Sunday 25 November 2012

Get Corruption Out Of Our Politics - 75% of Americans Agree!

Get Corruption Out Of Our Politics - 75% of Americans Agree!

By Dark Politricks

This is a YoungTurks video about getting corruption out of politics and is a leader to my article and a subsequent video.

This second video shows how people from any political persuasion whether it be from the left or right of politics, green, libertarian, conservative or liberal can actually get corruption out of politics and gives us a road map to doing so.

75% of people across the country agree that big money = votes and there are some very surprising stats in the next video which show how very few people actually control Congress and the Presidential Elections through their use of their money.

These "influencers" are literally in the hundreds!

Whilst everyone may have a vote to chose their President or Congressman, the power of money influences the choices brought before the electorate in the first place.

The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court was a decision that was hated by Conservatives and Liberals alike.

Crony Capitalism and Corporate Interests overriding the public interest has been firmly cemented into the US political arena and with most ex-politicians becoming K-Street Lobbyists there is a series of revolving doors that prevents change from occurring within the establishment.

It's akin to asking to a builder to stop laying bricks and not get paid. Nearly all politicians act in their OWN interest and not the PUBLIC INTEREST.

My own essays have repeatedly called for getting money out of politics so that politicians don't have to sell their soul to the devil to get elected and then re-elected. Personally I would also append term limits and a way to reduce the influence of lobbyists from politics from any grass up anti-corruption movement.

Politicians should take the wishes of the people who voted for them into consideration over any rich benefactor or paymaster and in this day and age we should not find it too hard with modern technology to give more power to interested people to influence decision making.

People who don't care about politics or know nothing about complex issues are likely to vote on gut feeling alone, the latest anti-immigrant leaflet that comes through their door or not bother voting at all.

People who are interested in the issues of the day do vote but are constantly dismayed over the lack of progress or gridlock in their own government that prevents real change from ever occurring.

We currently have an over reaching US government that has broken free from the constraints of the constitution.

Starting wars without consent, constant spying of their citizens, and ignoring the "piece of paper" that is there to limit NOT expand the Presidents executive power. It is actions like these that make the ignorant or carefree politically active.

In my own country the UK it is the same, the 3 main parties are all fighting over centre ground and there is no real choice.

For a new party or a small one like UKIP or the Greens to have any influence at home only a fairer system in which televised political debates involve more parties and new parties can get on the ladder. We need every party to be able to fight on an even footing if it is to be fair for the future.

In this regard I can only see publicly funded elections as a means to bringing more political parties to the forefront.

To prevent a two man band of crazies getting the same amount of money as a major party the amount of public purse given to any political party should be decided on the number of votes they can muster. The better they do the more money they get.

Further money should only come from small donations and not big business looking to block the next big issue on the horizon.

There are a lot of choices out there for anyone looking to change the current way our governments work. However the most important aim is to reduce the influence of a tiny few super rich people and give more "real" choice to the people when they go to vote.

The next video shows how corrupt the current system is and gives the people a route to changing it.

View the original article about getting corruption out of our politics at

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