Friday 29 September 2023

@Darkpolitricks is back - unbanned from Twitter / X at last - but for how long?

Being Unblocked From Twitter / X Finally & UK Internet Censorship Could Lead To Internet ID cards to link Social Media content with real names not Usernames

By Dark Politricks

I finally got access to my first Twitter account which I created with the original version of this site in 2008 @Darkpolitricks. I have been having to use my ex auto retweeter account @Darkpoltweeter for the last 2 years as you can see from this break in dates from Aug 6th 2021 to just 2 hours ago.

The actual Tweets I got banned or cancelled for. My FaceFuck, Tumblr and LinkedIn pages were destroyed almost at the same time as if it was a co-ordinated takedown. I don't know why the Tweets are not that bad compared to some that have seen people be removed from multiple platforms at once, which I guess in the current lexicon means "You have been cancelled". However Twitter didn't destroy my account they just suspended it preventing me logging into it or tweeting to it until tonight.

I just posed a question and it got me banned until tonight when for some reason, and I suspect it's the move to X with more features and automatic help, that allowed me to get my @Darkpolitricks account back. You can see the second half of the tweet I got banned for above but the full tweet which didn't include any "wrong speak", fake news, or conspiracy theories is below, and it was this first part only that they wanted me to delete from my timeline to get back on Twitter/X.

Now that I am back on my main account I will be Tweeting from there from now on and if you have been following me on @Darkpoltweeter then add @Darkpolitricks to your list of followed accounts. I do have more followers on this main account, 3,100, and I do admit I'm not a Twitter big shot who spends all day tweeting and getting into arguments for the fun of it as I have actual things to do and articles to write.

However the good thing is that most of my followers are real people who have followed my website since I created it in 2006 and I have had detailed conversations with many of them by DM over the years. Therefore it was a big kick in the nuts when I got suspended and had to move over to @darkpoltweeter which was until then an automatic BOT that re-tweeted posts I had published on @darkpolitricks, and I was just one of many new alternative news journalists that were were basically just trying to shout out in a gigantic crowd of sceptics and conspiracy researchers like myself the new articles I had just posted. 

I did create the hash tag #ALTNEWS some years back to tag my work as what it truly was, an alternative version of the news that the mainstream / legacy media would not dare touch let alone print, and over the years others have joined me in tagging their articles with #ALTNEWS on Twitter to denote that it is not MSM tripe.

Some of these were Google no 1 ranked posts at some stage and you can see now how I am being shadow banned and slowly de-ranked by them. Articles like "A Guide To No Comment Interviews" are still near the top of BING and Google rankings but articles like "who owns the bank of England?" which used to be top whoever was searching for it, are now down in the 50th-100th range, add to that the fact the USA has my site on 2 banned lists of sites and I am on a nofly list, and you can imaging the hopping around I have to do over the years to get hosted when kicked off due to receiving cease and desist orders from the US military, and being deemed too dangerous for people to read. 

The new laws that the UK and EU are bringing in for "Internet Safety", could see the end of alternative news sites like my own if I preach "Fake News", which is only fake because it tells tales the Empire does not want you to hear. News like, Usama-bin-Ladens interview in September of 2001 where he declares he has nothing to do with 9.11, or Sibel Edmonds an FBI whistle-blower who told the world the CIA werew working with bin-Laden right up until 9.11 and all the weird behaviour that saw Israeli Mossad agents living just doors away from the 9.11 hijackers.

Digital rights groups say the UK's new Internet law threatens to undermine current online freedoms.
U.K. based Open Rights Group and the Electronic Frontier Foundation in the U.S. said that if tech companies have to ensure content is not harmful for children, they could end up being forced to choose between sanitizing their platforms or making users verify their ages by uploading official ID or using privacy-intrusive face scans to estimate how old they are. 

This seems like a further push towards an Internet ID cards to provide sites with your real name and age, not a username, and could see anyone wanting to go online wanting access to dating or social media sites providing the government with a link from "people of interest" to internet browsing. They even want to make end to end encryption chat services like Telegram and WhatsApp provide "back doors" so that the UK can see what people are saying. 

