Friday 28 February 2014

What would the USA do if they were the Ukraine and Russians were stirring up trouble in their country?

What would the USA do if they were the Ukraine and Russians were stirring up trouble in their country?

By Dark Politricks

Can you imagine if what was occurring in the Ukraine was happening in the USA or the UK?

Policeman killed by ultra nationalists and anti-Semite thugs being put into positions of power with the help of AIPAC bought and paid for US politicians such as John McCain?

It just goes to show how the US and Europe doesn't give a shit about using nationalist thugs and anti-semites to carry out their agenda when it means they can ebb away at Russian borders. However at home, if you dare criticise Israel you are called an anti-semite - square than one if you please?

Here is proof of John McCain meeting ultra nationalist far right leaders in Kiev recently.

What right does a US politician have to enter another country and demand changes in leadership?

John McCain Oleh Tyahnybok Here is John McCain in the Ukraine meeting (on his right) far right leader Oleh Tyahnybok in Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Dec. 15, 2013.

Can you imagine if Russian politicians turned up in Washington or London and stood with the BNP or Klu Klux Klan and demanded that the constitutionally elected President of the country stood down so that ultra nationalist thugs could take their place?

Here is one of the thugs John McCain and EU leaders want to put into positions of power threatening officials in their offices. Aleksandr Muzychko a radical Ukrainian nationalist leader lashed out at a local prosecutor with obscene language, punches and threats claiming the prosecutors were “sabotaging” their job.

“Shut the f**k up, you b*tch! Your f**king time is over,” he uttered, threatening to rope the clerk like a dog and lead him to the people on Maidan.

This “activist,” is an ex Chechen fighter who fought against Russian troops and recently branded his Kalashnikov in front of regional authorities goading them and threatening them to "try to take it away from me".

He is also on record for making openly anti-Semitic statements as are many of the far right "protestors" who have been killing and beating policeman, shooting at politicians and rioting on a daily basis for months now.

Here are just a few photos of "demonstrators" attacking the Ukraine police.

If the US can pinch the noses of peaceful students sitting on the ground to spray pepper spray down their throats, then can can you imagine the response of US police if protesters sprayed pepper spray at THEM, or battered them as they are doing in the Ukraine by Occupy or Tea Party protesters?

They would have been shot on the spot.

Ukrainian protester sprays pepper spray at policeman

Protestors defy ban on protesting by the Ukraine government

Protester kicks rank of Ukrainian police

Now I am not saying that the Ukrainian president who is on the run and has just given a press conference on is perfect.

He banned protests and allowed policemen to kill many of the protesters. However the people who the west is trying to put into power so that they can milk their assets and drain them through IMF loans are no better.

This whole scheme has been devised to split Ukraine from Russia who would offer them a much better deal than the EU is offering and get them into the western sphere of influence and most importantly NATO. This was something that explicitly stated would NOT happen when Gorbachev and Reagan had their meetings and the Soviet Union split up.

The west promised not to encroach on Russian areas of influence but this has blatantly been broken as the USA realised they were the only super power and believed they could do as they pleased despite previous agreements.

First Georgia became a US proxy after a "colour" revolution, and with US/Israeli help tested the Russian military when they killed peace keepers and bombed the breakaway territory of South Ossetia during the start of the Chinese Olympics in 2008. However Russia proved the west wrong and humiliated them in this illegal war and now half of South Ossetia is under Russian control.

The West then moved into the southern states of Russia, building air bases, using their proxy Islamic terrorists to stir up trouble and then invading Afghanistan to get even more air bases, surrounding Russia, plus the plan of an oil pipeline to rival the Russian one bringing gas and oil to Europe and ports in the south.

It just amazes me that people like Catherine Ashton (EU) and John McCain, who are against nationalism at home are prepared to enter a sovereign country, talk to neo-nazis (people they would never talk to at home), and stir up trouble in a country they have no business being in.

If I was Putin, I would invade Ukraine right now, at least the eastern half and Crimea who wants to stay connected to Russia, and then see what balls the NATO agitators really have.

I cannot believe the US or Europe want to cause shit with Russia when they need their help with Syria and Iran so I doubt they would do anything if that happened apart from make loud noises and thump their chests.

However Putin can see his country being surrounded by the west (NATO) and from a historical perspective (watch Oliver Stones untold history of the United States) if you want some context. The Russians are paranoid to the extreme about being invaded due to being attacked so many times in the past.

