Sunday, 23 September 2018

Russia warns the USA constantly that they are going to bomb ISIS and the Americans decide to put troops in as human shields for al-Qaeda and ISIS

Russia has constantly warned the USA they are going to bomb ISIS and the Americans decide to put troops in as human shields for al-Qaeda and ISIS

By Dark Politricks and video by Blackstone Intelligence

If you know what is going on in Syria you will know the war is about two competing oil pipelines.

One heavily backed by the Rothschild's, Rupert Murdoch and other Globalists who see Iran as the big threat in the area along with Israel and Saudi Arabia. Iran also wants a pipeline to run through the Shi'ite controlled Iraq, something the US did not want to happen as in after fighting for so long in the area the Government has now grown closer to Iran.

There is talk of a "double tap" where the USA and the rest of the Axis of War allies e.g UK, France and of course Israel are all sending ships to the area, with an intent of invading Syria and Iran at the same time.

This also is in Israel's interest as they want to expand as in the greater Israel project plans and keep the Muslims of the area fighting each other.

If you read ex Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky book "By Way of Deception" you will see that after Israel had got rid of Libya in the 80's they were planning on taking out Iraq altogether and using US troops to do so.

The IDF hardly do any of their own fighting on a large-scale unless it's massacring imprisoned Gazans and killing kids throwing stones at tanks. Either killing women and kids and their farm animals or getting their arses kicked by Hezbollah in Lebanon.

That is why AIPAC controls Congress and as Benji said "America is easily swayed one way or another", basically Israel controls the US foreign policy.

Now like me you may have thought ISIS and al-Qaeda. Remember Al-Qaeda was just a database of Jihadists who were called upon by the US to fight in Afghanistan against the Russians.

Blow-back big time and numerous false flags later and al-Qaeda, a name Osama bin-Laden didn't even recognise until he heard the US call him and his hired hands by that term, became the US's mortal enemy or so it seemed.

So to find out that the Russians have been warning the US that an area containing a large number of ISIS/al-Qaeda/al-Nusra Front and other CIA trained jihadists is going to be attacked soon and for the Americans to get out of the way. Basically giving them notice and time to do so it is strange, and stranger still is that the US is sending more US troops into this exact area that is to be attacked to act as human shields against the Russians.

Now this is very dangerous and stupid.

If a US soldier is killed we won't hear on the nightly news that the US were using their troops as human shields to protect al-Qaeda and ISIS.

We will just hear about Russian war mongering and we will probably end up in a war with Russia. Something we don't want as the Russians have some highly effective anti-aircraft and aircraft carrier missiles and Obama had to save face under his term when 2 of his missiles sent from a ship in the Mediterranean were shot down by Russian defenses. Of course the MSM didn't report this.

There is another area I reported on a week or so back about how the last major city in Eastern Syria, that the ISIS remnants are holed up in, is in place for another fake false flag "chemical attack".

The Russians have been warning that English-speaking people have been seen in the area and chemicals have been brought in to stage a false flag which the US has said it would blame on Russia for not stopping.

You should really watch the previous video to understand the comments coming out of the Russian Duma and Military including the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

The main thing is that the US public don't realise that their supposed enemy of enemies Al-Qaeda is just a term that can be placed on any Jihadist group and then that authorises the President to attack them.

However for the sheeple who still believe a man on kidney dialysis living in a cave brought down the twin towers, and the Pentagon despite the FBI saying on their most wanted list that there was no evidence linking bin-Laden to the 9.11 attacks Al-Qaeda remains the common man who only reads sports pages their enemy that needs to be defeated.

Ask these people who don't question the crap spewed at them by Rachel Maddow and FOX News: why is the CIA and USA arming and training their supposed mortal enemy, al-Qaeda?

They are now using US soldiers as human shields and pushing for a full conflict with Russia that could turn into World War 3.

This is not good news and should be spread wide and far.

Please watch Jake from Blackstone Intelligence put the pieces together as he does a lot of research and doesn't just read US Today but also get news from Israel, Russia, China, Iran and other countries. Like most of us should do.

We are force-fed bullshit by our state-run news companies like the BBC, or "independent" news companies that always support a war (CNN, MSNBC, FOX etc) and during combat or the run up to it always have ex and current military members on their shows to push the plans further down the average Americans throat.

These people in the dark need to know how close we are to a proper nuclear war.

Russia is holding a 300,000 troop exercise with the Chinese army on the last day of the Syrian peace conference and a Russian general has said it was necessary and our only hope.

I can only deduce from that he means that the huge show of force, new weapons and a whole city on the move under live fire will shock the Americans into not staging the false flag attack they are planning.

The last US claimed gas attack has now been declared a non event by independent investigators who went there to see what happened.

However Trump and his neo-con army acted before evidence was in and they carried out a massive bombing raid despite fake evidence supplied by the White Helmets of babies being washed down despite the people doing the washing not wearing any protective gear.

This time the Russians have been warning the West for weeks not to attempt another false flag but they know no-one is listening and depend on #altnews sites and YouTube channels like Blackstone intelligence to get the news out in the hope people listen and the Axis of War fails to attempt another false flag attack.

They don't want to start WWIII but they are now at the end of their tether and I suspect if the Axis of War carries out their plans they won't be holding back.

Please spread this article and video far and wide.

View the Blackstone Intelligence video at YouTube.

By Dark Politricks

© 2018 Dark Politricks  

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