How big must Bibi's cartoon bomb be before US/UK troops die in another Middle East war for Israel?
By Dark PolitricksAfter Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "performance" in the UN assembly the other day it is clear he is itching for a war with Iran.
Despite the facts of the matter e.g NO PROOF that Iran is building a bomb which comes from people such as top American and Israeli military and intelligence officials who have gone public to state that:
- Iran has not decided to build a nuclear bomb.
- Even if they did - they would be stupid to use it as America and Israel has thousands of nuclear bombs and they would be wiped out in seconds.
- Plus even American intelligence operatives such as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Ron Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff agree that Iran is a "rational" state actor who wouldn't suicidally kill their whole country for the sake of one (probably shot down) attempt at a nuclear strike on Israel.
If we want to see all of the following:
- The Middle East in more flames as Syria and Iran go down fighting, with proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas lobbing rockets into neighbouring countries, terrorists blowing themselves up on New York and London trains and more havoc than could be imagined at this point.
- More US embassies being overrun and more US ambassadors being killed.
- Yet more US and UK troops dying on foreign lands fighting wars for other countries.
- The price of your petrol rise to stupendously high levels (they are already crazy in the UK £1.4+ for a litre of unleaded).
- Another hypocritical breach of international law in which we let a member of the Nuclear non proliferation treaty (Iran) who has not been proved breaking it whilst a non signatory (Israel with their 200+ nukes) start another pre-emptive illegal war "just in case" they might have been right.
- Then a war in Iran is just want we need.
In fact they live quite comfortably. Israel was a country created in the misguided belief that Palestine was a place with no inhabitants. Just sat there waiting for thousands of Jews, many with no links to the land whatsoever, to come and kill British soldiers by the hundreds through terrorist organisations like Irgun and Stern gang.
Then afterwards start a civil war - in which the seeds of a new "international law", created by the USA and the Nuremberg trials to punish the Germans for their crimes against the Jews, were totally ignored by the same people who first benefited from them.
Laws that have still not been fulfilled. Such as the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes.
Plus laws that are still breached to this day; such as the attacking of whole civilian populations as Israel did in Operation Cast Lead, targeted assassinations and illegal blockades of whole territories such as Gaza.
In fact it is no wonder that Israel along with the USA finds itself in a nice group of countries who haven't signed up to the International Criminal Court alongside China, Iraq, Libya, Qatar, Yemen, India, Iran, Japan, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Turkey.
I suppose it's because they would find their soldiers and leaders in the dock so often that they might as well set-up a camp alongside it.
I doubt acts such as these would be welcomed by bosses of the US Army as they would find themselves consuming whole years worth of dockets at the International Criminal Court.
Crimes such as:
- Those carried out at Guantanamo bay.
- The torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib.
- The drone strikes that kill 50 civilians for every "terrorist" in Pakistan.
- The targeted assassinations of US civilians without judicial process.
- The false flag attacks.
- The piracy on the high seas such as the attack on the Mavi Marmara.
- The white phosphorus attack on UN compounds inside Gaza.
- The US soldiers who kill Afghans for fun such as the U.S. soldier who walked off his base and into a nearby village where he killed 16 civilians, nine of them children.
- Or the "Kill Squad" that killed for fun and collected their dead victims fingers as trophies.
- Or the US soldiers filming themselves pissing on dead Afghan bodies.
Maybe we just have to wait for Romney to steal the election with the help of the Koch brothers before we get this disastrous war with Iran which will undoubtedly worsen our global recession.
Or maybe Obama is just putting it all off until after the election so that he can use AIPAC dollars for his re-election campaign and then he will surprise us all by doing what US Presidents's haven't done previously in their last term - act like an honest broker between Israel and Palestine.
If he really, really tries to sort out that problem, the one all US Presidents weakly attempt to in their second term, then the anti-Zionist rage (NOT anti-semitic) will hopefully subside.
Maybe even Iran won't consider the racist Israeli government a threat, which it is at the moment, with their hundreds of illegal nuclear weapons and their support for terrorist groups like the MEK who have just been removed from the US terrorist watchlist.
A group who bombs, assassinates and terrorises Iranians all the time. But then they are "freedom fighters" when they are fighting OUR enemies aren't they!
Maybe once President Obama doesn't have to think about another re-election then all that "change" he promised us he will actually try to deliver.
Maybe starting with actually letting Palestine become a real state in the eyes of the UN and remove the promise that the USA will always block votes aimed at curbing Israeli war crimes and breaches of international law in the UN Security Council.
Maybe when their crimes are re-examined in an international court (not that they subscribe to the concept of International law) such as the illegal blockade of Gaza, the occupation of Palestinian territory and their ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem. He might actually grow a pair and try to prevent the submission and humiliation of the Palestinian people by the Zionist state.
Maybe if he doesn't have to worry about AIPAC spies and blackmail (and just the possibility of assassination) he will actually stand up to Israel's constant threats of external annihilation. A successful tactic they have used since their inception to excuse their wars and abuses and keep their population scared of all those "evil Muslims" that want to exterminate them.
Maybe he will even have enough of a pair to stand over Bibi and rip up his cartoon drawing of bomb telling him "no more".
Maybe one day even Jews and Non Jews can live in a secular Israel/Palestine together as equals.
We can only dream.
Whatever is happening another war in the Middle East is not what we need right now!
So how long do after this comical performance by Bibi at the UN do you expect to see US and UK troops fighting for Israel against Iran once Bibi's "red line" is crossed on his cartoon bomb?
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