Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Turkish F16 planes force down a Syrian flight full or Russian passengers

Turkish fighter planes force down Syrian flight bringing the nations closer to war

By Dark Politricks

If you haven't heard, and you probably haven't if you are hooked into the mainstream media, tonight a Syrian plane taken Russian passengers to Damascus was intercepted by Turkish F16 planes and diverted to Ankara, Turkey.

Reports from passengers and aircrew have rang up the Russia Today news channel and claimed that they have been beaten by masked men, forced to sign papers they don't understand and had their luggage checked.

However the BBC News report I have found makes no mention of this and as expected takes the western talking point of a legitimate "stop n search" tactic which may have prevented arms getting to the Assad regime.

Turkey is reportedly trying to stop weapons getting into Syria and the Turkish foreign minister has claimed that the passengers will be allowed to continue but luggage found on the plane will not.

However from non axis of war aligned country reports Turkey has been allowing weapons to flow to the Free Syrian Army for a long time so they are only trying to stop weapons getting to the Assad regime and not in general to lower tensions in general between both sides of the conflict.
"..because of the clear evidence that we received, we negotiated with our prime minister and decided to let the plane fly on to Syria with the passengers, but we are going to hold on to the material because of the ongoing investigation and the next steps."
"Our investigation is continuing. Since there might be materials that were supposed to be declared but have not been, we are holding this material in our hands to continue to inspect."
From an article on Russia Today which is telling the story at the moment.
Earlier, Davutoglu said that Ankara had received intelligence that the Syrian plane was carrying "certain equipment in breach of civil aviation rules 
The Turkish authorities were interested in some spare parts, which a businessman bought in Russia and was transporting to Syria 
“They started unloading some packages. They opened them, took pictures. There were many people. We all saw what was in there. There were no weapons. You could see it with an unaided eye!” she said.
It seems that after last weeks possible false flag attack in which NATO weapons were fired from within Syria back into Turkey killing a number of Turkish citizens, it seems that the western axis of war UK/USA/France is prepared to go down the "one attack on a NATO country is an attack on all" route to get their war.

They are doing this as they have been blocked in the UN at every turn by Russia and China who want to see mediation between both sides in the conflict, and not be tricked into signing up to another UN declaration that could lead to another NATO led war like the one in Libya.

The mortar used to attack the Turkish town of Akcakale is a design specific to NATO and was given to Syrian rebels by Ankara, according to Turkey’s Yurt newspaper. The mortar killed one adult and four children from the same family on Wednesday.

An article by the paper’s Editor-in-Chief, Merdan Yanardag, states that the newspaper received information from a reliable source, which claimed that Turkey itself sent the mortars to rebels in the so-called "Syrian Free Army."
Turkey is a longtime member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and they’re going to act in conjunction with other NATO powers, so it’s unsurprising that this has happened,” editor of the Pan-African news wire, Abayomi Azikiwe, told RT.
If the UN route has been blocked due to Russian and Chinese vetoes in the same way the USA vetoes all votes on Israeli misconduct, assassinations, attacks on civilian populations and breaches of international law. It seems that the NATO "defense" route is the one that will be used to start the neo-cons next war in the Middle East.

I have already reported on this site how we are basically backing al-Qaeda terrorists, ex Gitmo detainees and religious fanatics that make up the various rebel groups that combine under the banner of the "Free Syrian Army" in the same way as we backed them in Libya.

Either we are so short sighted that we cannot see the mess we created by supporting the same type of people in their overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya.

This is the same ex al-Qaeda affiliate who was tortured on MI6 orders by the USA at Guantanamo Bay and is trying to sue the British government for doing so.

We either seem to have very short memories OR we are deliberately trying to destabilize whole areas of the Middle East to weaken support for our intended "end" enemy Iran.

A war with Iran that would drive up the price of oil, cause terrorist attacks across the western world and possibly start another World War by drawing in Russia and maybe even China.

Maybe there are even Great Depression economists advising the USA/UK/French axis of war that another World War is needed to bring ourselves out of our current global depression we are suffering in the hope of repeating the economic stimulus that was the build up of the Military Industrial Complex before World War II.

Maybe they see a big war as just what the pragmatic economist doctor would order.

Plus a few million people killed in any future global war can only be a good thing for these Malthusian followers as it will decrease the population in such a way we have not had for over 50 years now.

We have "been lucky" over the centuries that every 50 years or so an economic downturn has been followed by war, death and then a generation of peace makers who try to resolve the problems that led to the last crisis.

We are now two/three generations from those who led us to destruction in World War II and we have just had another boom and bust economic crisis which only leaves the subsequent war to come along and "clean the pipes" so to speak.

We already have the formation of far right groups gaining in political power across Europe in re-action to the imposed austerity policies being implemented on their populations by the bureaucrats in Brussels and their paymasters in Germany.

If anyone hadn't realised so far the EU has had the direct opposite effect to the one it was created for - to wrap Germany tightly into Europe and stop if from dominating the continent.

Instead Germany is now installing leaders in countries, demanding austerity measures that don't work, job cuts, tax rises and social security cuts in return for bail out funds despite the proven fact that austerity does not lead to growth. Plus Angela Merkel is greeted wherever she goes with Hilter salutes and hundreds of police to protect her fr0m barrages of Molotov cocktails.
  • Have a major national debt and huge deficit? Answer: Sack thousands of people and cut pay therefore reducing income tax to the treasury and increasing unemployment benefit pay outs. Reduce education and training, ensure your brightest talent leaves the country for one not undergoing "austerity measures" and hope the nations GDP just grows by magic.
  • Got a severe world food shortage? Answer: Kill the hungry.
  • No jobs for millions bankrupted by the global bankster created depression? Answer:  Send them to die fighting in foreign deserts in another unrequired war.
  • Need a major distraction to the bankster controlled global economy and the mass protest groups growing in strength in Europe and America? Answer: Start World War III to scare everyone witless and keep them distracted from the real enemies of this global Shakespearean play.
Conspiracy theory or plans being seriously considered?

I suppose it all depends on where you get your news from.

Here is an report on the plane hijacking that would definitely start a war if it had been Syria diverting a Turkish plane full of American passengers on it's way to the USA into their airspace.

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