
Saturday 29 September 2012

How big must Bibi's cartoon bomb be before US/UK troops die in another Middle East war for Israel?

How big must Bibi's cartoon bomb be before US/UK troops die in another Middle East war for Israel?

By Dark Politricks

After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "performance" in the UN assembly the other day it is clear he is itching for a war with Iran.

Despite the facts of the matter e.g NO PROOF that Iran is building a bomb which comes from people such as top American and Israeli military and intelligence officials who have gone public to state that:
  • Iran has not decided to build a nuclear bomb.
  • Even if they did - they would be stupid to use it as America and Israel has thousands of nuclear bombs and they would be wiped out in seconds.
  • Plus even American intelligence operatives such as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,  General Ron Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff agree that Iran is a "rational" state actor who wouldn't suicidally kill their whole country for the sake of one (probably shot down) attempt at a nuclear strike on Israel.
If we want to see all of the following:
  • The Middle East in more flames as Syria and Iran go down fighting, with proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas lobbing rockets into neighbouring countries, terrorists blowing themselves up on New York and London trains and more havoc than could be imagined at this point.
  • More US embassies being overrun and more US ambassadors being killed.
  • Yet more US and UK troops dying on foreign lands fighting wars for other countries.
  • The price of your petrol rise to stupendously high levels (they are already crazy in the UK £1.4+ for a litre of unleaded).
  • Another hypocritical breach of international law in which we let a member of the Nuclear non proliferation treaty (Iran) who has not been proved breaking it whilst a non signatory (Israel with their 200+ nukes) start another pre-emptive illegal war "just in case" they might have been right.
  • Then a war in Iran is just want we need.
We seem to forget that Iran has one of the largest populations of Jews outside Israel in the Middle East and they are not living in ghettos, forced into concentration camps, being exterminated or any of the other deeds carried out by the Nazi's that led to Israels creation after World War 2.

In fact they live quite comfortably. Israel was a country created in the misguided belief that Palestine was a place with no inhabitants. Just sat there waiting for thousands of Jews, many with no links to the land whatsoever, to come and kill British soldiers by the hundreds through terrorist organisations like Irgun and Stern gang.

Then afterwards start a civil war - in which the seeds of a new "international law", created by the USA and the Nuremberg trials to punish the Germans for their crimes against the Jews, were totally ignored by the same people who first benefited from them.

Laws that have still not been fulfilled. Such as the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes. 

Plus laws that are still breached to this day; such as the attacking of whole civilian populations as Israel did in Operation Cast Lead, targeted assassinations and illegal blockades of whole territories such as Gaza.

In fact it is no wonder that Israel along with the USA finds itself in a nice group of countries who haven't signed up to the International Criminal Court alongside China, Iraq, Libya, Qatar, Yemen, India, Iran, Japan, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, and Turkey.

I suppose it's because they would find their soldiers and leaders in the dock so often that they might as well set-up a camp alongside it.

I doubt acts such as these would be welcomed by bosses of the US Army as they would find themselves consuming whole years worth of dockets at the International Criminal Court.

Crimes such as:
I suppose it makes you understand why Israel and America were so keen NOT to join the International Criminal Court, even though Bill Clinton signed up to it before George W Bush withdrew the signature in 2002.

Maybe we just have to wait for Romney to steal the election with the help of the Koch brothers before we get this disastrous war with Iran which will undoubtedly worsen our global recession.

Or maybe Obama is just putting it all off until after the election so that he can use AIPAC dollars for his re-election campaign and then he will surprise us all by doing what US Presidents's haven't done previously in their last term - act like an honest broker between Israel and Palestine.

If he really, really tries to sort out that problem, the one all US Presidents weakly attempt to in their second term, then the anti-Zionist rage (NOT anti-semitic) will hopefully subside.

Maybe even Iran won't consider the racist Israeli government a threat, which it is at the moment, with their hundreds of illegal nuclear weapons and their support for terrorist groups like the MEK who have just been removed from the US terrorist watchlist

A group who bombs, assassinates and terrorises Iranians all the time. But then they are "freedom  fighters" when they are fighting OUR enemies aren't they!

Maybe once President Obama doesn't have to think about another re-election then all that "change" he promised us he will actually try to deliver.

Maybe starting with actually letting Palestine become a real state in the eyes of the UN and remove the promise that the USA will always block votes aimed at curbing Israeli war crimes and breaches of international law in the UN Security Council. 

Maybe when their crimes are re-examined in an international court (not that they subscribe to the concept of International law) such as the illegal blockade of Gaza, the occupation of Palestinian territory and their ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem. He might actually grow a pair and try to prevent the submission and humiliation of the Palestinian people by the Zionist state.

