Part 2 - Comments and Debate over 9.11 Skeptics v Logic, Science and Reason
Part 2 Comments and Debate over the hit piece article from the old site. You can read the original article here.Continuing the Discussion
- Tweets that mention 9.11 sceptics versus logic, reason and scientific principles | Dark Politricks -- linked to this post on October 23, 2010
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by DarkPolitricks, Dark Politricks RT. Dark Politricks RT said: New article on darkpolitricks: 9.11 Sceptics versus logic, reason and scientific principles #911 #Cheney #conspiracy […] - Tom Ridge, Bin Laden and the War on Terror | ctrlZworld linked to this post on January 30, 2011
[…] has no authority explained the collapse of WTC-7 the third tower, not hit by a plane, that collapsed into it’s own footprint later that day. A […] - June 10, 2011: Today’s Alternative News « Sheep Pee! linked to this post on June 10, 2011
[…] 9.11 skeptics versus logic, reason and scientific principles June 10, 2011 […] - Does the American public want more of the same, or more of the same under a different name? | Hot to Spot linked to this post on February 13, 2012
[…] against the American people and the countries they went to war against. He has not investigated the events of 9.11 which still remain the catalyst for the transformation of America into the militarised Police state […] - 9.11, WTC-7 and the Pentagon attacks that have led to 11 years of war « Dark Politics linked to this post on September 11, 2012
[…] you have not read this article already I suggest reading it as well as the comment debate below as it shows the sort of people we are up […] - Just a few of the things we have done wrong in the last ten years « Dark Politics linked to this poston September 22, 2012
[…] A flawed NIST report that differed from it’s intermediary report by having missing building parts and relying on a computer model with loaded parameters such as only heating certain parts of the building to make it collapse. Anyone can make anything happen with a computer model if they set the parameters correctly and play with them until they get the desired result. […] - ‘Knocked out with metal bars for lack of anesthesia’ – report details collapse of Syria’s healthcare | linked to this post on March 10, 2014
[…] 9.11 skeptics versus logic, reason and scientific principlesRated 5/5 (31 Votes) […] - 9/11 The Anatomy of a Great Deception – Please Watch This Is If You Want To Know The Basics About 9/1 Conspiracy Theories | Dark Politics linked to this post on October 27, 2014
Here are some guys have no credible credentials whatsoever, lie about practically everything, and are right in the middle of some people’s limelight:
There is zero evidence that al Qaeda needed any inside help or got it in order to hijack and crash some planes into targets, and irrefutable evidence, including their own boasts and lack of denial, showing that 9/11 was solely an al Qaeda project. Israel had nothing to do with it, nor did the US government, and nether has to make up reasons to blame Muslim terrorists for committing suicide atrocities.
I posted to another article here about “engineers,” or something, and am still awaiting a response from you. The claim that the WTC fires were minor in any of the 3 collapsed hi-rises is absolutely absurd, as the links I posted clearly illustrate, unless photos, videos, and numerous eyewitness accounts aren’t sufficient.
Just found the link:
My May 20 comment there is getting lonely.
Since your article here delves deeply into the impossibility of secretly bombing busy, occupied office hi-rises on a workday in Lower Manhattan for no plausible reason except to lose money, and even the title implies that there’s legitimate skepticism for the science presented by the highly-educated and credentialed engineers and other experts from NIST, FEMA, and other reputable organizations and agencies, I posted a number of facts and reasons for my belief that the controlled demolition “theory” is utter nonsense. So far, you’ve failed to address any of my comments on that issue substantively. Since Richard Gage is the chief promoter of this junk science and utter malarkey, I pointed out the absurdity and dishonesty of many of his principal claims. If you disagree with anything I posted, please feel free to explain why.
btw, I’m almost always immediately banned from posting on “forums” run by the 9/11 “truth movement’s” proponents and followers, so thanks for allowing my comments to appear on your site. The worthless contributions from hapless fellows like “Suz” and Bill McKay make it very clear that they’d be much more content if I just disappeared, but it now appears that they have, undoubtedly to greener pastures full of gullible and uninformed people who agree with them.
Multiple plane hijackings that were all successful (in capturing the plane).
Hard to pull off plane trajectories into targets (the Pentagon attack involved a very complex dive and then a horizontal attack route at high speed and only a few feet from the ground. The pilot was reported by his instructor to be useless and many pilots believe he wasn’t capable of pulling off such a manoeuvre)
No interceptions by NORAD and the co-incidence of “war games” on the same day.
