Sunday, 13 January 2013

Alex Jones Please Calm Down So Your Points Get Across

Alex Jones Please Calm Down So Your Points Get Across

By Dark Politricks

After last weeks battle on prime time TV between Piers Morgan and Alex Jones  it has become a major talking point. It was a heated debate (on one side at least) that has been re-shown, mocked and repeated everywhere from blogs and news programs to satire shows like the Daily Show and beyond.

The question being asked is - did Alex Jones do more harm than good by going off on one of his manic rants at Piers Morgan?

Did he attempt his usual tactic of trying to claim to have facts on everything from A to Z. Far too many facts to explain in such a short period of time on TV, therefore the viewers probably didn't take many if any of  them in at all. All they went away with after the interview is the perception that Alex Jones was crazy for going off on one on Piers who remained calm throughout the interview.

Even worse - did he make Piers Morgan, a liar who's testimony at the Leveson Inquiry about Press Standards and phone hacking has been called "utterly unpersuasive." by the Judge himself seem like an honest, sensible and well balanced person?

I used to listen to the Alex Jones radio show over the web and on pod-casts until I got so fed up with hearing the same adverts about survival food stocks over and over again that it just became a pointless exercise in hurting my ears with advertising.

I have seen the rants, I have seen the madness but I have also read some of the articles, the history and the evidence he constantly claims to have to back up his sometimes "heated" debates. He is not always right and he is most definitely not always wrong. People need to look past any first impressions and research for themselves anything he says.

No one should make up your own mind but yourself.

That means not Alex, not Piers or anyone else on the mainstream media but yourself after reading a balanced view of history. Keeping in mind that history is usually written by the winners and that conspiracies do and continue to exist and have done since the beginning of time.

If only Alex could practise some form of Yoga or meditation to calm himself down before going on the mainstream media he would pass himself over a lot better.

It is not good to be ripped apart on satire shows as he was on the recent Daily Show where he was being portrayed as just a right wing crazy nut job who thinks Obama is the new Hitler ready to come for your guns.

The problem with Alex Jones and his argument over gun control is two fold.

1. He does actually have facts and evidence coming out of his behind. The problem is, whether you believe them or not he does not put them over in such a way that people will catch everything he says.

He would have done much better during the interview with Piers Morgan to stick to the single salient point that the UK, a country where the population has no guns, does actually have a higher violent crime rate than the USA a country filled to the brim with guns.

This was proven in a recent study published today that said:
Britain has a higher crime rate than any other rich nation except Australia, according to a survey yesterday and the chances of having your car stolen are greater in England and Wales than anywhere else in the developed world.

According to the figures released in the report yesterday, 3.6 per cent of the population of England and Wales were victims of violent crime in 1999 - second only to Australia, where the figure was 4.1 per cent. However in the USA only 2 per cent of the population suffered an assault or robbery.

Also one out of every 40 people in England and Wales had their cars stolen in 1999, the highest rate in the 17 developed countries examined.
2. He needs to chill out before going on TV so that he cannot later be portrayed as crazy loon later on. When you are being shown in clips along with FOX TV presenters, Republican Tea Baggers and nutters who believe everything they see on TV without reading both sides first and coming up with their own opinions then you have lost the argument before you have even opened your mouth.

Take a valium, no in fact take a 100. Just do what you have to do so that you don't explode in anger and declare another war of independence like you did with Piers on CNN.

It is comments like that shouted in anger that will be shown over and over again on YouTube and MSM shows to repeatedly claim you are nothing more than a nutter no matter how much substance your argument has.

Whether you are on either side of the gun control argument you should read up about the facts first before making your OWN minds up.

And if you are going on TV - just take a chill pill first and don't overload the audience with facts.

Stick to one or two proven facts and debate them calmly and honestly. Then you can walk away knowing that you won't be derided from state to state for just being the bloke who wants to deport the known liar and phone hacker Piers Morgan and start a new revolution.

The interview between Alex Jones and Piers Morgan can be watched below.

View the original aticle on Alex Jones needing to calm down on the main site

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