Maybe if he doesn't have to worry about AIPAC spies and blackmail (and just the possibility of assassination) he will actually stand up to Israel's constant threats of external annihilation. A successful tactic they have used since their inception to excuse their wars and abuses and keep their population scared of all those "evil Muslims" that want to exterminate them.

Maybe he will even have enough of a pair to stand over Bibi and rip up his cartoon drawing of bomb telling him "no more".

Maybe one day even Jews and Non Jews can live in a secular Israel/Palestine together as equals.

We can only dream.

Whatever is happening another war in the Middle East is not what we need right now!

So how long do after this comical performance by Bibi at the UN do you expect to see US and UK troops fighting for Israel against Iran once Bibi's "red line" is crossed on his cartoon bomb?


Saturday 22 September 2012

Just a few of the many things we have done wrong in the last ten years

Just a few of the many things we have done wrong in the last ten years

By Dark Politicks

A very short list from a possibly very very long one, but one I thought was important.

As I am from the UK I am going to criss cross between both countries as ours basically has it's head halfway up the USA's arse anyway.

3. Let both Presidents bankrupt the country through tax cuts for the rich, never ending wars, bailouts to the banks instead of prison sentences. Imagine all the money you would save by not having hundreds of military bases all around the world, the largest defence budget in history (one that has tripled in recent years), thousands of nuclear missiles that will probably never be used when a few would be enough for deterrent purposes (if you believe in that) and a massive army, navy and air force.

4. Letting billionaires con you into thinking that they have "your best interests at heart" by giving them MORE tax cuts and bailouts and giving you less working rights including less pay and more working hours, worse living conditions, worse health and safety, less benefits, more pollution and so on etc.

5. Letting the same people trick you into believing you are standing up to government by funding astro turf groups to promote Ayn Rand ideas - as Paul Ryan admitted at the GOP conference. Ideas that many economists say are linked to a laissez faire capitalism that has been blameed for derivatives, credit default swaps, banks lending too much and the global financial collapse of 2008 and the lack of punishment afterwards. Also Ideas that many say go against Christian beliefs. Are you really a Christian or do you just like those "I love Jesus" bumper stickers.

6. Letting the powers that be divide and conquer you through their own groups and infiltration of real grass root movements like the original Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. If you could only see that many of the same ideas cross over between the protest groups and start electing intelligent people to congress instead of dumbo's like Michele Bachmann. People who will actually stick up for your constituency rather than do the usual walk through the steps of Congress for the first time and become a Lobbyist target, donation collecting, champagne drinking, party goer who follows their colour of the political line and not champions of the consciences of the people who elected them.

7. Going to war with Iraq. What a pointless waste of time, life and money. It was a distraction from Afghanistan, led to Abu Ghraib and tortureWikiLeaks releasing massacres caught on tape, Blackwater/Xe killing people in public streets, daily car bombs, religious infighting and the breakup of a government structure just to rebuild it from scratch BADLY. George Bush said before becoming President he would go to war with Iraq to get enough political capital to introduce all the reforms he wanted, cuts to social security, tax cuts etc - instead he ended his Presidency with a bankrupt country on the edge of financial meltdown - not something an incomer like Obama would have wanted to come into power with.

8. Labour turning the UK into the most surveilled nation in the world and destroying civil liberties, removing the right of silence without prejudice, trying to introduce national ID cards, curtailing the rights of protesters, allowing 30+ agencies and councils to enter a person home through the RIPA act and introducing the most unfair and unbalanced UK/US extradition treaty - one which we are still fighting to repeal for people like Gary McKinnon.

9. Believing both the Tories and the Liberal Democrats who said they would repeal all these disgraceful acts, especially the Liberal Democrats with their "Freedom Bill" which I supported them in the recent election for but once they brought it to parliament as the Protection of Freedoms Bill it was watered down so much it was mostly irrelevant and pointless.

10. Labour leaving the new government with so much debt and such a big deficit the coalition had to introduce plans that many Tories probably secretly wished to have a chance to do for many years such as roll back public services, destroy our social safety net, try to privatise the NHS, and again give tax cuts to the rich. All in the failed idea that trickle down economics works rather than give money directly to consumers who would spend it and let it trickle up for once! Plus they could blame it on the Lib Dems! In fact they left us in such a mess the outgoing treasury minister Liam Byrne left a message on his successors desk saying "Dear chief secretary, I'm afraid to tell you there's no money left"

11. Gordon Brown selling off 12.7 million ounces of gold at rock bottom prices and at the worst time possible. Guido Fawkes has worked out that this would have made 63.5 million gold medals for the recent London Olympics. At least we clawed a few ounces back with #TeamGB doing so well.

