Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Why Don't We Trust the News?

Are we just stupid for not trusting the mainstream media?

By Dark Politricks

Last night I wrote a wrapper article about "The New High Priests" for the video by Richard Dolan on the subject. It's about the old Religious Priests being replaced by Big Tech Companies. Just like the Catholic Priests of the Dark Ages, these new High Priests control what we think, believe and can and cannot say or rather Post, Tweet, or say in a Video. In these days the old Priests of the Middle Ages have definitely been replaced by the Big Tech and Social Media businesses ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Instead of the Spanish inquisition we are just Cancelled or banned from Social Media if we dare to go against establishment views. I have suffered by losing my Facebook page and main Twitter account for this site due to these new High Priests, luckily I had a backup Twitter Account which you can access here: @darkpoltweeter

These pro establishment views are all too clear to see when you are watching state propaganda on news channels such as the BBC or the CIA controlled network news channels in the US such as MSNBC and CNN. Companies that are all sponsored by Arms manufacturers and Big Pharma companies like Phizer, a company that had the biggest fine in US history of $2.3bn for illegally marketing drugs.

Is it any wonder people don't trust the MSM or Big Pharma to take that mandated shot, when they blatantly commit crimes like this and the news channels lie to their viewers faces as if they were dumb sheep. However people are starting to wake up to this racket which is why there is such a major crackdown on free speech on the Internet right now.

The recent claims from CNN's Don Lemon, that Joe Rogan was taking horse de-wormer rather than being prescribed the human version of the drug by a doctor NOT a Vet, is a fine case in point. They even took his Instagram video where he talks about getting COVID and put a filter on it to grey his face out so he looks like he is almost on his death bed when in truth the original video showed him looking healthy as ever. 

CNN's doctor, Sanjay Gupta, even went onto Joe's podcast and admitted that CNN shouldn't have made that claim. For this crime of admitting that his news station had gone too far by lying, he was punished by having to go back on Don Lemon's show and answer questions that doubled down the lie. Don even cut Sanjay off mid sentence when he started to try and explain what Joe was trying to get at, and forced him to admit that the drug was mostly used for livestock.

For Joes disgraceful act that went against the establishment view that all US citizens should take multiple shots of long term untested, vaccines with multiple side effects and had cured himself by taking different drugs prescribed by his doctor. He has been hauled over the hot coals of establishment news media for daring to be alive and seemingly getting over the infection in a few days without any hospital stay. 

The MSM, newspapers, online sites and establishment media and many social media indoctrinated followers of the establishment narrative whatever it is, were almost wishing he would die rather than survive from some of the Tweets and Posts about Joe getting infected - here is an example of one Tweet.

Joe believes he has built up a stronger natural immunity from having the virus and surviving it and there is no need for him to take the vaccine now, and CNN's doctor Sanjay Gupta, seemed to agree on his podcast. To back up his case, Joe referred to a study from Israel that is now rolling out their 3rd mandated shot to the public for them to gain a vaccine passport.

The Israeli study states that

"A new Israeli study on coronavirus immunity suggests that people who were previously infected with the virus benefit from significantly stronger and longer-lasting immunity than the immunity provided by vaccination alone."

You can watch Joe respond to this doubling down by CNN below.

Last year during the lockdown, even just mentioning on your podcast or Tweets the name of the drug in question, Ivermectin, could get you thrown off the site. Many of my own favourite YouTuber's accounts were cancelled and I even lost my main Twitter account for a "Vaccine Conspiracy" Tweet where I simply stated that maybe there was a conspiracy considering the billionaires who invested in DNA/RNA vaccines before the outbreak, the War Game exercise of such a pandemic, and how did Dr Fauci know that their would be a pandemic during President Trump's stay in office? 

That's not really saying anything about the Gain of Function experiments Fauci backed, and moved to Wuhan after being stopped in Virginia, or that the virus would never occur naturally so was probably designed to be a biological weapon. Or that the Chinese patented their own vaccine at the same time as making the virus, or the many billionaires who have got even richer from the suffering of the billions locked up in their homes like criminals. 

