police state that is still under emergency laws (since 9.11) - with bills like the NDAA to follow on from the constitution killing PATRIOT Act which was brought in by George W Bush.
Whether you like Obama or not a TRUE liberal would not be promoting such activities.

View the original article Prism means we should all be wary - journalists especially! at the main site

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The true face of hell for Palestinians due to Israel and Zionism

The true face of hell for Palestinians due to Israel and Zionism

By Dark Politricks

This documentary shows you the history of the plight of the Palestinian people since the Zionists over took Judaism and led it down a road of self fulfilling prophecy - e.g the return to the holy land.

This video is a must watch for anyone who considers themselves a "Christian" supporter of Israel.

Remember you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist and you don't have to be Jewish to be Israeli.

Many Christians support Israel because they foolishly believe that the Jews returning to Israel is a sign that Jesus is about to return. All the while forgetting that this was prophecy not fulfilled by God but through the acts of man and acts that were not ours to commit.

Remember, and you will see many real Jews in this video talking about this. Many real Jews do not believe in the state of Israel as it exists now.

They see it as an affront to God as they were not given the land by God but through the Zionist movement who manipulated world consensus after the 2nd World War, holding the holocaust over the Wests head so that we gave them the right to another people's land.

Remember this was not a land without people for a people without a land. This was a land full of people that were kicked out, massacred and murdered by the Zionists in their quest for a homeland.

We had no right to give the land of Palestine to the Jews after World War II. As the film says how would you like it if I turned up at your home with my own holy book and said "my book says that your home belongs to me - hand it over"?

In fact as the Jewish people were maltreated, discriminated against and even killed throughout western Europe throughout the years the Middle East was one of the few places the Jews had no problem living in.

There used to be very large Jewish communities all over the Middle East from Iran to Iraq to North Africa. There are still large numbers of Jews even in Iran and when the Muslim empire receded in the Middle Ages from Spain the Jewish people left alongside the Muslims as they feared the actions of the Christians a lot more than those the Muslims may commit.

Therefore the Palestinian people are paying for Western guilt over the holocaust and the Zionists have no problem playing the holocaust card whenever possible to use that guilt to their advantage.

No other country since South Africa has lived under such apartheid yet we are not blockading Israel instead we are allowing it to get away with massacres on international waters, the use of chemical weapons in civilian areas, the killing of children and many more crimes that we wouldn't put up with for a minute if that country didn't have such strong lobby groups pulling the strings of our politicians.

Anti-Semite, anti-Semite! They shout as you attack Israel's foreign policy, forgetting that most Israeli's are not even Semites and instead immigrants with no link to the land.

It has been admitted by many Israeli politicians and peace activists that this tactic of denouncing anyone who attacks Israel as an anti-Semite is a tool that has been successfully used over the years to squash dissent.

However we are now getting wise to this and can see through their hollow shouts as Palestinians kids throw stones at tanks and Israeli fighter planes paid for by American tax dollars fire missiles into chicken farms, Mosques and homes.

Under international law refugees are supposed to be able to return to their homeland however the Palestinians are stuck in squalid refugee camps as well as open air prisons such as Gaza with no right of return. All the while a convert to Judaism who has no links to the land can go and live in Israel as if they were 1st class citizens and the Palestinians 2nd class.

Just remember, the Zionists don't respect Christians, they allow themselves to be supported by Christians who don't realise how their "saviour" Jesus is denigrated and mocked by both religious texts and television shows.

They want our support for their "Greater Israel" and have no qualms about using false flag attacks such as the Lavron Affair or the attack on the USS Liberty to get us to fight for them. Don't believe me - just check those two historical events out.

Watch the video below or on

View the original video Israel - Occult Zionism - Hell on Earth - Documentary - WW3 - NWO on

You can read the original article "Israel and Zionism - the true face of hell for Palestinians" at my main website