12. Labour introducing the Private Finance Initiatives scheme which meant private companies entered into contracts with the government over long time periods and built much needed schools and hospitals but then charged the government masses of money over time. We got our spanking new buildings quickly but pay through our noses for long periods of time in return. Maybe some of Gordon's gold could have helped pay for these.

13. Governments across the globe thinking that huge computer systems are the solution to every problem. From the NSA's TRAPWIRE that will track everyone everywhere to the massive waste of money that was Labour's massive waste of money and quickly scraped £12 billion pound failure in the NHS that would have paid for 60,000 nurses for a decade.

14. Not punishing the people who got us into the financial mess of 2008. A recent report showed banks all across the world who received bail outs from their respective governments have continued to make more riskier loans when compared to those that were not bailed out. Is this because they expect (or know) that the government will step in again if they get into another mess, which many economists are expecting to happen soon? As Max Keiser often says we should have put the people who broke the law, then lobbied the government to have laws changed retrospectively or pay measly fines as recompense in jail as a lesson to others that our economic system is not a bookies shop.

15. Expecting that we can parachute democracy into the Middle East and not learning from history. History shows us that no-one from Alexander the Great to the British Empire and the USSR has ever won a war in Afghanistan. What makes the USA think they are any different. The Afghan army and police are full of Taliban infiltrators waiting for their chance to come out and cause havoc. We have basically been training them in our tactics for years and this year has seen the highest number of "Green on Blue deaths" so far at 51, it will only continue to rise.

16. Not being an honest broker in the Middle East. Especially Israel and supporting what seems like a blatantly apartheid nation with their US veto that allows it to get away with piracy on the high seas, assassinations of US citizens, illegal embargoes and the breaking of international law whenever they feel like it. This includes the building of illegal settlements on on Palestinian land, targeted assassinations or the ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem through forced purchases of Arab houses.

17. Arming, funding and supporting ex-terrorists such as LIFG rebels in Libyathe Free Syrian Army who are filled with al-Qaeda terrorists and the Kosovan Liberation Army in Serbia who also had al-Qaeda links. Either we are trying to de-stabilise the region for a geo-political reason such as to cause an Islamic in-fight between the Shi'ites and the Sunnis so that we can take advantage or we are really really stupid.

18. Not holding a full and proper criminal inquiry into the events of 9.11 which included proper subpoena powers, independent witnesses statements that were not removed from the final report, allowing the White House to block it all the way and then using it to build a case for war in Iraq.
Always remember a third tower WTC-7 fell that day that wasn't hit by any plane and had all the signs of a controlled demolition including:
  • No plane hitting it.
  • Small fires that had been almost extinguished by the time it fell in the afternoon.
  • Witnesses who heard bombs go off in the building, and admitted walking over dead bodies before the building was hit by falling debris who died before the NIST report was released.
  • Flash cutters seen by witnesses.
  • The owner of the building "admitting" it was pulled - a "misspoken" sentence that really meant "pulling out the fire-fighters" as Larry Silverstien later claimed.
  • A ten second countdown heard by people.
  • Sounds of explosives heard by people and taped.
  • All the signs of a controlled demolition, e.g free-fall for 2.4 seconds, a dip in the centre column before collapse, a symmetrical collapse meaning all corners of the building must have weakened at the same time.
  • A number of experts in demolition all publicly saying that it looked like one.
  • Pre-knowledge - later denied and covered up as an accident by the BBC.
  • A flawed NIST report that differed from it's intermediary report by having missing building parts and relying on a computer model with loaded parameters such as only heating certain parts of the building to make it collapse. Anyone can make anything happen with a computer model if they set the parameters correctly and play with them until they get the desired result.

This list will be continued.....

Sunday 16 September 2012

The Real Culture War is just about starting

The Real Culture War is just about starting

By Dark Politricks

From a European perspective the culture wars in the USA seem to be over such insignificant matters that the two parties seem indistinguishable from each other.

The GOP call Obama a Marxist and the Democrats call the Republicans red neck creationists.

In reality their is little in difference between both high deficit, war mongering, police state, big government parties that incur huge government debts for their own purposes.

Do American's not realise that over here in Europe we actually have countries who still have Communist and Facsist parties holding seats in parliament and a range of parties from Green, Liberal, Conservative, Trade Union supporting and everything else in-between going for seats in parliament at every election.

