China's Social Credit Score - What is more important your friends or your phone?
By Dark Politricks
If we look at China we can see into our own future.
China has been a model and testing ground for our own Orwellian State since Mao conducted his great leap forward, praised by leaders in the west such as David Rockefeller, despite the 60+ million or so who died as a consequence of this change.
Why do Western leaders look to an authoritarian Communist country such as China, for ideas for their own countries to implement?
Well it keeps it a secret from most people in Europe and America, as most don't read or watch videos from articles on blogs that report on Chinese news. They get their information from papers owned by the rich and powerful, people who would benefit from similar systems, if implemented in their own countries.
China is a perfect place to test new algorithms to downgrade certain web content, build internet firewalls, and create new automatic systems of reward and punishment such as their new Social Credit Score system.
This new system will automatically rate every person in the country with a number depending on how well you behave, the goods that you buy, the places you visit and even the friends you associate with.
It will actually warn people when they make phone calls to people with a low social credit score and even punish you for associating with them. It will even take points off your own credit score if you are seen to be friends with people with low scores. Faces automatically plastered on electronic billboards when someone jaywalks for other people to see, all so they can be instantly judged by their fellow citizens.
People with good social credit scores are rewarded with trophies, the opportunity to travel, send their children to good schools and have better housing. They even get to have their faces posted in the papers or on the electronic screens on street walls that are as common as the CCTV cameras that watch everyone.
It is a massive automatic feedback loop. Every action taken by someone is captured and analysed, before the system reacts and decides if it is acceptable for the good of society. Once decided it adds or deducts points from your score. It is just like traveling the web with tracking cookies that log the content you visit before showing you adverts specifically tailored for your tastes.
If you think that it can't happen in your own country you only need to read up on NSA systems such as TRAPWIRE that the USA already uses, and the GCHQ in the UK. A country with more CCTV cameras per capita than anywhere else. A country that the Americans test their intrusive systems out first, without complaint from our Government, all due to our lack of a proper bill of rights.
The system is based on all the connected videos captured by thousands of CCTV cameras that record us everywhere we travel before storing them in huge data centres such as the city sized underground data centre in UTAH. The next step is to use already existing technology to analyse this huge pool of data and decide whether actions captured are good or bad before updating a citizens score.
Think of the popular TV show Person of Interest before realising that it is actually happening now in China and soon in your own country.
People with low social credit scores are basically pariahs in China.
They have their low scores flashed to people's phones nearby using geo-location technology, so that they can basically spy on them. People can even gain points for their own credit score by informing on another persons actions. Just making a phone call to someone with a low score can prompt a warning message on the receivers phone so they can decide whether they want to risk losing points by answering it.
These people are prevented from traveling outside the country, buying certain items or applying for certain jobs. They even have their own rankings on dating websites demoted as they are deemed unsuitable mates by the "system".
It is almost as if we are handing our own governance over to a massive computer with the only human input required being the rules of what is good and bad and the bio-metrics of every citizen. Once inputted your face becomes your ID, required for access to the internet, a password for banking, and a symbol of what your country deems acceptable behaviour.
Drive too fast in a 30mph zone and the cameras capture your image before automatically deducting money from your bank account as a fine.
Cash is unacceptable as we are seeing already with Scandinavian countries trying to ban it and fewer and fewer people using it. More and more people prefer to pay at shops with a swipe of a debit card or phone at the till. All your shopping items are logged, ready to be sifted through by computers to decide whether you are eating and drinking the right food.
Who and what is more important?
Your choice to go to the pub with certain people or your chance to buy the latest iPhone and buy train tickets to travel to different cities?
I bet many people now are thinking, no never would I disassociate myself from my best friends, but when those friends don't or cannot pay automatic fines, or buy certain goods that the system deems as bad decisions giving them a low credit score, I think many will soon change their minds.
This video tells the story of what is to come....
China has been a model and testing ground for our own Orwellian State since Mao conducted his great leap forward, praised by leaders in the west such as David Rockefeller, despite the 60+ million or so who died as a consequence of this change.
Why do Western leaders look to an authoritarian Communist country such as China, for ideas for their own countries to implement?
Well it keeps it a secret from most people in Europe and America, as most don't read or watch videos from articles on blogs that report on Chinese news. They get their information from papers owned by the rich and powerful, people who would benefit from similar systems, if implemented in their own countries.
China is a perfect place to test new algorithms to downgrade certain web content, build internet firewalls, and create new automatic systems of reward and punishment such as their new Social Credit Score system.
This new system will automatically rate every person in the country with a number depending on how well you behave, the goods that you buy, the places you visit and even the friends you associate with.
It will actually warn people when they make phone calls to people with a low social credit score and even punish you for associating with them. It will even take points off your own credit score if you are seen to be friends with people with low scores. Faces automatically plastered on electronic billboards when someone jaywalks for other people to see, all so they can be instantly judged by their fellow citizens.
People with good social credit scores are rewarded with trophies, the opportunity to travel, send their children to good schools and have better housing. They even get to have their faces posted in the papers or on the electronic screens on street walls that are as common as the CCTV cameras that watch everyone.