On top of that we have governments all over the world from Australia to the UK and USA and Europe who have used the COVID pandemic to create Chinese style police states, with social credit systems coming soon. Also how many billionaires admire the Chinese style of a blend of Communism and Capitalism with an untold amount of free slave labour to work in their factories from the Uighur Muslim population where a million are locked up in re-education camps at the current time,

So when the news channels are lying so blatantly to our faces how can we trust what they say?

A case in point is below, when billionaires like Bill Gates fund the news channels with his money he gets  softball questions when interviewed about his connections with the now dead sex trafficker, paedophile and Mossad agent Jeffery Epstein. Note how there is no comeback from the interviewer to his statements that really say nothing. He met Epstein after his sweet heart deal and apparently due to his inability to score with women. Epstein must have been a gold mine for such a wealthy man who we now know from his divorce was playing around behind his wife's back, and with a sex criminal and all.

The part where the interviewer asks him if there are lessons to be learned from his connection to Epstein and he says "Well he's dead", is a bit freaky to me. 

It can either be read as a threat that anyone who tries to expose the mega rich indulging in the fruits of a sex trafficker will end up garrotted in a cell as the wardens look the other way, searching for high priced goods way out of their pay packet online, almost as if they had been paid off to look the other way. The CCTV was disturbingly off at the time, and his cell mate was also out of the area. 

The guards didn't even get any jail time, they got 100 hours of community service instead. It's almost as if it was a planned hit inside a jail, but then that would be crazy conspiracy talk. Oh wait, the whole Epstein affair is a conspiracy of the elite to abuse sex trafficked women and let off a wealthy connected man convicted of a heinous crime. 

Someone who would normally face hard jail time but was instead given a soft punishment due to his connected lawyers and probably a paid off judge. This was someone who was a friend of Princes and Presidents and had tapes labelled with their names on at his New York spy camera trap house. 

Tapes that were collected by the FBI when they raided the place but that we have heard nothing of since, I wonder why? Is the FBI involved in a conspiracy to keep quiet any news about these important people such as Bill Clinton and Donald Trump because they know when to shut their mouths or lose their jobs? 

I don't expect to see any of these videos released any time soon so I leave that up to you as I don't expect any names to be released during  Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking trial despite this hopeful looking decision by the judge. If they are it will certainly cause a massive shock wave in the elite community who shielded Epstein for so long and if she does release names I can only see a fate similar to Jeffery's once she is locked up in prison.

On another note about how hopeless the MSM is, I hope everyone saw the CNN interview with Jon Stewart the comedian the other day. They wanted him to just rip on Donald Trump the news item that keeps on giving them ratings, but he came back with a reply that confounded the interviewer who looked confused that he hadn't taken the chance to portray Donald Trump as an evil Magneto like character that corrupted US Politics, when it is clear that is has been corrupt for a very long time. Russell Brand has a good video up at the moment about this encounter on the interview which you can see below.

No wonder Soldiers, Police and even Nurses who were on the front line of the pandemic, are quitting their jobs in droves due to State Mandated Laws that try to enforce them to take the jab. 

Seattle alone is losing 200 cops due to them not wanting to take the vaccine that has been mandated by the State and Federal government and hundreds of thousands of soldiers have yet to comply either and more stranger is the fact that 30% of Ohio Nurses have said they would quit their jobs if forced to take the jab.

This is a vaccine where you keep needing booster shots to have anti-bodies and even then you can still catch the virus and pass it on and end up hospitalised. Even stranger is that the first autopsy of a dead person who had been vaccinated for COVID was found to contain spike proteins in every bodily organ, almost as if the vaccine helped spread the virus more than usual.

This is all whilst Big Pharma is raking in Billions for every shot they tell governments their populations need and increasing the price as well.

If Joe Rogan can get cured in a few days from COVID without having had the shot, I'd like to know exactly what variant he had and all the meds he took, as that is a quick turn around to get a negative test result. 

