Can the USA Government go to war in Syria if they are officially "closed for business"
By Dark PolitricksNot being an American I have no idea why you put up with your duopoly of parties controlling the stage. Over here in the UK we may have 3 main central parties but we also have Greens, Independents, Socialists, Nationalists, UKIP and so on.
These parties may never win the grand prize - the chance to kiss the feet of the US President and send our boys to die fighting wars that have nothing to do with us, but they are gaining traction in European and National polls. I only hope the same happens in the US.
What I want to know is this.
If the Federal Government is officially "closed for business" and the Department of Defence is a Federal institution. How can any war with Syria happen now there is no Government and no $$$ in the kitty?
Is Israel be shitting it? Are they busy pulling strings and plopping secret million dollar bills into Congressmen purses. All to ensure they vote for a return to normal state of play: massive debt that can never be payed off, war, socialism for the rich all whilst fucking the poor?
Can the POTUS declare war on a nation when the Federal Government is official closed?
Or can the POTUS under his national emergency acts, NDAA, PATRIOT ACT and all the other NAZI style acts enacted after 9.11 still have the power to overrule Congress and send your sons and daughters to die on another Middle Eastern battlefield for reasons they won't actually reveal.
No mention of a Greater Israel. No mention of al-Qaeda being allies in at least 4 of the US wars in the last 30 years:
- Afghanistan in the 80's when bin-Laden was lauded as a hero freedom fighter.
- Serbia in the 90's when we went to war on the wrong side and instead helped the terrorist organisation known as the KLA. Who were also helped and funded by al-Qaeda. Kosovan gangs if non Europeans don't know are now one of the biggest criminal enterprises known in Europe. Specialising in drugs and people smuggling.
- Libya, when we recently rejected our new found friendship with Gaddafi to let ex Gitmo detainees and known al-Qaeda / LIFG terrorists kill, rape and plunder what was once Africa's most successful country in terms of birth survival rates, education, health and many more factors that indicate a life worth living. What did we replace that with? Gangs of terrorists ruling regions, kidnapping Presidents, killing US ambassadors and summarily executing people they consider Qaddafi loyalists.
- And of course Syria. Where the Axis of War has secretly been helping the Free Syrian Army and their Islamic brothers chop off heads, eat hearts and lungs and execute people who refuse to convert to Islam.
Therefore to all those people who have constantly said "Get the Government out my life" I say, well your now lucky enough to be living in your dream land.
I just hope that due to the US Government officially being shut and broke now, means they won't be propping up evil dictators like those in Saudi Arabia, or funding al-CIAduh terrorists in their battles with ex dinner party guests.
What are the chances this will happen?
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