Saturday, 8 September 2012

The very undemocratic Democratic Convention

The very undemocratic Democratic Convention

By Dark Politricks

A lot of people including myself have for years compared the US political system as a single-headed coin with two faces.

This duopoly is designed to appeal to both sides of the culture war. However both main political parties when in power continue the same  policies. Policies that are acted out whoever is voted in as President of America.

Whether it is a Democrat or Republican sitting in the most important position of the land. The policies that actually matter continue unabated.

Policies such as
  • Constant and ever expanding wars that only create enemies for future US generations of soldiers to fight.
  • The huge and all invasive police state that is being enlarged at home from the PATRIOT Act to the NDAA. From TRAPWIRE to ECHELON. From CCTV to the Police  secretly downloading whole mobile phones for GPS positions, call data and text messages.
  • The ever revolving door between Wall St and the Treasury that see's big banks able to actually get the law changed retrospectively once they are caught breaking it.
  • The bailouts that use taxpayers money to pick winners and losers and allow the US government to pay back their biggest donors with handouts.
  • The lobbying and high spending during elections that prevent the breakthrough of any other party or independent unless they are a multi millionaire like Ross Perot was. Unless you have a few hundred million dollars to waste on elections and rich friends with their Super PACS. The spending on Presidential elections will only increase and increase maintaining the duopoly that strangles the political process and prevents new parties and new ideas from gaining traction in the political sphere.
  • The War on drugs that see a disproportionate amount of minorities locked up in prisons for long periods. The USA is supposed to be a country where the government stays of your back unless you're hurting someone. Yet dare smoke a spliff, even in a state that has legalised medical marijuana, and the Federal government still feel the need to treat you as criminal scum and lock you up.
  • The power of the military industrial complex to keep on growing in size, eating up more and more of the total US GDP as Department of Defence/Attack money that is just to "important" to the country to cut. Whether it's a Democrat or Republican in office the hundreds of US military bases and billion dollar embassies dotted around the world will remain whilst the poor have to put up with cuts to Medicaid, Social Security and other "entitlements" they have paid for through their taxes throughout their lives.
  • And something that will be discussed further along in the article is the decision to support Israel no matter how badly they act on the international stage. No matter how many targeted assassinations they do - something the US has now followed them with. No matter how many nukes they keep hidden and away from inspection whilst demanding Iran a member of the NPT put up with ever more inspections, special rules and threats of war if they decease from their perfectly legal activity. They also stay quiet as Israel kill American citizens whether caught on camera assassinating US citizens like Furkan Dogan and Rachel Corrie or covered up like the mass murder of US naval person-ell aboard the USS Liberty.
And they are just a few of the things that won't change if Mitt Romney the least favourite of all the Republican runners gets voted in as President later this year.

However proof that both the GOP and Democratic conventions is just pure theater rather than groups of like-minded people getting together and voting together to form policy. Or even to choose what should be in their public statements has now come out in two embarrassing video clips from both parties conventions.

The following video clip shows how despite the audience at both parties conferences voting "nay" (in the negative) at least as equally as loud as the "yeighs" (positive), if no louder, they were overruled by the all-pervasive teleprompter which takes no consideration of party members feelings as the outcome had already been decided and then scripted for the speaker.

The fact that the delegates didn't choose to go along with the pre-determined decision is a perfect sign of how little these mega parties really care about their members feelings.

For me the worst one of the two cases was the Democratic vote to restore a previous statement that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel - rather than under international law the supposed capital of both Israel and Palestine.

This came after FOX and other right-wing commentators made a fuss about the lack of mention of God in their speeches and how they had "removed" all mention of Israels divine right to claim Jerusalem, a piece of territory the Israeli's are in the process of ethnically cleansing (through forced home purchasing for Jews), as their rightful capital.

GOP officials argued that not taking a position on Jerusalem's status in the party platform showed the president was weak in his support of Israel. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said that by omitting God it:
"suggests a party that is increasingly out of touch with the mainstream of the American people." and that "I think this party is veering further and further away into an extreme wing that American's don't recognize"  - Not that God and Politics should be mixed in anyway in my own eyes.
Anyway it caused such a fuss that it was obviously decided by the powers that be, with undoubtably a bit of pressure from AIPAC behind the scenes, to re-add in these statements of support for Israel.

By doing so the Democrats made themselves look so controlling and fake they were indistinguishable from North Korea by the manner they chose to do it.

Instead of just adding the statement back in they wanted to provide the illusion that the decision was based on a majority of the Democratic delegates wanting to change it - which they obviously didn't (a good sign in itself).

The convention chairman Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa called a vote of the delegates on the matter which stated that:
"Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel. The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths."
The crowd re-acted by shouting in the negative.

The number of yes' were clearly outweighed by the shouts of no and the Mayor got so confused he attempted a re-vote in which exactly the same thing happened again.

Luckily a woman came up to him and helpfully told him to just ignore the actual feelings of the delegates and just carry on reading the ever knowing teleprompter.

However on this second vote in which large numbers of delegates shouted "NO" at the top of their lungs the mayor of Los Angeles ruled that the amendments had been approved by two-thirds majority even though it was blatantly obvious that it hadn't at all.

Why - well it was on the teleprompter of course and he was just following the pre-determined line that had obviously been decided much earlier by powers above him.

Why the charade of asking members to vote on matters that could go both ways when the outcome had already been pre-decided I don't know. However it was a small sign that the curtain hiding the Wizard of Oz was being peeled back to reveal an all-pervasive globalist and pro-Israeli agenda that will continue despite the wishes of Democratic members, delegates and most importantly voters.

In both cases (GOP and Democratic Party) If they had already decided on the outcome was what the point of asking the delegates to vote in the first place. Just to provide an unsuccessful illusion of democracy at a very undemocratic Democratic convention?

Both parties had this illusion of democracy destroyed and hopefully enough people saw these events to realise that whoever they vote for the next fours years have already been planned out - whoever takes the prize of POTUS.

For those people who have not witnessed these shameful events the following video should be mandatory watching.

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