The Americans seem to be fighting over the same things not realising that the major points that matter - war, the future of our planet, energy, workers rights, paying off our debts without killing growth (and our old people at the same time) are the things that really matter. To many Europeans there seems little difference between the Democratics and Republicans.

The real culture wars, which I believe have been planned for a very long time, probably since before the end of the Cold War as the military industrial complex looked for a new enemy to bring in their billions of dollars are going to be religious based. Christian & Judaism verus Islam or Liberalism verus Middle Age thinking.

This is the same military industrial complex Dwight Eisenhower spoke about in his farewell speech.

These are the descendants of the peace time standing armies Thomas Jefferson warned us about hundreds of years ago.
"Standing armies [are] inconsistent with [a people’s] freedom and subversive of their quiet." ~Reply to Lord North’s Proposition (1775)
Both these warnings have been ignored and the next war is on the brink of being played out RIGHT now.

Our multi culturlisam has let the enemies within our gates and now whole swathes of European cities from London to Amsterdam and Paris are full of Islamic extremists who have no concept of free speech, the right to offend or the rights of women.

Many of these people still live in a world formed by 7th century views.

As Western Judaeo Christian beliefs have lightened over the years and science has replaced mysitcism and magic as the way to find answers to questions we don't yet know we are being surrounded by people who won't change their dogmatic beliefs because the Koran says so.

Gods word is fixed and unchangeable to many of these people.

A point in time back in the 7th century was the end of all progress for many Muslims including the Taliban who before the Americans invaded Afghanistan had banned music, dancing and all forms of sexual "deviance" as it broke the faith and led you to being executed in the middle of the Kabul football stadium.

The culture wars are being fought out everytime a radical Christian decides to burn a Koran or a video or cartoon mocking the phrophet Mohammed is played out and chaos insues around the world.

From the war zones where attacks on NATO bases have just been carried out to the riots in Middle Eastern cities and now to protests in European city centres.

Then there comes the backlash.

We have had the Nowegian mass murderer Behring Breivik killing not Muslims but 77 white children for their part in letting the enemy in the gates of Europe.

We have the English Defence League a replacment for the National Front which used to go round bashing up blacks and gay's  fighting the Burka clad women who don't even acknowledge a white male or say thank you if you let them across the road or open a door for them due to their religion/culture.

Plus the culturally abusive men who force their child daughters into servitude at an early age through forced marriages and then implement "honour killings" when they refuse to obey.

Much of this is culture NOT religion but it is being mixed up so much people can not longer tell the difference and the men in these families will use religion as an excuse to carry out these barbaric acts.
Now this is not to say I am a Muslim basher as nothing can be further from the truth.

I know people who call themselves Muslim just like those who call themselves Jewish or Christian who still smoke, drink, take drugs or have affairs.

Heck I know a white bloke who converted to Islam just so that he could marry his Muslm neighbour because if he wanted to divorce her he only had to tell her 3 times.

I know Muslims who parents must think they are good Islamic followers of the faith as they are outside all night partying after leaving the Mosque on a Friday. Everything a non fundermentalist liberal culturised Brit would do on a normal Friday night out on the town.

The enemy is not every Muslim.

Just like the fact that every American Christian isn't an abortionist killing, death penalty loving, creationist believing contradiction wrapped up in a riddle.

The enemy is a strict belief in a religion that was written by uneducated people hundreds of years ago to explain the world around them and then spread with the threat of hell if you stray from the path and the reward of heaven or 72 virgins if you die a matyr to your faith.

The enemy is a strict belief in any religion that tells you what to eat, when to eat, how to have sex, who to have sex with, who to hate and so on.

This applies to all religions not just Islam.

However everytime some anti-Islamic film is made or Koran burnt many of the people rioting and killing NATO troops have not even seen said film, cartoon or book and they are acting on the orders of others who are stoking up their rage.

Afghanistan is a mess.

We should have never gone in there in the first place and once we leave the hundreds if not thousands of sleeper cells inside the NATO trained Afghan army and police will come out and fight and it will all turn to shit again. We will have accomplished nothing.

We are already at the peak of Green on Blue deaths with 51 NATO troops killed so far this year.
A senior Afghan official in Kabul is quoted as saying that "the issue of rogue soldiers and Taliban infiltration is an even bigger threat than suicide attacks."

Once we leave "the Stan" and return home will the real culture war end or will it just be starting?

Have we left it too late to have any hope of assimiliating the millions of Muslims now living in Europe into Western Liberal culture that allows free speech and does not protect the right to be offended?

