Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Video's About The Joe Biden Scandal The MSM Is Ignoring

Should You Vote For Joe Biden?


By Dark Politricks

Out of many, I have managed to pick two good short videos that I believe anyone thinking of voting for Joe Biden should at least spend 15 minutes to watch before going and voting for "more of the same". The 1st refers to the scandal that the Democrats don't want you to know about. They even have Silicon Valley helping them by hiding this news from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube where most modern people get their news from.

Even if you don't like Trump, an idiot President if ever, if these revelations about Biden plus all his past political acts such as enacting the 1994 Crime Act. Imprisoning poor people for 99 times the length of time for possession of crack than cocaine powder, something his son clearly has gotten away with, and for helping create the privatized prison industry, you should still know the type of person you are voting for.

I know it's hard to pick from two senile, potentially seriously ill, Grandads who can't even remember what they are saying during speeches, or even have a civil debate, but you should at least familiarise yourself with the choice of those who control whoever is President before voting for them.

Not to ignore the fact that Joe Biden lied about getting 3 degrees in the highest section of his class from some University or that he lied about walking in the streets for the Civil Rights movement. Or the fact that he is taking money from the MIC, Big Oil, refuses to ban Fracking, helped Obama cage kids at the border with ICE and denied in the last debate his support for the "New Green Deal", just after claiming that "It would pay for itself".

Just imagine if this news story was reversed, and it was Trump's son's laptop that had been found and handed to a Democrat. Revealing not only that Trump's son was doing the same drugs that his Dad helped craft a law that locked millions of poor black people up, as well as sleeping with prostitutes, but was peddling influence to his Vice President Dad from foreign Energy Firms, and even worse the Chinese Communist Party. 
The drugs and prostitutes are not really important to me considering Presidents from Clinton, Bush to Obama all took drugs, but the hypocrisy is. I would love to have seen Hunter Biden get caught with a bag of rocks and see how many hoops his father would have jumped through to stop his own Crime Bill punishing him by locking him up for dozens of years.
The laptop is full of evidence the FBI should have been looking through to find out exactly what influence was "peddled", how compromised was Joe Biden, and certainly investigate any penetration of the US political system by the Chinese Communist Party.

How would the Democrats react. The news would be full of the story, Trump's campaign would be finished. Instead all the MSM are calling it - yes - "A Russian Disinfo Campaign" - a story that never gets old.

I like this video from as it's succinct and reflects my views on the situation. I really don't care about Hunter's dalliances with drugs and prostitutes apart from the fact his Dad knew he has a drug problem and would have probably used all his influence to get his son out of a jam if caught by the Police. He certainly wouldn't let him spend a minimum of 5 years as his own bill stated for possession of a single crack rock,

Obama may have introduced "The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010" that "reduces the disparity between the amount of crack cocaine and powder cocaine needed to trigger certain federal criminal penalties from a 100:1 weight ratio to an 18:1 weight ratio...", however there is still a disparity that means someone, usually richer white people who use cocaine powder, get 18 times less jail time for a gram of cocaine powder than someone else would get for a gram of rock.

I still think Joe Biden, like Hillary if she had been elected, will probably lead us into a war with Iran and maybe crank up tensions with Russia. He is definitely part of the deep state owned and controlled politicians, that they want in power looking like a senile Grandpa, and allowing them to do all the things the MIC and the Halliburton's of the world want. Such as turning countries like Libya into failed states or using Jihadists to destabilise nations like Syria. All so they can make money by first bombing the country to pieces and then by rebuilding it.

If he wasn't the "choice" / "selection" of the deep state, then this news story would certainly be all over the mainstream news and not banned from various social media sites. It just shows how much power they control when they can label a serious news story like this a "Russian Dis-info Campaign", or laugh about it and wave it away with a stroke of a hand on a news show as if not even worthy of looking into.

Whether you want to vote for Joe Biden, a proven liar, or Trump a proven liar, is up to you. However you should at least know the sort of lies that Joe has been peddling if you don't already. 
The 2nd video by comedian Jimmy Dore, who debunked the "Russiagate" story in real time, along with fake Syrian gas attacks and other stories pushed by the COINTELPRO owned MSM who still push CIA propaganda through TV News as they did during the Cold War with Operation Mockingbird, or more recently the Iraq and Afghanistan war where there seemed to be a retired general or intelligence member on any panel discussing how many bombs they should continue to drop. It is well worth a watch if you want to know a bit more about his political career, and the lies he has told during it.