3 WTC buildings all falling at breakneck speed into the ground.
The Twin Towers look like they literally explode as they fall and WTC-7 falls at speeds indistinguishable from freefall after eye witnesses report a countdown.
Even though there was damage to the bottom corner of the building the many videos show the building collapsing uniformly and seemingly from simultaneous catastrophic failures at all key points of the building making it not fall towards the point of least resistance but into its own footprint.
The reluctance of the government to hold a full inquiry into the events and then when the 9.11 commission is held it engages very unwillingly, prevents witnesses from being called, only allows 3rd hand testimony from tortured terrorists and then uses the findings as a building block to push for war with Iraq.
Harrit and Jones were actually “reminded” of nanothermite, which is a very high explosive that produces deafening bands and blinding flashes, but evidence of either an explosive or incendiary on any of the ends of columns and other structural steel at GZ was nil. If the Ventura demonstration even managed to sever a horizontal beam after a minute or two of sizzling brightly right on top of it, the mess it made would certainly have been noticed on steel at the WTC site.
The reports of explosions inside the burning buildings are irrefutable, but they didn’t carry more than a few blocks or we wouldn’t need the FDNY to tell us about them, didn’t go off just prior to any main building collapse, weren’t coming from the collapse initiation levels in any of the 3 buildings, and are easily explained by exploding transformers and tanks, partial collapses, debris falling enormous distances in the towers through shafts, BLEVEs, backdrafts, and other very common phenomena in hi-rise fires. The fact that practically no one in the FDNY is in the 9/11 “truth movement” should certainly speak for itself.
I’m much more interested in the “logic, reason and scientific principles” aspect of this discussion, but do not believe that any minor fudging of the facts leading to US war involvement justifies the idea that the US attacked itself on 9/11, or was guilty of anything except being caught unprepared for the world’s first and only suicide operation yet using planes as weapons and killing nearly 3000 Americans and other innocent people. Paul pretty well summed it up earlier.
The “crime that killed thousands” was another suicide atrocity committed by bin Laden and al Qaeda, not by anyone you’re libeling and slandering with your crap. Did you notice anyone in the world claiming that we got the wrong guy after the SEALs offed the slug on May 1? Why is only your 9/11 “truth movement” defending him from mass murder charges, instead of Muslims all over the world?
Go find a venue that allows you to express yourself the way you did where I first had to put up with you, since vulgar and childish name-calling and personal attacks are your only contribution. Jeezus, they walk among us…
yeah, im such a waste of bandwidth, but you keep responding to me to avoid having to answer DPs questions, all getting a bit hard fot the shill eh?
although seems rather unlikely, since no temperatures higher than ~1400 F were recorded:
the evidence has gone.
and news stories in which the building in question was “pulled” through controlled demolition. I guess the use of the term varies from company to company and maybe from country to country,
I posted my email to NYCCAN on May 14, and have seen no answers to any of the questions in it. Any thoughts on why all 12 of his insurers paid him a total of $4.68 BILLION if he admitted to blowing up his own property?
Silverstein’s insurers fought him in court over the issue of whether two plane crashes meant two separate incidents or one, and they won in almost every case, but never questioned whether the building was demolished deliberately. Since 2 of them were Swiss, one Dutch, and one British, and billions of dollars were involved, I doubt whether patriotism entered into their decision. I’ve also never heard the transcript of any alleged call he may have made on 9/11 to any of his insurers, but buildings take months to rig for demolition, and aren’t suddenly prepped in secret while they’re on fire and no one’s inside, nor do they sit there rigged “just in case.” If WTC 7 had withstood the fires and been too badly damaged to repair, as happened in 1991 to One Meridian Plaza in Philadelphia, negotiations with the insurer would not have been done over the phone in a few minutes. Meridian was finally razed ~8 years later, and I’m sure the ~$300 million deal wasn’t set with a quick phone call.
strength most definitley helped sell the future war we are still engaged in.
claims that a very famous Mossad chief (Mike Harari) has been bragging about how 9.11 was “his plan”. You can listen to an interview with
work (including destorying structure below) apart from falling.
less amounts.
that the neccessary wiring was built into the building so that the explosives could be attached when and if required at a later point.
but that is never going to settle this debate.
9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton says “I don’t believe for a minute we got everything right”, that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, and that the 9/11 debate should continue.
9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting”
9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: “It is a national scandal”; “This investigation is now compromised”; and “One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up“
9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that “There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn’t have access . . . .” He also says that it might take “a permanent 9/11 commission” to end the remaining mysteries of September 11.
And the Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) – who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry – recently said “At some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened“. He also said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true.”