Many have been assimilated but many others led by radical clerics and Imans are all too keen to express the same rage over silly  produced films as their Middle Eastern counterparts are doing such as the one below.

These fundamentalist Muslims want to implement Sharia law across the world and see our western liberal freedoms as a weakness not a strength. We can watch a film like the one above and say "that's rubbish and a crock of shit" without going on murderous rampages around the world.

It makes it all more surprising that we have been spending the last few years removing dictators and strong men that were western friendly and kept a lid on all the Islamic infighting and religious mania.

People like Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein and Mubarak who may have been nasty dictators but who were leaders that let Christians and Muslims live side by side. Heck, even Iran has one of the largest number of Jews living inside it outside Jerusalem and New York.

However we decided to arm al-Qaeda linked rebels and other religious fanatics and let them other-throw these dictators and now the Middle East is a mess.

These NATO armed religious rebels who are walking around their towns with guns and rockets paid for by our taxes will be all too keen to turn them on us once their missions are accomplished. Just like the Mujahideen turned in al-Qaeda after we created them in the 80's to fight the USSR. We can only wait for the blowback.

Obviously this all plays into the hands of those who want to ramp up the war against Islam and extend the high tech surveillence state at home.

Even the odd false flag attack now and then to be blamed on Muslims wouldn't hurt to stoke up the feelings that a real war is needed to stop these fanatics wouldn't be past the people I'm talking about.

This could just be the reason our "leaders" were looking for to finalise the all invasive, all seeing, police state that is being created brick by brick around us as you read this article.

When the enemy has been let in willingingly and then stoked up by being placed in ghettos like the outskirts of Paris, given little or no jobs and treated like 2nd class citizens by the people they came to live with, it becomes easy to take a youngster and radicalise him against his neighbours.

Mix in the one thing they hold dear - their religion - constantly mocked and attacked through stupid movies and laws banning head scarfs and Burkas and it only becomes clear the real culture war is going to be between western liberalism and Islam.

Once riots becoming an almost monthly occurrence across Europe because of this culture war, then it only becomes "sensible" to keep track off everybody for "their own good".

With the all pervasive high tech surveillance state and city sized super computers watching your every move on and offline in case dissent forms and the real culture war turns hot and bloody.

Whether we can roll back from the brink however is a totally different matter and one I don't know the answer to. I just hope we can find one soon.

Saturday 8 September 2012

The very undemocratic Democratic Convention

The very undemocratic Democratic Convention

By Dark Politricks

A lot of people including myself have for years compared the US political system as a single-headed coin with two faces.

This duopoly is designed to appeal to both sides of the culture war. However both main political parties when in power continue the same  policies. Policies that are acted out whoever is voted in as President of America.

Whether it is a Democrat or Republican sitting in the most important position of the land. The policies that actually matter continue unabated.

Policies such as
  • Constant and ever expanding wars that only create enemies for future US generations of soldiers to fight.
  • The huge and all invasive police state that is being enlarged at home from the PATRIOT Act to the NDAA. From TRAPWIRE to ECHELON. From CCTV to the Police  secretly downloading whole mobile phones for GPS positions, call data and text messages.
  • The ever revolving door between Wall St and the Treasury that see's big banks able to actually get the law changed retrospectively once they are caught breaking it.
  • The bailouts that use taxpayers money to pick winners and losers and allow the US government to pay back their biggest donors with handouts.
  • The lobbying and high spending during elections that prevent the breakthrough of any other party or independent unless they are a multi millionaire like Ross Perot was. Unless you have a few hundred million dollars to waste on elections and rich friends with their Super PACS. The spending on Presidential elections will only increase and increase maintaining the duopoly that strangles the political process and prevents new parties and new ideas from gaining traction in the political sphere.
  • The War on drugs that see a disproportionate amount of minorities locked up in prisons for long periods. The USA is supposed to be a country where the government stays of your back unless you're hurting someone. Yet dare smoke a spliff, even in a state that has legalised medical marijuana, and the Federal government still feel the need to treat you as criminal scum and lock you up.
  • The power of the military industrial complex to keep on growing in size, eating up more and more of the total US GDP as Department of Defence/Attack money that is just to "important" to the country to cut. Whether it's a Democrat or Republican in office the hundreds of US military bases and billion dollar embassies dotted around the world will remain whilst the poor have to put up with cuts to Medicaid, Social Security and other "entitlements" they have paid for through their taxes throughout their lives.
  • And something that will be discussed further along in the article is the decision to support Israel no matter how badly they act on the international stage. No matter how many targeted assassinations they do - something the US has now followed them with. No matter how many nukes they keep hidden and away from inspection whilst demanding Iran a member of the NPT put up with ever more inspections, special rules and threats of war if they decease from their perfectly legal activity. They also stay quiet as Israel kill American citizens whether caught on camera assassinating US citizens like Furkan Dogan and Rachel Corrie or covered up like the mass murder of US naval person-ell aboard the USS Liberty.
And they are just a few of the things that won't change if Mitt Romney the least favourite of all the Republican runners gets voted in as President later this year.

