Wednesday 14 November 2012

Why the Grand Bargain will prove Obama isn't a liberal and it's business as usual in Washington

Why the Grand Bargain will prove Obama isn't a liberal and it's business as usual in Washington

By Dark Politricks

There has been a lot of talk lately about the "Grand Bargain" that is going to be made between Obama and the GOP to try and balance the books and prevent the government's having to deal with the "deficit cliff" that would massively reduce spending and raise taxes.

This is something Cenk Uygur talks about in this video. About how the real aim is to let the right of centre President Obama make a deal with the Republican party in the lame duck session so that business can continue as usual. The real aim being to once again lett the poor and the middle class suffer by giving away cuts to their services and benefits in exchange for tax cuts to the wealthy. Once again the poor get screwed so the rich can get richer.

This is something that Cenk's math's shows is totally unnecessary and can be avoided just by letting the George W Bush tax cuts expire by kicking the ball into the long grass and waiting for a Democratic controlled house.

Although Cenk is obviously a liberal he is someone who attacks both Obama for his non progressive views and his right of centre beliefs.

As I previously stated if Obama WAS a true liberal he would not be doing any of the following:

  • Allowing the Federal government to go after State legal pot dispensaries for medicinal marijuana.
  • Also threatening the new states Colorado and Washington who have recently legalised recreational marijuana with the DEA. Both wasting time, money and ignoring the wishes of the states population. See the Anti State Rights Pledge here.
  • Continuing the war on terror in a more forcible way than his predecessor George W Bush. Including drone strikes that kill 49 civilians to every 1 terrorist.
  • Letting soldiers based in America use Playstation controllers to kill people halfway across the world as if it was just another version of Call of Duty. Then already de-sensitised by not having these soldiers in the "kill zone", seeing the carnage they have wrought first hand, they use a double tap method to kill anyone else who comes to the aid of the victims whether they are women, children or other non combatants.
  • Introducing blatantly anti-liberal laws such as the NDAA, continuing the State of Emergency enacted after 9.11 and letting the PATRIOT ACT continue on harassing and spying on citizens and journalists alike who are trying to bring some accountability to the government.
  • Allowing his much "celebrated" health care act to become a piece of legislation that both liberals and conservatives hate in that it forces people to pay for a product they may or may not want or use. He modelled it on a Republicans health care plan (Mitt Rommey) and is basically forcing people to become customers of the health insurance companies. A true liberal would have gone for a public option or none at all not giving an already rich sector of business a market that is compelled to buy their product.

Also if Obama was NOT an establishment stooge he would surely be doing all of the following:

  • Locking up the banksters that brought the USA and then the world to it's knees financially.
  • Not allowing the FED to continue printing money and devaluing the dollar in a race to the bottom that is killing savers and de-meaning true capitalism.
  • Not appointing neo-con and right wing ministers to head up agencies in Homeland Security, the DEA, the CIA and the Department of Defence.
  • Cutting and not increasing the Department of Defences already bloated budget and using the money to fund projects that help middle class Americans NOT the military industrial complex.
  • Reeling back the intrusive surveillance state that has seen a million Americans become holders of top secret intelligence clearance and introduced huge city sized databases such as the one being built under UTAH. All to hold all the information gained by spying on American and Europeans bank records, phone calls, text messages, CCTV footage (see TRAPWIRE) and Internet usage.
  • Allowing big business and well funded lobbyists to dictate his policy instead of trying to take corporate money out of politics.
  • Following the right wing pro-Israeli line that all American Presidents seem to take. Forgetting all their breaches of international law, illegal wars, assassinations in foreign lands, illegal settlement buildings and illegal blockades that Israel constantly inflict on Palestinians and their neighbours.

However Obama is not a true liberal.

He is a centre right politician who is both an establishment stooge and someone beholden to big business and the banksters who robbed the country.

He is also someone all too willing to compromise what little beliefs he has to get bi-paritsan support in Congress whether or not that means sacrificing whatever little principles he may or may not hold.

As Cenk says:
"First of all, let's establish that no one in Washington actually cares about balancing the budget. If they did, they would love this so-called Fiscal Cliff. It raises taxes and cuts spending, so it would massively reduce the deficit. Isn't that what all of Washington has been pretending to care about all of this time?

Second, understand that this so-called compromise they are talking about in order to avoid this supposed calamity is a trick. In fact, it'll be the greatest robbery in American history. Think about it -- they say they are worried about all those tax increases and spending cuts. But that's not true. The Grand Bargain would dramatically increase spending cuts, not alleviate them. So, in fact, the only thing they care about is paying less taxes, as always."
Watch Cenk explain his maths and the unfairness of the "Grand Bargain" below.

Watch uploaded videos from the The Young Turks here.

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