Riot police officer in hospital as 1,700 migrants storm Channel Tunnel
By Dark Politricks• French riot police battle 1,700 migrants desperate to reach Britain
• Policeman in hospital after being hit with stone 'by Sudanese man'
• Chaos on both sides of the tunnel set to continue into another week
• New measures to give powers to landlords to evict illegal immigrants
• Failed asylum seekers with children to be stripped of benefits
• Kent pays migrants' £150 Dover-to-London cab fares
Some news from today from Calais, more can be found at
Our Passenger timetable is disrupted, trains are leaving later than planned. Please accept our apologies & thank you for your patience. ^ST — Eurotunnel LeShuttle (@LeShuttle) August 3, 2015
Sudanese migrants prepare food near the Eurotunnel site in Calais (REX/Shutterstock)
Responding to the latest reports from Calais, Labour’s Shadow Immigration Minister David Hanson MP said:
The Government seriously need to get a grip on this situation. A series of panicky announcements on policies that were planned before this crisis emerged just won't cut it. Telling landlords to act as a second tier border force and removing support from asylum seekers already in our country will not stop so many desperate people putting themselves and others in danger to get across the border.However the The European Commission has appealed to Britain to show "solidarity" and take more migrants under Jean Claude-Juncker's controversial quota scheme.
This needs a careful and considered international response. The government should be focused on leading pan-European efforts to stop people crossing the Mediterranean, then making their way to Britain's borders, instead of using a series of re-announcements as a distraction.
Mina Andreeva, Juncker's spokesman, said the situation in Calais has "deteriorated" and co-operation between the French and the UK is welcome but she said the crisis proves that "all" EU member states need to take part in a scheme that sought to resettle 40,000 migrants across the continent to ease the pressure on Italy and Greece, which are taking the lion's share of those arriving across the Mediterranean.
Britain (of course - seeing we created most of the mess in Africa e.g Libya) has opted out from the scheme, as is it right under the special carve-outs given to the UK and Denmark when it comes to EU justice and home affairs rules.
French gendarmes try to stop migrants on the Eurotunnel site in Coquelles near Calais (AFP)
Henri Guaino, a lawmaker from the opposition French right-wing party Les Republicains, called on the UK to "do their share", saying:
There is no reason for these people to be stored - if I may say this because it's almost that - in France. It cannot go on like this.
The situation is fairly simple. Migrants come to Calais to get to England. England does not want them. Therefore the migrants pile up in Calais and try by whatever means they can to reach England.
A policeman watches men move away from a security fence beside train tracks
Ukip's Nigel Farage had to join into the debate on migrants with the following tweet
The message must go out to illegal migrants that if they get to the UK, they will simply not be allowed to stay. #Calais
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage)
August 3, 2015
What happens when an illegal migrant reaches the UK?
French migrants rush UK border guards to enter the country
- If discovered, they are normally dealt with by police while any criminal investigation is carried out. If judged to be an immigration matter, it is passed to the Home Office.
- Then what?
- They are questioned about their reasons for entering the UK. If deemed to be in the UK illegally (and they do not claim asylum) they are deported.
- Where are they detained?
- The obvious destination for those arriving from Calais is the immigration removal centre in Dover, but there are 12 centres in the UK.
- What if someone claims asylum?
- They are detained or granted temporary release while a decision is made.
- How many are making it across the Channel?
- In the five weeks from the start of June, more than 400 immigrants were found by British police hiding in vehicles or trains. As many as 148 are thought to have reached Britain on a single day in July.
200 Migrants breaching Eurotunnel fences to get into Britain
And what gets me the most is that our benefit system is not exactly the best in Europe anyway. A lot of migrants flock to London where the prices are the highest and a jobseekers allowance or income support of £140 a fortnight would literally get you nowhere.It may be a lot of money back in the migrants homeland of Sudan or Libya but over here with high fuel costs, high rent, high food and other costs it is nothing. It was nothing when I was on it - one day up the pub usually - only because I lived at home when I had just left college.
However if you look at Germany's benefit system, there are two levels depending on whether you have been working or haven't or have come to the end of the first section which states:
If the claimant has no children, they receive 60 percent of their previous net earnings. If caring for children under 18, this rises to 67 percent. This benefit is payable for 90 to 360 days, depending on the length of previously insured employment and age. A full year's unemployment benefit is received if the person has worked for two calendar years or more (18 months for those aged over 55).That means myself, who has worked for the last 10+ years without a break would get my whole years salary for the first year!
That is way more than £140 * 12 (£1,680) a good few dozen times more. The more you earn, the more you get when your unemployed, this is how it should be.
If you are living a more expensive lifestyle due to the amount of money your job was bringing in then you would need a lot more money to survive on wouldn't you.
Figures taken from: Here it's a fixed £140 whether you were a McDonalds worker or high-flying city stock broker! Then after this first year OR if you have never worked OR worked at least one day in Germany and for at least 360 days over 3 years in your last EU country of residence you get the following.
Subsistence allowance (Arbeitslosengeld II)
This allowance is lower than ordinary unemployment benefit and is payable when the claimant cannot receive full benefit or their period of benefit has come to an end, but they are still fit to work and registered as unemployed. Whether or not a person can claim for Arbeitslosengeld II will depend on savings, spouse's earnings and life insurance. A set amount is paid for those requiring social assistance (about €350 per month). Claimants must attend training courses, and be ready to step into any job offered them by the Arbeitsamt, even a very low paid one. Exceptions to this rule are sometimes allowed on mental, physical or psychological grounds or in cases where pay rates are deemed immorally low.
Exactly how much social assistance an individual receives depends on several factors, such as number and age of children as well as marital status.
So €350 is about £245.97 and more than two fortnights £140 however at least Germany has the logic to split their system up so that people who need more get more. How it treats migrants and asylum seekers I don't know but for David Cameron to claim people cross deserts and seas just to claim our generous benefit system really pisses me off.
In my area if you are NFA (No Fixed Abode - Homeless) it doesn't even put you on the priority list for housing!
You have to be dying (with less than a year to live) or seriously disabled to get a place om our register. I was on it then I got kicked off after reaching enough points to bid on places saying single men should be able to look after themselves - or words to those affect.
If you are lucky enough to have already had a place to stay and are made unemployed you can claim housing benefit but this is being slashed by our caring loving Tory government.
Anyway I just thought I would break it down for you about what is happening on this side of the pond regarding the masses of people trying to get into the country.
By Dark Politricks
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© 2015 By Dark Politricks
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