I’m saying that 2 small and nondescript pieces of steel that exhibited unusual corrosion characteristics are not evidence of explosives, incendiaries, or controlled demolition, and Drs. Barnett, Biederman, and Sisson agree with that assessment. If the 9/11 “truth movement” believes otherwise, they’re certainly free to duplicate the “Swiss cheese” effect on some sample steel pieces using the C/D method of their choice. The conclusion of the 3 WPI researchers was that it occurred over a months-long period in the debris fires, and had nothing at all to do with a WTC collapse. Since Gage and others have erroneously cited the ~2.25 seconds of free fall as proof that all 81 WTC 7 columns were severed all at once at some level, there should at least have been a few columns found with melted or explosively-severed ends on them, and there simply weren’t any. Numerous PANYNJ, FEMA BPAT, ASCE, SEAoNY, NSF, and other engineers were at the site immediately after 9/11 and throughout the entire ~8-month cleanup, and that’s certainly long enough to spot evidence like that. Some of the steel is still in Hangar 17 at JFK, and NIST has some in storage at their Gaithersburg, MD site.
cmon gormless, its like youre not even trying now…
post some/any evidence to back up your bullshit… then let the authorities in on your little secret…
I was banned, i.e. censored on a site that calls itself “uncensored,” for attempting to discuss the topic intelligently. Please note the “contributions” from him and his friends.
“Given the impossibility of keeping secrets in Washington, DC, ”
The Obama administration handled the release of information on OBL’s demise the best they could. They apparently didn’t want to capture him, since that would undoubtedly have triggered hijackings and hostage-taking by al Qaeda to gain his release, and would have cost millions in security, etc. if we ever brought the bastard to trial, and they didn’t want to create a shrine for his followers, so they dumped the carcass at sea. The body was conclusively identified from the DNA, and the photos were shown to members of congress. Public release of them would have been very controversial and inflammatory, as well as being rather grisly, so I think they used good judgment.
What you fail to understand, or refuse to acknowledge, is that despite the governments and their agents best efforts to conflict and confuse, a lot of people simply dont trust the official version of events.
Also this article is a bit cumbersome, I have all day and night and all week, all year to read this stuff but most people wont stay focused on a bible sized article. If you want to get peoples attention, start by asking the simple 9/11questions that defy physics and logic, you can ask your own questions and simplify them instead of printed questions that take a half an hour to read and look like they were written by government bureaucrats. EG: Why did the towers turn to dust?
EG How can a jet fuel fire turn a 500,000 ton building into dust and allow survivors on the 14th floor to see nothing but blue sky above them?? How did the 70 floors above them disappear? I hope this is of some help. Remember you are trying to interest people who are just becoming aware of the 9/11 hoax so keep it simple and short. You can add the indepth section for grown ups on another page.
a) prove that our governments have a history of false flag attacks
b) show that the people who wrote the PNAC document were in power, wanted 9.11 to happen and were talking about false flag attacks
c) show that we cannot believe government agencies when they tell us “the truth” and the 9.11 commission was not a criminal investigation but just a fraud in which the 6/10 of the commissioners know it’s not the full truth and was used to push for a war with Iraq.
d) and most importantly push for a proper investigation.
*Flight 77 and everyone aboard her took off that morning and never landed, anywhere.
*Radar from 6 sites positive tracked 77 from take-off to impact
*The FDR from 77 was recovered in the Pentagon and its data exactly matches radar
*Remains from everyone aboard 77 were recovered at the Pentagon
*The damage pattern caused 77 – downed light poles, a tree , etc
*136 witnesses are on record as seeing 77 hit the Pentagon. Zero saw anything else.
*Substantial quantities of debris positively identified as belonging to 77 were recovered at the site.
You are still basically living under Emergency / Martial law.
You have thrown away the liberty and freedom your Presidents claimed the Muslims attacked you because they hated it – bascially doing their job for them.
You now let your President kill US citizens on demand, the NDAA and PATRIOT ACT are Orwellian bills that have ripped your Bill of Rights to shreds.
Drones fly the skies of the US as well as Pakistan.
Heroin crops that were reduced to almost nil by the Taliban in 2000 are now up to record highs.
The leaders you have installed in both Iraq and Afghanistan are corrupt and have no concept of human rights. The people of those countries would have a hard time deciding whether they were better off now than 10 years ago.
Big companies have made billions from the death and destruction across the Middle East.
Thousands of US/UK soldiers have died or will die from the depleted uranium and other weaponary they used during the conflict.