Friday, 21 December 2018

9.11 cannot be forgotten, the trolls are out smearing people, and the man who uncovered the whole plot

9.11 cannot be forgotten, the trolls are out smearing people, and the man who uncovered the whole plot

By Dark Politricks

I have a much larger article with a comment debate with a "top debunker" who ended up running off with his tail between his legs.You can read that article here and the comments page starts here (2 parts), part 1 and part 2.

I have just had to break the comments and the debate I had with a "debunker" into 2 posts as it was too long to post!

However the debate is worth reading but only after the thought experiment article that is my own imaginary debate with a person who would never believe their own government could kill it's own people for the purpose of money and oil, endless war and the Military Industrial Complex plus of course Israel who has a stranglehold over the US and it's foreign policy. 

American soldiers dying in far away lands for a country who won't even send it's troops to fight on the front line with them. They only go as far as bombing from a high distance, hiding behind Russian planes who get shot down and giving no warning beforehand. Sneaky is one word you could call that.

Some quick reasons or information for those people not interested in real truth or knowledge.

1. We have the declassified 28/29 pages from the 9.11 commission released now.

It was a big thing across US news before it actually happened but afterwards it was hardly mentioned. They reveal Saudi Arabia was paying, helping and training terrorists in the US for the attack. It also proves Iraq had nothing to do with it and with everyone knowing the Bush and bin-Ladens close ties and friendship it seems odd that they had the power to have these pages removed from an AMERICAN document on the worst terrorist tragedy in memory.

2. We read the PNAC document which said a "New Pearl Harbour" was needed to ramp up US military budgets and take over the Middle East. We can actually see this unfolding before our very eyes. The LIKUD party (or party created from REAL terrorists - ones who blew up the King David Hotel etc) - and dual citizens were both in power at the time of the attack.

Israel wanted the US to come in on it's racist side and make all Muslims terrorists and give them more weapons, clean out the Middle East and let them expand.

3. More Israelis were arrested after the attack than any other national group of people. It was only through a dual citizen high in power that you should know, that they were released without charge.

They were found "Documenting the Event" before a plane had even hit the tower e.g they were across the river with a camera set on the First WTC attack, and when the plane hit the building they were cheering and clapping. A resident was very wary and called the police. When they arrived the Israelis tried saying things like "we are all on one side now", "we fight the Muslims together" etc. However if Israel was NOT involved how did they know to "document the event." as they claimed on Israeli TV?

Were they told to "Document The Event" by their Mossad bosses?

4. We have recently just had a death bed confession from a demolition expert who claimed to have worked on WTC7, they were busy congratulating themselves when they realised they had done too good a job and it looked exactly like a controlled demolition, which it was.

5. We have Osama bin-Laden's interview which a CNN reporter just found his hideout and so did this Pakistani press piece whilst the CIA was supposedly scouring the earth for him as the most wanted man alive. His denial of attacks can be read here >

6. We have had numerous whistle-blowers either killed in suspicious circumstances or silenced by the government due to their wanting to release information on the CIA's still close ties with bin-Laden and more.

Don't let anyone tell you "well if it was a conspiracy surely someone would have come out and said so by now". They have, lots of them.

It's just the humdrum mainstream news you are dumbing yourself down with that doesn't discuss these items. You need to research it yourself. Sibel Edmomds was once called "the most silenced witness" in US history due to her knowledge of CIA/bin-Laden ties. You can read more about it here >

7. Anti 9.11 Truth trolls exposed. After 9.11 there was talk by Obama's people of creating false narratives and using BOTS to disseminate them around the web to counter pro 911Truth groups, Tweets and so on. This video discusses the use of Hasbara, where Israeli students pay for college by clicking "Like" buttons on pro Zionist tweets, or writing a comment that goes against some argument in a group.

This video discusses the progression of comment fights, to fake profiles and BOTS that are used to attack people with an inquiring mind, who don't believe a skyscraper can fall at free-fall (as NIST admitted), without being hit by a plane or having major damage synchronously. They claimed one beam weakened starting off the collapse sequence but that wouldn't cause the simultaneous sinking of all four corners of the building at free-fall speeds into its own footpath.

NIST still refuses to give out it's computer model code that "proves" the collapse.

As a coder I say "put shit code in - get shit results out". So anything could be tweaked in their program to prove a metal beamed steel framed high building collapse by fire for the first time in history.

8. Then we have a full start to finish solution to the conspiracy by Christopher Bollyn the man who really put all the dots together from David Ray Griffin, Stephen Jones, 9.11 Pilots for Truth, 9.11 Architects and Engineers for 9.11 Truth and all the other parties who have been brave enough to stand against the tyranny that has come to America.

Remember after the event your "Commander In Chief", although I doubt he could command a Microwave to work, said "they hate us for our freedoms". However have you noticed how fewer freedoms you now have than before 9.11?

It was the elites that hated you for their freedoms so they took them away with a false flag attack and blamed it on Muslims and then introduced laws such as the ability for the Commander and Chief to commit troops to anywhere in the world al-Qaeda is - which is why it is always al-Qaeda that is the enemy somewhere even if it's not.

You have had the UN-PATRIOT ACT, written long before 9.11 and never read by most who voted for it. The NDAA, detention of prisoners against Geneva Conventions with no Habeas Corpus and Torture plus the killing of American citizens abroad without trial or presumption of guilt or innocence.

It seems the terrorists...who they are you decide....have won.

Your freedoms have gone - poof!

I thought I would get all these articles out before the Hasbara brigade label me an anti-Semite or self hating jew (I could be Jewish.....) but whatever happens you need to keep the thought of 9.11 in your minds as it has changed your way of life forever.

By Dark Politricks

© Dark Politricks

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