Saturday 30 June 2012

The Greek crisis - will it lead to a European Revolution?

By Dark Politrcks

I've just watched a documentary about the problems facing the Greek people at the moment during these times of austerity and supposed "solidarity" between Euro nations.

Some facts from the documentary include:
  • 1 in 3 Greeks are now living below the poverty line.
  • Over 50% of young people are unemployed.
  • New measures have meant that charges for public services that were once free - for example any visit to the hospital now incurs a charge even if you are skint.
  • Whole government departments are being shut down with the poorest Greeks suffering the most. For example they have just closed down the social housing department. This is the department that manages housing for the poorest people who might have no jobs, money or place to live. I cannot even imagine living in a country without a social housing department. Thousands of people have lost their jobs and  millions of poor people will be affected by the closure of this department.
We all know the reasons for the Greek crisis but the person making the documentary didn't seem to realise the reasons the Greek people were in the position they were.

The complaints of the people on the streets were those heard all around the world from the Occupy Movement to the real Tea Party to protest movements all across Europe.
  • Why should the poor and middle class pay for the mistakes of the Government?
  • Why are  the banks bailed out with tax payer money but then carry on with their casino banking ways. Not providing loans to small businesses whilst betting and losing millions daily on the stock exchange casino.
  • The bailouts are not for the benefit of the people suffering to pay them back they are going straight to pay off debts to other countries and banks. All the while the people suffer austerity measures and the future generations are thrown away to pay off the mistakes of the current banksters and corrupt politicians.
  • Corrupt politicians have taken the shilling to allow corporations build, permits given, eyes turned and so on even if their corrupt measures mean more suffering for the people.
  • Massive tax evasion has left a big hole which would help pay back debt straight away. From the poor to the rich tax evasion has been a national pass time according to some. Apparently 15 billion euros a year in Greece are lost through tax evasion and a new law being brought in means if even €1 is evaded the person faces jail time.
Proud people who once had jobs and money are now going to the many free charity doctors, food handout outlets and clothing swaps that have cropped up all around Greece.

People covered their faces in shame as they saw the camera as they didn't want people to see how far they have fallen, from someone with a job and money to someone siting in a handout shelter.

The Greek circle of doom is one of debt piled upon debt, job cuts and tax increases all to stay in the magical club of prosperity the EU.

  • Who will pay these taxes if there are no jobs?
  • Who is going to pay to go to the hospital when you are injured but have no money?
  • Who wants to work but can't find any jobs because the tourism industry has collapsed and the government is decimating public service jobs?
  • Who wants to survive on food handouts and get their clothes from charity shops and clothing swaps?

We now how the Greeks got in this mess and they should never have been let into the EU in the first place if it wasn't for that moralist of banks Goldman Sachs helping to hide Greek debt so that they could pass EU tests. 

Who went to jail for this massive fraud that has caused immense suffering and will do for years ahead?

We all know the EU was a political project and that the politicians and globalists behind the scenes want to keep it alive at all costs even if millions of people across Europe don't want to. 

The Euro is a failure and a single Europe has been a politicians wet dream of politicians from Roman times, to Napoleon, Hitler and now the string pulling puppet masters of Europe.

The question is how long before these politicians realise this massive failure or new ones are elected that will demand real change?

I already know the answer never.

With their nice fat wages, pensions and benefits that are all designed to effect even the most populist politician and bring them into the "establishment fold" politicians ethics and morals are easily turned to dust.

I can count on two hands the politicians I know around the world that stick to their words and vote according to their principles rather than their party line or because promises are made to benefit them personally.

If change comes to Europe it will be through a popular revolution as people can only put up with so much before they resort to kicking off.

Whatever happens in Greece will spread across Europe like wildfire. 

To Spain, Portugal, Italy and if the northern countries start suffering even more then I can see a popular revolution across Europe easily spreading by the younger generation as it's the youth who's future has been sold off to pay for the older generations mistakes.

They will take things into their own hands. There is only so much hopelessness a person can take, and a person with a head full of ideas but no outlet for them will find revolutionary groups attractive prospects for their thoughts and dreams.

We are having it bad at the moment in the UK but nothing like Greece.

However if it gets to the stage where whole European countries are going bankrupt and debt piled upon debt is seen as the only answer then we are in for major trouble and we aint seen nothing yet.

If the youth in London riot for fun, joining in looting and arson just because "they can" then imagine what it will be like if Greek austerity measures hit us full on hard like a steam train.

As the poor in Hackney watch from their council flats as the banksters continue to reap in huge rewards even as story after story of banking failures, missing billions, bad bets and hidden fraud fill the papers then they won't stay happy for long.

When their council homes are taken away and charges increased or cut altogether for public services people rely on then it is only a matter of time.

The Euro has failed the question is how will it be dismantled by the votes of politicians or by the bare hands of the suffering people.

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