Sunday, 8 April 2012

UK Home Office website is brought down by Hacktivists over new police state surveillance bill

By Dark Politricks

The UK Home Office website has been the subject of a Denial of Service attack by the group Anonymous.

Over Saturday night and Sunday morning and intermittently at the moment the UK Home Office Site was (and sometime is) unavailable to visit.

The reasons for the attack are clear and are mainly due to the recent revelation that the coalition government is going to introduce a Big Brother style system at the UK's surveillance site GCHQ that would allow the UK security services to monitor all website, email, social media and other Internet traffic for signs of "malcontent" all under the guise of protecting us from terrorism.

Anonymous Twitter messages warned of the attack on 4 April, and said:
"EXPECT a DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) every Saturday on the UK Government sites."
They have also tweeted that the attack would occur every Saturday from now on.

Other tweets said the attack was related to the unfair extradition treaty that could see Gary McKinnon extradited to the USA for crimes committed in the UK.
"You should not give UK citizens to foreign countries without evidence. If an offence happened in the UK, so should the trial."
Many other tweets also attacked our current unfair extradition treaty that allows UK citizens from Gary McKinnon to the Student Richard O'Dwyer, of Chesterfield, who is also fighting extradition on copyright infringement charges on a website he ran from the UK.

These unbalanced extradition laws were implemented by the previous authoritarian Labour government and allow UK citizens to be extradited with little evidence given.

However an American citizen cannot be extradited to our country under the same conditions and proper proof of a crime being committed by the person has to be given first for their extradition to the UK to be allowed.

This unfair extradition treaty was supposed to be re-balanced though the supposed "Freedom Bill" that was heralded as a restoration of civil rights that had been removed by Labour government.

It was supposed to re-balance the extradition treaty along with a large number of other Big Brother offences including the right to protest near parliament, the right to remain silent when arrested and many others. But surprise surprise when the bill was published it was a very cut down version that had all these very important measures removed.

Last month the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee said major changes were needed to the UK-US extradition treaty to restore "public faith".

The MPs said they believed it was

"easier to extradite a British citizen to the USA than vice versa".

Even though some MP's in the coalition seem to want to reduce the size of our existing surveillance state, from David Davis to Lib Dem MP Chris Huhne who recently lost his ministerial job due to a charge of perverting the course of justice, and many others. It seems there are not enough numbers to really make real changes to the establishment that continues to expand its surveillance state whoever sits in government.

You could call this the non-elected government who controls everything behind the scenes anything from the UK civil service to the globalist cabal that meet each year at Bilderberg.

They could be the the rich and powerful donors to each political party or even the security services that keep their jobs whoever is in power.

Or you may go further and call this un-elected establishment the all seeing and all pervasive deep state that exists across borders and controls all countries politicians through bribery, patronage, sex, money and blackmail. You could even go further down the rabbit hole  but I will leave that to you to to explore yourselves.

The group Anonymous seem to be acting in the interests of Internet freedom and anti-surveillance measures and I hope they are.

But due to their totally anonymous  nature I worry that they could easily be infected by pro-globalist agents who then carry out attacks that make it even more likely that anti-Internet actions like the USA's "Internet Kill Switch" or the UK's new Internet surveillance powers are introduced.

Earlier this week Anonymous claimed to have defaced almost 500 websites in China.

A message put on the hacked sites said the attack was carried out to protest against the Chinese government's strict control of its citizens.

Will the Chinese government listen I wonder or will they implement even stricter controls. It will be interesting to see. As for the UK Home Office website I can access it very quickly at the moment but as I watch UK news some journalists are saying the site is still unavailable.

Lets hope the bill that that has been proposed by the government to snoop and spy on us all is actually stopped or at least watered down as the President of the Lib Dem's, Tim Farron,  said on the Andrew Marr show this morning:
"I am prepared to recognise that there is obviously a need in modern society with new technology to have a look at what needs to be given to the security services but only if it is absolutely clear there is no universal access."

"But we are prepared to kill them, be absolutely clear about that, if it comes down to it."
But I hold out little hope that any liberty lovers in government will do anything that doesn't give our already too powerful security services more powers to snoop and spy on us.

Maybe we should just admit that everything we do on the web is already read, analysed and grouped in databases for levels of malcontent.

We  already know they have super computers to spy on us and that if you want to remain anonymous on the internet it is basically impossible.

If only the Lib Dem's had actually managed to force through a real Freedom Bill...

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