Sunday 21 May 2023

Fluoride - The forced medication of the masses

Fluoride - Take your dumbing-down medication

By Dark Politricks

I have just read the following article which details how a man suffering severe arthritic pain in his bones had his symptoms reversed after he stopped brushing his teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride.

Now whether you agree that fluoride is good for your teeth or not it cannot be denied that fluoride as a base compound is a poison.

If you swallow toothpaste containing it you are advised to go to hospital!

If you don’t know your history about who came up with the idea of adding it to your water supply then you should investigate Farben and the Nazis.

“The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany’s Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride’s supposed effect on children’s teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission. (Ref. book: “The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben” by Joseph Borkin.)”

The communists also took interest in this method to control the populaces they had power over and many in the 50′s saw the fluoridation of their water supply as a communist plot.

In fact the CIA was also very interested in this tactic and a recent book from a retired CIA officer claimed on a mission in South America they added fluoride to the water supply of a camp before attacking it to dumb down and mentally incapacitate the occupants.

Whether you think that the amount in our water supply is so minute as to be harmless it is still forced medication of the populace.

With all the recent talk of forced Covid vaccinations, we should remember that the government does not care whether you disagree with their health policy or not. If they want to force you to take medication against your will they will do so. The Fluoridation of our water supply is just one case in point.

I have no problem with people choosing to brush their teeth with fluoridated toothpaste or ingesting the compound by the bucket loads but it should be kept away from our water supply. Our modern society is already suffering from a large amount of people suffering from Alzheimer’s and doctors have found large amounts of aluminium in their brains.

How does this aluminium get into their brains?

Well apart from the fluoride in our water did you know that most deodorants contain this compound?

As well as this commonly used product many anti-psychotic and anti-depressant drugs contain fluorine and so do many other drugs including HIV protease inhibitors and antibiotics and anaesthetics. If you look at the ingredients on most packs of these drugs you will often see fluorine as a base ingredient.

Therefore our bodies are being attacked from all sides by metals, poisons and compounds that we would not normally choose to ingest.

Small trace amounts of these poisons might be harmless in small doses but over time it seems quite clear that they can build up inside your body. Therefore when big pharmaceutical companies provide safety reports on new medicines that “prove” that this or that drug is “safe“, they are actually only doing so after short term trials.

As far as I know, no-one has done a long-term trial on the effects of fluoride on the human body over a whole lifetime. This would include its use in the water supply, toothpastes, deodorants, medicines and other commonly used products.

Fluoride can cause calcification in various parts of the body and this maybe the reason people get calcium based kidney stones, testicular pearls or other deposits of calcium throughout their organs.

Therefore the argument that it’s good for your teeth holds no ground with someone who wishes to drink water from the tap free of added metals and poisons.

If you want to add fluoride to your own water supply then go ahead and if you want to use it on your teeth fair play but don’t force other people to consume a drug they may not wish to.

If you are concerned about fluoride being added to your water supply you can check whether your local health authority is one of those that engage in this forced drugging at the following link: I was glad to know after entering the region of the UK and Water Company that I use that, "Unfortunately, your water is not fluoridated.", maybe they should change that sentence to say "fortunately your water is not fluoridated" instead.

By Dark Politricks

©2023 Dark Politricks


  1. There might perhaps be persons reading this public allegation that dont see
    immediately the legal issue simple terms there are countless thousands
    of adjectives and names in languages.National Union of Journalist member Albert
    Smith trades or is known as Parpoint he appears in a digital format book along
    with (par)force and focal(Point).So we can see how the name parpoint is formed.

    Whenever a person(s) create their companies there is primarily only two ways a
    name for the particular company can be produced randomly or specifically.

    The first choice randomly is when a person just chooses a name that sounds good perhaps
    or they like the name itself...the second choice in law and legal terms is the
    specific choice,so their is an intention or a specific reason for giving a
    company a name.However in the application of law a specific intention is reasoned
    to be beyond circumstancial.lets look at the name of Nairaland !!!! how would you
    expect this name to be formed? why your thinking about all of this you begin
    to understand about the continued use of the same name and that itself is an intentional
    sequence that amounts to a serious allegation raised against the National Union of journalist

    The NUJ are more than aware of this allegation and so it is suggested here
    that no normal person in these circumstances would continue to use the name of
    Parpoint after the allegation has appeared upon Bing,Google,yahoo and yandex world
    browsers.The security services in America and the UK and the International police are aware
    of the allegations made against the NUJ and the member in question (as writers our homes keep
    getting broken into amongst other!!!!).The NUJ are held accountable as they are now aware that
    former Irish Independent sub Editor Albert Smith refuses to stop using the name of Parpoint.