However proof that both the GOP and Democratic conventions is just pure theater rather than groups of like-minded people getting together and voting together to form policy. Or even to choose what should be in their public statements has now come out in two embarrassing video clips from both parties conventions.

The following video clip shows how despite the audience at both parties conferences voting "nay" (in the negative) at least as equally as loud as the "yeighs" (positive), if no louder, they were overruled by the all-pervasive teleprompter which takes no consideration of party members feelings as the outcome had already been decided and then scripted for the speaker.

The fact that the delegates didn't choose to go along with the pre-determined decision is a perfect sign of how little these mega parties really care about their members feelings.

For me the worst one of the two cases was the Democratic vote to restore a previous statement that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel - rather than under international law the supposed capital of both Israel and Palestine.

This came after FOX and other right-wing commentators made a fuss about the lack of mention of God in their speeches and how they had "removed" all mention of Israels divine right to claim Jerusalem, a piece of territory the Israeli's are in the process of ethnically cleansing (through forced home purchasing for Jews), as their rightful capital.

GOP officials argued that not taking a position on Jerusalem's status in the party platform showed the president was weak in his support of Israel. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said that by omitting God it:
"suggests a party that is increasingly out of touch with the mainstream of the American people." and that "I think this party is veering further and further away into an extreme wing that American's don't recognize"  - Not that God and Politics should be mixed in anyway in my own eyes.
Anyway it caused such a fuss that it was obviously decided by the powers that be, with undoubtably a bit of pressure from AIPAC behind the scenes, to re-add in these statements of support for Israel.

By doing so the Democrats made themselves look so controlling and fake they were indistinguishable from North Korea by the manner they chose to do it.

Instead of just adding the statement back in they wanted to provide the illusion that the decision was based on a majority of the Democratic delegates wanting to change it - which they obviously didn't (a good sign in itself).

The convention chairman Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa called a vote of the delegates on the matter which stated that:
"Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel. The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths."
The crowd re-acted by shouting in the negative.

The number of yes' were clearly outweighed by the shouts of no and the Mayor got so confused he attempted a re-vote in which exactly the same thing happened again.

Luckily a woman came up to him and helpfully told him to just ignore the actual feelings of the delegates and just carry on reading the ever knowing teleprompter.

However on this second vote in which large numbers of delegates shouted "NO" at the top of their lungs the mayor of Los Angeles ruled that the amendments had been approved by two-thirds majority even though it was blatantly obvious that it hadn't at all.

Why - well it was on the teleprompter of course and he was just following the pre-determined line that had obviously been decided much earlier by powers above him.

Why the charade of asking members to vote on matters that could go both ways when the outcome had already been pre-decided I don't know. However it was a small sign that the curtain hiding the Wizard of Oz was being peeled back to reveal an all-pervasive globalist and pro-Israeli agenda that will continue despite the wishes of Democratic members, delegates and most importantly voters.

In both cases (GOP and Democratic Party) If they had already decided on the outcome was what the point of asking the delegates to vote in the first place. Just to provide an unsuccessful illusion of democracy at a very undemocratic Democratic convention?

Both parties had this illusion of democracy destroyed and hopefully enough people saw these events to realise that whoever they vote for the next fours years have already been planned out - whoever takes the prize of POTUS.

For those people who have not witnessed these shameful events the following video should be mandatory watching.

Thursday 6 September 2012

If Obama is a bad President then how bad will Mitt Romney be?

If Obama is a bad President then how bad will Mitt Romney be?

By Dark Politricks

Last week was the GOP conference in which they inaugurated Mitt Romney as their choice for Republican presidential candidate. This was the man that during primaries no Republican commentator really wanted and in the end he was the least bad choice out of a very bad lot.

As soon as he was anointed though they all changed their tune pretty fast as all they care about is getting President Obama out of office and handing over the country to corporations and banksters.

Despite Ron Paul sticking it out to the end of the GOP debates he has been overlooked and out of the nominees he was the only one who offered some real choice for the public if nominated.

