Are you happy about President Obama getting a second term?
By Dark Politricks
Now President Obama has been re-elected as President of the USA does the thought fill you with joy or dread or is it more a case of choosing the least bad option of a bad bunch.
It seems that the 3rd party candidates from the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Justice and Constitution Party hardly made a dent in the political system that seems to be sewn up tightly by the duopoly of Democrats and Republicans who control the Presidential process.
If you voted for President Obama do you honestly believe he will finish off, or even start, the "Hope and Change" that he promised the first time round. Or will he just continue business as usual.
Allowing the banksters of Wall St to continue to steal money from the tax payers, devaluing any savings people may have by continuing to have incredibly low interest rates and allowing any reforms of Wall St such as the Dodd-Frank act to be watered down by the powerful lobbyists. People who seem to be able to control the levers of power to their advantage whoever sits behind the oval desk.
Will he continue building the high tech police surveillance state in which more than a million people have top secret clearance and the war on terror is expanding constantly filling the military industrial complexes pockets with more cash with every civil right crushing, constitution ignoring act he signs into power.
Acts such as the PATRIOT ACT and the NDAA that give him dictatorial powers to kill and indefinitely detain US citizens or start wars without having to pay attention to congress as he did in Libya.
Will he continue to back Jihadists and al-Qaeda linked rebels fighting in Syria as he did in Libya all because the enemy of his enemy is his friend or will he actually grow a pair of balls and decide that morals and ethics are something that America should be an example to the rest of the world who used to believe America was the "good guy".
Will he continue to back Israel as they break international law, execute on tape American citizens, and subjugate the Palestinian people by blocking any bill in the UN with a veto and then attack countries such as Russia and China who do the same when they try to prevent another NATO war in Syria.
Will he even dare to cut the bloated and gigantic Defence budget that is bigger than most of the other countries in the world put together.
A budget that means huge military bases and missile shields that are more of a political statement than any proper aim to defend the US public and only again serve to fill the military industrial complexes coffers.
Just imagine all the things that could be bought with that money - you could even pay for a proper health care system instead of creating a mandatory purchase from insurance companies - a system hated by liberals and conservatives alike.
Does anyone think Obama is a true liberal or as many Republican message boards and blogs like to call him a Marxist or Communist - people who have never obviously read a dictionary. Or is he just a slightly less right wing version of the Republicans.
Both are big government parties, the only thing that differs is how much they move the line and what the big government spends the money on.
Whoever won the election we can be sure that the continuation of the Amerika we have all grown to fear will continue and systems like the TSA's porno scanners and TRAPWIRE that monitor US civilians wherever they go will continue to feed into the rising police state system that seems to be expanding forever.
A true liberal would be curtailing these excesses not expanding them.
Let me know what you feel about the result of the election with this poll below and leave your comments in the comment section if possible.
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