    The Holocaust Denial publication Goring Biography that Albert Smith (Linkedin/Parpoint) appears in
    describing it in his own words as "a good offering" in the introduction chapter
    was used as evidence in court to convict the organization Parforce and subsequently fine them for
    over 2.5 Million dollars.Parforce members where later convicted to 3 years in prison for antisemitic
    racist Holocaust Denial offences.

    There is no doubt at all that the NUJ should be investigated and reported to World Wide organizations
    and Governments for allowing Albert Smith to remain a member of the NUJ itself and allowing Parforce
    to effectively gain a foothold within the NUJ through integration.The next legal issue here is that
    The racist Parforce organization are using Irish Independent Newspaper Copyright inside of a Holocaust
    Denial publication in the form of Smith statements that were taken from newspaper book reviews which
    is why legally it is so important to stress that Albert Smith is still found today advertising himself
    upon Linkedin as Parpoint we also accuse members of the Irish law system and political partys in Ireland
    for remaining silent and the Irish Police as apparently Albert Smith has worked for the Irish state and
    Police Departments according to his public profile.


    It is hereby claimed that Albert Smith NUJ member is not a fit and
    proper member of the NUJ and should therefore be removed from the NUJ
    in his capacity as a life member on the following grounds:

    Copyright © 2010 Parforce UK Ltd
    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Göring : a biography
    943.086 092 4– dc19
    Focal Point Publications
    Printed in the United States of America
    Focal Point Classic Edition

    The Evidence provided here is the American Library of congress cataloging:
    943.086 092 4– dc19 and is found printed inside of the Digital version
    Goring biography obtainable from the following racist site :
    Reichsmarschall Göring › books › Goering

    This is an impossible piece of evidence to dispute and also more importantly
    it is itself an extremely serious political issue

    Goring Biography is a Holocaust Denial publication,
    (regardless of any attempt to modify or change wording inside of the revised
    digital version.)

    additional evidence found here on Holocaust Denial and law:

    (i) In law itself ignorance is no defence and therefore at this moment in time
    the National Union of Journalis as an organisation is therefore completely
    complicit with the allegation as follows,the company known as Parpoint
    (Albert Smith NUJ member) is derived from (PAR)force and Focal(POINT)

    (ii) The company Parpoint is found upon Linkedin at this present moment in time
    dated 2nd June 2023.Albert Smith - Editor - Parpoint Media Services LinkedIn › albert-smith-1a9111143

    (iii) NUJ member Albert Smith former Irish Independent Newspaper Sub Editor
    appears inside of the digital version of the Holocaust Denial publication
    Goring biography describing it freightingly as quote "a good offering".


    International police forces/Government Agency have not in any way attempted
    to dispute,discredit or charge with any offence the person(s) whom have
    provided this evidence.


    It is hereby claimed that Albert Smith NUJ member is not a fit and
    proper member of the NUJ and should therefore be removed from the NUJ
    in his capacity as a life member on the following grounds:

    Copyright © 2010 Parforce UK Ltd
    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Göring : a biography
    943.086 092 4– dc19
    Focal Point Publications
    Printed in the United States of America
    Focal Point Classic Edition

    The Evidence provided here is the American Library of congress cataloging:
    943.086 092 4– dc19 and is found printed inside of the Digital version
    Goring biography obtainable from the following racist site :
    Reichsmarschall Göring › books › Goering

    This is an impossible piece of evidence to dispute and also more importantly
    it is itself an extremely serious political issue

    Goring Biography is a Holocaust Denial publication,
    (regardless of any attempt to modify or change wording inside of the revised
    digital version.)

    additional evidence found here on Holocaust Denial and law:

    (i) In law itself ignorance is no defence and therefore at this moment in time
    the National Union of Journalis as an organisation is therefore completely
    complicit with the allegation as follows,the company known as Parpoint
    (Albert Smith NUJ member) is derived from (PAR)force and Focal(POINT)

    (ii) The company Parpoint is found upon Linkedin at this present moment in time
    dated 2nd June 2023.Albert Smith - Editor - Parpoint Media Services LinkedIn › albert-smith-1a9111143

    (iii) NUJ member Albert Smith former Irish Independent Newspaper Sub Editor
    appears inside of the digital version of the Holocaust Denial publication
    Goring biography describing it freightingly as quote "a good offering".


    International police forces/Government Agency have not in any way attempted
    to dispute,discredit or charge with any offence the person(s) whom have
    provided this evidence.

  4. Dont touch it !!!!

  5. UK tap water is seriously bad for your health with or without.
