Monday, 27 October 2014

9.11 An Introductory Guide for people wanting to know the conspiracy theories behind the attack that started World War III

9.11 An Introductory Guide for people wanting to know the conspiracy theories behind the attack that started World War III

By Dark Politricks.

Sorry I haven't written munch lately but I am been seriously ill - almost dead to be exact , ina nd out of hospital for various things, but I am able to write today .

Today I want to introduce newcomers to the 9/11 conspiracies to a great introductory video that gets you up to speed on some of the key points 9/11.

It doesn't go as far as naming real names lke the head of the Israeli Mossad Operation teams or how Mossad were following some of the hijackers around for up to a year before the attack, However it does open the door far enough for people to  be intrigued enough to want to investigate more.

Most people know all about the parts discussed in the video but for others this is a good starting place.

Why ?

Well it's all about one man's story from how he went from an average America husband and father who believed the Governments line on the 9/11 attacks. To someone who nearly lost his marriage, friends and had everyone thinking he was going loopy for speaking out about the glaring inconsistencies in the 9.11 story.

Lies being told to the American people to get them to fight wars in foreign lands.

He talks about the fast falling of buildings, the super fast clean up, the ejected steel poles embedded in other buildings, the samples of dust consisting of a substance called nano-termite a substance only produced in in top US military laboratories to the amount of people who had pre-knowledge of  the attacks and especially WTC-7.

Here was a building not hit by a place that collapsed looking like a perfect controlled demolition in almost free fall time, with no resistance from from all the floors to slow the collapse down.

He talks about how vans were turning up at 3am every morning after the janitors of WTC had left and then left again before they returned. What were these people doing? Has anyone asked and found an answer?

He also discusses how all the companies running the security of the WTC buildings, and even airports that the hijackers used were owned by Bush family members,.

Also why i it so many of the he families of the dead victims from the attack want a fresh investigation and so much more.

What makes this video different from the others you might have seen about 9./1 is how it's about one mans journey from an air of nonchalance about 9.11 and belief in the official story until he saw one bit of video footage that changed his whole perspective. Just the single thought about why George W Bush carried on  reading to school kids when the country was under attack made him wonder why.

Any  other President who had just been told there were multiple hijacked planes in the sky would have been taken out from the building to a secure location ASAP.

Who would have known whether the hijackers knew the location  of the Presidents whereabouts that day?

Why did the Secret Service feel so safe remaining in the school and more worried about scaring the children than getting the Present to protective custody  in  time of "war".

He then saw more videos, read more articles, and went down the "rabbit hole" until it almost broke his marriage apart by his obsession with the 9/11 conspiracy.

Therefore he first started making this video for his wife and family to explain to them WHY he was so obsessed with the 9.11 attacks.

It worked, they watched it and changed their minds. His marriage and family were saved. Therefore he recently put this up on YouTube for others to see and I suggest that you do spend the time to watch it, especially if you still believe the official report of what happened on 9.11.

So for someone new to 9/11 and the discussions about all the various topics, about who did it, why they did it, and who had something to gain from starting what is now becoming a 3rd World War between the West and Iskan ot os a great starter vodep to read. It goes at a nice pace, fills you with facts and quotes from the mainstream media around 9.11 and then shows how the same media turned on anyone attempting to claim it was an "inside job".

One of the funnies pieces of the film is how a CNN team managed to drive into Afghanistan interview the worlds most wanted man, Osama bin-Laden and yet the worlds most sophisticated security apparatus couldn't capture or taker him out.  Funny how people managed to interview bin-Lade before and after 9.11 but the CIA went to war for a decade and let him escape to Pakistan.

CNN beat the CIA to Osama-bin-Laden

The video is fast paced and has a human touch as the parts between the 9.11 attacks are interspersed with his personal tale of how it effected his marriage, family and friends.

A Starter Guide On 9.11

I would 100% suggest this video as a starter guide for anyone interested in the events, whether you believe in a conspiracy and especially if you don't.

Afterwards there is enough people mentioned in the film, organisations, companies and other websites that you can go and visit to get more detailed knowledge of  the facts.

If you want one article on a theoretical debate between a conspiracy believer and non believer read this article of mine.

Then if you want a real debate just read the comments below the article.

Just before I show you the video I want to show you a some film of what happens when a plane flying at the same speeds the hijacked planes were going when they hit the WTC and Pentagon hit solid concrete.

Does the plane enter the wall or does it just crumble into dust on the outside?
Now watch the video and send it to your friends, family and other people who believe the official conspiracy story.


9/11 - Anatomy of a Great Deception - Complete Version


View the original srticle at 9/11 The Anatomy of a Great Deception - Please Watch This Is If You Want To Know The Basics About 9/1 Conspiracy Theories.