Even if the company lies outside the UK's borders it could face criminal charges for failing to provide such information and see criminal charges threatened to company bosses, just as we have seen Tory Politicians attack, and even threaten to jail free speech video sites like Rumbles directors, for hosting Russell Brand at a time where he is being tried by media and not a single charge has been laid at his door. 

Yet he had lost all money he was getting from YouTube and his 6.6 million members and many more viewers, where supporters see this as co-ordinated cancellation attack due to the content he has been talking about recently including, Googles overreach and power to sway elections, including moving 6 million votes to Biden in 2020 which you can watch below or on Runble.

This comes on top of videos attacking Big Pharma, and the WEF's Klaus Swabb and Bill Gates, the World Health Organisation and the MIC. A lot of enemies to have been made since he stopped his Hollywood lifestyle and came home to some sort of late in life realisation that actually we in the west are not the "Good Guys" after all. 

When any of us come to this realisation it can hit us hard after years of believing the news due to only having 4 TV Channels as a child, if you are old like me, or having worked for the military or the MOD in some way. We are not properly educated in money skills, making a business, philosophy and critical thinking. Instead we are being told constantly how great capitalism is and being satisfied to be trained as a non thinking drone, to work in an economy for decades, just barely getting by. Then retirement, with a tiny pension for a few years. reward for decades of hard work making other people rich, before we die.

The internet has made many people awaken to the truth that the western NATO countries are not the good people we were told they were. This is not to say that our enemies or perceived enemies like Russia are the good guys, but it has been interesting to see Russell Brand awaken and cover news events through a new lens and come to the realisation that democracy is a sham, our banking system is based on nothing more than banks putting people in debt and then leveraging that money in our fiat currency system, and that wars are manufactured to make MIC companies, and the politicians that take money from them for their political campaigns rich, without a care for the lives they kill across the Atlantic. 

It is a come to Jesus moment when you realise the lies and deception and start to realise the BBC is MI6 productions and that we are more than the worker bees we were supposed to be. Some of us rebel and protest, others leave their hectic jobs to spend more time their family others like me write articles for years making no money and doing it as a labour of love, and others like Russell Brand make videos.

However now that Russell has a wife and children, and a following of millions across multiple social media platforms it seems a very odd time for the string pullers to unleash a number of unsubstantiated claims of sexual abuse from women who chose not to go to the Police, but instead allow actresses to portray them in a Dispatches documentary with claims of serious sexual abuse. 

The same media companies that created him, nurtured and humoured him, pushing him into the sexual pest he seemed to permanently act out. A smartly dressed pest with a large lexicon, that made him seem articulate and complex are now going after him and trying to ruin his reputation in the court of public opinion, probably knowing that none of the women played by actresses in the Dispatches documentary would make a police complaint. 

This image of a well spoken wordsmith is something he has brought to his new job as a permanent shouter against the Empire, whether it be against COVID Vaccines, net zero, Klaus Schwab, the push towards NWO and the war in Ukraine, providing what we bloggers try to, but in a video format. 

Myself, I started blogging my own war against the Empire which started just after 9.11. However I had come to my own realisation we were not the good guys during Desert Storm, and the Turkey shoot that allied forces were enjoying, killing Iraqi conscripts in their thousands on their retreat from Kuwait. This along with the pre-war sanctions that saw half a million Iraqi babies die and then the US secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, saying the deaths were "worth it".

This along with our bombing of Serbia whilst backing a terrorist group, the KLA, that we had brought bin-Ladens al-Qaeda terrorists to help and train, They were supposedly our enemy, yet our ally at the same time, this just showed how duplicitous we were and how thick the news organisations thought we were to let us know this.

Just look in my right side bar to see the info the world tried to keep from you after America's "New Pearl Harbour", but as we have moved from typed essays into proper alternative news we can watch on Rumble and Rockfin on our TV's. These are sites that many who have been kicked off YouTube, have run to, due to their free speech core company belief. 