Remember whilst the UK and US lost less than a million men in World War II, Russia lost over 20 million! Whatever you are taught in school about World War II, the US/UK did not win the war in Europe, Russia did. They beat us to Berlin and they destroyed the majority of the German army.

Also they were invaded by the Germans twice in the 20th century (World War I and II) and before that by Napoleon.

There is a saying in Russia, "give a German a gun and before long they will turn it at Russia". If you don't know your history then you should note that when Germany invaded the Ukraine in WWII, many Ukrainians treated them as liberators and even joined their ranks to fight the Soviets.

Therefore the neo-nazi element in the Ukraine has been around for a long time and Russia has a right to fear it.

If the west is so keen to allow neo-nazis to take power in a state that they want to join NATO and the EU then we must ask ourselves, are we becoming a fascist empire or do we just have no morals when it comes to taking over countries by any means necessary.

For more info read about Gladio 2 (Sibel Edmonds) and how the US used nationalists to other throw regimes in the 80's and 90's and then changed to Islamic extremists when it suited them (al-Qaeda, al-Nusra Front etc).

This is the first part of the 5 part series with James Corbett. For the others go to this link.

View the original article Can you imagine if Ukraine was the USA? at

Thursday 13 February 2014

New Videos of Witness Testimony, Explosives and Conspiracy at WTC on 9.11

Great New Videos From 9.11 Witnesses At WTC-7
By Dark Politricks

These are some very good videos which sceptics and believers of the official conspiracy story on 9/11 and what brought down the Twin Towers should watch.

Why? Well the videos contain numerous clips of TV footage from the day of the attacks which are hard to find nowadays.

This TV footage from mainstream channels shows numerous witnesses and TV commentators speaking of how they heard bombs and explosives go off. What is very illuminating is how on the day of the event even the mainstream media were willing to ask questions about explosives, controlled demolitions and drones / military planes being flown into the buildings. It's such a shame that they are all now towing the party line and keeping quiet about what they know happened that day.

From Fireman to Policeman, reporters and office workers there are numerous witnesses who on the day claim to have been in all parts of the WTC when they either saw, heard or were injured by explosions that happened BEFORE the Towers fell.

This includes the smashed up lobby which is seen on camera in which people died which the official story explains by claiming fire from the planes shot down the elevator from the impact site.

This is despite the fact that the elevators were hermetically sealed which would have prevented this from occurring. Also whilst people are seen on camera in the holes near the plane impact zones perfectly unharmed people were being killed, burned and thrown all over the place hundreds of floors away at the bottom of the towers.

There is also enough live video footage to rubbish claims that no loud bangs, explosions or cutter charge like sounds were heard on the day. Numerous clips will show you how loud the explosions were and how similar they were to demolition explosives as well as dozens of witnesses who talk about leaving the scene as "bombs are still in the building".

The videos also explain how easy it would be for a small team of people to plant enough explosives near the cores of the Twin Towers without:
  1. Being spotted by witnesses.
  2. Taking a long time as skeptics claim.
  3. And using only a dozen or so small inconspicuous boxes containing high-grade military explosives.
By planting these high explosives on every second floor and using programmed timers it would be easy to demolish the central core of the WTC and stage what looked like a pancake collapse.

The Maths is pretty simple and the power outs in the days leading up to 9/11 would have provided these conspirators with enough time and cover to carry out their job without being spotted.

Not only were the bomb sniffing dogs pulled out of the towers before the attacks but CIA 9.11 whistleblower Susan Lindaur, who was one of the first people arrested under the PATRIOT Attack for trying to tell her story, explains how in the run up to the attacks vans and men carrying tools and equipment would visit the towers every night for days in a row between 3-5 am in the morning when no other staff were present.

The blackouts gave the cover that engineers needed to do work as well as enabling CCTV to be off at the time needed to plant the explosives. A small team could plant enough bombs to demolish both towers within 24 hours.

How they could have easily rigged the WTC Towers for demolition

The videos also show some clips I personally haven't seen until now including a shot of WTC-7 before it fell and what looks like cutter charges going off all across the building.

You can actually see small flashes of light dot from window to window from the right to left of the building and this would have been required for WTC-7 to fall into its own footprint the way it did.

No sporadic fires could have caused such an evenly and well-timed collapse including the 2+ seconds of freefall. Even the company NIST asked to carry out experiments to try and prove how the buildings fell could not replicate a collapse scenario which means NIST had to rely on computer models and unrealistic parameters to explain how a single point of failure caused what looks like a demolition sequence in WTC-7.