It is a massive automatic feedback loop. Every action taken by someone is captured and analysed, before the system reacts and decides if it is acceptable for the good of society. Once decided it adds or deducts points from your score. It is just like traveling the web with tracking cookies that log the content you visit before showing you adverts specifically tailored for your tastes.
If you think that it can't happen in your own country you only need to read up on NSA systems such as TRAPWIRE that the USA already uses, and the GCHQ in the UK. A country with more CCTV cameras per capita than anywhere else. A country that the Americans test their intrusive systems out first, without complaint from our Government, all due to our lack of a proper bill of rights.
The system is based on all the connected videos captured by thousands of CCTV cameras that record us everywhere we travel before storing them in huge data centres such as the city sized underground data centre in UTAH. The next step is to use already existing technology to analyse this huge pool of data and decide whether actions captured are good or bad before updating a citizens score.
Think of the popular TV show Person of Interest before realising that it is actually happening now in China and soon in your own country.
People with low social credit scores are basically pariahs in China.
They have their low scores flashed to people's phones nearby using geo-location technology, so that they can basically spy on them. People can even gain points for their own credit score by informing on another persons actions. Just making a phone call to someone with a low score can prompt a warning message on the receivers phone so they can decide whether they want to risk losing points by answering it.
These people are prevented from traveling outside the country, buying certain items or applying for certain jobs. They even have their own rankings on dating websites demoted as they are deemed unsuitable mates by the "system".
It is almost as if we are handing our own governance over to a massive computer with the only human input required being the rules of what is good and bad and the bio-metrics of every citizen. Once inputted your face becomes your ID, required for access to the internet, a password for banking, and a symbol of what your country deems acceptable behaviour.
Drive too fast in a 30mph zone and the cameras capture your image before automatically deducting money from your bank account as a fine.
Cash is unacceptable as we are seeing already with Scandinavian countries trying to ban it and fewer and fewer people using it. More and more people prefer to pay at shops with a swipe of a debit card or phone at the till. All your shopping items are logged, ready to be sifted through by computers to decide whether you are eating and drinking the right food.
Who and what is more important?
Your choice to go to the pub with certain people or your chance to buy the latest iPhone and buy train tickets to travel to different cities?
I bet many people now are thinking, no never would I disassociate myself from my best friends, but when those friends don't or cannot pay automatic fines, or buy certain goods that the system deems as bad decisions giving them a low credit score, I think many will soon change their minds.
This video tells the story of what is to come....
By Dark Politricks
© 2020 Dark Politricks
Talking of CHINA
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KINGPENGUIN - May 25, 2020
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Thought we would make life simple and supply all the info as follows;
Alot of our work involves using mobile phone equipment due to the fact that the phones used are what as known as “Pay as you go” for the International readers this is when a phone is bought without a phone contract!! so there is no direct link to the persons name that uses the phone…this of course is no big secret however when you write political articles blogs using phones unknown can make alot of sense.Dont get us wrong here we dont support any form of “actions’ .However wikileaks serves as evidence of how far any state can go to track persons,Google is real bad and lots of bloggers and site builders will tell you this,beware though about android and iphone if you leave the battery packs in them even when switched off apparently although dont quote they can circulate currents in the phone ..i dont know…One thing that was explained although whether its true or not is if you leave certain android and iphone swithced on things from other worlds can swipe any data in your phone so if you are a blogger and use your phone dont keep any data on it and switch off and remove the battery pack after you have used the phone…am I being paranoid?…well no! there are alot of people in this world who follow others around for using phones cell scanning and security companies get paid to make it there business,also certain programming in phone “switches” (beacons or masts) that transmit data and phone calls have software packages on route that pick up and trigger.So for example if you say certain words or even type certain words then you get picked up..really…its to do partially with why they are holding Julian assange for example ‘vault 7″ I think is what they called it Julian assange of wikileaks explained how malware and spying software are incorporated into devices such as phones.Anyone in the world could log onto this site for example :Bellingcat@
in their lunch break and theoretically get picked up and then perhaps followed…we dont want to live in a world like this or want innocent persons who are just curious about the world being followed and monitored.Julian assange by the way is a grey character..more another time…thanx so much to Bellingcat for the publishing space …this article is fascinating not drinking or anything else myself i see the sense in it,ok a country has to be vigilant against any form of political violence and of course terrorism
some countries go to far with it .New in today is that the British Government are now as of today!! reviewing 5g contracts…lets be clear here the recent British Government changed its leaders recently an internal move, and of course they have this weird thing called BREXIT however 5 G is comp[lete espionage , look at some of these sites below and find out for yourselves perhaps Bellingcat could run a 5G story that would be really something!!!
Finally this is an amazing climb down by the Leader of the British Government Boris “the bear” Johnston,suddenly the British Government completely u-turn on 5g network another mention is the 5g masts/beacons destroyed in the uk.This is becoming a regular occurance or rather ritual in the UK!!
Ohh. That's something interesting toknow about.Thanks for sharing. Nicci skincare
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