I'm not saying that I agree with everything Ron Paul stands for but personally I think America needs some form of "America United" ticket that would bring the massively obvious culture war to an end and hopefully restore civil liberties, end the wars, end the FED, end the unauthorised spying and now authorised detention without charge or even execution on Presidential demand.

A ticket of Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich would have brought Libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals and independents together to vote for a return to an America which wasn't constantly at war and didn't go around the world invading countries because it thought it was "exceptional".

Hopefully he will stand as an independent or if possible on the libertarian ticket although I think it's too late for that. Apart from that you have Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan on the Peace and Freedom Party ballot which won't be on enough ballot papers to even make a dent in the billions of dollars thrown behind Mitt Romney and his attempt to hand the USA over to the Corporations. It looks like the American public are going to get more of the same - just under a different name.

Therefore apart from little differences there is not much choice between Romney and Obama as both are globalists, beholden to the banksters, warmongers and debt drivers and voting Republican really won't make much difference to your life apart from if your poor as you will probably find yourself in a Middle Eastern desert somewhere fighting another war the country doesn't want or even need.

From the seemingly non-educated, racist, totally dumb and sometimes loony ideas or comments mentioned by some of the other delegates during the debates and interviews it was clear that Romney was going to be the least worst option from the selection of Republican nominees.

It is also clear to me as an atheist that American Christians will forgive even the most despicable actions as long as the person involved "repents" or pretends to. I know Christians are supposed to forgive so how about forgiving some of the thousands of locked up victims of the war on drugs and ending capital punishment? That would be true forgiveness.

Now I am no Obama fan, I was glad he was voted in purely for the fact that it showed that America could and would now vote for a black President but on the policy side of things I think he has let the country down badly by breaking all the promises he made on the campaign trail.

Some of these promises he could have just enacted when he had control of the Congress and Senate but he chose instead to form bi-partisan support and was rebuffed on many of them. Then after the landslide victory that saw his control of the house fall away to dimwits like Michele Bachmann and co he has had to fight twice as hard to get any policy through. Maybe that was the plan.

It was clear from day one that many Republicans didn't want to even give Obama a chance despite their passing over to him the worst economy since the great depression and a huge amount of debt as well as two wars, a rendition and torture program that has blackened the USA's name around the world and a massive TARP balout scheme that enraged many from Tea Partiers to Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Seemingly Clint Eastwood and many other Americans forget that it wasn't Obama but George Bush that started the longest war in America's history in Afghanistan, a war that is now plagued by constant attacks by Afghan troops on NATO soldiers.

They also seem to forget that it was George W Bush that turned Clinton's legacy into a huge mountain of debt due to his tax cuts to the rich, TARP and his war on terror. It's truly amazing that only 34% of Americans realise that it was Bush not Obama that passed TARP!

Public US Debt over the years

If you read up on the history of US national debt you will find that it is Republicans that usually ramp up the debt to fight wars.

World War II saw the US entering new debt territory never seen before starting at 4% of GDP in 1941 it increased to as much as 122% of GDP in 1946 at the end of the war. The next 35 years saw successive governments try to bring down the debt, but then came the Republican God President Reagan. He increased the federal debt by over 50%of GDP to win the Cold War - a money war of attrition the USSR just couldn't win.

President George W Bush was the next Republican to increase the debt to fight his war on terror, give tax cuts to the rich and bail out the banks.

President Obama was then handed a bad hand that no incumbent would chose to take on willingly and his increasing of the the debt has mainly to be fund economy revival plans after the crash of 2008 - plus the funding and expansion of Bush's wars.

Whilst it is true Obama has increased the debt ceiling to amounts not seen since the World War he was passed a huge burden from the previous administration and with low growth, a credit crunch and a stalled economy he attempted Keynesian economic policies of borrowing to grow GDP to get out of the hole he was in. Some say Keynes is wrong, others like Paul Krugman say that President Obama just didn't spend enough on the stimulus in the first place. Whatever the answer the debt mountain may have increased under him but it was definitely not created by Obama.

However President Obama has failed on a number of promises he gave when he was campaigning for his first election and the "change" we expected didn't turn out as we hoped it would.

He has failed to bring Wall St into line after they recked the economy and instead passed ineffective and bloated laws like the Dodd-Frank act. Many believe he should have re-enacted the Glass Steagall Act and split the banks back up into gambling banks and banks for us "little people" who want to save, borrow and be safe in the knowledge our money won't be gambled away by an automated front running high frequency trading bots using our money as bets on that biggest of gambling dens known as the US Stock Exchange.