However the mainstream news won't tell you that, they will just lie about the need for bending over for the Government to take turns on you, all whilst they rake in money from the billionaires who have invested in these Big Pharma companies and let no-one forget that Scientists can be corrupted.

When they rely on grant money to keep them afloat, and a big company comes along and offers them lots of money for a study that shows one result, such as smoking isn't bad for you, or fluoride in the water from Big Industrial Companies waste rather than natural fluoride is just as healthy for your teeth. Or that Heroin is a non addictive way to get off Opium, just as Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines and now SSRI's and SNRI's are not addictive. Don't be fooled into thinking they won't bend the truth as well as their test results to get that grant money. 

History shows us that they have done it many times before and this is another reason people don't trust them to tell the truth.

"Show me a rich politician and I'll show you a crook" - Harry Truman

Nancy Pelosi has made over $200bn since being House Speaker, her husband the stock broker just seems to keep getting good inside info on which companies are going to be awarded Government contracts like the recent one to Amazon and Microsoft to the Department of Defence. I guess it was just a coincidence he managed to buy huge amounts of shares in those companies before the deal was made public.

People are now even mirroring his stock investments as they know he is probably getting inside information from his wife and that is how they have made such good money whilst she should be on a much smaller salary. As a politician you would ideally expect them to want to do the best for their constituents like old Labour MP's such as Tony Benn

However in America and everywhere else where Democracy means Capitalism and death for the poor, unhealthy and uneducated, politics is just business, and if you don't make connections and money whilst you are there you are in the minority. The revolving door between politicians and lobbyists is so fast it keeps my head spinning as ex Politicians and even Prime Ministers like Tony Blair become super rich after leaving office and then start lobbying for certain companies, not all of them very savoury either.

So if you haven't done so yet, please watch the video from my last post as Richard Dolan does a very good presentation about our upcoming 4th stage of industrialisation. Discussing how big tech which we now know is firmly in the pockets of the NSA and the CIA will become the new high priests of our next era. We now know that Google took seed money from the CIA to get off the ground and have been "doing evil" for them ever since. 

They even dropped their motto of "Do No Evil" from their code of conduct back in 2018 when they started doing work for the Pentagon due to worker protests.. They certainly are doing a lot of evil now, banning people and demoting sites that speak out against them as well as helping the DOD and NSA with their algorithm and automation weaponry.

Instead of letting the free flow of ideas and information flow from Social Media site to Tweet to Video, the new High Priests of today are just the gate keepers that prevent us from writing about or seeing views that go against the Establishments perspective that they expect everybody to follow. Defy them and do it successfully like Joe Rogan did and expect to be lambasted across the Web for doing so from the sad souls who cannot think for themselves..

It's a good video and Richard Dolan always hits the spot when he talks about politics and exopolitics. I hope you enjoy watching it > http://www.darkpolitricks.com/2021/10/the-new-big-tech-priests-that-control.html.

By Dark Politricks

© 2021 Dark Politricks


  1. They are all doing evil, from FB to Google to YouTube and every other big online company that cancelled Donald Trump and Alex Jones due to their perspectives on life. Even if you don't agree with what they say you should be allowed to hear their opinion and debate it if you wish to.

  2. Joe Rogan is a perfect case of the mainstream media ripping on someone who didn't listen to the Government's propaganda and did their own investigating and took the advice of their doctor. Natural immunity is better than having shots every 3 months, where will it stop, all that we are doing is making the big pharma companies and sickos like Bill Gates get richer. I thought philanthropists were supposed to give their money away to help people. If so why has he just got richer and richer and why did he force Oxford to team up with AstraZeneca and deny the spread of an unpatented vaccine around the world so that poor countries could make their own versions. That is not the sort of thing a true philanthropist would do.

  3. Long live Joe Rogan he gets more listeners than all the MSM top shows combined, it just goes to show that real discussion is what people want, not little 40 second sound bites and the same tired old crud being trotted out night after night,
