Sunday 10 June 2012

The end of the new German Empire in Europe?

By Dark Politricks
It was amazing to see both UKIP leader Nigel Farage and ex Labour Mayor Ken Livingstone both agree about the EU this morning on Sky News.

Both agreed that the terrible state Euope is now in is due to the following reasons:
  1. After World War II the idea was to create a United States of Europe. The people of Europe were never to be told of this plan.
  2.  Southern States, GreeceSpainItaly etc should never have been allowed to join the euro as their economies were too out of sync with each other.
  3. Bail out after bail out for SpainGreeceIreland and Italy soon etc is only going to lead to decades of youth unemployment, riots on streets, and a lost decade of growth. It is better to have an orderly breakup of the Euro now than a disorderly one later. Pain is coming whatever happens therefore it is better to get it out the way now.
  4. The UK was right to not join the Euro.
  5. The UK should have a referendum and the one they were given on joining the "trading block" that the European Common Market was back then - was really a politicians blag to get us to sign up to a United States of Europe.
  6. The EU should return to a common market and nothing more. People calling for more integration are still pushing for a United States of Europe have no care about the pain the people of Europe are suffering and will suffer if they continue with their dream.
It is interesting to see both right and left wing agree on this matter and it only confirms what many "conspiracy theorists" have been saying for decades.

The Euopean plan was to create a United States of Europe to prevent Germany becoming too strong and controlling Europe again.

It is laughable to see that the road to European statehood has in fact now led to Germnay basically calling the shots and some are joking that Germany won the war in the end anyway - just 60 years after the end of the shelling of Berlin.

"Europe is likely to become "a German empire ... it would be a German empire with the periphery as the hinterland,"
The Globalists are desperate to prop up the Euro and not let this political dream fail but they are ignoring the citizens of their countries who are demanding growth, jobs and help not tax, cuts to services and diktats from foreign parliaments.

The Germans are determined to do it their way through austerity and tight spending limits even though they were one of the first countries to break these tight guidelines in the first place.

The Greeks resent the Germans telling them what to spend their money on, asking to control their economy by seeing spending plans first and demanding auesterity and tax all the while refusing to let the European Bank become lender of last resort.

The Greeks are rioting, the Spannish are rioting how long until the Italians join them?
Some people have been seeing this coming for years and it is nice to finally realise that politicians from both sides of the political dividie in this country can now admit that the Euro has failed.

It needs to be dismantled as orderly as possible otherwise it could end up in rioting and even war if we leave it to rot and decay by pushing bailout and debt on top of more debt.

We should have stuck with a free trade and maybe free movement of people treaty instead of this push by politicians against their citizens wishes to something that would never work, would ultimatley fail and is doing so right at this very moment.

Hopefully the Germans can kick Angela Merkel out of power and then put this dream of a United States of Europe to bed once and for all.It is going to happen whether she wants it to or not - let us not have another war in Europe due to political hubris.

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