He has failed to repeal the Emergency laws Americans are still living under since 9.11, dictatorial powers that allow him to assassinate Americans abroad without a trial and seemingly label protesters as terrorists just so they that cannot protest against him as we just saw with the arrest of James Tyson 0n his way to protest outside the Democratic National Convention.

Drones now fly the skies of America and the TRAPWIRE system has every American under surveillance at all times.

America is not the place it was before Obama OR George Bush took over the Presidency.

So I don't think Obama is a good President and I have wrote such in many articles including (but not limited to) who is worse Obama or BushThe very non liberal Democratic partyAmerika a modern day East Germany, Does the American public want more of the same, or more of the same under a different name, and Is President Obama really a Communist or is he more of a dictator?

So please don't call me an Obama fan because I'm not!

However when it comes to a choice (a non choice really) between Obama and Mitt Romney you should ask yourself the following when casting your vote in the US Presidential Election 2012.

1. Who is more likely to get your country into a war with Iran in the next 4 years Obama or Romney? The British Royal family send their sons into war zones to fight, Prince Harry into Afghanistan and Prince Andrew in the Falklands. However I cannot seem to recall an active US President who  ever had their children in the military and active war zones during their Presidency. If you can think of one please let me know.

2. If the market was let free to run as it (and the Koch brothers) want it to, and a company like Bain capital came along to the place you worked and sacked you because they were going to offshore your job to India or China - who would you trust more to look after your jobs and keep them in America. Would you just put your hands in the air and go "well that's the free market for you" or would you protest the off-shoring of US jobs that Bain Capital has been so good at during the years and is still doing.

3. Are you worse or better off now than 4 years ago? Are you worse off or better off than you were before Ronald Reagen took office? Before he started his supply side economic experiment and his economic war of attrition with the USSR which saw the countries debt rise, the country turn from an exporting nation to an importer, a country in debt to China and now one mired in constant war.

4. What is more important? Letting already very rich people (billionaires and millionaires) have more money through tax cuts or asking them to pay a little more to help get the country out of the mess it is in. The tax rates during Republican Presidencies in the past were in the 70-90%. Why should they be so low now. Just look at the following graph to see how low the top rate of tax is compared to historical rates during both Republican and Democratic presidencies.

The top bracket of income tax (35%) sits is very low compared to historical rates
A history of the top rate of US income tax over the years.

5 Should the boss of a company be able to pay less tax than his secretary? Only the rich can afford fancy lawyers and accountants to ensure they can use offshore accounts and only pay capital gains tax instead of the normal rates of income tax everyone else has to pay.

6. If you were born a poor child to a single mother in a poor part of town with no money logic dictates that you wouldn't have the same life chances as a rich child born into privilege. Life just isn't fair as people say. The poorer child is more likely to end up in prison, die young from poor health, get a worse education and have less opportunity to meet the "right people" and succeed in life.

If you believe in a meritocracy where everyone has the same chance to succeed in life with hard work and a fair even playing field where law breakers (e.g banksters) go to jail and companies don't get the law retrospectively changed once it's been found out they have broken it then how does this happen without some kind of intervention by government. Do you think that the governments job is just to let these people live in squalor and probably commit crimes against you just to survive? Or should they try and even out the playing field a little and give everyone the opportunity to succeed in life whether they were born rich or poor?

7. If you think Obama has told lies - what about Romney. He basically invented Obamacare which his state is happily using but rails against it on a national platform. He has flip flopped on more issues than people can count. Could you trust a man,  a "multiple choice" President, who's answer on a question changes depending on the time of day, his age and the questioner?

8. Do you think a super rich business man who has paid hardly any tax to the country he hopes to run. A man who aims to be the front man for the Koch brothers and give even more money to the top 1% is a man who can be trusted to keep your job safe? Do you think you are more or less likely to have your job off-shored to China or India under Obama or an expert in off-shoring jobs - Romney?

9. Were you born into money or had to earn every penny you own? Have you ever had nothing, I mean zilch. Slept on park benches and friends floors because you had no-one to help you.

What if you lost your job, then your house and family due to your job being off-shored or your company going under. Who do you think is more likely to help you out a Democratic or Republican government. Or do you think the government should not give a flying fxxk about you and just leave you to rot away until you commit a crime that hurts another American citizen and puts you in prison at the expense of the tax paying population?

10. Do you really think life will change a lot if Romney is elected. What things will actually change in your day to day life. Do you trust him to keep any of the few promises he has made so far on policy such as abolishing Obamacare whilst keeping it in his own state?

Let me know the answers in the comment section to the question: If Obama is a bad President then how bad will Mitt Romney be?