The New Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Allegations are Completely Insane

Jimmy Dore debunks Rolling Stone Lies To It's Readers

Also if you ever notice this site suddenly disappear then check out Archive.Today or the Wayback Machine, although the person in the 1st video did say they were even removing political content from their archives at which is not a good sign for the Internet, at the moment you can get a good coverage of my articles going back to 2009.

Please comment and pass this on to anyone unaware of the hypocrisy of Joe Biden and the potential security threat he could pose due to the discovery of his son's laptop.

By Dark Politricks

© 2020 By Dark Politricks

Friday, 23 October 2020

CDC Article Admits Virus Is Computer Generated

Article From The CDC Admits COVID19 Is Computer Generated


By Dark Politricks

As YouTube and Google, Facebook, Twitter and the Silicon Valley Nexus crack down on free speech and views that they find "unpalatable" or describe as "hate speech" and block, ban, de-monetize or de-rank if not totally obliterate your site. 
New sites are springing up for people wanting to hear news about controversial topics on their own terms. Make your own mind up if you find the contents in the video are "fake news" or just news the authorities don't want you to hear.

One of these new sites if you haven't been on it yet is "Brand New Tube", a YouTube like site that won't de-rank or censor videos on topics that the Silicon Valley / Government nexus don't want you to hear about and think about 

This video is from David Icke about the Coronavirus. I do like one statement made by the presenter who said that the news is scaring people with news that "Manchester Hospital is at COVID19 full capacity", however that is only the number of beds they have assigned for the virus - 8. So if 8 people have COVID19 and take those 8 beds up the news will then scare you with talk about how the hospital is at "full capacity".

Whatever you think of David Icke, COVID19 and theories surrounding the virus about how it is being used to destroy the economy you might as well listen to this video as it's the first one I have embedded from
It looks at how computer models have been used to define what "COVID19" actually is, and how kids who are exempt from wearing masks are now being force fed "fashion masks" with "no medical benefits" to get them wearing masks.
Also before listening remember that UK Government Ministers and doctors have admitted that no-one can recover from COVID19.
A one Dr Loke said the way Public Health England collects data means "no-one with COVID in England is allowed to recover from their illness".

"A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later
That means I can get COVID19, as defined by ? and then recover, before weeks later drunkenly stumble across the road and get run over by a car means I am not put under the death list for "stupid drunk people", but another COVID19 death statistic instead. You can see some comparisons between Cancer Deaths, Heart Disease Deaths and COVID19 deaths on my earlier article.
These are all serious health conditions that are all being ignored due to Coronavirus. People that need treatment for serious health problems that all have higher death figures than COVID19. How many more people will die from missed operations, and treatments that have been put off due to the COVID19 panic and lock down.
That's not even to mention the Track and Trace apps the Government is pushing on people which is basically being used by Police to track people of interest and see where they go and who they associate with.
Anyway watch the video and let me know what you think. They are new so if the video is not shown underneath then click the link below to open it in a new page to watch it.

Let me know what you think of the views put out in the video and go and have a look at Brand New Tube and see if there are any topics you have been hidden from viewing on and Facebook. 


By Dark Politricks

© 2020 Dark Politricks

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Joe Biden Lies - Democrats doing it again

Social Media Censor Joe Biden Lies and Son's Email's Exposing Links With The Chinese Communist Party

By Dark Politricks
If you have been getting all your news from Facebook or Twitter lately then you probably won't have heard about the massive news related to Democratic Presidential candidate Joe's Biden's son Hunter.

Not only are the two sites censoring the story despite allowing stories about Trump to be re-tweeted and liked, but this goes against the norms of a free society where potential voters should know everything about the crook they are about to vote in.
However these social media companies are using the excuse which is based in unfounded claims that the news is based on hacked data and therefore they are not allowing access to it. However Twitter and Facebook have both allowed stories in the past based on info from hacked sources, such as WikiLeaks, Snowden's revelations about NSA surveillance and Hillary Clinton's emails the last election.
Therefore their now self righteous act as controllers of what news is broadcast on their system will only inflame the debate about free speech and what social media is and is not responsible for publishing. 
In a free society information should be allowed to flow and people should be allowed to make their own minds up on it. If Twitter and Facebook are indeed to become "publishers" then this leaves them open for claims of libel if anything printed on there sites is found to be based on lies and fake news. 
The concept of a "free speech zone" where anyone can post anything and not leave the websites who allow their posts to be viewed liable for the information seems to be dying slowly. This is causing many people to leave sites that censor and de-rank video's and stories to other sites like and

Whether it is Hillary or Obama, Biden or Trump, all these puppets have masters, and all of them have dirty secrets they want to hide. These secrets are obviously used by the true masters of the country to control their candidate. However despite revelations about normal dirty politics, there will always be deeper darker secrets that the Presidents selected to become POTUS have held over their heads to do the bidding of the deep state.

