Sunday, 23 September 2018

Redacted Tonight - Where Americans reporting on American news in America are called Foreign Agents

Where Americans should come to get REAL news about their country and how criminal it is

By Dark Politricks

Redacted Tonight

Where Americans in America reporting on American news get called "Foreign Agents".

They call it Russian state news, despite everyone and the studio being in the US and reporting on American issues not Russian ones.

I suppose it's just the same as MSNBC, NBC, CNN, FOX who are really state mouthpieces due to all the CIA agents working with them who come on their shows to push the establishment move for more war.

Operations COINTELPRO and OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD are CIA programs still in use to this day to feed viewers fake or one sided news, never tell the real story about how many people they are killing and keep the people dumb to what the US is really doing to countries in this world.

This includes illegal wars, coups, breaking international law, propping up dictators, training death squads at the School of the Americas or just standard arming of our supposed enemies like Al-Qaeda and ISIS instead of fighting them alongside the Russians to get rid of them.

Redacted Tonight Russia v USA

So really if you want real news about the USA you have to look at other countries news coverage about the country as the big networks are all owned by the MIC and will support US troops in any war at any time even if it's wrong and illegal.

You might have been told that is all Russian propaganda but it's the sort of REAL JOURNALISM that should be done by CNN MSNBC, FOX etc.

It looks at events MSNBC or FOX never cover such as the massive genocide the US is currently engaged in in Yemen with the Saudi's.
It looks at the illegal wars most people don't even realise the US is fighting with men on the ground and drones in Africa.

It looks at the Industrial Prison Complex set up to use prisoners as slaves and their recent strike as well the usual Military Industrial Complex lobbying for more war and how stupid it is.

Trump sold the Saudi's all those billion dollars worth of weapons so they might as well use them to attack the poorest nation on Earth and kill kids with Cholera due to a national epidemic and health crisis that has come from the war.

Despite this horrific genocide caused by the US letting go and Trump forgetting about those 28/29 redacted pages of the 9.11 commission report that seems to have been ignored by the press and replaced by stories regarding Stormy Daniels instead.

Really if that 9.11 report was real and those 29 pages were accepted as real by the US government why didn't the US attack Saudi Arabia?

The whole population would be demanding that the US go to war with Saudi Arabia. Instead we help them commit a genocide and sell them weapons to be passed on to the Jihadists in Syria.

It is time to admit, if you haven't already, that we are on the WRONG side of the right line in current national affairs.

Did your favourite MSM news station tell you about the massive war games in Russia with Chinese troops alongside that will be ending on the last day of the supposed "Peace Conference" over Syria.

300,000 Russian troops and weapons, using live fire, all on the move, using battle experienced troops on terrain similar to Syria.

This is like a whole city moving around and there is talk that tactical nukes might be moved to Syria if the US doesn't pay heed to the new Russian weapon systems including combat suits that are flame resistant and their drone anti aircraft missiles that the US tried to buy and the Russian's said no and sold them to China instead. Don't forget their state of the art anti aircraft systems as well.

A Russian General called it necessary and our last chance.

I guess they are hoping to show the West that they are ready for a fight and hopefully scare them off, otherwise they are ready to go toe to toe with us.

Did MSNBC mention any of that on last nights news?

Well don't worry, this is why you should follow alternative news instead e.g #altnews. Redacted Tonight is a good place to start, as it uses satire and humour to help you wash down the distasteful new US atrocities committed in your name without your knowledge.

This week the Redacted News team take a look at how easy it is to hack a modern day US voting machine to flip votes. Only 1 minute required to flip the whole lot with direct access.

They also cover how Jeff Bezos, the richest living man in the world, could easily solve world hunger, give everyone clean drinking water, pay for health care and still have millions left in his pocket.

He is so deep in with the CIA and owns the Washington Post that whilst Amazon destroys local shopping centres, he could be saving the world.

View the video about "Where Americans should come to get REAL news about their country and how criminal it is" at YouTube.

By Dark Politricks

© 2018 Dark Politricks

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