Monday 6 August 2012

Ron Paul attacks the beat of war drums to Iran an Syria in a speech to Congress

By Dark Politricks

Democrat Dennis Kucinich gives way to his friend and comrade on many issues regarding civil liberties, war, foreign policy, the FED and many other things, Ron Paul, in the debate on the Iran Sanctions Bill. Or as Ron Paul likes to call it "The Obsession with Iran Act 2012."

A Bill that was passed anyway 421-6. What a surprise - only a few Congressmen with morals and the strength to say no to their party!

All reasons these two lonely voices are on my Good Guy List.

He says all of the following:
"A vote for this … will show that it’s just one more step to another war that we don’t need," the congressman said in an Aug. 1 speech against the bill.
"We have not been provoked, [Iran] is not a threat to our national security and we should not be doing this. For the past 10 to 15 years we've been obsessed with this idea that we go to war and try to solve all the problems of the world. At the same time, it is bankrupting us."
"What we continue to be doing is obsess with Iran and the idea that Iran is a threat to our national security," the congressman said. "Iran happens to be a Third World nation. They have no significant navy, air force, or intercontinental ballistic missiles."
"Do you think we’re protecting civil liberties by arbitrarily dropping drones or threatening to drop drones any place in the world, with innocent people dying?" the congressman said.
"If we want to really care about civil liberties in Syria, why don’t we really care about the secret prisons we have and the history of torture we have in this country?" While the US is making kill lists, it is preaching for civil liberties abroad and "poking our nose in other people’s affairs, just looking for the chance to start another war," this time in Iran, Ron Paul said.
As Ron Paul says in his speech the Iranian sanctions bill is an act of war and as I have said before we are already at war with Iran and our support of terrorist groups like the MEK and Jundalah who blow up innocent civilians in mosques and scientists in their cars for their Mossad/CIA paymasters is only the scratch of the surface of the covert proxy war already being fought out by US freedom fighters (really) terrorists and the Iranian regime.

As I said months ago America has lost any moral authority it once had in the world by it's recent foreign policy actions.

It's hypocritical support of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia as they crush dissent and attack human rights every day whilst bleating on about the abuses in other nations who are not their friends or sell them large quantities of oil whilst holding US military bases in their territories only makes their hypocrisy more visible to the rest of the world.

When the US/UK/French axis of war attacks countries like Iran and Syria for "targeted killings" all the while holding their own "kill lists" ( death by executive order ). They are being more than a little choosy in who they accuse of human rights violations especially as they let one one of the worlds biggest, China, lend them billions of dollars so they can go to war on tick.

All the while they continue to bankrupt America by fighting wars they cannot afford and keep Gitmo open with many innocent detainees still locked up denied the right of habeas corpus.

Plus they still have the massive blemish of torture at prisons from Afghanistan, Iraq and Cuba on their sheet which they need to remove before any moral authority can be restored to their words and actions.

They use drones to kill innocent people all across the world in their "shadow wars" and claim that no civilians have died purely because they count dead males of certain ages as enemy combatants whether they are or not. Plus who can be bothered to count the dead when a drone drops a bomb in Pakistan that is controlled from Langley.

Drones that now fly the skies over the US in a prequel to a Dark Angel world of instant scanning and automated minority report style pre-crime detection. With a police that is looking more like an armed forces brigade every day.

Driving tanks and using special military grade armour and weaponry to break up small protests or break into citizens houses and shoot dead people or dogs who dare bark too loud all the while looking for small amounts of pot.

Or who can forget the recent Occupy Protests in which cops beat up grannies and held open students noses so that they can shoot pepper spray down their throats  just because they dared to sit down in a peaceful line to protest. It is no wonder people are wondering why the home of the free has become the home of Orwell's worst dreams.

Even the upcoming US Presidential election looks like a choice between two useless contestants. Whoever wins nothing will change unless the American public wake up and vote in someone with morals, a sense of America's true actions in the world and at least a modicum of knowledge about why half the world wants to kill them.

If only there was some way of the American people showing their displeasure at the road it's taking that doesn't involve voting in a GOP version of Obama or keeping a very non-liberal Democrat as President both of which who will do nothing to change the direction America is going in....

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