Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The US Presidential Vote - Do you have another choice?

The US Presidential Vote - Do you have another choice?

By Dark Politricks

Before you go off to vote for Obama or Mitt Romney, both of which I think are poor choices and will do nothing good for America or the world if they win the election, you should have a look at the last third party Presidential debate between Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party and Jill Stein from the Green Party. 

But they are from the far right and far left respectively you might say to yourself, what's the point? Well if they are from the extremes of politics then extremism from both sides seem to agree on a lot of points that seem pretty sensible to me.

Points the main two contenders Obama and Romney have not spoken about at all.

Points such as:
  • Stopping the wars abroad and ending the militarisation of the police at home.
  • Repealing the PATRIOT ACT, the NDAA, TRAPWIRE, the warrantless wiretapping, scrapping the TSA porno scanners and stopping the rise towards Amerika the police state that everyone can see approaching.
  • Closing the hundreds of military bases around the globe and stopping the endless war on a tactic that can never be won i.e. the war on terror.
  • Stopping another pointless war that will never be won i.e. the war on drugs. Imagine how much tax revenue would be created to fill your empty coffers by not wasting police time, building endless prisons and taxing a safer, cleaner version of the drugs people are always going to use and have done since the beginning of time?
  • Using those billions of dollars that you would save by doing this to do something much more productive whether it be fixing the massive deficit and cutting national debt or giving everyone free health care and a chance to get themselves back on their feet after the bankster take over of 2008.
  • Stopping the crushing corporate control of the banksters, ending the FED and putting the people that ruined the worlds economy in jail and not in charge of the country.
  • Preventing wars and promoting democracy by being an example to the world as your country used to be. Instead of forcing democracy down other countries throats with drone attacks, torture and endless imprisonment that only serves to create a new generation of enemies for Americans sons and daughters to fight in the future.
If these all seem like extremist views to you then go ahead make your choice between the lesser of two evils at the ballot box today.

However in a few years time when your country is at war in Iran and extending the deficit to pay for it. Or cutting your local fire and police stations, closing schools and libraries all to pay for tax cuts to the top 1%. The same people who helped destroy your economy and have been the only segment of society to actually prosper since 2008, then you have no-one else to blame but your broken political system.

A political system that makes it so hard for third party candidates to get a national platform they have to rely on foreign TV stations and alternative websites to bring you their debates and hear people answer the questions that really matter in the age of surveillance and never ending wars.

It is a political system that makes it necessary for you to have to bend over to lobbyists and corporate interests to fund the millions of dollars required to run for President.

The money required to pay for adverts and robot calls has to come from somewhere and they just don't have the funds at the moment. Plus you can forget about getting a chance to debate the main two parties on a level footing as that little dance is all tied up in a neat little bow between both camps.

Ron Paul did a good job staying in the GOP race long enough to bring some of the libertarian ideas to the forefront of people's minds but once Mitt Romney had been selected it was game over. It was left to the victors of the Citizens United decision to bombard your country with lies and mis-truths in their hope to get you to vote for more of the same politics that America has had for the last twenty years whether it be Democrat or Republican in control.

It doesn't matter whether Mitt Romney or Barack Obama is elected as you know that nothing of real substance will change.

Democrats are voting in a defensive move in the knowledge that Obama is not the President who they had hoped would bring the change they had voted for 4 years ago. In fact he carried on and extended some of the worst Bush era policies. Policies that make the Democratic party a very illiberal "left-wing" party.

A left wing party that's idea of free health care was a sop to insurance companies that forces and fines people for not buying a product that wouldn't meet the standards of nearly every other western nation that provides health care free at the point of use to their citizens. They are also a party that thinks assassinating US citizens without trial is a wise and liberal thing to do.

A real left wing party would not be building up a police state around you brick by brick with an all invasive system like TRAPWIRE to track your every move. However they are voting for Obama only because they fear Romney would make things worse not better.

Republicans are voting in the misguided belief that Obama is some kind of Communist Muslim and that only a businessman who has put companies through bankruptcy whilst still making money for himself, and knows what it's like to offshore US jobs to China is required to get American growing again.

I just hope they don't feel disappointed if he is elected and a couple years down the road they are embroiled in another Middle Eastern war, with the police state still growing around them and any kind of a social safety net that they may need to rely on in the future has gone so that Romney's backers can get their tax cuts.

It is a difficult choice when your only options are between two people who are so similar and it's difficult to tell which one is worse.

However at the very least you need to know that there are other candidates out there wanting your vote. You should also want to know what they want to offer you before you put your mark next to Obama or Romney, whoever you think is the lesser of the evils.

Watch the last third party Presidential Candidate debate below.

(can't see the video? view it on Youtube here.)

View the original article on www.darkpolitricks.com.

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