Despite the New York Post posting stories about Joe Biden's son, Hunter, and his "lost" laptop, which he apparently left in a computer repair shop only for the owner to offer it to the FBI, and then when they were not interested, he gave it to Trump's attorney Rudolph Giuliani. Many papers and online sites have claimed the news to be "unverified". This does not mean it is not true. If it were lies, why have the Biden's not sued the NYP?

As the paper itself says:

Much of the push to ignore The Post’s drop of Hunter Biden’s e-mails centers on the charge that it’s all “unverified.” The claim is more excuse than truth.

Not only do these emails show complicity in Hunter and his father getting involved with the Chinese Communist party, taking money for sitting on a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma's board, and for receiving money for introducing Joe to foreign agents / businessmen.
One email is shown that says:
Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.It's realty [sic] an honor and pleasure

Vadym Pozharskyi - Apirl 17, 2015 - To Hunter Biden
This is something Joe has repeatedly claimed was a lie, but the disk is full of emails suggesting that he peddled influence with his father as well as more personal photos showing Hunter smoking crack, and having sex. To me this is nothing special, many people struggle with drugs and demons, whether they are poor, rich, powerful or unknown.
He struggles, like many Americans. He’s in recovery, like many Americans. When both father and son talk about it, it’s without shame. 

However when these people are in positions of power like previous drug abusing Presidents such as Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Obama, it does open them up to blackmail.Both by other countries in the know and by the deep state who knows all you do and when you do it.
The real problem is the fact that the FBI didn't seem interested in this information that Obama's Vice President was engaging with members of the Chinese Communist party. The one country that if there were to be a war tomorrow the US would be firing nukes across the Pacific at an enemy that has spent years and billions to steal data, reverse engineer weapons and hack their way into US companies for political control and monetary gain. 
Just look at the Coronavirus, the Chinese obviously don't care much about the people of Wuhan who it seems more likely was a real life test scenario for the COVID19 strain developed at their germ warfare laboratory than an accident. I do find it very strange whilst the whole of the world is some form of lock-down and police state like control that one major city in China suffered from COVID whilst Beijing and Shanghai somehow managed to escape the extreme measures implemented in Wuhan and the rest of the world.
The fact they also bought up tons of Western companies as their stock prices fell through the ground is another sign that COVID, who many people claim has been treated as an excuse to implement martial state like laws across the world, was an economic weapon deployed against the west. Something claimed by Trump and others but denied by WHO scientists.

However if you want some contradictory claims that the virus was indeed man made check out these articles.

Back to the email scandal. Apart from the contents of the son of the Vice Presidents computer, the more worrying question is why the FBI didn't do anything when the shop keeper offered to hand the laptop to them. Were they scared of another "email" scandal like the previous election or were they just being good sections of the "deep state", protecting the person they want in power. Or maybe on a lesser level like James Comey, they just didn't want to cause another shit storm so close to the election unlike 2016 when the investigation into Hillary was closed and then re-opened just before the election. Maybe they just wanted to swerve this nightmare so close to an election altogether.
If you haven't heard anything about, it and why would you if you haven't been reading the NYP, and searching for news online despite Twitter and Facebook blocking access to posts related to the story then you should check these two Sky News stories out. One is about the censorship, the other is an interview with Steve Bannon about the claims of peddling influence and contact with his father to foreign business men and links to the Chinese Communist Party.

Utter disgrace, Twitter, Facebook censor Hunter Biden story

Joe Biden's son emailed shop owner about hard drive to 'get it back': Former Trump chief

Have a watch and tell me what you think. Will it affect your vote in the election or is just another case of a corrupt politician doing what they do. Also should social media companies be deciding what we can and cannot read about, especially a story about drugs sex and lies, peddling political influence and a potential Presidents links to the Chinese Communist Party?..

By Dark Politricks
©2020 Dark Politricks