Friday, 17 November 2023

Looks like Oct 7th was Israel's 9.11 - Hamas Was Let In On Purpose

Israel Let Hamas In On Purpose To Allow Them To Ethnically Cleanse Gaza

By Dark Politricks

The Twitter embedded film near the bottom, is full of ex and current IDF soldiers talking about how Hamas were basically let into Israel on October 7th, so that they could attack and kill innocent Israeli's, and give a pretext for the new Right Wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu to ethnically cleanse Gaza and the West Bank of Palestinians.

Just weeks before the attack, at the UN, Netanyahu stood up and showed a map of Israel without Gaza or the West Bank called The new Middle East. This was just after a letter was given to his parliament urging him to take over the Palestinian controlled areas. 

Benjamin Netanyahu At the UN - The New Middle East

Therefore he needed a pretext that would allow him to destroy Gaza to rubble and force the 2.3 million Gazans into refugee camps in Egypt. This is why during the war he has urged all northern Gazans to move south, as he turned their homes into rubble, and created a huge bulge of people in Southern Gaza. Those not killed on route by constant attacks on convoys and homes, moved down south, as asked by Israel, and have brought massive pressure on Egypt to let them through into the Sinai. 

By doing so he hoped to push the millions of Gazans into new huge refugee camps, a new Nakba where yet again Palestinians are forced from their homes to allow the Zionist project to continue. However Egypt is wise to this plan and as yet, has not opened the Rafah crossing to allow refugees across.

It is stupid to say no-one warned Israel of this attack. Egypt and other Arab powers even warned Israel of something big about to happen, which should have put their intelligence on high alert. Yet as the Twitter video shows below, a large portion of soldiers who were supposed to be manning the exact place Hamas exploited were moved to the West Bank, giving the terrorists a free pass at entering what is usually a highly effective border fence where snipers shoot anyone moving too close towards it.

So this was the standard false flag attack, where Israel wanted to do something it had for a long time, destroy Gaza and create more living space for Israeli settlers, yet they didn't want to be blamed for it.

So they used Hamas, a creation of Israel, that has been well known for decades. 
"Hamas is an organisation set up by Israel, financed by Israel, to work for Israel" - Ron Paul
At a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, Netanyahu was quoted as saying:
"That those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state."
It was created to divide the Palestinians into two. At the time they were controlled by the PLO or Fatah, but by creating Hamas they achieved what they wanted with Hamas controlling Gaza, and Fatah the West Bank, with no hope of a Palestinian state.

"For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group."

"The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state."

"Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad."
It seems that this truly was Israel's 9.11, that a stand down order was given, and controlled Hamas terrorists were allowed to commit crimes allowing Israel to commit the crimes they had wanted to do for years. It has allowed Israel to spread horrific lies to the press that much of them still believe, as you can see in my previous article. 

There were no beheaded or burnt babies. Or babies cut from pregnant mothers stomachs to be beheaded in front of them. These were all lies revealed yet again by Israeli citizens, survivors and IDF soldiers

If one thing can be said about the Israelis, there is a large amount of them prepared to tell the truth about what happened, whether in uniform or just a citizen about to be kidnapped by Hamas. 

One witness even said that the Hamas militant was very nice to her as she was about to be taken. However Israeli forces turned up and shot dead the terrorist and her tied up boyfriend on the floor, luckily leaving her alive to tell us the truth about what happened that day.

What I want to know however, is how did Hamas know that the IDF were on holiday at that part of the fence on Oct 7th. Are the leaders of Hamas in contact with Mossad or the Israeli Parliament, did they trade the destruction of Gaza for a days worth of killing innocent Israelis at the Rave and in the Kibbutz or were they unwitting tools of the Israeli intelligence services?

The following video discusses the Israeli control of Hamas, the events that happened, and how Israel moved their forces from the parts of the surveillance fence where the terrorists came through. 

You only need to watch up to the 24 minute to get all this information, afterwards it goes onto a lesson about the Rothschilds, how they created Israel, how the City of London still has its tentacles reaching around the world, and the insider Ronald Bernard who was a witness to some of the child trafficking and the more disgusting side of the insiders who rule the world. 

It then talks about the mistaken beliefs of Christians, Muslims and Jews across the world due to the misunderstanding about the life of Abraham who is the father of all the 3 big religions. Watch on if you want to understand why these religions are fighting each other mistakenly.
To find out more about the lies about the burnt decapitated babies, and all the rest of the horror show needed to get global support for Israel's decision to destroy Gaza, see my previous article.

An overview of the horror show propaganda can be seen in this video.

Hopefully the more people who find out about this false flag event the better, as it truly was Israel's 9.11. Maybe if proper news outlets understand what happened, pressure can be put on Israel to stop the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, and we can see an end to this massacre.

