This Years Bilderberg 2018 meeting has some very odd coincidences occurring...
By Dark PolitricksBy TRUTHstreammedia
I remember when Bilderberg was just a conspiracy theory held by people with tin foil hats. However once exposed it was naturalized into "just a meeting of rich men with gay prostitutes bussed in for their sexual needs" and photos were taken and notes of the meetings they had were sanitised and released to a few papers who could spin them into a peaceful meeting where all mankind would be helped.
Lets look at the Bilderberg meeting and the people attending this year
This year Bilderberg 2018 it is very strange the number of war mongering angles that can be found in the people going, and other meetings taking place.
There is also a meeting of NATO on the same weekend, and the G7 meeting.
Two of the items on the agenda, along with all the ex and current military people attending is "Russia" - of course - and "Saudi Arabia and Iran".
Now we know NATO will be talking Russia and Iran and the G7 meeting also. How hard would it be for World Leaders at the G7 to hop on a plane to the Italian location of Bilderberg or have a conference call on Skype.
The same could be said about NATO.
Now if that is not bad then we also have the first time a Pope's representative is coming.
Just to maker it better Russia, China and Iran are also having their own defence group meeting as well at the same time.
We will have to see what happens as this Bilderberg meeting is something special as this video exposes.
So what will these groups of Western anti-Russia anti-China anti-Iranian nations be discussing at all these meetings.
Instead of thinking of ways to make the world a better place to live in they want to by reducing tensions with Russia, Iran and China and re-using all their bloated military budgets to help the homeless, the veterans, the people with no money to pay for health care, or feeding the population of Africa and making the world a better place, they will probably be talking about war.
They could all discussing a way to create a pre-text or false flag, that people would actually believe this time and allow them to go to war with the one country Israel hates the most and Saudi Arabia has offered to pay the USA for all costs in removing the regime. This is not about nukes it is about regime change.
Syria needs to be toppled first, with its Iranian army units, and Hezbollah fighters on the Lebanon border. A fight they don't want a repeat of the 2006 war where the Israelis came running back with their tails between their legs.
Once that is accomplished the only decision is whether to attack Iran and start World War III with the whole Muslim world and Russia and China and how to do it without the use of nuclear weapons.
Maybe that is why the Americans have spent decades building huge tunnel networks under their land so that they can go and live under ground for a few hundred years before re-emerging and living up to the principles of the Georgia Guidestones that state the world should have no more than a 500,000 world population.
People of no use would probably be dispensed of in Chinese dying rooms but in their Utopian minds maybe they do think that this is the way to create utopia. To some of them China is their ideal way of living. #
A police state, where even Taxis have hidden microphones in the cars to record people's conversations and people go to work, criticism of the new world order is not even allowed and all is right with the world.....
Robots would do most of the work, AI makes constant money on the stock market and creates other better, stronger robots with more AI than all the last post-modernistic Hollywood films of recent years.
Indoctrinated and enslaved the 500,000 would be monitored constantly and have their needs met whilst ruled by the post nuclear holocaust Oligarchy.
Sounds like bliss...NOT!
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Something is coming....
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By Dark Politricks
© 2018 Dark Politricks
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