Just like the video of the collapse of WTC-7 which shows the Penthouse of the building dipping before the rest of the structure the same goes for the Twin Towers. You can see the highest points of the towers, the aerials and other equipment on top of the tower's core dip before the rest of the building starts to collapse. This all indicates that the central columns had been removed first.

For people who haven't seen the structure of WTC and think a plane and office fires could have demolished it's huge central core think again.

The way the building was built meant that even if the trusses and other supporting columns and beams were weakened by fire or a plane the central core would remain intact. The sides of the building may have toppled or slowly fallen off bit by bit but there is no way a fire could have caused the huge central core to be crushed and pulverized into dust as it was.

The explosive nature of the collapse was so intense that steel and other materials were melded together and fires burnt underground for ages during the clean up process.

Pictures of the WTC Twin Towers Design and Central Core

The central core of the Twin Towers The design of the Twin Towers WTC-2 Twin Towers Central CoreThe Reinforced core of the World Trade Center

The videos also show clips of other buildings that were hit by debris from WTC, including buildings where huge steel girders were embedded into their walls after being shot out sideways from the collapse.

How a fire could have caused enough pressure to do this I don't know but these other buildings didn't catch fire and then have a free fall like collapse as WTC-7 did. Therefore it is very odd how WTC-7 acted in the way it did when many other buildings were hit by the falling debris from WTC.

What explosives were used to destroy the Twin Towers

The numerous interviews with witnesses and bystanders from the day also talk about the military looking planes that hit the buildings.

There are multiple witnesses who saw the planes and detail how they were grey or very dark, and didn't look anything like the red and blue American Airlines aircraft that supposedly hit the Twin Towers.

Remember that even back in the 60's certain people in the Military and US government (Operation Northwoods) thought it was a good idea to stage a false flag attack and blame it on Cuba by automatically flying planes, sending out fake distress calls saying they had been hijacked by Cubans and then crash the planes. All this so that the US public would believe Cuba was at fault therefore legitimizing a war of aggression against the island. If the US could plan a false flag attack like that back in the 60's then imagine what automated chaos they could instigate with modern technology.

Military Planes Used To Hit The Twin Towers

In the following video CIA whistle-blower, Susan Lindaur, gives a speech where she explains the war with Iraq wasn't necessary and that before 9.11 Iraq was actually bending over backwards to help the USA. They even offered to provide the US Government with everything they wanted which negated any need for an armed conflict. She claims her back channel mission between the US and Iraq had provided a lucrative and unexpected bounty of gifts which has been kept secret from the US population.

This included:
  • Allowing the weapons inspectors into the country.
  • An FBI presence in the country to hunt down terrorists.
  • Llucrative oil and commercial contracts.
  • Even Saddam Hussein offering to stand down and hold free elections.
She also talks about her reasons for believing that both hijacked planes AND explosives were used to bring down the Twin Towers, the planes being a cover story for the demolition job. It is well worth listening to the story of a 9.11 whistleblower who tried to tell her story to the US government and the people but was instead jailed for a year under the nefariously named PATRIOT ACT.

As I say in my article 9.11 Sceptics versus logic and reasoning, what we need is a full criminal investigation with subpoena power into the events of 9.11.

Although much of the physical evidence has been destroyed a lot hasn't and many witnesses and conspirators are still walking around freely.

Obama never brought the change the USA required after the criminal Bush administration therefore only a real concerted push by the people can bring around REAL change.

It's either that or you continue to stick your heads in the sand.

Know your place. Do NOT ask questions. Keep quiet and suffer in silence as the war on terror is used to justify a massive crack down on civil liberties and the building of a new high-tech police state. Be monitored 24/7 and treated like criminals at airports. Be sheep on a slow walk to the slaughter house.

Or you can stand up for what you know is wrong. Fight the lies we are constantly being fed by our Government and their bought off media whores. Ask questions and don't accept the official line. Do something worthwhile with your life whilst you still can.

Further reading on 9.11 from Dark Politricks:

9.11 Sceptics versus logic and reasoning

9.11 Remaining Questions and no answers

The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What happened to Flight 93

The Pentagon Attack

Video shows a missile hitting the Pentagon

Is The Pentagon Attack Finally Solved

View the original article A Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7 at

View the original article A Video Compilation Of 9/11 Witness Testimony To Explosives Being Used At WTC-7 at