By Dark Politricks

© 2023 Dark Politricks


  1. These Israeli terrorists have already turned Gaza into rubble and I can't see them rebuilding it.

  2. Just look at the amount of IDF buildings that weapons have been taken out of over the last two decades without permission (STOLEN !!!!) .This is the kind of article we like to see published...

  3. Yes we do like to see Dark Politricks writing constructively outlining what many fear seems to show that this atrocious act was well planned in advance and that many did indeed know this !!

  4. For years the far right in the British Army and the Metropolitan Police Force in London have worked alongside Hamas drug cartels in places like SLOUGH.We know that ten percent of the Met (one of the most extremist organizations in Europe) was at one point controlled by Putin !


    hamas agents arrested in West London.

  6. A few months back somebody contacted Guardian Journalist Owen Jones. Why ...well he projects himself as a radical leftist journalist that in the past exposed MP Gove for owning Parforce publications.

    We are hoping that as a journalist he will file a complaint
    as to the wikifreaks reddit statement issued here :


    AnĂ³nimo14 de mayo de 2023, 4:29

    In Math its impossible that Parpoint publishing isnt derived from {PAR}force and Focal{Point} as these three companies appear in the same Holocaust denial publication Goring Biography…and
    so the Irish police should question British National Union of Journalist member Albert Smith if he intended to name his publishing outlet after Convicted racist David Irvings organization
    on the grounds that if he lies the courts can decide….par se !


    Albert Smith (Parpoint) BRITISH BORN NUJ member is a self confessed racists sympathizer protected from police prosecution.He refuses to stop using the name of PARPOINT or resign from the NUJ despite the evidence that appears
    here upon Dark Politricks.The NUJ as an orgainization are acting against International protocol,which is a legal and political issue...

    written by Crookzy Green Zombie void (Tik Tok)

  7. Albert Smith National union of journalists
    life member admitted a number of years ago
    in court that he was involved in a criminal
    incident where as a journalist he smashed up
    a computer.There is court records.Yet despite
    admitting in court to being at the incident both the judge
    and police refused to arrest/charge him in court
    for previously lieing to the police in claiming he
    was never at this incident.The court case was dealt
    with by a fascistic solicitor from Dublin known
    as Kieran Conway a well known book publisher who
    "cons" people into thinking he is political left wing.
    Conway could expose the Irish Government of having
    CIA/British Intelligence court hearings but remains silent
    about court cases in the Republic of Ireland where
    both the police and judges do not require evidence
    to gain convictions violating human rights.

    British Guardian Newspaper Journalist Owen Jones who claims to be a radical leftist journalist has been recently contacted about the public allegations found online made against the NUJ,Jones of course himself having exposed Conservative UK MP Gove in
    the press for owning convicted racist David Irvings Parforce publications.As a journalist he is empowered to make a complaint against the NUJ and Albert Smith former Irish Independent Newspaper sub editor on the following grounds:
    “ In Math its impossible that the name
    Parpoint publishing isnt derived from
    (PAR)force and Focal(Point) as the
    three companies appear together within
    the same Holocaust denial publication
    Goring Biography... and so the Irish
    police should be questioning British
    National Union of Journalist member
    Albert Smith as to why he intended to
    name his publishing company Parpoint
    outlet after Convicted racist David
    Irvings organization Parforce on the
    grounds that should he lie to the Police
    the courts can then decide to set a
    public hearing...
    par se ! “
    Albert Smith (Parpoint) BRITISH BORN NUJ member is a self confessed racists sympathizer protected from police
    prosecution.He refuses to stop using the name of PARPOINT or resign from the NUJ despite the evidence hereby
    provided.The NUJ on the other hand as a body opposed to antisemitic publishers still refuses to remove Smith from
    their organization which seemingly acts against International protocol,which is both a legal and political issue.

  8. For those interested to know Albert Smith appears in the
    introduction of the revised digital edition of Gorings Biography
    describing the book frighteningly as quote " a good offering"
    which is why amongst other reasons he should be removed from
    being a life member of the National Union of Journalists .

    David Irvings Parforce organization where fined over 2.5 million dollars in the British courts and David Irving produced the paper edition book Goring Biogrphy the court case below used Goring Biography as evidence to gain conviction where upon Judge gray pronounced Irving as an antisemitic pro Nazi racist.

    Irving went on to receive a three year prison sentence for other
    holocaust denial offenses ,Goring Biography was found to be a
    Holocaust denial publication during the British court hearing
    which is why the NUJ must themselves be investigated criminally
    for allowing their members to contribute to a holocaust denial publications.

