Sunday, 10 September 2017

The Patriot Movement explain how the Charlottesville Police stood back and allowed chaos to occur

The Patriot Movement explain how the Charlottesville Police stood back and allowed chaos to occur, whether white or black the police did nothing to help. 

A man even fired a gun with cops looking on and they did nothing.

By Dark Politricks

Whether you agree with the first amendment or not everyone has the right to say what they want whether you agree with it or not. However this is not what happened in Charlottesville.

This group of Patriots, some black, men, women, and no NEO-NAZI's, explain how the Police of Charlottesville stood back, and allowed the chaos and attacks on both sides to ensue.

They talk about stones, spray filled with chemicals and other weapons that were used on them from the Black Lives Matter protest to occur, without any help or arrests from the local Police.

People were pepper sprayed for asking for help. One man was threatened with arrest for climbing over the defined route lines and asking the Police for help.

Whether you like the Patriot Movement or not, they are believers of the first amendment and even though, as on of them says, they disagree totally with what Black Lives Matter has to say, they agree with their right to say it.

Here is the video.

View the video on

Make your own mind up, and I suggest searching YouTube for some more videos about the event as well as other recent "drive into crowds" events like Barcelona.

What do you think should happen, considering the USA is now basically a NAZI 4th Reich state as the late Jim Marrs used to talk about.

View the original video at

By Dark Politricks


© 2017 Dark Politricks

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