They maybe the first to be tackled by the UK's new censorship bill but if you know where I am, and want information the Empire does not want people to see, then search this blog.  YouTube video embeds seem to keep disappearing and I try when I find any missing, and have time, I try to get Rumble versions if they exist, but they don't always do. However as you know YouTube seemed the way forward with no core beliefs and pre COVID without a list of things vloggers were not allowed to talk about.

It would be hilarious if not true but professors in the USA think that I helped Donald Trump get elected, which for some reason, even if I did, which I didn't seems an odd list to be placed on but I suspect it has something to do with the bullshit reason Hillary Clintons team came up with to explain her defeat in a race she expected to win and her lies to cover her unpopularity in 2016 seems to have also placed me on Russian Dis-Info list

When you actually look at the sites I am listed with, that admittedly do include Alex Jones's Infowars I am also with the pro peace, and I see it more as a badge of honour to have written so much that the MSM keeps hidden from the sheeple, and providing the other side of the forever wars narrative they push down people's throats and get them blood thirsty after false flag events like 9.11. 

I have even been the keeper of articles that were posted by MSM news sites like FOX but then taken down and scrubbed from the web due to pressure from pro- lobbying such as FOX News Investigating Israeli connections to 9.11 or the recently declassified 28 pages about Saudi Arabia's support for the 9.11 hijackers.

However now that I am back from the slumber that saw me spend most of Spring and Summer in hospital due to a broken leg and a very weird infection that has been torturing me since April. I am raring to go and getting a cancelled Twitter account back had been a big bonus. However the thing that has been doing my head in, and from the message boards on X it seems other people have been having problems as well. It's the showing and listing of all my Tweets in the lower right hand sidebar of my site, a Twitter timeline of all my Tweets.

I use BRAVE as my browser but all modern browsers apart from those built on Mozilla like Firefox are all based on Chromium and should have the same settings, developer tools and settings. However I found that the settings on BRAVE compared to EDGE or Opera are very different.

I was getting this message as if I hadn't posted anything since I created the account in 2008 just as Twitter was kicking off as a big social network. However with developer tools open in Brave I could see an error message and a link. It says that 3rd party cookies must be turned on for the embedded list to be viewed. In Brave you can just turn down your shield and if you are logged into a Twitter account with 3rd party cookies allowed for this site you should be able to view the list. 

As most browsers are based on Chromium, they should all act the same in layout and behaviour however the different browser companies still want to differentiate themselves by having different ways to set things like 3rd Party Cookies enabled or not. Above is first, Microsoft Edge's settings, and below that is Opera's. If you want to whitelist a site like mine so you can see the Twitter feed but not allow 3rd party cookies on all sites then add the following rule to your list of sites that allow 3rd party cookies, so that if you are logged into Twitter your see the feed, but on other sites you are saved from Google Adverts.


Then as long as you are logged into a Twitter account ( which is something new to have to do ), then everything should work out just fine. You might also notice that with some jiggery pockery that I should have done years ago I now have an SSL certificate (Googles), but it means this site meets the standard HTTPS encryption and offers you more security if someone was on your network sniffing your data.

One thing I did find funny though the other week whilst downloading something from the deep web (95% of the Internet, sites with paywalls, or that you have to login to access), I found this image from Peerblock, a tool everyone should use if doing P2P, and stops unwanted invaders trying to hack your PC during a data transfer or see what kind of data you are downloading. Is that for some reason Halliburton were giving me a good look over. Well at least it's a good sign that Dick Cheney's old company and big MIC US taxpayer leach is watching me. If no scum from the NWO were I'd be gutted.

Hopefully as I wake from my non active 2023 due to injury, I hope many of you who have not awakened yet do so like Russell Brand has. He is being tried by media at the moment and advertisers are leaving and his shows are being stopped. At the moment it seems this is just keeping him on the attack with video after video attacking those who are trying to stop him. I hope he is able to continue to do so, as he is not attacking the small fry.

By Dark Politricks

© 2023 Dark Politricks

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