    "Denying the Holocaust" by Deborah Lipstadt was originally published in the US in 1993 by The Free Press. It was published in paperback in the UK by Penguin books in 1994. David Irving first complained about the reference to him in the text in letter to Penguin Books during November 1995. He issued
    a writ claiming damages for libel in September 1996, naming Penguin, Profesor Lipstadt and four individual Waterstones's booksellers as defendants. The writ was in due course served on each of the defendants, although the action against the four booksellers was later dropped. In view of the complexities
    of the evidence, the parties agreed that the action should be tried by a judge alone and Mr Justice Gray was assigned the case. The trial opened in the High Court in London on Tuesday 11 January 2000 and closing speeches were heard on Wednesday 15 March 2000. Mr Justice Gray delivered his judgment in favour of the defendants on Tuesday 11 April 2000. This text docments the trial.
    (e) Conclusion
    11. Irving's claim that the 1991 edition of Hitler's War and the 1989 biography of Göring indicate that he is not a Holocaust denier is not credible when the Index references he cites in support of this contention are actually consulted. Both books give an account of Nazi policies and actions towards the Jews during the Second World
    War that is perfectly compatible with the central tenets of Holocaust denial as this is normally understood by historians

    Craig Murray was banned from the NUJ for his wikileaks activities,
    we know dark Politricks supports wikleaks.

    British Guardian Newspaper Journalist Owen Jones who claims to be a radical leftist journalist has been recently contacted about the public allegations found online made against the NUJ,Jones of course himself having exposed Conservative UK MP Gove in
    the press for owning convicted racist David Irvings Parforce publications.

    As a journalist he is empowered to make a complaint against the NUJ and Albert Smith former Irish Independent Newspaper sub editor on the following grounds:

    “ In Math its impossible that the name
    Parpoint publishing isnt derived from
    (PAR)force and Focal(Point) as the
    three companies appear together within
    the same Holocaust denial publication
    Goring Biography... and so the Irish
    police should be questioning British
    National Union of Journalist member
    Albert Smith as to why he intended to
    name his publishing company Parpoint
    outlet after Convicted racist David
    Irvings organization Parforce on the
    grounds that should he lie to the Police
    the courts can then decide to set a
    public hearing...
    par se ! “

    Albert Smith (Parpoint) BRITISH BORN NUJ member is a self confessed racists sympathizer protected from police
    prosecution.He refuses to stop using the name of PARPOINT or resign from the NUJ despite the evidence hereby
    provided.The NUJ on the other hand as a body opposed to antisemitic publishers still refuses to remove Smith from
    their organization which seemingly acts against International protocol,which is both a legal and political issue.

  10. This blog has got deep,you know acusing Benjamin Netanyahu of such things is real .The base line here is that you cant essentially
    have conflict without two sides,saying this though Israels security is a sham and before you point back at US NO we arent antisemitic for explaining that we agree that Israel has its ups and downs,but then again every single country in the world does and we dont look at Israel with any form of indifference,besides we support israel in its rights completely to be left well alone.However there are too many facts here the biggest is probably how Netanyahu came back to power after case 4000 and how at the same time Israel itself has had similar to Ireland a revolver style Giverandcement as they say.We seldom talk about Israel politicks because we dont want to get deep on Israel,we love the country and thats that.In our eyes the IDF is a defensive force NOT a predator.There are other ways in our times to sort out our differences and bloodshed is the not on our agenda.To say that a force within israel itself is a part of what has occured isnt the issue here because there is more than enough evidence to show arms being removed from army barracks is now accepted and common place....we believe in peace not war...

  11. Primer Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday said he has no plans to resign and indicated he intends to remain in power once the war is over.

  12. Paralegal :

    Owen Jones, a Guardian columnist, is known for his left-leaning views and has written extensively on various political and social issues. While I don’t have direct contact information for him, you can typically reach out to journalists through their official channels, such as their publication’s website or social media profiles.

    Here are some ways you might try to get in touch with Owen Jones:

    The Guardian Profile: Owen Jones is a columnist for The Guardian. You can find his articles and contact information on his Guardian profile page1.

    Social Media: Owen Jones is active on social media platforms like Twitter. You can follow him there and potentially send him a message or tag him in a post. His Twitter handle is @OwenJones842.

    Email: While I don’t have his personal email address, you might find it on his official website or through other publicly available sources.

    Remember that journalists receive a large volume of messages, so it’s essential to be respectful and concise when reaching out. If you have a specific complaint or issue related to the content he has written, consider providing relevant details and evidence to support your case.

    As for the wikifreaks Reddit statement, it appears to raise concerns about the naming of Parpoint Publishing and its potential connection to other entities. Investigating such claims would likely fall within the purview of relevant authorities or legal bodies. If you believe there is a legitimate issue, consider reporting it to the appropriate channels.

    Keep in mind that my response is based on publicly available information, and I recommend verifying any details independently. If you need further assistance, consider seeking legal advice or consulting with relevant experts.
