By Dark Politricks
For those of you who haven't heard about TRAPWIRE it is a system that has the ability to grab video from far-flung CCTV and surveillance cameras located in stores, casinos and other businesses around the country and then uses sophisticated facial recognition software to identify people of interest.
Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points by CCTV cameras in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence.
Mixed with huge NSA and CIA super computers this information allows the powers that be to identify people who are on the run, have illegally entered the country, are possible terrorists or "domestic extremists" or maybe they just want to track a person of interests movements as they move around their town.
This system makes no distinction between good people and bad - it scans us all.
If you have ever seen the TV programme "Person of Interest" in which a computer programmer developed a system after 9.11 that does exactly what TRAPWIRE does then it doesn't seem so far fetched as some TV commentators have stated.
Now add the ability to track "people of interest" all around the country as they move from car, on to the road and then back home with CCTV, GPS in your phone (and triangulation from phone masts if GPS is turned off), constant tracking on the Internet, XRays at airports and now train stations and you have a surveillance state that people like George Orwell could only dream of.
Now add that to the story that scientists can now "hack your brain" and steal information such as PIN numbers and Bank details and you can see how this already scary brave new world could turn into a nightmare for the common man.
In a few years time these scientists will probably be able to integrate parts of their new "brain hacking system" into systems like TRAPWIRE and you can imagine the possibilities.
As a TRAPWIRE linked camera spots you having an argument it can detect your levels of stress and adrenaline, score you for possible signs of malcontent and then send in the boys in blue to taser and pepper spray you until you submit to their will.
It might seem far fetched but then I would never think our countries would implement a global surveillance system that tracked everybody, stored our details on huge super computers and logged our every move.
Although scientists are at the beginning of their "brain hacking" mission I am sure the NSA and other state agencies would be very interested in their work and who knows how much further they have really gone - all redacted due to "National Security" of course. Who knows this technology could already be in use without our knowledge.
When our leaders tell us they have prevented terrorist attacks and we find out that really they were dupes and patsies led on by the FBI to commit crimes they wouldn't have done on their own, we really have no idea if we are really under threat at home at all.
Do we need all this high tech and very expensive computer technology monitoring our every move or is it just because "they can" that they are doing it?
What I do know is that there hasn't been a major terrorist attack by al-Qaeda in the USA or Europe for quite a few years and bin-Laden is dead as well as numerous number 2's who seem to get killed every other week by a drone strike.
Drone strikes by the way that seem to kill more civillians that terrorists and only create more and more people who will want to hurt us in the future. Also drones that have somehow made their way back home to fly the skies of the USA - do they think they will be fighting terrorists in the streets of America in the near future?
When you next laugh at "conspiracy theorists" who think that they are being watched, monitored and that the state is trying to make the domestic population the enemy just remember that all of the following are TRUE:
-The NSA is building a spy center the size of a city in UTAH that will have bottomless databases storing all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.”
It is, in some measure, the realization of the “total information awareness” program created during the first term of the Bush administration—an effort that was killed by Congress in 2003 after it caused an outcry over its potential for invading Americans’ privacy.
-ECHELON has been a reality for many decades, listening into our phone calls and electronic communications for trigger words and signs of malcontent.
-The USA has turned from the home of the free to a semi-dictatorship in which American citizens can be locked up indefinitely without charge, killed abroad (or at home) without any judicial process on the say so of the President. Also since 9.11 America is still living under "emergency laws" which give the President almost dictatorial powers including 500 dormant legal provisions, including those allowing him to impose censorship and martial law.
-NSA employee William Binney revealed this year that the NSA has a dossier on virtually every American - very Stasi like of America to do this don't you think?
-The Internet is constantly monitored and new laws mean that server log files are kept for years in case they need to be reviewed at a later date. This is on top of repeated attempts by governments to introduce laws to implement "kill switches", and ways to shut down websites they don't like.
-Almost 900,000 Americans have hold top-secret security clearances. How many others hold lower security level clearances?
-All European banking details are handed over to the USA after the EU found out the American intelligence services, including the CIA and other agencies, had been accessing European banking data illegally via SWIFT anyway - so they just made it legal so that it could continue - that's how much they care about your privacy people!
-All the technological tools we use such as Facebook, iPhones, Google and Microsoft have been found to breach our privacy by illegally storing our data or selling it to advertisers and even uploading it to police tools so they can know where we have been.
-This comes on top of our knowledge that all the major tech companies have links with US intelligence agencies including Microsoft implementing back-doors into their PC's so that the NSA can access your computer whenever they want and Google helping the CIA develop their search algorithms to help them monitor the web in real time.
-We are walking into a surveillance state by consent as kids growing up today have no concept of privacy and constantly put pictures and data online that years ago would have been kept personal. Now it is sold to advertisers and to government agencies for tracking social groups and networks and their possible intent.
-The UK government has reneged on promises to roll back Labour's surveillance society by committing themselves to rolling out a super computer system to track UK citizens online in real time. As the Sunday Times revealed: "Internet companies will be told to install thousands of pieces of hardware to allow GCHQ, the government’s eavesdropping centre, to scrutinise “on demand” every phone call made, text message and email sent and website accessed in real time."
-Within the next couple of years, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you or you knowing about it.
Now imagine if these super computers all had the ability to read your mind as well from a distance. How scary would that be?